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Kilgrim Irongut, The Elder
Weight: 100lbs - 300lbs
Height: 3'5" - 5'0" ft

The Dwarves, known as the dwedmar in the dwarven language, are a stocky and short race long known for their association with the ground and the earth. They are a steadfast and stout people, said to have descended from Urguan of the four brothers. The dwarves are a religious folk in a large, societal sense. Worship of the Brathmordakin pantheon is widespread and deeply ingrained in government as well as culture. Their short stocky builds are coupled with the iconic facial hair most dwarves have. Beards seem integral to both physiology and culture to the dwarves, their ability to grow facial hair unparalleled by any other descendant race. Though varied the same as any other race, dwarves tend to have a heavy association with the earth beneath their feet. Whether this be through caves, mountains, or sprawling forests.

The dwed are varied, the same as any other descendant race. Each of the four subraces have their own distinct traits, qualities, and appearances. However, some aspects are uniform amongst all the dwarves, unifying them as one race born from Urguan. Specifically, all dwarves tend to be on a shorter height range, the exact details of which are able to be found in the height section. All the subraces live a similar lifespan, of course, and they all suffer the same curse of greed cast onto them by Iblees.

Physical Attributes

Torvar Starbreaker, Son of Arbrek
Example of a Cave Dwarf


Dwarves vary greatly in coloration between subraces. Each subrace has its own distinctive skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors. Because of this, no true coloration across all of the dwed can be gleamed. The range is quite wide and varied. The relevant information for each subrace can be found on each individual page.


The dwarven height range between all subraces is 3’5” - 5’0” ft. This is a hard height range, as in, no dwarf can go above or below it without accurate roleplay of possible physiological issues or strange body types. All dwarves fit within this height range. However, each of the subraces has its own general recommended height range within this one. That range serves as the most general and common height range for that subrace, a soft height range. You can go above or below it. However, the 3ft - 5ft height range is much more a hard cap.


The average weight of a dwarf varies greatly based on height, health, & lifestyle. However, a certain ‘healthy weight’ can be found. Dwarves are much shorter than the average human, but to make up for that fact they are stout and bulky. As such, the healthy weight range for both dwarves and humans is similar. Dwarves simply compress that down into a smaller form. For a dwarf at the upper height range of 5’0”, 260lbs is the maximum healthy weight that they may have. Your average athlete or soldier would be more around 250lbs, and even that is for the upper height range. Being around 270lbs or 280lbs would be a mixture of both fat and muscle. Should a shorter dwarf be near this weight, or should a dwarf be beyond this limit and 300lbs plus, this is extra weight in fat and does not contribute to muscle mass or strength.


For the first decade of a dwarf’s lifespan, they age similarly to humanity. However, between the ages of ten and forty-nine, dwarves mature roughly at a quarter of the speed a human does, a fifty year old dwarf comparable to a twenty year old human in maturity and responsibility. Dwarves between the ages of ten and forty-nine are considered adolescents with fifty being the age of majority.

Between the ages of fifty and one hundred and ninety-nine, dwarves mature at around one-fifteenth the rate that a human does, a two hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of thirty. Dwarves within this age group are considered to be going through their early adulthood. Dwarves between the ages of two hundred and three hundred and ninety-nine mature at a rate roughly one-tenth of the speed of a human, gaining around a decade of maturity for every century, with a three hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of forty, and a four hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of fifty. Dwarves within this age group are considered to be going through their midlife.

Dwarves of or over four centuries in age continue to mature at about one-tenth the aging rate of the average human, but are now considered to be going through their elder years. A dwarf of five hundred is comparable to a man of sixty years, a dwarf of six hundred like that of a seventy year-old human, and so on and so forth. It is exceptionally rare for a dwarf to live to be over seven centuries old, with only one or two dwarves in every five hundred or so reaching such a venerable age.

Dwarves between the ages of two hundred and three hundred and ninety-nine are considered to be going through their mature adulthood, while dwarves four hundred or older are thought to be going into their senior years. It is worth noting that dwarves do not weaken as they age, unlike humans, for the vast majority of their lifespan. This lasts until the last two or three decades of a dwarf's life, at which point the speed at which they age multiplies rapidly and swiftly overtakes them. As such any dwarf that does live to be eight hundred or older soon grows feeble and passes away in their beds within a handful of years.


"Urguan, your greed and lust shall overcome you. You are not worthy of the height the Creator gave you. Your descendants shall be short, squalid and ugly. You will always seek to find gold and gems deep underground, your hunger never satisfied."

The curse of the dwarves, as dictated by Iblees, is greed. The curse of greed means that the dwarves are driven to dig deeper into the earth to seek out precious treasures. Dwarves can also display their greed by hoarding other items, including food and ale. Dwarves will as well always remain short, making even half-breeds such as halflings remain with both the curse of greed and shortness. Despite the curse being what it is, most dwarves do not view it as a curse at all. The dwarven greed is an important cultural and economic backbone, leading to the development of the grand holds and wealth of the dwedmar. While conflict and discourse are inevitable over this greed, it is an intrinsic part of the dwarven psyche and the culture the dwed have developed for themselves.

The dwarven race is broken up into four subraces. Each subrace has its own coloration recommended height range, and traits. These subraces include the Cave Dwarves, the Dark Dwarves, the Forest Dwarves, and the Mountain Dwarves.


Mountain Dwarves

Mountain Dwarves, Agnarum Dwedmar in the dwarven language, are a traditionally strong and hardy form of Dwarf which calls the vast mountain ranges of the world home. They often create sprawling mountain fortresses and cities that loom over the world beneath. For a Mountain Dwarf, the fresh air of a mountain summit is the smell of home, and the snow from the thin-aired heights a welcoming sign of hospitality. Mountain Dwarves prefer an axe in hand over hammer or sword and find that mining is not something that comes easily to them, preferring to be in the skies rather than the ground.

Cave Dwarves

Cave Dwarves, Cavern Dwarves, or Umgorum Dwedmar in the dwarven language, are a subtype of dwarfs whose blood roots all the way from Urguan himself. Their prowess in mining and mineral research is legendary and well known, often proven by their cities, which are carved from the bellows of the mountain. Many of these dwed are in the high positions of the Kingdom or in the depths of their grand mine, as they are not usually the ones going on adventures outside of the deep stone homes and mines they inhabit. Compared to the other dwarves, the Cave Dwarves maintain a darker and desaturated coloration. Hair and skin color follow this trend, with eye color being the only exception to the darker tones. Given their dark coloration, they also tend to decorate themselves with rare gems and chunks of gold and silver in their beard and hair, proving their wealth and reputation.

Forest Dwarves

The Forest Dwarves are unique among the Dwarves. Unlike their brethren, most Forest Dwarves choose not to live in the earth in caves and mountains. Instead, as their name suggests, they choose to live in the forest. This has made some of them highly dislike the other dwed, which is sometimes mutual, but more often they have at least some friendly connections with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Seeing a forest dwarf in the dwarven legion is not as rare as one may think, and tales speak of heroes of forest dwarf origins. They are often travelers, roaming forests month on month, meaning they have learned the ways of the forest can navigate through them with more ease than any other Dwarf subrace, even better than some of the main races as well. Despite their not so classically dwarven nature, their dwarven honor and dignity still shine as an example, although their greed sometimes goes other directions that are not gold related.

Dark Dwarves

The youngest of the Dwarven subraces, Dark Dwarves were said to be originally born from the unlikely union of dark elves and the various dwarven subraces. The validity of this claim is unknown, as modern hybrids of dwarves and Dark Elves do not feature the traits of the Dark Dwarves. However, it will likely remain in the realm of mythos. They have a dark skin coloration, similar to that of the Cave Dwarves. However, this is offset by otherwise glowing and vibrant eyes. To fit with their supposed elven ancestry, the Dark Dwarves often pursue the arcane, the mysterious, and the alchemical. This is far from universal, but the Dark Dwarves are certainly the most baseline mystical out of the dwedmar subraces.

Additional Attributes

Dwarven Aging

Dwarves are known to live extraordinarily long lives compared to their counterparts, aging at a rate much slower than humans, and reaching adulthood at around age fifty.

On average, natural causes will take the life of a typical dwarf in around the final few decades of their eighth century, much as the majority of humans pass away in their eighth decade of life. Also like humans, however, many do not have the good fortune to die of old age. The majority of dwarves perish due to unnatural causes, pulling their average lifespan down to their mid-three to four hundreds. This is largely considered to be a result of the interminable warfare suffered by almost every clan of the dwarves. A few venerable ancestors are known to have lived beyond their eighth century and well into their tenth though this is an exceptional feat thought to be rare, if not impossible for dwarves living in the present era.


Infant: 0 - 4

Child: 5 - 9

Beardling: 10 - 49

Early Adulthood

Youngbeard: 50 - 99

Shortbeard: 100 - 199

Middle Adulthood

Halfbeard: 200 - 299

Fullbeard: 300 - 399


Longbeard: 400 - 499

Greybeard: 500 - 599

Oldbeard: 600 - 699

Greatbeard: 700 - 799

Ancestor: 800+

Dwarf-to-Human Aging

0-9 ~ Dwarves of this age group mature at a rate equivalent to that of a human. This age group encompasses both infancy and childhood among the dwarves.

10-49 ~ Dwarves of this age group mature roughly at a quarter of the speed a human does, a fifty year old dwarf comparable to a twenty year old human in maturity and responsibility. Dwarves between the ages of ten and forty-nine are considered adolescents with fifty being the age of majority.

50-199 ~ Dwarves of this age mature at around one-fifteenth the rate that a human does, a two hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of thirty. Dwarves within this age group are considered to be going through their early adulthood.

200-399 ~ Dwarves of this age mature at a rate roughly one-tenth of the speed of a human, gaining around a decade of maturity for every century, with a three hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of forty, and a four hundred year old dwarf comparable to a man of fifty. Dwarves within this age group are considered to be going through their midlife.

400+ ~ Dwarves of or over four centuries in age continue to mature at about one-tenth the aging rate of the average human, but are now considered to be going through their elder years. A dwarf of five hundred is comparable to a man of sixty years, a dwarf of six hundred like that of a seventy year-old human, and so on and so forth. It is exceptionally rare for a dwarf to live to be over seven centuries old, with only one or two dwarves in every five hundred or so reaching such a venerable age.

Dwarves between the ages of two hundred and three hundred and ninety-nine are considered to be going through their mature adulthood, while dwarves four hundred or older are thought to be going into their senior years. It is worth noting that dwarves do not weaken as they age, unlike humans, for the vast majority of their lifespan. This lasts until the last two or three decades of a dwarf's life, at which point the speed at which they age multiplies rapidly and swiftly overtakes them. As such any dwarf that does live to be eight hundred or older soon grows feeble and passes away in their beds within a handful of years.

~Studied and written by, Kazraden Starbreaker


Though dwarves of the present day have a tendency towards speaking in the Common tongue, many elders of the dwarves still understand their ancient language. Even fewer understand how to write it in its original form, however. This consists of a combination of runic symbols which though rarely written on paper, can often be found inscribed into various works of architecture throughout dwarven cities, as well as works of dwarven smithing. The language is made up of rough sounds, while some letters found in the common language are completely excluded. Though dwarves are intelligent beings, their mouths bind them from certain sounds, such as pronounced H's for example.

Whilst many dwarves have adopted an accent native to Kal’Urguan, however, it isn’t uncommon for a dwarf well versed in literature and of a higher education to speak in common.


Dwarven history spans across thousands of years, with most of the earliest being lost to time and forgotten. Written history is divided and organized by the many kingdoms that once existed. The earliest written records date back to the First Kingdom of Urguan, and everything prior to that, lost to the First Empire of Khorvad that succeeded Urguan during The Blood Age. Much of dwarven history is marked by bloody wars and the feats of rulers.


Dwarven religion is cohesive and complex, widely accepted by every dwarf without question, and often criticized by the other races who follow a more simple monotheistic god. The basis of dwarven religion consists of The Brathmordakin, the pantheon of the gods who rule over the world, and is led by Yemekar who forged the world. Beyond the world, is the halls of Khaz’A’Dentrumm where they reside. It is widely accepted that when a dwarf passes, their soul ascends to these halls to feast with their ancestors and live among their creator. Throughout history, beliefs and practices have changed and varied greatly.

  • Da Kirkja Dverga (Common: Holy Order) is the oldest clergy, originally founded after the destruction of Aegis. The Kirkja Dverga is the first clergy to officially recognize the Brathmordakin, and bring about the beliefs that formed the religion as a whole. Overtime, the hierarchy and makeup of the clergy would change drastically compared to what it was. Originally, a Prophet would lead the clergy, believing to have had direct communication and influence from the Brathmordakin. After many instances of corruption and falsehoods, the clergy would take influence from the Ar Yemarin Anaros in electing a High Preceptor to lead and interpret the beliefs left by past ancestors. Despite the reformist Ar Yemarin Anaros, the Kirkja Dverga retains much of their original beliefs. The key beliefs that make up the Kirkja Dverga include, the Auction of Dead where dwarven souls are auctioned and bet on by the Brathmordakin, and Yemekar’s Balance.


Urguan’s eight sons fathered eight elder Clans from which all dwedmar are spawned. Eventually, bastard lines and lesser clans were conceived, dividing the clans into the status of either Elder or Low-born.

Elder Clans








Ironborn (Shunned)

Whilst there were once ‘Great Clans’ - an honor that could be achieved through merit, the title is no longer recognized. The Low-born clans can be traced back to the Elder clans, all at one time were once of that particular bloodline or perhaps a concoction of multiple.

Low-born Clans






Metalfist (Former Clan)




Blackaxe (Former Clan)


All dwarven government stems from the First Kingdom of Urguan. Coined after its ruler, it is the first recorded hierarchy in Dwarven society. Following the Eternal Cold, the rise and fall of the Empire of Khorvad and the Second Kingdom of Urguan, the First Grand Kingdom was founded by Thorik Grandaxe. Different embodiments of modern society have risen through governmental reform, including the Empire of Urguan, however, none have endured and prospered for as long as the Grand Kingdom.

After the eternal cold, a seizure of power fronted by the Iblees worshipping Ironborn led to the formation of the Empire of Khorvad. This dynasty oversaw the greatest purge of dwarven knowledge in known history, clearing all literary works regarding history and expertise, nullifying centuries of dwarven progress. In the same dynasty, dwedmar were subject to genocide and unlawful killings in what is considered the darkest period in its history. The aggravation eventually led to a successful uprising from the northern mountains of Aegis led by Simmpa, who established the Second Kingdom of Urguan.

Initially, the King would name his successor, but following the formation of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan an elective monarchy was instated. Thorik Grandaxe moved Urguan away from its secular ways and established it as a powerhouse in the first dwarf-orc wars.

After the election of Kjell Ireheart, the First Empire of Urguan was formed. Urguan held dominion over the Kingdom of Alras, Kingdom of Aroch'Nor, Kingdom of Holm, and segments of the Kingdom of Salvus. Following Kjells reign, the dwarves prospered as three separate settlements in Asulon, the competition between the three driving the dwedmar to grow considerably before its unification.

Upon the Urguanite unification, Thorik Grandaxe returned to spawn the second Grand Kingdom, an embodiment of the kingdom that would later become the dwedmar’s longest living and perhaps most successful government (Despite its later decline). Rulers such as Omithiel Strongbrow, Wulfgar Grandaxe, Thorin Grandaxe and Balek Irongut notable for heralding strong societies.

Under Thorin Grandaxe the Second Grand Kingdom became a ruling superpower over the other descendant races, often regarded to be one of the most successful regimes in modern history. Comparable to the reformed Orenian Imperium, Urguan held dominion over the human kingdoms and elven states. All land was ceded by Thorin upon his death.

Since the reign of Dizzy Irongrinder in the second Grand Kingdom, dwarven culture has primarily centered around non-expansionist militarism. Numerous wars with various incarnations of the human nation of Oren have ensued since, resulting in several bitter stalemates and two decisive victories for Urguan. Whilst Urguan may have lost greater quantities of land, it has never been conquered or surrendered.

The closest an outside entity came to defeating the dwarves was a campaign led by the then Emperor John Horen I, who was killed in the battle of Rhewengrad.

In 1636, Urguan finally fell and gave way to the new Dwarven Kingdom, the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah headed by High King Verthaik II Frostbeard.

Dwarven Rulers

The First Kingdom of Urguan

Urguan Silverbeard











The First Empire of Khorvad

Velkan Ironborn

Khrallax Ironborn

Thorgarn Ironborn

The Second Kingdom of Urguan


Charles Grimlie

Belin Irongut

Algrim Irongut

Gotrek Firemane

The First Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Thorik Grandaxe

Broski Grandaxe

The Dwarven Triumverate

Broski Grandaxe

Bazian Grandaxe

Gimrik Grandaxe

The First Empire of Urguan

Kjell Ireheart

The Dwarven Coalition of Holds

Hiebe Irongut

Bazian Grandaxe

Gulroid Goldhand

The Third Kingdom of Urguan

Hiebe Irongut

The Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Thorik Grandaxe

Omithiel Strongbrow

Thorin Grandaxe

Dizzy Irongrinder

Indago Stormhammer

Wulfgar Grandaxe

Hogarth Irongut

Vorstag Ireheart

Midgor Ireheart

Fimlin Grandaxe

Vorstag Ireheart

Zahrer Irongrinder

Hodir Doomforge

Balek Irongut

Skippy Irongut

Uldar Irongut

Midgor Ireheart

Rhewen Frostbeard

The Second Empire of Urguan

Rhewen Frostbeard

The Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Kardel Irongut

Drynn Ireheart

Torvin Grandaxe

Algoda Frostbeard

Bastion Ireheart

Gror Ireheart

Zahrer Irongrinder

Frerir Irongrinder

The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah

Verthaik II Frostbeard

Bogdun Goldhand

Hamnil Frostbeard

Torvin Blackaxe

Garrond Frostbeard

Dreek Ireheart II

Koralon Onyxheart

Edel Silvervein

Thoak Goldhand

The Kingdom of Agnarum

Fimlin Grandaxe

The Under-Realm of Urguan

Fimlin Grandaxe

Atandt Irongrinder

Utak Ireheart

The Fourth Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Utak Ireheart

Jorvin Starbreaker

Norli Starbreaker

Levian'Tol Grandaxe

Ulfric Frostbeard

Bakir Ireheart

Agnar Grandaxe

Garedyn Mossborn

Sigrun Stonehammer

Grelu Irgard

Ulfar Starbreaker

Random Tidbits

  • On a different note, did you know: that Khorvad is another name for the Archdaemon, Iblees, in dwarven culture?
Playable Races & Creatures
Human Heartlander · Highlander · Farfolk · Adunian
Dwarves Mountain Dwarf · Cave Dwarf · Forest Dwarf · Dark Dwarf
Elves Wood Elf · High Elf · Dark Elf
Orcs Goblin · Uruks
Other Races Halfling
Creatures Kharajyr · Olog · Atronach · Golem · Izkuthii · Nephilim