Holy Orenian Empire
- This page is about the Holy Orenian Empire. For Oren as a general concept, see Oren.
The Holy Orenian Empire, or simply Oren or the Empire, (High Imperial: Sacrum Imperium Orenanum) was one of the largest and most powerful nation of humans or of any race upon the continent of Almaris, and historically any past worlds as well. The most recent iteration of the Empire dominated the Eastern and middle lands of Almaris before its dissolution after the events of the Brothers' War.
Oren is a hereditary absolute monarchy, but its monarch is advised by a legislative body called the Imperial Diet, as well as his personal Council. The current Emperor, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor ascended to the throne after the events of the Aster Revolution. Following his ascension, he declared his wife as his co-ruler in the Edict of Kositz, thus establishing Empress Anastasya of Kositz as Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress. The current seat of power of the Holy Orenian Empire is Aster Hall, in the imperial capital, Providence.
The relationships of Oren and other realms, including those predominately human, have changed over time. Following the ascension of Sigismund to the Imperial throne on the new year of 1431, Oren and the central dwarven nation of Urguan have shared a bitter rivalry, fighting numerous wars against each other in vying dominance over the other. Ties between of the orcs and Oren have changed depending upon the policies of the current Emperor and orcish Rex, though have recently had a lukewarm relation at best. The Elves have had the most interesting affiliation with the Empire, having formerly been subjugated and granted liberty on numerous occasions, with the current elves staunch allies of the current empire.
Main: Old Kingdom of Oren
Before the rise of King Daniel of Oren, the pre-Godfreyian humanity was split between a variety of independent kings and dukes, not unified under any common banner. In fact, after the burning of Pontia in 1000, many human lords had deviated from the original Creatorist faith, some of whom had took up Aengulic worship. Many before King Daniel had attempted to take up the title as King of Man, most notably the Prince Baldwin IV of Balain in 1231 and the Horen-scion King Edmund of Mzen in 1235, both of whom were denied (Baldwin by his assassination en route to Jrent and Edmund by his defeat at the Battle of Harwock). King Edgar of Aaun, father of Daniel, had also attempted to claim the title, having the support of numerous lesser lords yet could not find the support among the fractured clergy.
The Phoenix Revolution
Main: Phoenix Revolution
The Phoenix Revolution of 1341 was a country-wide revolt in Oren against the rule of King Enor of Oren, rallied under the banner of prominent nobleman Eze'kiel Tarus, a Harrenite. Before any true fighting occurred, however, King Enor abdicated in favor for Gaius Marius, Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order and long-time enemy of Oren. This was a hugely unpopular decision, with the Phoenix Rebels refusing to accept the Hochmeister's rule. After brief conflict, the Kingdom of Oren was split two-ways between Tarus and Marius, creating the separate realms of Renatus and Hanseti respectively.
The First Empire
The Holy Orenian Empire was established on Asulon, following the expansion of the Kingdom of Renatus. Following the abdication of King Eze'kiel Tarus and a brief regency, Godfrey I of House Horen came to the Kingdom of Renatus and took his place on the throne, claiming legitimacy as Exalted Horen's direct-most pure-blooded descendant. Under his rule he believed that all Human kingdoms were to be reunited yet again under Orenian rule and so he began a series of conquests, beginning with the fall of Seventis after suffering an outbreak of the Plague. The nation of Salvus was then annexed having been defeated in a war that pitted them against a large coalition. When the Realm of Hanseti surrendered in war against Renatus, all of the human kingdoms were therefore reunited. The new unified nation of humans was to be the First Empire. Godfrey is also credited for ushering in a revival of the Canonist faith, which had fallen to the wayside in the decades since the abdication of St. Daniel, then known as the Church of the True Faith.
The Holy Oren Empire continued to expand. It was ordered by Emperor Godfrey that any Human settlements that refused to submit to the rule of the Oren should be taken by force.
The Empire was forced to flee Asulon along with the other nations.
The Exodus
With the collapse of the dynasty of Horen and the Order of the White Rose, the Empire was severely weakened, resulting in the Great Orenian Exodus to the distant lands of Aeldin around the year of 1415. A coalition of Dwarves, Elves, Uruks and other lesser races were able to seize the advantage and launch an invasion of the crumbling First Empire, causing its capitulation and the ascension of the Carrion dynasty, whose leadership over Orenian affairs would later be referred to as the Second Empire.
Collapse of the First Empire
The Second Empire
Established by the Exalted Sigismund, the last of the Prophets of the Canon, with his coronation in 1431, it was the Second Empire that reunified the disparate states of the old empire and restored the faith of the Creator to the human people, ending the last serious institutions of the pagan faith as well as crushing the ambitions of the Harrenites, who had up until that point played an integral role in human society. The Second Empire was dissolved with the death of Sigismund in 1447, with his successor and nephew, Henry I, refusing to adopt the style of emperor, instead returning to the previously held designation of King of Oren.
The Harrenite War
The Third Empire
The Third Empire is marked as the polity established by the famed war hero Peter Chivay, crowned as Peter I, after the assassination of the incumbent King Francis I of the Carrion dynasty in 1456, lasting until the deposition of Peter's successor Robert I in 1467 by Vibius de Sola. Heavily nationalistic and imperialistic, it was characterized by several wars fought towards the goal of total nonhuman subjugation, as well as the establishment of several military, political and social reforms. It was during the Third Empire that the concept of a centralized Imperial Army under the direct authority of the Crown first emerged.
The Fourth Empire
WIP (Instated after the Vibian Coup. Brought to an end by demands of Aesterwald and Renatus to end Carrion Vochna in 1481 by Alexander Carrion. In same year of Alexander Carrion's coronation, he was demanded to end Carrion dominance, Aesterwald declared independence and Renatus was reformed by Maric Varodyr with a retinue of Adunians all in oppoisition to his authority that was largely unopposed. By the end of the year, Alexander capitulated by dissolving the Imperial Crown, but attempted to maintain the honor of King of Oren and his capital city. This was opposed, and eventually he was replaced with Olivier de Savoie, who was replaced with Guy de Bar in context of the bloody Duke's War. This set the resentment for the administration which was seized by Horen aligned factions, as outlined below.)
The Fifth Empire
The rise of John Frederick to the throne of Oren after the assassination of Guy de Bar is marked by historians as the Fifth Empire, or the fifth reestablishment of the Imperial Throne. This period is known as the Johannian Era. Six emperors served during this period: John I, John II, John III, John IV, Robert II, and Philip I. The Fifth Empire has seen the Eighteen Years' War, the Anarchy and the War of Orcish Submission between the Empire and the Kingdom of the Orcs.
Horen Restoration
Main: Horen Restoration
During the political instability after the bloody Dukes' War and the controversial election of Guy de Bar as King of Oren, the Aeldin-inhabitant Charles Henry Horen (known as the Old Pretender) created a plot in order to overthrow the Ashford monarch and place his own son to the Oren throne: the Horen-claimant John Frederick Horen. Main factors behind the plot included Guy's lack of support among the newly exiled Adrian nobility, such as the Houses of Vanir, Barbanov, and Vladov, and his waning favor with the non-Savoyard nobility (such as the removal of Publius Bracchus from the privy). Charles was joined in his endeavor by his brother-in-law (John Frederick's uncle, as well as Guy's father-in-law), Titus, Duke of Istria, the Aeldinic nobleman Helton Chivay, and the bishops Edmond de Montfort and Renauld of Metz. Later supporters included John, Count of Kvasz and Guy's nephew, Baldwin de Bar, who both joined after Guy's refusal to concede his second son Sergius de Bar to clerical trial for his actions in desecrating the Brelus Cathedral. Using Baldwin's personal connection with the House of Ashford, King Guy was brought forth unprotected into the royal palace gardens, where he was stabbed repeatedly by both Bishop Renauld and the priest Iosif of Roiye.
Days prior, John Frederick had landed upon Istria with a small host commanded by Athirius Roke, where he was joined by Duke Titus and Titus' youngest son, Vanderus de Sola. Before John reached the capital city of Felsen, Prince Gereon of Savoy (former King Olivier's brother and Guy's first cousin, one removed) had locked down the city and reestablished order while being declared Lord Regent.
Reign of John I
Main: John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Eighteen Years' War
Main: Eighteen Years' War
The Eighteen Years' War, 1529 to 1547, was a series of punctuated conflicts waged between the Holy Orenian Empire and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and their various allies for dominance over the other - dwarves wishing to see the reunified human empire divided and split, and humans desiring to break the Urguanite realm and protect against further dwarven incursions and military interference. The war dominated the reign of John I for the entire majority of his rule, only ending after his death at the Siege of Dunland in 1547.
The Anarchy
See also: Third Rurikid Uprising, Riga War, & Krajian Rebellion
The majority of the reign of John II saw a major backlash against Imperial authority, combined with negative post-war sentiments and his own rapidly declining mental health, a period which is given the title of the Anarchy. The period was not a set timeline of events, but multiple separate uprisings and plots in sequence during his rule. The Anarchy was ended shortly after the ascension of John III to the office of Prince Regent and eventually to the throne itself.
The Collapse
See also: Coalition War, Savoyard Rebellion
Due to many of the problems created by John II, compounded by problems which arose under Philip I, as a result of his inability to effectively rule, the Holy Orenian Empire faced off once more against many of the enemies they'd made in the past. What had started out as a simple war against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, ended up as a war against all of Oren's old enemies. This war lead to the destruction of the capital city of Johannesburg and the collapse of the Fifth Orenian Empire.
The Sixth Empire
The defeat of the Kingdom of Courland in the Greyspine Rebellion paved the way for John Frederick, son of the late Emperor Philip I, to rally the disparate human states around the Horen scion and form the Sixth Empire. Unlike his namesake, however, John V was unable to establish his own Imperial authority as ruler of humanity. It wasn't until Peter II took the mantle of Emperor of Humanity, wherein he would go on to restore the Holy Oren Empire's economical and military might. Three Emperors ruled this iteration of the Empire before its collapse: John V, Peter II, and John VI. The Sixth Empire came to a brutal end during the Adelburg Coup, led by Aurelius Horen, in which the child Emperor John VI was killed and Imperial authority fell apart. The coup immediately resulted in the balkanization of the Empire into separate Kingdoms, namely the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, the Kingdom of Marna, and the Kingdom of Renatus.
The Seventh Empire
See also: Empire of Man, Empire of Renatus
The Seventh Empire, initially known as the Empire of Man rather than the Holy Orenian Empire (and later as the Imperium Renatum), had seen five Emperors during its tenure that spanned from 1678 to 1721.
Aurelius I, Emperor of Man, 1678 - 1694
Augustus I, Emperor of Man, 1694 - 1706
Antonius I, Emperor of Man, 1706 - 1715
Godfrey II, Holy Orenian Emperor, 1715 - 1724
John VII, Holy Orenian Emperor, 1724 - 1725
The Empire was established by its progenitor Aurelius I, and his council of Horens who all excelled at warfare. With the conquests of Aurelius I starting in 1653 and culminating into an Empire just over 20 years later. Initially, on its foundation, it was hailed as the dominant force of the continent(s) for over thirty years, although heavily criticised for its intensely war-like nature exerted by its progenitor, Aurelius I.
The reign of Augustus I was vastly different from his predecessors, for the nation built upon war had its longest period of peace under him, as no war was waged during this period.
The issues of the Seventh Empire had begun to fester beneath the third Emperor, Antonius I who was criticised for a lack of tact and respect in regards to his vassals, prompting them to rebel and begin the War of Two Emperors after the Renatians deposed of Antonius I in favour of Godfrey II - renaming the Empire of Man to the Imperium Renatum.
Thus, the War of Two Emperors began and is hailed as one of the most prolific military showings of all time - with the Renatians reigning victorious in the infamous siege of Helena; despite being vastly outnumbered.
After the War of Two Emperors, the Empire once more rebranded itself; this time to the Holy Orenian Empire - where it received little backing, until eventually being ceded by the young Emperor, John VII.
The Eighth Empire
Culture and society
The Holy Orenian Empire is a human nation, and as such, revolves around the culture of mankind. Its ruling caste, the infamous nobles and ladies who descend from ennobled blood, come from predominantly Heartlander and Highlander backgrounds, and as such as create a melting pot swath of numerous identities, modes of life, and languages.
The Holy Orenian Empire adheres to male-preference primogeniture in matters of succession to the imperial throne. Typically, this means the oldest son--or in the absence of sons, the eldest daughter--inherits a given title. The current ruling dynasty is the House of Novellen, which was founded when Anne I, Holy Orenian Empress (the first woman to inherit the imperial crown in her own right) married Joseph II, Holy Orenian Emperor. He became her co-ruler, also the first instance of two individuals sharing the imperial crown. Under Anne’s second son, Philip II, the succession of peers was changed to include females equally, however the imperial throne remains untouched.
The Imperial Diet
The Imperial Diet is the legislative body of the Holy Orenian Empire. It comprises the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Commons is made up of twelve commoner Representatives elected from the Empire's various districts, while the Lords are seven Imperial Grandees appointed by the Holy Orenian Emperor. Together, they may pass potential acts of law to the Holy Orenian Emperor, who either gives or withholds imperial assent.
The Council of State
The Council of State are the Holy Orenian Emperor's closest advisors, comprising the Archchancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and the secretaries and directors of the various ministries. Typically, the Emperor takes the advice of the Diet in forming his Council of State; they suggest nominations, then vote to confirm them. The Council of State is the highest any individual without a peerage title can rise in the Empire's complex political structure.
The upper classes of the Empire are dominated by an ancient noble aristrocracy- landowners and bureaucrats born of privileged families, typically called Houses. Such families will have at least one member who holds a peerage granted by the Holy Orenian Emperor, though some particularly distinguished families may have multiple peers to their name. Membership in these families are by blood or marriage, and so the only prospects for commoners to raise themselves are by marrying into such a house, or being awarded a peerage by the Emperor. Such peerages are granted at the recommendation of the House of Lords, and are issued through documents called letters patent.
Historically, the noble aristocracy have been the base of the Empire's power. They often held large tracts of land, acted as a regional governors, and were required to levy armies for the Emperor's army. In the modern era, this role has been reduced. The nobility still possess land, but in smaller amounts meant only for personal use, and their titles do not automatically confer governmental authority. Instead, the aristocracy is the source of the Empire's educated elite, who use their privilege to rise (mostly) meritocratically through government roles that are also available to commoners.
Some of humanity's most important individuals have come from the ancient noble houses, many of which can derive their lineage back generations. A lucky handful of these can even trace their ancestry back to before the foundation of the Empire itself.
Noble Houses of Oren
Ducal Families:
- House of Arkent - Duchy of Sunholdt
- House of Helvets - Duchy of Cathalon
- House of Azor - Duchy of Azor
- House of Ruthern - Duchy of Reutov
Comital Families:
- House of Rourke - County of Halstaig
- House of Novellen-Aldersberg - County of Aldersberg
- House of Carrion-Tuvyic - County of Dobrov
- House of Pruvia - County of Provins
- House of Novellen-Huntshill - County of Huntshill
Vicountal Families:
- House of Galbraith - Viscounty of Rivia
- House of Basrid - Viscounty of Susa
- House of Darkwood - Viscounty of Darkwood
- House of Othaman - Viscounty of Valles
- House of Vuiller - Viscounty of Vuillermoz
Baronial Families:
- House of Carrington - Barony of Carrington
- House of Halcourt - Barony of Halcourt
- House of Rosius - Barony of Rosius
- House of Sarkozic - Barony of Pompourelia
- House of Keen - Barony of Ames
- House of Munnel - Barony of Brighthill
Throughout the different periods of the Holy Orenian Empire, its military forces have adapted and changed dramatically from its original state. The Empire still relies upon levies of its vassal states and allies, however majority of its forces have been consolidated into one central military hierarchy and command. The current Imperial Army is headed by the princeps, which currently consists of two legions led by its respective legates. Lords of the Empire are typically given command of their own company, or if large enough, their own brigades within the legions, allowing the nobility to maintain control over their men without diminishing the strict chain of command which the current structure provides.
In addition to a complex, large-scale levy-auxiliary system drafted from the landed nobility, the Holy Oren Empire was protected by several professional military organizations. These included the Order of the White Rose, a religious-militant group that defended and served the Empire and Church, the Teutonic Order, an ancient Order of warriors living in Hanseti that date back to Oren's early history. and the Chapter of the Lion, a sect of knights and footmen that protected the Crownlands.
Humans make up the majority of the Empire, namely Highlanders and Heartlanders. Small minorities include Farfolk humans and Elves.
Regarded by some detractors as aggressively expansionist, the Empire enjoyed the most success of any conquering power in history, adding several territories to its expanding borders. Incorporating them into the state's administrative structure as provinces, Imperials regarded these annexations as beneficial for their targets, bringing law, culture and peace to otherwise uncivilized lands. This sentiment is in part justified - the Orenian annexation of the High Princedom of Malinor in the latter part of the 15th century brought an extensive level of order and stable government to the otherwise anarchic and volatile wood and dark elves, allowing for a cultural revival and a resurgence in prosperity at the hands of pro-Orenian elven leaders such as Tristin Tresery and Artimec Camoryn. This reconstruction of civilization culminated in Oren's granting of independence to the elven states and creation of the Dominion of Malin in 1548, which has since acted as the Empire's most stalwart ally.
The Imperial counter-invasion of Urguan and Vandoria in the Eighteen Years' War led to the annexation of the provinces of Cascadia, Esterwick, Avar and Ard Ghorrock in Vailor. Similarly, the counter-invasion of the signatories of the Axis Treaty, a document proposing a coalition towards the goal of Oren's destruction, has led to the total destruction and absorption of the nation of the Dreadlands and the Orcish state of the War Uzg. Now stateless, the orcs have wandered aimlessly since, their former lands becoming incorporated into the province of New Cascadia.
The Church of the Canon was the state religion of the Holy Orenian Empire, with nearly every human within the Empire adhering to it. Small minorities of Owynism and Ruskan Orthodoxy, both branches of Canonism, also existed. Local groups of Iman al-Rashidun followers can be found in the Empire's enclaves near the Sultanate of Haria. Aengulic religions are considered heretical by the Church of the Canon, however numerous clerical orders in the past and present have been allied with the Empire or even sworn under its banner with the promise of religious freedom.
Old paganistic faiths were once dominant in the humans, however the majority of the old beliefs systems have died out after the refounding of the Empire by Exalted Sigismund and the defeat and exile of the Highlandic Old Faith worshiper King Lachlan Mor at the victorious Battle of Kralta.
The Empire was spread across two islands, Tahn and Asul, covering vast swathes of plains, forests, and mountains. On the island of Tahn, the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska lies on the northern fringes, with the Archduchy of Lorraine to the south; bordering the Dominion of Malin, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and the vassal Province of Haelun'or in the far west.
The Holy Orenian Empire, post War of Two Emperors was spread across the northern region of Arcas, reaching from the mountains of Urguan to the Norlandic sea. It encompassed the Kingdoms of Renatus, Haense, Kaedrin, and Curon. In 1763, Peter III dissolved Curon and it was rebuilt into an Imperial State Army fortress known as the Eye of Man. In 1786, Anne I and Jonah Stahl-Elendil released the Kingdom of Haense as a vassal.
The most recent interaction of the Empire on Almaris spans from the Kahaen Sea in the east to the fields of Outer Arentania in the west which borders the Kingdom of Norland. While the Empire isn't broken down into distinctive Kingdoms, it is instead broken down into several regions containing settlements. The Grenz encompasses the northernmost region of the Empire which borders the Kingdom of Haense. The State of Upper Petra, spanning from Fort Linnord to Redenford sits in the direct middle of the Empire. Lower Petra consists of everything from Peter's Bridge to East fleet and contains the Southbridge Settlement. Outer Arentania in the west encompasses the bulk of the Orenian mountain range. Southern Arentania which used to be the southernmost point of the Empire contains several military installations and borders the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Through the Treaty of Yong Ping, Oren added Oltremont, a region spanning from Southern Arentania to the shores of Southern Almaris, boarding Yong Ping. Lastly the Providence district as its appropriately named consists of the capital city of Providence, Henry's Wharf, and the surrounding farmland.