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! colspan="2" span style="font-size:Medium;" | '''Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan''' <br> '''''1329-1636'''''
! colspan="2" span style="font-size:Medium;" | '''Grand Kingdom of Urguan''' <br> '''| 1329 - 1636 | 1767 - Present |'''
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! colspan="2" span style="font-size:x-small;" | "The Hammer strikes hard on the iron, yet harder still on its foes."''
! colspan="2" span style="font-size:x-small;" | "The Hammer strikes hard on the iron, yet harder still on its foes."''
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|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Type''': ||<span style="font-size:small;"> Ewective Monawchy
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Capital''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Kal'Kadrelaz
|- colspan="2" class="wikitable" style="background:orange; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Government''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Elective Monarchy
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Grand King''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Ulfar Starbreaker
|- colspan="2" class="wikitable" style="background:orange; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"
|<span style="font-size:tiny;"> '''King's Council:'''
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''King's Hand''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Narvi
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Grand Marshal''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Snaer Frostbeard
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Grand Steward''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Bostone Grimgold
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Iron Baron''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> Aerrund Silverbraid
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Wocation''': ||<span style="font-size:small;"> [[Aegis]], [[Asulon]], [[Anthos]], [[Athera]], [[Vailor]], [[Axios]]
|- colspan="2" class="wikitable" style="background:orange; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Religion''': || <span style="font-size:small;">[[Brathmordakin]]</span> <span style="font-size:x-small;">
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Capitaw''': ||<span style="font-size:small;"> [[Kal'Omith]]
|- colspan="2" class="wikitable" style="background:orange; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"  
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Gwand King''': ||<span style="font-size:small;"> N/A
|<span style="font-size:small;">'''Currency''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> [[File:minek2.png|20px]] [[Minek]]
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Tiwes''': ||<span style="font-size:small;"> 4
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|- colspan="2" class="wikitable" style="background:orange; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"  
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Succeeded by''': ||<span style="font-size:small;">
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Preceded by''': || <span style="font-size:small;"> [[File:agnarum.png|20px]] [[Under-Realm of Urguan]]
[[File:Kaz'Ulrah.png|20px]] [[Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah]] <br> [[File:agnarum.png|20px]] [[Kingdom of Agnarum]]
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The '''Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan''' was the estabrished govewnment of the [[Dwarves|dwarves]] untiw the [[War of the Beards]] ended in 1636. It was fowmed by the Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe in the yeaw 1329 in [[Aegis]], bringing about an end to the Second Kingdom of Uwguan and the weign of King Gotwek Fiwemane. The pwefix 'Gwand' was added to wepwesent the stawt of a new ewa fow dwawven kind, and to diffewentiate the nation fwom the pwevious [[Kingdom of Urguan]] which was viewed by many to have faiwed in its duties of weadewship in wecent yeaws. The countwy was wuled by the [[Grand King of Urguan]].
The '''Grand Kingdom of Urguan''' is the established government of the [[dwarves]], run by the [[Grand King of Urguan]]. It was formed by the Grand King Thorik Grandaxe in the year 1329 in [[Aegis]], bringing about an end to the Second Kingdom of Urguan and the reign of King Gotrek Firemane. The prefix 'Grand' was added to represent the start of a new era for dwarven kind, and to differentiate the nation from the previous [[Kingdom of Urguan]] which was viewed by many to have failed in its duties of leadership in recent years. Despite temporarily falling to the rebellion of Kaz'Ulrah, the Grand Kingdom was reformed and has continued its legacy as being the singular nation of the dwarven people.
=Urguani Culture=
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan was officiawwy founded by Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe in the yeaw 1329. Tholik lished to diffewentiate the new Kingdom of the Dwawves fwom the owd and faiwed Kingdom of the Dwawves in the past. Due to thweats of waw fwom both the [[Orcs|Orcish]] Nation of [[Krugmar]] and the [[Malinor|Holy Princedom of Malinor]], and absent of King Gotwek Fiwemane, <span style="background-color: #ffffff;">the Wowd Mawshaw, Tholik Gwandaxe (At the time known by the name of his broodline, Bwaveaxe), opted to fowm a Waw Counciw. The waw counciw intended to act as a countewbawance to the dwawven High Counciw, which had swowwy dispwayed a gwoling ineptness in wunning the Kingdom in wecent yeaws. The Waw Counciw consisted of many of Tholik's cwosest commandews and advisews in the Wegion, awong lith the Awchbishop at the time, Thowdan Iwongut. When a secwet meeting was hewd to detewmine how the Waw Counciw should act, it was ultimatewy decided that a militawy coup was in owdew. Aftew the absence of King Gotwek fow neaw an ewven week, Tholik decwawed himsewf Gwand King of Uwguan. He named the fiwst of his counciw, Vawen Gwandaxe, Gwand Counciwow of Dipwomacy, Chaecus Gwandaxe, Gwand Counciwow of Waw, Stwonghowd Gwandaxe, Gwand Counciwow of Economics and Bwoski Gwandaxe, Gwand Counciwow of Guiwds.</span>
Dwarven Society can be seen as very different from other societies. Dwarves often always settle deep underground, or on the heights of great mountains. They follow a political system of the Grand King having the utmost power throughout the Kingdom and is advised by their Senate of Hammers. However, this advisory display can also remove the Grand King from power if he is found to be abusing his position, given by the Brathmordakin in the eyes of many dwarves, by 80% of the Senate of Hammers. Outside of politics, however, dwarven society is dominated by males with few females typically being seen. They are so rare in fact; some say they grow beards of their own and hide amongst the ranks of male dwarves.
Many a dwarf in the Grand Kingdom tend to be racist, seeing other races as imperfect due to the teachings of the [[The Brathmordakin|Brathmordakin]], where it is stated that they are the perfect race created by Yemekar, the Creator. Though, non-dwarves can become honorary dwarves through heavy contribution and commitment to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.
==Magical Arts==
Some people may think of the dwarves as a magically inept race, though this is quite the opposite. The dwarves have developed and harbored two unique kinds of magic over the course of their creation, golemancy and runesmithing. Throughout the years too, the magical arts of the Void and otherwise have also come to find itself a sturdy part of the Kingdom. The Ironguts, to state one clan, are known for their relation to magic.
='''The History of the Kingdom, from Aegis to Almaris'''=
{{Collapse|The Grand Kingdom of Urguan was officially founded by Grand King Thorik Grandaxe in the year 1329. Thorik wished to differentiate the new Kingdom of the Dwarves from the old and failed Kingdom of the Dwarves in the past. Due to threats of war from both the [[Orcs|Orcish]] Nation of [[Krugmar]] and the [[Malinor|Holy Princedom of Malinor]], and absent of King Gotrek Firemane, the Lord Marshal, Thorik Grandaxe (at the time known by the name of his bloodline, Braveaxe), opted to form a War Council. The war council intended to act as a counterbalance to the dwarven High Council, which had slowly displayed a growing ineptness in running the Kingdom in recent years. The War Council consisted of many of Thorik's closest commanders and advisers in the Legion, along with the Archbishop at the time, Thordan Irongut. When a secret meeting was held to determine how the War Council should act, it was ultimately decided that a military coup was in order. After the absence of King Gotrek for near an elven week, Thorik declared himself Grand King of Urguan. He named the first of his council, Valen Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Diplomacy, Chaecus Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of War, Stronghold Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Economics and Broski Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Guilds.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Fow most of its histowy, the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan thlived, achieving gweat feats whiwst in powew. In its eawwy yeaws, the wace of dwawves was united undew a singwe bannew again, it's militawy wevamped and its cultule spweading by the day. When the [[Great War]] broke out acwoss Aegis, the Gwand Kingdom awlied lith the [[Humans|human]] [[Old Kingdom of Oren|Kingdom of Oren]], battling back the owcs into the desewts of Kwugmaw, whiwe the ewven Wawdens, the dwawven Wegion's one time mowtaw enemy and livaw wewe disbanded by the vewy weadews they sewved to pwotect. Though the Gweat Waw eventuawwy ended in a tweaty of white peace, the coulse of the waw had made it gwalingwy obvious that the dominant powews had shifted, the dwawf-human awliance taking the wowe that the owc-[[Elves|elf]] awliance had once hewd. In the yeaws fowwoling the Gweat Waw, Gwand King Tholik did his best to pwotect his peopwe fwom the dangews of the outside wowwd, as weww as attempting to wetain a natulaw bawance and peace that would wead to unity in the face of the evew gwoling thweat of [[Iblees]] and the [[Undead|undead]]. Howevew, aftew conflict awose between the [[Ascended]] Owdew and the Mewchant City of [[Alras]], a bounty was pwaced on the head of Kjeww Iweheawt. In wesponse, the dwawves, feeling a chawwenge to theiw honow had been made, waid siege to and sacked the city of Awwas. They awso chose to abandon the wowship of [[Aeriel]] and the Ascended in favow of the dwawves' ancient weligion of the [[The Brathmordakin|Brathmordakin]].</span>
For most of its history on Aegis, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan thrived, achieving great feats whilst in power. In its early years, the race of dwarves was united under a single banner again, it's military revamped and its culture spreading by the day. When the [[Great War]] broke out across Aegis, the Grand Kingdom allied with the [[Humans|human]] [[Old Kingdom of Oren|Kingdom of Oren]], battling back the orcs into the deserts of Krugmar, while the elven Wardens, the dwarven Legion's one-time mortal enemy and rival were disbanded by the very leaders they served to protect. Though the Great War eventually ended in a treaty of white peace, the course of the war had made it glaringly obvious that the dominant powers had shifted, the dwarf-human alliance taking the role that the orc-[[Elves|elf]] alliance had once held. In the years following the Great War, Grand King Thorik did his best to protect his people from the dangers of the outside world, as well as attempting to retain a natural balance and peace that would lead to unity in the face of the ever growing threat of [[Iblees]] and the [[Undead]]. However, after conflict arose between the [[Ascended]] Order and the Merchant City of [[Alras]], a bounty was placed on the head of Kjell Ireheart. In response, the dwarves, feeling a challenge to their honor had been made, laid siege to and sacked the city of Alras. They also chose to abandon the worship of [[Aeriel]] and the Ascended in favor of the dwarves' ancient religion of the [[The Brathmordakin|Brathmordakin]].}}
===The Verge===  
=='''The Verge'''==
The Dwawves of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan fwee to the [[The Verge|Verge]] lith the othew mowtaw waces of Aegis fowwoling the Battwe of the [[The Cloud Temple|Cloud Temple]]. Many dwawves wefused to weave Kaw'Uwguan, Kjeww Iweheawt being most notabre. Othews wewe wost on the way to [[Asulon]], such as Vawen Gwandaxe. In the Vewge, a quick coalition of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, the Kingdom of Owen, and the Kingdom of Awwas is made - dubbed Tazawak. Awwas showtwy dwopped out of this coalition as theiw High King Sylio had his chests wockpicked by some gweedy dwawf.
{{Collapse|The Dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan flee to the [[The Verge|Verge]] with the other mortal races of Aegis following the Battle of the [[The Cloud Temple|Cloud Temple]]. Many dwarves refused to leave Kal'Urguan, Kjell Ireheart being most notable. Others were lost on the way to [[Asulon]], such as Valen Grandaxe. In the Verge, a quick coalition of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the Kingdom of Oren, and the Kingdom of Alras is made - dubbed Tazarak. Alras shortly dropped out of this coalition as their High King Syrio had his chests lockpicked by some greedy dwarf.}}
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Upon the time of wanding upon the showes of Asulon, Tholik had wost much of his oliginaw counciw and found himsewf stwuggling to wule lithout the advisews he had once hewd cwose to his side. In the newwy webuiwt city of [[Kal'Karik]], disagweements awose between Tholik and the Iwongut Cwan Fathew, Hiebe Iwongut, weading a gwoup of dwawves to weave the Kingdom, fowming the iswand nation of [[Holm]] in the faw nowth east of the continent. When Tholik was believed to be assassinated by cultists of [[Ondnarch]], it was his son, Bwoski Gwandaxe, who took on the weigns of powew. Howevew, ovew time the Kingdom swowwy began to cwumbre, fowwoling a policy of isowationism. Duling this time, the owd human awliance was wost amid powew shifts in Owen wands and the fowmation of the [[Holy Oren Empire]]. As cliticism of the nation's weadewship continued, Bwoski stood down fwom the thwone and handed the cwown to his distant cousin, Stwonghowd Gwandaxe, who was quickwy ousted aftew Dwawves weawned of his ties to a notolious bandit gwoup, the Howwowed Bandits.
{{Collapse|Upon the time of landing upon the shores of Asulon, Thorik had lost much of his original council and found himself struggling to rule without the advisers he had once held close to his side. In the newly rebuilt city of [[Kal'Karik]], disagreements arose between Thorik and the Irongut Clan Father, Hiebe Irongut, leading a group of dwarves to leave the Kingdom, forming the island nation of [[Holm]] in the far north east of the continent. When Thorik was believed to be assassinated by cultists of [[Ondnarch]], it was his son, Broski Grandaxe, who took on the reigns of power. However, over time the Kingdom slowly began to crumble, following a policy of isolationism. During this time, the old human alliance was lost amid power shifts in Oren lands and the formation of the [[Holy Oren Empire]]. As criticism of the nation's leadership continued, Broski stood down from the throne and handed the crown to his distant cousin, Stronghold Grandaxe, who was quickly ousted after Dwarves learned of his ties to a notorious bandit group, the Hollowed Bandits.
[[Kjell Ireheart]] was then ewected as the next King. The Dwawves began to pwospew undew his wule due to the successful ongoing waw against the [[War Nation of Krugmar]]. The end of the Fiwst Kingdom of Uwguan was brought about aftew [[Gorum Frostbeard]] handed the Kingdom of [[Alras]] and aww of its wands ovew to Uwguan aftew yeaws of successful espionage, mawking the biwth of the Fiwst [[Empire of Urguan]]. Showtwy aftew, a dwawven wesulgance would take pwace duling the fifty yeaw brutaw waw against the Owcs.
[[Kjell Ireheart]] was then elected as the next King. The Dwarves began to prosper under his rule due to the successful ongoing war against the [[War Nation of Krugmar]]. The end of the First Grand Kingdom of Urguan was brought about after [[Gorum Frostbeard]] handed the Kingdom of [[Alras]] and all of its lands over to Urguan after years of successful espionage, marking the birth of the First [[Empire of Urguan]]. Shortly after, a dwarven resurgance would take place during the fifty year brutal war against the Orcs.}}
===Elysium and Kalos===  
=='''Elysium and Kalos'''==
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Asulon had been abandoned due to natulaw disastews and so the dwawves had been fowced to fwee to the Iswes of [[Elysium]]. The fowmew Gwand King, [[Thorik Grandaxe]], thwough to be dead, is found deep lithin the caves of the Ewysium vowcano, possessed by the spilit [[Ondnarch]]. [[Valen Grandaxe]] destwoys the soulce of Ondnawch's powew lith the Hammew of Uwguan and Tholik is weweased fwom his liww. Aftew glievances ovew King [[Hiebe Irongut]]'s actions, Towtek Siwvewfist, [[Gorum Frostbeard]] and [[Kjell Ireheart]] agwee to pwace Tholik back in powew. Aftew speaking lith then Consulaw Vawen Gwandaxe, it is agweed that Tholik howds lightful ownewship ovew the Kingdom. With Tholik's bid fow powew, [[House Silverblade]] and [[House Hightower]] weconfiwm theiw stwong ties lith the dwawven nation aftew wenouncing the Dwawves due to Hiebe Iwongut's wule. Howevew, wemoving Hiebe fwom powew unsettwes [[Malinor]] and [[House Tarus]]. Despite eawliew lifts, the Dwawves agwee to assist the [[White Rose]] and the [[War Uzg]] in waying siege to the newwy wefowmed [[House Flay]] and the [[Teutonic Order]]. The battwe is a success and Empewow Godfwey Howen gives the victowy his bressing. Tholik Gwandaxe is officiawwy cwowned Gwand King of the Kingdom of Uwguan and beneath him, Vawen Gwandaxe, Gowum Fwostbeawd, Omithiew Stwongbrow, Towtek Siwvewfist and Kjeww Stowmhammew awe made dwawven Wowds. This caused politicaw outwage fwom the Iwonguts, they gwew upset ovew Hiebe Iwongut's wecent wemovaw and demanded wepwesentation among the Wowds Counciw. Wowd Gowum Fwostbeawd awwowed Hiebe Iwongut to wepwace him as wowd to avoid innew conflict duling a cwuciaw time. Aftew wewations impwove between The Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owen Empiwe, Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe and Empewow Godfwey sign the Tweaty of Atuliaw, and make a brood pact between the two nations, pwomising an awliance between them. Fow the fiwst time in ovew fifty yeaws, the dwawves and humans entew an awliance togethew.</span>
{{Collapse|Asulon had been abandoned due to natural disasters and so the dwarves had been forced to flee to the Isles of [[Elysium]]. The former Grand King, [[Thorik Grandaxe]], through to be dead, is found deep within the caves of the Elysium volcano, possessed by the spirit [[Ondnarch]]. [[Valen Grandaxe]] destroys the source of Ondnarch's power with the Hammer of Urguan and Thorik is released from his will. After grievances over King [[Hiebe Irongut]]'s actions, Tortek Silverfist, [[Gorum Frostbeard]] and [[Kjell Ireheart]] agree to place Thorik back in power. After speaking with then Consular Valen Grandaxe, it is agreed that Thorik holds rightful ownership over the Kingdom. With Thorik's bid for power, [[House Silverblade]] and House Hightower reconfirm their strong ties with the dwarven nation after renouncing the Dwarves due to Hiebe Irongut's rule. However, removing Hiebe from power unsettles [[Malinor]] and [[House Tarus]]. Despite earlier rifts, the Dwarves agree to assist the White Rose and the [[War Uzg]] in laying siege to the newly reformed [[House Flay]] and the [[Teutonic Order]]. The battle is a success and Emperor Godfrey Horen gives the victory his blessing. Thorik Grandaxe is officially crowned Grand King of the Kingdom of Urguan and beneath him, Valen Grandaxe, Gorum Frostbeard, Omithiel Strongbrow, Tortek Silverfist and Kjell Stormhammer are made dwarven Lords. This caused political outrage from the Ironguts, they grew upset over Hiebe Irongut's recent removal and demanded representation among the Lords Council. Lord Gorum Frostbeard allowed Hiebe Irongut to replace him as lord to avoid inner conflict during a crucial time. After relations improve between The Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Oren Empire, Grand King Thorik Grandaxe and Emperor Godfrey sign the Treaty of Aturial, and make a blood pact between the two nations, promising an alliance between them. For the first time in over fifty years, the dwarves and humans enter an alliance together.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Aftew the gowem cwafting anviw goes missing, it is found to be in the hands of High Ewves. In his fuly, Wowd Kjeww Stowmhammew breaks the awliance lith Malinow, lith no objections fwom the Wowd's Counciw. Fow Wowd Towtek's pawt in hiding the twue wocation of the anviw, he is voted out of the Wowd's Counciw. Wepwacing him is the Gwand King's ewdest cousin, [[Bazian Grandaxe]]. Undew the new Wex Vwogak Gowkiw, the owcs of the Waw Uzg invade the Khawajyw stwonghowd whiwe a gwoup of awlied dwawves awe stationed thewe. The stwonghowd is piwwaged but watew webuiwt by the dwawves. Onwy two dwawves sulvive the battwe but bring wowd of the attack the the Kingdom of Uwguan. Enwaged at the owc's betwayaw of the peace tweaty, the Wowd's Counciw agwees on a fulw scawe invasion of the Waw Uzg. Empewow Godfwey offews his suppowt and togethew, the Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owen Empiwe fight side by side, sulwounding owc hewd tewlitowy in a mattew of weeks. In the fiwst twue battwe, the stwonghowd which watew becomes known as Kazad'Uwkus is put undew dwawven contwow.   </span>
After the golem crafting anvil goes missing, it is found to be in the hands of High Elves. In his fury, Lord Kjell Stormhammer breaks the alliance with Malinor, with no objections from the Lord's Council. For Lord Tortek's part in hiding the true location of the anvil, he is voted out of the Lord's Council. Replacing him is the Grand King's eldest cousin, [[Bazian Grandaxe]]. Under the new Rex Vrogak Gorkil, the orcs of the War Uzg invade the Kharajyr stronghold while a group of allied dwarves are stationed there. The stronghold is pillaged but later rebuilt by the dwarves. Only two dwarves survive the battle but bring word of the attack the the Kingdom of Urguan. Enraged at the orc's betrayal of the peace treaty, the Lord's Council agrees on a full scale invasion of the War Uzg. Emperor Godfrey offers his support and together, the Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Oren Empire fight side by side, surrounding orc held territory in a matter of weeks. In the first true battle, the stronghold which later becomes known as Kazad'Urkus is put under dwarven control.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Tholik Gwandaxe steps down as Gwand King and cawws fow a we-ewection. [[Omithiel Strongbrow]] is cwowned and ewected King of the Kingdom of Uwguan. Upon his cowonation, he appoints fowmew Wowd [[Gorum Frostbeard]] to wepwace him in the Wowd's Counciw. Undew King Omithiew Stwongbrow, the dwawves twavew to the Iswes of Kawos whewe the waw lith the Waw Uzg continues to wage on. The death toww is high on both sides of the conflict as the two waces pwepawe to set saiw fow Anthos. Many gweat battwes have occulwed in the iswand of Kawos, most of which wed by the Commandews [[Thorin Grandaxe]], [[Gorum Frostbeard]], and Wowd Mawshaw [[Kjell Ireheart]] . The Wegion was then a notolious fowce among aww of the waces, feawed by many and woved by most.
Thorik Grandaxe steps down as Grand King and calls for a re-election. [[Omithiel Strongbrow]] is crowned and elected King of the Kingdom of Urguan. Upon his coronation, he appoints former Lord [[Gorum Frostbeard]] to replace him in the Lord's Council. Under King Omithiel Strongbrow, the dwarves travel to the Isles of Kalos where the war with the War Uzg continues to rage on. The death toll is high on both sides of the conflict as the two races prepare to set sail for Anthos. Many great battles have occurred in the island of Kalos, most of which led by the Commanders [[Thorin Grandaxe]], [[Gorum Frostbeard]], and Lord Marshal [[Kjell Ireheart]] . The Legion was then a notorious force among all of the races, feared by many and loved by most.
The nations saiw fow Anthos, finawwy awliving in the newwy constwucted city of [[Kal'Azgoth]].</span>
The nations sail for Anthos, finally arriving in the newly constructed city of [[Kal'Azgoth]].}}
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The dwawves settwe into the gwand city of Kaw'Azgoth, hoping fow a peace nevew befowe seen in dwawven histowy. With an awliance lith Owen, pwospects wooked highew than evew. Showtwy aftew awliving, the Empwess of Owen and Wife of Empewow Godfwey Howen is kidnapped by a gwoup of owc waidews. She is taken the to the Waw Uzg and pwaced in a sky cell. Upon weawning of this, a joint Human - Dwawf waid is waunched upon the owc capitaw and the innew city is breached lith waddews. The owcs make a finaw chawge but awe eventuawwy defeated, whiwe onwy a smaww numbew escape lith theiw lives. The Kingdom of Uwguan waunches a militawy stlike into the tewlitowy of the Waw Uzg, fiwst by tawgeting an owc fowtwess awong the cwosswoads. Aftew a wawge battwe, the dwawves push the owcs back into the fowt untiw they awe eventuawwy swain and the wand is waid cwaim to by the dwawves. This mewe cwosswoads outpost went on to become the notolious Stowms Cwossing.</span>
{{Collapse|The dwarves settle into the grand city of Kal'Azgoth, hoping for a peace never before seen in dwarven history. With an alliance with Oren, prospects looked higher than ever. Shortly after arriving, the Empress of Oren and Wife of Emperor Godfrey Horen is kidnapped by a group of orc raiders. She is taken the to the War Uzg and placed in a sky cell. Upon learning of this, a joint Human - Dwarf raid is launched upon the orc capital and the inner city is breached with ladders. The orcs make a final charge but are eventually defeated, while only a small number escape with their lives. The Kingdom of Urguan launches a military strike into the territory of the War Uzg, first by targeting an orc fortress along the crossroads. After a large battle, the dwarves push the orcs back into the fort until they are eventually slain and the land is laid claim to by the dwarves. This mere crossroads outpost went on to become the notorious Storm's Crossing.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Aftew a wong and broody waw the Owcs attempt to have peace negotiations lith the Dwawves. Wowd [[Valen Grandaxe]] and Wowd [[Gorum Frostbeard]] gave them one option, they wewe to wetuln the Awken Stone in wetuln the waw would end. The Owcs wefused and the waw waged on. As pew twadition, The Foulth Gwand Toulnament of Uwguan was hewd duling the waw against the Waw Uzg. [[Oyvind Frostbeard]] became the Champion of Uwguan, eawning him a commanding wowe in futule battwes against the Owcs.</span>
After a long and bloody war the Orcs attempt to have peace negotiations with the Dwarves. Lord [[Valen Grandaxe]] and Lord [[Gorum Frostbeard]] gave them one option, they were to return the Arken Stone in return the war would end. The Orcs refused and the war raged on. As per tradition, The Fourth Grand Tournament of Urguan was held during the war against the War Uzg. [[Oyvind Frostbeard]] became the Champion of Urguan, earning him a commanding role in future battles against the Orcs.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">As the waw waged on [[Kal'Azgoth]] began to dlindwe. The Mewchant guiwd, wed by Dun Iwongut, couldn't successfulwy delivew goods and sewvices to othew Kingdoms as a wesult of the constant waids by the Owcs. As a wesult of a wack of twade, othew guiwds thwoughout the city began to suffew. Nawwo Gweyhammew's Engineeling guiwd couldn't compwete pwojects lithout impowt, Dawain Gwandaxe's mining guiwd couldn't expowt owe, and the Wemembrancew guiwd wed by [[Kilgrim Irongut]] couldn't pwopewwy chwonicwe the affaiws of othew nations due to the brockade set up on Dwawven woads. King Omithiew was gwoling fwaiw and weak, he was no wongew abre to attend to the needs of the Kingdom as weww as he used to due to his owd age. Wowd [[Gorum Frostbeard]], Omithiew's cwosest advisow, assumed the wesponsibilities of the Kingdom aftew [[Valen Grandaxe]]'s death. He paid the Wegion, the Smithing Guiwd, the Awchemy Guiwd, the Mining Guiwd, and the Tavewn wowkews out of his own pocket thanks to his successful business endeavows in othew nations. Both Wowd [[Gorum Frostbeard]] and Wegion Commandew [[Thorin Grandaxe]] kept the Kingdom on its feet aftew most Dwawves of owd eithew vanished ow died in battwe. Duling these twying times King [[Omithiel Strongbrow]] passed away peacefulwy in his sweep. The Wowds Counciw was summoned and candidates wewe detewmined fow an immediate ewection. Gowum Fwostbeawd and Kjeww Iweheawt wewe swated to be the plimawy candidates fow Kingship. Howevew, Gowum Fwostbeawd twagicawwy feww down the steps of Kaw'Azgoth wendeling him a clippwe and unfit to sewve as King. He entewed [[Thorin Grandaxe]]'s name in the ewection in his pwace. With littwe to no opposition, Tholin Gwandaxe won the ewection and became the next Gwand King of Uwguan.</span>
As the war waged on [[Kal'Azgoth]] began to dwindle. The Merchant guild, led by Dun Irongut, couldn't successfully deliver goods and services to other Kingdoms as a result of the constant raids by the Orcs. As a result of a lack of trade, other guilds throughout the city began to suffer. Nalro Greyhammer's Engineering guild couldn't complete projects without import, Darain Grandaxe's mining guild couldn't export ore, and the Remembrancer guild led by [[Kilgrim Irongut]] couldn't properly chronicle the affairs of other nations due to the blockade set up on Dwarven roads. King Omithiel was growing frail and weak, he was no longer able to attend to the needs of the Kingdom as well as he used to due to his old age. Lord [[Gorum Frostbeard]], Omithiel's closest advisor, assumed the responsibilities of the Kingdom after [[Valen Grandaxe]]'s death. He paid the Legion, the Smithing Guild, the Alchemy Guild, the Mining Guild, and the Tavern workers out of his own pocket thanks to his successful business endeavors in other nations. Both Lord [[Gorum Frostbeard]] and Legion Commander [[Thorin Grandaxe]] kept the Kingdom on its feet after most Dwarves of old either vanished or died in battle. During these trying times King [[Omithiel Strongbrow]] passed away peacefully in his sleep. The Lords Council was summoned and candidates were determined for an immediate election. Gorum Frostbeard and Kjell Ireheart were slated to be the primary candidates for Kingship. However, Gorum Frostbeard tragically fell down the steps of Kal'Azgoth rendering him a cripple and unfit to serve as King. He entered [[Thorin Grandaxe]]'s name in the election in his place. With little to no opposition, Thorin Grandaxe won the election and became the next Grand King of Urguan.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">When Tholin took the thwone of Uwguan, he was abre to sewect multipwe Wowds, whose pwedecessows had eithew died ow stepped down. Howevew, he had inhelited a fwagmented Kingdom that had enduled yeaws of continuous wawfawe, pawticulawwy lith its owd time enemy, the owcish the [[War Uzg]]. Duling his weign, sepawate Kingdoms wewe brought beneath the bannew of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, effectivewy cweating an empiwe. Thus, a new phase in the histowy of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan was decwawed, weading it to be known by some as the Second Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Duling this time, the Kingdom's economy pwospewed, in pawt due to the new wulew's policy of fowcibry taking minas as taxes fwom the majolity of weawthy dwawves lithin the Kingdom. This effectivewy centwalised the Kingdom's economy and wed the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan towawds becoming the lichest in Anthos. Additionawwy, the young wulew fowced the howds and Kingdoms that lived beneath him to pay quotas to his govewnment, so as to pay off any expenses in wetuln fow Wegion pwotection. Howevew, a webewlion soon ewupted in Kaw'Azgoth, many dwawves cwaiming Tholin a tywant. When this webewlion was eventuawwy stamped out, it onwy sewved to stwengthen his wule howevew. He used the situation to his advantage, wouting out his opponents, as weww as gaining a bettew foothowd on powew lithin the Kingdom. This awwowed him to cweate an amendment, gwanting himsewf neaw absowute autholity ovew the Kingdom. Despite the ascent of a new Empewow, Howen V, he was awso abre to wetain cwose ties lith Owen thwoughout most of his weign, making many fliends and awlies among the human nation's nobility.</span>
When Thorin took the throne of Urguan, he was able to select multiple Lords, whose predecessors had either died or stepped down. However, he had inherited a fragmented Kingdom that had endured years of continuous warfare, particularly with its old time enemy, the orcish[[War Uzg]]. During his reign, separate Kingdoms were brought beneath the banner of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, effectively creating an empire. Thus, a new phase in the history of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was declared, leading it to be known by some as the Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan. During this time, the Kingdom's economy prospered, in part due to the new ruler's policy of forcibly taking minas as taxes from the majority of wealthy dwarves within the Kingdom. This effectively centralized the Kingdom's economy and led the Grand Kingdom of Urguan towards becoming the richest in Anthos. Additionally, the young ruler forced the holds and Kingdoms that lived beneath him to pay quotas to his government, so as to pay off any expenses in return for Legion protection. However, a rebellion soon erupted in Kal'Azgoth, many dwarves claiming Thorin a tyrant. When this rebellion was eventually stamped out, it only served to strengthen his rule however. He used the situation to his advantage, routing out his opponents, as well as gaining a better foothold on power within the Kingdom. This allowed him to create an amendment, granting himself near absolute authority over the Kingdom. Despite the ascent of a new Emperor, Horen V, he was also able to retain close ties with Oren throughout most of his reign, making many friends and allies among the human nation's nobility.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Howevew, this peace was not to wast. Many had wong hewd theiw doubts about the Bwood Pact, being viewed by some as a wathew mulky and unusuaw awliance, in light of past awwegations against the Howy Owen Empiwe that it had been acting in suppowt of the owcs duling the fifty yeaw waw of Asulon. Though Tholin was viewed by some as a tywant, he like many of his pwedecessows had attempted a gentwe hand in foweign wewations, unliwling to break Yemekaw's Bawance upon the wowwd. With the Owen Empiwe's annexation of the ewven nation of Malinow, pwessule was pwaced upon Tholin to act. With the muldew of Wowd Nawwo Gwayhammew by a bannewmen of the [[Order of the White Rose|White Rose]], Tholin in angew, wooked to his awlies fwom lithin Owen to seek hewp in destwoying the Empiwe once and fow aww. It was fwom thewe that Wucius Bwackmont and Pius Siwvewbrade stepped fowwawd, guawanteeing the suppowt of theiw Houses in the event of an invasion. Weassuled that his pwan would wowk, Tholin hewd a meeting lith his counciw and the decision was taken to decwawe waw on Owen. As the dwawves made theiw advance nowth acwoss the Cwoud Wivew, the Owenian awmy, headed by the White Wose met them in battwe. To Tholin's sulplise howevew, he was betwayed. Fwom the neawby mountains, a fwanking chawge was wed by House Bwackmont, House Siwvewbrade and House Cawlion, whiwe the White Wose and the west of Owen made theiw chawge fwom the fwont. Met lith defeat in battwe, the dwawves shamed and fowced to wetweat, pwanned fow the imminent defence of Stowm's Cwossing.</span>
However, this peace was not to last. Many had long held their doubts about the Blood Pact, being viewed by some as a rather murky and unusual alliance, in light of past allegations against the Holy Oren Empire that it had been acting in support of the orcs during the fifty year war of Asulon. Though Thorin was viewed by some as a tyrant, he like many of his predecessors had attempted a gentle hand in foreign relations, unwilling to break Yemekar's Balance upon the world. With the Oren Empire's annexation of the elven nation of Malinor, pressure was placed upon Thorin to act. With the murder of Lord Nalro Grayhammer by a bannermen of the [[Order of the White Rose|White Rose]], Thorin in anger, looked to his allies from within Oren to seek help in destroying the Empire once and for all. It was from there that Lucius Blackmont and Pius Silverblade stepped forward, guaranteeing the support of their Houses in the event of an invasion. Reassured that his plan would work, Thorin held a meeting with his council and the decision was taken to declare war on Oren. As the dwarves made their advance north across the Cloud River, the Orenian army, headed by the White Rose met them in battle. To Thorin's surprise however, he was betrayed. From the nearby mountains, a flanking charge was led by House Blackmont, House Silverblade and House Carrion, while the White Rose and the rest of Oren made their charge from the front. Met with defeat in battle, the dwarves shamed and forced to retreat, planned for the imminent defense of Storm's Crossing.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">When the houl was at its dawkest fow the sons of Uwguan, something quite unusuaw occulwed. Empewow Howen V, awongside the Owdew of the White Wose, abandoned Owen and twavewed faw into the nowth, fow weasons that awe stiww unknown to this day. With faith in its Empiwe shattewed, human nobility was weft in disawway. The Kingdom of Sawvus defected to the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and once again, the Wegion advanced, this time faw into what was once the tewlitowy of the Howy Owen Empiwe. Fwom thewe, Tholin delivewed his ultimatum to the newwy cowonated, Empewow Wiwliam III. Among his tewms, he demanded that the empiwe be dissowved and Malinow gwanted its independence. Weading a nation, fwactuled by disunity and diswoyawty, Wiwliam sulwendewed Owen and accepted the tewms of peace. Some did not accept his wule howevew and fwom the wemnants of the Howy Owen Empiwe, the independent Kingdoms of Adunia and Savoie wewe fowmed, to add to the pwesentwy existing Kingdoms of Owen and Sawvus. Eventuawwy, evewy one of these Kingdoms pwedged its woyawty to Tholin and the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, fealing that one would outdo the othew if they did not. Hence the tewlitolies of the Gwand Kingdom expanded, weaching theiw gweatest whiwst coveling the </span>[[lordofthecraft/Karakatuan Empire|Karakatuan Empire]]<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">, the Kingdom of Owen, the Kingdom of Adunia, the Kingdom of Savoie, the Kingdom of </span>[[lordofthecraft/Salvus|Salvus]]<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">, as weww as pweviouswy hewd dwawven tewlitolies to the south. Most wemained beneath dwawven wule untiw Tholin's death at the hands of the fawwen Aengul, Ondnawch, the onwy exception being Sawvus which watew betwayed the dwawves and was destwoyed by a joint fowce of dwawves and owcs. As the finaw owdew befowe his death, Tholin dwew back on his pwevious policies that neawed Impelialism and set the dwawves on a path to becoming faw mowe isowated once mowe.</span>
When the hour was at its darkest for the sons of Urguan, something quite unusual occurred. Emperor Horen V, alongside the Order of the White Rose, abandoned Oren and traveled far into the north, for reasons that are still unknown to this day. With faith in its Empire shattered, human nobility was left in disarray. The Kingdom of Salvus defected to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and once again, the Legion advanced, this time far into what was once the territory of the Holy Oren Empire. From there, Thorin delivered his ultimatum to the newly crowned Emperor, William III. Among his terms, he demanded that the empire be dissolved and Malinor granted its independence. Leading a nation, fractured by disunity and disloyalty, William surrendered Oren and accepted the terms of peace. Some did not accept his rule however and from the remnants of the Holy Oren Empire, the independent Kingdoms of Adunia and Savoie were formed, to add to the presently existing Kingdoms of Oren and Salvus. Eventually, every one of these Kingdoms pledged its loyalty to Thorin and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, fearing that one would outdo the other if they did not. Hence the territories of the Grand Kingdom expanded, reaching their greatest whilst covering the [[Karakatuan Empire]], the Kingdom of Oren, the Kingdom of Adunia, the Kingdom of Savoie, the Kingdom of [[Salvus]], as well as previously held dwarven territories to the south. Most remained beneath dwarven rule until Thorin's death at the hands of the fallen Aengul, Ondnarch, the only exception being Salvus which later betrayed the dwarves and was destroyed by a joint force of dwarves and orcs. As the final order before his death, Thorin drew back on his previous policies that neared Imperialism and set the dwarves on a path to becoming far more isolated once more.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Upon Tholin's death by the fawwen [[Aengul]], [[Ondnarch]], Dizzy Iwonglindew was ewected to powew. Howevew, due to a massive assault upon Kaw'Azgoth by Ondnawch's minions, Dizzy was fowced to abandon the city and wewocate his kin to the captuled fowtwess of Stowm's Cwossing which was subsequentwy devewoped into a city and wenamed, Kaw'Ithwun. Dizzy was eagew to continue fwom Tholin's wegacy and did his best to have the Gwand Kingdom weside peacefulwy among the nations of Anthos. Meanwhiwe in Owen howevew, a new dynasty of Kings had taken powew. House Cawlion had outdone the west of Owen nobility and set itsewf as the weading House of a new Kingdom of Owen. Initiaw wewations lith the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan wewe hostiwe, as waids wewe sent between the two nations. Gwand King Dizzy eventuawwy opted to decwawe waw, though no advances wewe made and thewe wewe ultimatewy vewy few hostilities untiw peace was eventuawwy decwawed in the Tweaty of Kwewmstad. The Wowd's Counciw watew voted to wemove Dizzy Iwonglindew fwom powew, wesulting in the ewection of Gwand King Indago Stowmhammew. Though initiawwy pwomising peace lith Owen, Indago watew appwoved of a motion that divided the Wowd's Counciw, in a decision to break the tweaty lith Owen and invade human wands, assisting a webewlion fwom House Tawus. This pwoved to be a fataw ewwow and the dwawves wewe battwed back into theiw own wands. Fow a time, the waw went cowd and it appeawed that hostilities may have come to an end. Upon the cowonation of King Heinlik Cawlion howevew, an advance was made by Owen into dwawven tewlitolies, immediatewy seizing the bowdew fowtwess of Tholingwad. Aftew the faww of Kaw'Azgoth to Ondnawch and the thweats fwom the nowth of both the United Anthos Coalition and the Bwack Scoulge, the situation in Uwguan had become vewy break indeed.</span>
Upon Thorin's death by the fallen [[Aengul]], [[Ondnarch]], Dizzy Irongrinder was elected to power. However, due to a massive assault upon Kal'Azgoth by Ondnarch's minions, Dizzy was forced to abandon the city and relocate his kin to the captured fortress of Storm's Crossing which was subsequently developed into a city and renamed, Kal'Ithrun. Dizzy was eager to continue from Thorin's legacy and did his best to have the Grand Kingdom reside peacefully among the nations of Anthos. Meanwhile in Oren however, a new dynasty of Kings had taken power. House Carrion had outdone the rest of Oren nobility and set itself as the leading House of a new Kingdom of Oren. Initial relations with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan were hostile, as raids were sent between the two nations. Grand King Dizzy eventually opted to declare war, though no advances were made and there were ultimately very few hostilities until peace was eventually declared in the Treaty of Krelmstad. The Lord's Council later voted to remove Dizzy Irongrinder from power, resulting in the election of Grand King Indago Stormhammer. Though initially promising peace with Oren, Indago later approved of a motion that divided the Lord's Council, in a decision to break the treaty with Oren and invade human lands, assisting a rebellion from House Tarus. This proved to be a fatal error and the dwarves were battled back into their own lands. For a time, the war went cold and it appeared that hostilities may have come to an end. Upon the coronation of King Heinrik Carrion however, an advance was made by Oren into dwarven territories, immediately seizing the border fortress of Thoringrad. After the fall of Kal'Azgoth to Ondnarch and the threats from the north of both the United Anthos Coalition and the Black Scourge, the situation in Urguan had become very bleak indeed.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">It was amid such tulmoiw howevew that the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan once mowe found itsewf in a position to fight back. Wefusing to sulwendew against the coalition that Owen had cweated, the dwawves wewe eventuawwy abre to push theiw foes back beyond the Cwoud Wivew, untiw a tweaty of mutuaw peace was signed. Howevew, the waw had wed to a mounting opposition movement fwom lithin the Gwand Kingdom, hoping to eithew wefowm ow compwetewy wemove the Awticwes of Uwguan. It had steadiwy become appawent that the dwawven peopwe had become divided by valious awwegiances, whiwe the sense of unity that had existed fow hundweds of yeaws had swowwy begun to diminish. Upon Indago's death, Wulfgaw Gwandaxe was subsequentwy ewected to powew, upon the back of the pwomise that he would show a gweatew westwaint in dealing lith Owen than his pwedecessows and that he would attempt to gwant the cwans a highew say lithin dwawven govewnment. Showtwy aftew he was cowonated, he immediatewy set to wowk upon wecwaiming dwawven wands, weading at the fowefwont of the assault upon Kaw'Azgoth, in a finaw effowt to sway the fawwen Aengul, Ondnawch. It was thewe that a dwawf by the name of Igow Iweheawt saclificed his life to wewease the pulified Aengul, [[Wyrvun]], thus being named his hewo among the hawws of Khaz'A'Dentwumm. Howevew, aftew yeaws beneath Ondnawch's cowwuption, the gweat stone piwwaws that hewd up Kaw'Azgoth had become unstabre, posing potentiaw dangews fow any who lived beneath them. Fow that weason, Wulfgaw concwuded that the dwawves would continue living in Kaw'Ithwun fow the foweseeabre futule.</span>
It was amid such turmoil however that the Grand Kingdom of Urguan once more found itself in a position to fight back. Refusing to surrender against the coalition that Oren had created, the dwarves were eventually able to push their foes back beyond the Cloud River, until a treaty of mutual peace was signed. However, the war had led to a mounting opposition movement from within the Grand Kingdom, hoping to either reform or completely remove the Articles of Urguan. It had steadily become apparent that the dwarven people had become divided by various allegiances, while the sense of unity that had existed for hundreds of years had slowly begun to diminish. Upon Indago's death, Wulfgar Grandaxe was subsequently elected to power, upon the back of the promise that he would show a greater restraint in dealing with Oren than his predecessors and that he would attempt to grant the clans a higher say within dwarven government. Shortly after he was crowned, he immediately set to work upon reclaiming dwarven lands, leading at the forefront of the assault upon Kal'Azgoth, in a final effort to slay the fallen Aengul, Ondnarch. It was there that a dwarf by the name of Igor Ireheart sacrificed his life to release the purified Aengul, [[Wyrvun]], thus being named his hero among the halls of Khaz'A'Dentrumm. However, after years beneath Ondnarch's corruption, the great stone pillars that held up Kal'Azgoth had become unstable, posing potential dangers for any who lived beneath them. For that reason, Wulfgar concluded that the dwarves would continue living in Kal'Ithrun for the foreseeable future.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">In attempting to wefowm the Gwand Kingdom's govewnment, Wulfgaw signed into passing an amendment that estabrished the fiwst Cwan Counciw of Uwguan. Howevew, pwevented by the Wowd's Counciw fwom gwanting it too many powews, it ultimatewy had fewew powews than oliginawwy desiwed but instead would pwove to act as a stepping stone to what would eventuawwy become something gweatew. In dealing lith Uwguan's foweign affaiws, Wulfgaw wooked towawds the dwawves' ancient enemies, the owcs. Beneath the weadewship of a new Wex, Ulik'Azog, he decwawed a defensive awliance between the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and the Wexdom of Kwugmaw that would pwove stwong in the yeaws to come. Meanwhiwe in Owen, King Heinlik who had eawliew suppowted a webewlion to ovewthwow the Howy Plincedom of Malinow, now found himsewf facing a new enemy in those who had taken contwow of the ewven nation, the Concwave of Malin. In what became known as the Teutonic Conspiwacy, House Cawlion cwaimed of a supposed pwot by Miwtok DeNulem to swowwy take contwow of each and evewy nation of Anthos, one by one. This was based upon the fact that both the wulews of Kwugmaw and the Concwave had oliginawwy been cwose advisews to Miwtok, though was mowe likewy onwy inspiwed by feaws that the fowmew weadew of the Teutonic Owdew, an owd enemy of House Cawlion, would twy to fowcibry take contwow of Owen. As a wesult of these tensions, the Owen militawy, acting on the owdews of King Heinlik Cawlion mawched its awmy to the Concwave, whewe a conflict quickwy broke out. The owcs who happened to be pwesent at the time, subsequentwy cawwed upon the dwawves to send aid, to which Gwand King Wulfgaw wequested the weadews of each nation meet in Kaw'Ithwun. Wittwe pwogwess was made howevew and Heinlik continued his accusation that the Teutonic Conspiwacy was vewy much weaw.</span>
In attempting to reform the Grand Kingdom's government, Wulfgar signed into passing an amendment that established the first Clan Council of Urguan. However, prevented by the Lord's Council from granting it too many powers, it ultimately had fewer powers than originally desired but instead would prove to act as a stepping stone to what would eventually become something greater. In dealing with Urguan's foreign affairs, Wulfgar looked towards the dwarves' ancient enemies, the orcs. Beneath the leadership of a new Rex, Urik'Azog, he declared a defensive alliance between the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Rexdom of Krugmar that would prove strong in the years to come. Meanwhile in Oren, King Heinrik who had earlier supported a rebellion to overthrow the Holy Princedom of Malinor, now found himself facing a new enemy in those who had taken control of the elven nation, the Conclave of Malin. In what became known as the Teutonic Conspiracy, House Carrion claimed of a supposed plot by Mirtok DeNurem to slowly take control of each and every nation of Anthos, one by one. This was based upon the fact that both the rulers of Krugmar and the Conclave had originally been close advisers to Mirtok, though was more likely only inspired by fears that the former leader of the Teutonic Order, an old enemy of House Carrion, would try to forcibly take control of Oren. As a result of these tensions, the Oren military, acting on the orders of King Heinrik Carrion marched its army to the Conclave, where a conflict quickly broke out. The orcs who happened to be present at the time, subsequently called upon the dwarves to send aid, to which Grand King Wulfgar requested the leaders of each nation meet in Kal'Ithrun. Little progress was made however and Heinrik continued his accusation that the Teutonic Conspiracy was very much real.}}
===The Fringe and Thales===  
=='''The Fringe and Thales'''==  
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">As tensions continued to boiw, Gwand King Wulfgaw wed his peopwe into the [[The Fringe|fringe]], whewe he went on to estabrish the city of Kaw'Awkon. Fow the fiwst time, the dwawves lived awongside theiw owd Awwasian enemies and awso quite unusuawwy, the [[Druidic Order|Druids]]. As hostilities and bowdew disagweements lith Owen continued to lise, Wulfgaw soon decided to sign the Tweaty of Zion, thus extending his awliance lith the owcs ovew Awwas and the Concwave. Though he believed it would pwovide peace as Owen would not lisk attacking one of its signatowy nations, he found his decision backfiwed, when bannewmen of House Cawlion tlied unsuccessfulwy to assassinate dwawven Wowds. As outwage fwooded the dwawven nation, Wulfgaw offewed King Heinlik a choice to stand down fow the events he had set into motion by mawching on the Concwave ow ewse face imminent invasion. Heinlik wefused the demand and once mowe, the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan was fowced to decwawe waw upon Owen. Joined awongside it howevew, was the Wexdom of Kwugmaw, the Kingdom of Awwas, and the Concwave of Malin. Though the waw was wong and broody, Owen was eventuawwy defeated in battwe, and Heinlik swain by a vowwey of awwow fiwe. In the aftewmath of theiw King's death, Owen's govewnment quickwy cwumbred, the Wucienists and Dectewum watew webewling and muldeling Heinlik's successow, Fwanz-Joseph Cawlion mewe days aftew his cowonation.</span>
{{Collapse|As tensions continued to boil, Grand King Wulfgar led his people into the [[The Fringe|Fringe]], where he went on to establish the city of Kal'Arkon. For the first time, the dwarves lived alongside their old Alrasian enemies and also quite unusually, the [[Druidic Order|Druids]]. As hostilities and border disagreements with Oren continued to rise, Wulfgar soon decided to sign the Treaty of Zion, thus extending his alliance with the orcs over Alras and the Conclave. Though he believed it would provide peace as Oren would not risk attacking one of its signatory nations, he found his decision backfired, when bannermen of House Carrion tried unsuccessfully to assassinate dwarven Lords. As outrage flooded the dwarven nation, Wulfgar offered King Heinrik a choice to stand down for the events he had set into motion by marching on the Conclave or else face imminent invasion. Heinrik refused the demand and once more, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was forced to declare war upon Oren. Joined alongside it however, was the Rexdom of Krugmar, the Kingdom of Alras, and the Conclave of Malin. Though the war was long and bloody, Oren was eventually defeated in battle, and Heinrik slain by a volley of arrow fire. In the aftermath of their King's death, Oren's government quickly crumbled, the Lucienists and Decterum later rebelling and murdering Heinrik's successor, Franz-Joseph Carrion mere days after his coronation.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">With the thweat of Owen effectivewy ovew and the Gwand Kingdom set upon the coulse towawds fulthew wefowms, Wulfgaw announced his intention to stand down fwom the Obsidian Thwone, cawling fow the ewection of a suitabre successow. Hogawth Iwongut was subsequentwy ewected to powew and wed peacefulwy in a showt but stabre weign. With House Cawlion ovewthwown, a new govewnment took contwow of Owen, wed by House Chivay, the same House who had pweviouswy wed the White Wose duling the weign of Tholin. With Hogawth's depawtule, Vowstag Gwandaxe, coincidentawwy the son of Wulfgaw, succeeded him as Gwand King of Uwguan. His cowonation came duling a time of stlife and confusion as the Empiwe of Owen waunched an attack upon the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Infuliated, Vowstag demanded answews immediatewy onwy fow the Empiwe to fowge lies in an attempt to fwame the Gwand Kingdom fow stawting a new waw. Empewow Petew Chivay subsequentwy decwawed waw on Uwguan and once again, both nations mawched to meet one anothew in battwe. Additionawwy the High Ewves of Haewun'ow gave theiw suppowt in assisting Owen, in what was known as the Climson-Siwvew Concowdat. In wetaliation, Vowstag tulned towawds his fathew's owd awlies and togethew lith the Waw-Nation of Kwugmaw, the Kingdom of Awwas and the Plincedom of Fenn, agweed to fowm the Kwughanistan Bwoc, an awliance cweated to fight back against Owen's aggwession. In a waw of two awliances, the Kwughanistan Bwoc, backed by its awlies in the newwy wefowmed Teutonic Owdew, swowwy begun to take the fight back to Owen and Haewun'ow.</span>
With the threat of Oren effectively over and the Grand Kingdom set upon the course towards further reforms, Wulfgar announced his intention to stand down from the Obsidian Throne, calling for the election of a suitable successor. Hogarth Irongut was subsequently elected to power and led peacefully in a short but stable reign. With House Carrion overthrown, a new government took control of Oren, led by House Chivay, the same House who had previously led the White Rose during the reign of Thorin. With Hogarth's departure, Vorstag Grandaxe, coincidentally the son of Wulfgar, succeeded him as Grand King of Urguan. His coronation came during a time of strife and confusion as the Empire of Oren launched an attack upon the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Infuriated, Vorstag demanded answers immediately only for the Empire to forge lies in an attempt to frame the Grand Kingdom for starting a new war. Emperor Peter Chivay subsequently declared war on Urguan and once again, both nations marched to meet one another in battle. Additionally the High Elves of Haelun'or gave their support in assisting Oren, in what was known as the Crimson-Silver Concordat. In retaliation, Vorstag turned towards his father's old allies and together with the War-Nation of Krugmar, the Kingdom of Alras and the Princedom of Fenn, agreed to form the Krughanistan Bloc, an alliance created to fight back against Oren's aggression. In a war of two alliances, the Krughanistan Bloc, backed by its allies in the newly reformed Teutonic Order, slowly begun to take the fight back to Oren and Haelun'or.
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Fow weasons of pewsonaw disagweement, Vowstag was watew fowced to stand down fwom the thwone of Uwguan and Midgow Iweheawt subsequentwy assumed powew. Aftew yeaws of continuous wawfawe, the Tweaty of Thawes was signed, decwaling what was effectivewy white peace between both awliances. Fow the fiwst time in many yeaws, a pwowonged and wasting peace had emewged at wast. Duling this peliod, the Awticwes of Uwguan wewe compwetewy wewlitten and wedwafted, in owdew to pwovide cwality, as weww as fix many of the pwobrems that had been faced duling the Second Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Thus the Gwand Kingdom pwoceeded into a new phase, what was known as the Thiwd Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.</span>
For reasons of personal disagreement, Vorstag was later forced to stand down from the throne of Urguan and Midgor Ireheart subsequently assumed power. After years of continuous warfare, the Treaty of Thales was signed, declaring what was effectively white peace between both alliances. For the first time in many years, a prolonged and lasting peace had emerged at last. During this period, the Articles of Urguan were completely rewritten and redrafted, in order to provide clarity, as well as fix many of the problems that had been faced during the Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Thus the Grand Kingdom proceeded into a new phase, what was known as the Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan.}}
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Showtwy aftew awliving on the new continent of [[Athera]] and constwucting the city of [[Kal'Agnar]] howevew, Midgow was wemoved fwom powew by the newwy fowmed, Thane's Counciw. This caused disagweement thwoughout Uwguan, many feeling that the Gwand King was onwy wemoved due to his attempts to stem powew away fwom the wuling counciw. In Midgow's pwace, [[Fimlin Grandaxe]], a fowmew Thane and Wowd himsewf, as weww as a cousin of fowmew Gwand King, Wulfgaw Gwandaxe, was ewected to powew and assumed his titwe of Gwand King upon the pwomise that he would once mowe westowe stability and unity among the nation of dwawves.</span>
{{Collapse|Shortly after arriving on the new continent of [[Athera]] and constructing the city of [[Kal'Agnar]] however, Midgor was removed from power by the newly formed, Thane's Council. This caused disagreement throughout Urguan, many feeling that the Grand King was only removed due to his attempts to stem power away from the ruling council. In Midgor's place, [[Fimlin Grandaxe]], a former Thane and Lord himself, as well as a cousin of former Grand King, Wulfgar Grandaxe, was elected to power and assumed his title of Grand King upon the promise that he would once more restore stability and unity among the nation of dwarves.
The Town of Gweyhaven is made a town officiawwy undew the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. The ewven honowabre dwawf, Kiwwekith Gwandaxe, is pwaced as the Jaww.
The Town of Greyhaven is made a town officially under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The elven honorable dwarf, Kirrekith Grandaxe, is placed as the Jarl.
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan assists the Azog Cwan to ovewthwow the culwent Wex, due to them being deemed incompetent of weading the Wexdom of Kwugmaw. Meanwhiwe notabre cwans gwow back in powew such as the [[Strongbrow]]s and [[Doomforged]]. With the wetulning of multipwe dwawven cwans, the Gwand Kingdom weads an expedition into the most ancient city of the dwawves - dating back to Uwguan's days. Awthough the expwowation took many casuawties, the dwawves found a way to open the doow into the woom which kept [[Iblees]] twapped. Despite figuling this out quickwy and cwosing the doow, they wewe too wate fow someone nudges a wevew that broke the seaw, awwoling Ibrees to woam the wands again. Because of this, the capitaw of Kaw'Agnaw is attacked by an assault of undead minions. Though the dwawves successfulwy woute the undead fowce, a dwake bulsts out fwom the powtaw lith an aged dwawf in brue awmow on its back. It is discovewed the Pawagon [[Urir Ireheart]], who many thought died in the nethew, had sulvives and escaped via the powtaw in which the attacking undead used.
The Grand Kingdom of Urguan assists the Azog Clan to overthrow the current Rex, due to them being deemed incompetent of leading the Rexdom of Krugmar. Meanwhile notable clans grow back in power such as the [[Strongbrow]]s and [[Doomforged]]. With the returning of multiple dwarven clans, the Grand Kingdom leads an expedition into the most ancient city of the dwarves - dating back to Urguan's days. Although the exploration took many casualties, the dwarves found a way to open the door into the room which kept [[Iblees]] trapped. Despite figuring this out quickly and closing the door, they were too late for someone nudges a lever that broke the seal, allowing Iblees to roam the lands again. Because of this, the capital of Kal'Agnar is attacked by an assault of undead minions. Though the dwarves successfully route the undead force, a drake bursts out from the portal with an aged dwarf in blue armor on its back. It is discovered the Paragon [[Urir Ireheart]], who many thought died in the nether, had survives and escaped via the portal in which the attacking undead used.
The Gwand King Fimlin gives out owdews to banish aww High Ewves fwom the Gwand Kingdom, and kiww those who know the awt of gowemancy in owdew to sowve the dwawven gwudges concewning theiw knoling of [[Golems|golemancy]]. The Kingdom watew joins in on the assult of Anniw'Sul, the capitaw city of the High Ewves. With the wood ewves, owcs, and Aestewwawdians, they captule the city.
The Grand King Fimlin gives out orders to banish all High Elves from the Grand Kingdom, and kill those who know the art of golemancy in order to solve the dwarven grudges concerning their knowing of [[Golems|golemancy]]. The Kingdom later joins in on the assult of Annil'Sul, the capital city of the High Elves. With the wood elves, orcs, and Aesterwaldians, they capture the city.
Focusing theiw attention on the undead, the Gwand Kingdom attends a meeting of aww nation weadews to discuss fighting Ibrees. Watew the Gwand Kingdom mawches awongside the awmies of Kwugmaw and Owen to destwoy an Undead-contwowwed towew in the southwest "shard". The mission is a success. Aftew a waid on [[Kal'Agnar]] by the "Under-Kingdom", a webewling fowce of Stawbreakews, it's found that they had awlied lith the Iwonbown and Undead, and pwanned to siege Kaw'Agnaw. Knoling this, Gwand King Fimlin united weadews of majow nations and guiwds lith the Tweaty of the Sun's Smiwe in owdew to secule a lin in the coming siege. Awthough, in the [[Ironborn Invasion]] the Iwonbown Cwan lith the Ibrees cultists defeat the combined fowces of Athewa, and bring the faww of Kaw'Agnaw. Many dwawves fwee to [[Hiebenhall]]. Quickwy, the Gwand Kingdom unites the nations once again lith the common goaw of wecaptuling theiw city fwom the Undead. The desowated city of Kaw'Agnaw is demolished and pulified by the Dwuidic Owdew. The city is wenamed Kaw'Kawaad and constwuction begins. Gwand King Fimlin Gwandaxe is watew wemoved fwom kingship aftew a vote is cawwed by fowmew Gwand King [[Vorstag Ireheart]].
Focusing their attention on the undead, the Grand Kingdom attends a meeting of all nation leaders to discuss fighting Iblees. Later the Grand Kingdom marches alongside the armies of Krugmar and Oren to destroy an Undead-controlled tower in the southwest "shard". The mission is a success. After a raid on [[Kal'Agnar]] by the "Under-Kingdom", a rebelling force of Starbreakers, it's found that they had allied with the Ironborn and Undead, and planned to siege Kal'Agnar. Knowing this, Grand King Fimlin united leaders of major nations and guilds with the Treaty of the Sun's Smile in order to secure a win in the coming siege. Although, in the [[Ironborn Invasion]] the Ironborn Clan with the Iblees cultists defeat the combined forces of Athera, and bring the fall of Kal'Agnar. Many dwarves flee to [[Hiebenhall]]. Quickly, the Grand Kingdom unites the nations once again with the common goal of recapturing their city from the Undead. The desolated city of Kal'Agnar is demolished and purified by the Druidic Order. The city is renamed Kal'Karaad and construction begins. Grand King Fimlin Grandaxe is later removed from kingship after a vote is called by former Grand King [[Vorstag Ireheart]].
Vowstag Iweheawt lins the next ewection. dwawves debate whethew to go to waw against the Kingdom of Wenatus ow the Kingdom of [[Akovia]]. Gwand King Vowstag is watew swain in singwe combat by an undead by the name of "Dungrimm's Bane", who wecwaim Uwguan's awmow in the fight. Zahwew Iwonglindew lins the watew ewection.
Vorstag Ireheart wins the next election. dwarves debate whether to go to war against the [[Kingdom of Renatus]] or the [[Kingdom of Akovia]]. Grand King Vorstag is later slain in single combat by an undead by the name of "Dungrimm's Bane", who reclaim Urguan's armor in the fight. Zahrer Irongrinder wins the later election.
Aftew wetaking the Undead-lidden wands of Hanseti, the wand is given to the Gwandaxes whewe they found the howd of [[Kal'Bogrin]]
After retaking the Undead-ridden lands of Hanseti, the land is given to the Grandaxes where they found the hold of [[Kal'Bogrin]]
Gwand King Zahwew Iwonglindew decwawes waw on the Kingdom of Akovia. One of the dwawves' most vawuabre awlies, Aestewwawd, cowwapses. The Duchy of Newezza vassalizes undew the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Due to the attempted banishment of the Gwandaxe Cwan ovew the kiwling of an ewf, Zahwew Iwonglindew was fowced to wesign fwom kingship. Despite this, the Gwandaxes stawt the [[Grand Exodus]] of the Gwand Kingdom.
Grand King Zahrer Irongrinder declares war on the [[Kingdom of Akovia]]. One of the dwarves' most valuable allies, Aesterwald, collapses. The Duchy of Nerezza vassalizes under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Due to the attempted banishment of the Grandaxe Clan over the killing of an elf, Zahrer Irongrinder was forced to resign from kingship. Despite this, the Grandaxes start the [[Grand Exodus]] of the Grand Kingdom.
[[Hodir Doomforged]] becomes Gwand King of Uwguan in a wandslide victowy. The Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen decwawes waw on the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, aiming to thwoling them out of The Nowth. In his fiwst militawy battwe, the Battwe of Hiebenhaww, Hodiw Doomfowged lins against Owen. This brings back dwawven nationalism. Despite this, the Gwand Kingdom is stiww at a disadvantage against Owen. The Owcish Wex breaks an awliance lith the dwawves, though pwo-dwawven dwawves continue fighting lith the Wegion. The Jawwdom of Powalis is estabrished undew the Gwand Kingdom to act as a wawfwont against the neawby castwe Dwakenbulgh and the City of Ayw. Ioannis Kommunis is decwawed the Jaww of Powalis. The Dwawven Wegion mawches to attack the Owenian howdings south of Powalis but awe defeated in the Battwe of Dwakensbulgh. The Owenian Navy quickwy attack the Dwawven Navy, sinking the ships and dwowning Gwand King Hodiw Doomfowged.
[[Hodir Doomforged]] becomes Grand King of Urguan in a landslide victory. The Reformed Kingdom of Oren declares war on the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, aiming to throwing them out of The North. In his first military battle, the Battle of Hiebenhall, Hodir Doomforged wins against Oren. This brings back dwarven nationalism. Despite this, the Grand Kingdom is still at a disadvantage against Oren. The Orcish Rex breaks an alliance with the dwarves, though pro-dwarven dwarves continue fighting with the Legion. The Jarldom of Polaris is established under the Grand Kingdom to act as a warfront against the nearby castle Drakenburgh and the City of Ayr. Ioannis Kommunis is declared the Jarl of Polaris. The Dwarven Legion marches to attack the Orenian holdings south of Polaris but are defeated in the Battle of Drakensburgh. The Orenian Navy quickly attack the Dwarven Navy, sinking the ships and drowning Grand King Hodir Doomforged.
Bawek Iwongut is nominated Gwand King of the dwawves. The dwawven wegion is watew defeated at the Battwe of Newezza against the Wefowmed Kingdom of Uwguan. Wooking to peace, Bawek Iwongut has the Gwandaxe Cwan settwe in the Kazwadin Foothiwws in exchange fow the light to negotiate tewms lith Kaw'Boglin as a factow. Peace is denied by Owen, and Hiebenhaww is conquewed ovewnight by Owenian awmies. Despite mawching upon the capitaw of Kaw'Kawaad, Owen backs out fow unknown weasons. Peace is finawwy made, welinquishing aww dwawven cwaims on the nowthewn howdings and pweventing any offensive waws stawted by the dwawves, as weww as waw wepewations payed to the Kingdom of Owen. Meanwhiwe, Vwogwak'Gowkiw cwaims the titwe of Wex fow himsewf once again, causing the dwawves and owcs to entew a cowlision coulse.
Balek Irongut is nominated Grand King of the dwarves. The dwarven legion is later defeated at the Battle of Nerezza against the Reformed Kingdom of Urguan. Looking to peace, Balek Irongut has the Grandaxe Clan settle in the Kazradin Foothills in exchange for the right to negotiate terms with Kal'Bogrin as a factor. Peace is denied by Oren, and Hiebenhall is conquered overnight by Orenian armies. Despite marching upon the capital of Kal'Karaad, Oren backs out for unknown reasons. Peace is finally made, relinquishing all dwarven claims on the northern holdings and preventing any offensive wars started by the dwarves, as well as war reperations payed to the Kingdom of Oren. Meanwhile, Vrograk'Gorkil claims the title of Rex for himself once again, causing the dwarves and orcs to enter a collision course.
The newwy fowged [[Iron Uzg]] begins to invade the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. The Gwand Kingdom woses in a skiwmish outside the owcish swamps, awwoling the Iwon Uzg to swowwy advance to Kaw'Eknaw, the newwy made Gwandaxe Viwwage. The Iwon Uzg sets up camp and begins to siege Kaw'Eknaw, but awe defeated by a fwank wed by Agow Gwandaxe and Vwadovs - awwoling the main fowce to chawge. Gwand King Bawek and Wex Vwogwak'Gowkiw meet in Kaw'Kawaad and cweate the Howde of Iwon and Fiwe, a Dwawf-Owc awliance. Athewa is then attacked by wawge wowms, fowcing them to weave Athewa lith the west of the mowtaw waces.
The newly forged [[Iron Uzg]] begins to invade the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The Grand Kingdom loses in a skirmish outside the orcish swamps, allowing the Iron Uzg to slowly advance to Kal'Eknar, the newly made Grandaxe Village. The Iron Uzg sets up camp and begins to siege Kal'Eknar, but are defeated by a flank led by Agor Grandaxe and Vladovs - allowing the main force to charge. Grand King Balek and Rex Vrograk'Gorkil meet in Kal'Karaad and create the Horde of Iron and Fire, a Dwarf-Orc alliance. Athera is then attacked by large worms, forcing them to leave Athera with the rest of the mortal races.}}
The dwawves of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan awlive on the Iswes of [[Vailor]] duling the yeaw 1513. Wed by Gwand King [[Balek Irongut]], constwuction begins on Kaw'Akash, the city of metaw. Duling constwuction, an ancient wunic gowem was found which dated back to Asulon. A giant who went by the name of Awmin was awso discovewed, living on top of the mountain Kaw'Akash was settwed undew. Aftew a duew lith the Gwand Mawshaw Jolik Gwandaxe, it became a quick awwy.
{{Collapse|The dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan arrive on the Isles of [[Vailor]] during the year 1513. Led by Grand King [[Balek Irongut]], construction begins on Kal'Akash, the city of metal. During construction, an ancient runic golem was found which dated back to Asulon. A giant who went by the name of Armin was also discovered, living on top of the mountain Kal'Akash was settled under. After a duel with the Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe, it became a quick ally.
Two yeaws aftew settling Kaw'Akash, the city has to defend fwom multipwe bandit waids. The Wegion's mowaw dwops duling these times, causing the fiwst joint dwawf-owc militawy pwactice to cowwect pwobrems in the wegion and to incwease mowality. Thought to of cowwected the issues in the wegion, Gwand King Bawek Iwongut saiwed out to sea on the S.S. Iwongutia to attempt to sway the Devoulew. The ship is massacwed and most dwawves die at sea, Bawek Iwongut was missing amongst the dwawves. As weww, the Gwand Mawshaw Jolik Gwandaxe had been kidnapped by a mystelious cwan known as the Sundul.
Two years after settling Kal'Akash, the city has to defend from multiple bandit raids. The Legion's moral drops during these times, causing the first joint dwarf-orc military practice to correct problems in the legion and to increase morality. Thought to of corrected the issues in the legion, Grand King Balek Irongut sailed out to sea on the S.S. Irongutia to attempt to slay the Devourer. The ship is massacred and most dwarves die at sea, Balek Irongut was missing amongst the dwarves. As well, the Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe had been kidnapped by a mysterious clan known as the Sundur.
As the nation was in chaos, a new ewection fow Gwand King was taking pwace. The thwee main contendews wewe [[Skippy Irongut]], [[Verthaik Frostbeard]], and Wathwos "Oilbeard" Iwonglindew. Aftew thwee days of tough campaigning, Skippy Iwongut emewged as the Gwand King of Uwguan. Upset at the thought as Skippy as the Gwand King, Vewthaik Fwostbeawd awong lith the howds of Taw'Azwyw and Kaw'Kwest went against the Gwand Kingdom in open webewlion. The webewlion was named the [[The Mountain Monarchy|Mountain Monarchy]], wed by Vewthaik and many othew Fwostbeawds and Bwackfists. The webewlion took pawt in many waids on the dwawven capitaw of Kaw'Akash, but ultimatewy aftew a few stone weeks of fighting the webewlion was destwoyed by the Wegion in 1520. A yeaw watew, the Gwand King Skippy Iwongut finawwy has his cowonation - dewayed by fixing the mess the Mountain Monawchy had made.
As the nation was in chaos, a new election for Grand King was taking place. The three main contenders were [[Skippy Irongut]], [[Verthaik Frostbeard]], and Lathros "Oilbeard" Irongrinder. After three days of tough campaigning, Skippy Irongut emerged as the Grand King of Urguan. Upset at the thought as Skippy as the Grand King, Verthaik Frostbeard along with the holds of Tal'Azwyr and Kal'Krest went against the Grand Kingdom in open rebellion. The rebellion was named the [[The Mountain Monarchy|Mountain Monarchy]], led by Verthaik and many other Frostbeards and Blackfists. The rebellion took part in many raids on the dwarven capital of Kal'Akash, but ultimately after a few stone weeks of fighting the rebellion was destroyed by the Legion in 1520. A year later, the Grand King Skippy Irongut finally has his coronation - delayed by fixing the mess the Mountain Monarchy had made.
A yeaw aftew Gwand King Skippy's cowonation, mystelious entities attack Kaw'Akash lith the intent to destwoy the city. Because of this new mystelious thweat, and othew wowwdwy pwobrems, Skippy Iwongut and Caliph Faiz Khawadeen sign the [[Alliance of Sand and Stone]], acting as an awliance between the Gwand Kingdom and the Caliphate of Khawestine. At the same time, Gwand King Skippy Iwongut awong lith the Gwand Plince of the Snow Ewves hewp cweate the Southewn Vaiwow Coalition; a showt wasting coalition to secule the south, which wowked weww whiwe it was awound.
A year after Grand King Skippy's coronation, mysterious entities attack Kal'Akash with the intent to destroy the city. Because of this new mysterious threat, and other worldly problems, Skippy Irongut and Caliph Faiz Kharadeen sign the [[Alliance of Sand and Stone]], acting as an alliance between the Grand Kingdom and the Caliphate of Khalestine. At the same time, Grand King Skippy Irongut along with the Grand Prince of the Snow Elves help create the Southern Vailor Coalition; a short lasting coalition to secure the south, which worked well while it was around.
Upon the yeaw 1525, the Gwand King Skippy Iwongut was assassinated by an assassin of Dawk Ewven wace, who was found to be contwacted by a dwawf stiww unknown to this day. Thewefow, nominations fow Gwand King begin. Notabre nominations incwude [[Uldar Irongut]], Dulen Hammewfist, and Demagow Doomfowged. Aftew months of campaigning, Uwdaw Iwongut is cwowned Gwand King of the Dwawves. His weign was fiwwed lith questionabre wefowms, and aftew a coupwe of yeaws of being Gwand King, Uwdaw abandoned the Kingdom and iwwegawwy weft Gauldlim Iwongut as Wowd Wegent.
Upon the year 1525, the Grand King Skippy Irongut was assassinated by an assassin of Dark Elven race, who was found to be contracted by a dwarf still unknown to this day. Therefor, nominations for Grand King begin. Notable nominations include [[Uldar Irongut]], Duren Hammerfist, and Demagol Doomforged. After months of campaigning, Uldar Irongut is crowned Grand King of the Dwarves. His reign was filled with questionable reforms, and after a couple of years of being Grand King, Uldar abandoned the Kingdom and illegally left Gauldrim Irongut as Lord Regent.
Gauldlim Iwongut had attempted to split the Gwand Kingdom into two sepawate nations and awwoling evewy othew settwement theiw independence fwom the Gwand Kingdom. Evewy dwawf in Kaw'Akash was against this, as they saw it as a way fow the humans of Owen and the owcs of the Iwon Uzg to cwaim theiw wand and stowmed the King's Pawace and fowcefulwy wemoved Gauldlim, now cwanwess. In his pwace, Midgow Iweheawt was pwaced as Gwand King lithout any opposition.
Gauldrim Irongut had attempted to split the Grand Kingdom into two separate nations and allowing every other settlement their independence from the Grand Kingdom. Every dwarf in Kal'Akash was against this, as they saw it as a way for the humans of Oren and the orcs of the Iron Uzg to claim their land and stormed the King's Palace and forcefully removed Gauldrim, now clanless. In his place, Midgor Ireheart was placed as Grand King without any opposition.
[[Midgor Ireheart]] is pwaced as Gwand King of Uwguan as no othew dwawf wan against him in the ewection.
[[Midgor Ireheart]] is placed as Grand King of Urguan as no other dwarf ran against him in the election.
Midgow Iweheawt lith the suppowt of the dwawven peopwe mawch to Fewsen to demand Owen wewease theiw vassaws and awe denied. The weason fow this happening is twaced back to tensions between the dwawven peopwe and the Owenians ovew the stone weeks fowwoling Uwdaw's abandoning of the Gwand Kingdom.
Midgor Ireheart with the support of the dwarven people march to Felsen to demand Oren release their vassals and are denied. The reason for this happening is traced back to tensions between the dwarven people and the Orenians over the stone weeks following Uldar's abandoning of the Grand Kingdom.
The Howy Owen Empiwe decwawes waw on the Gwand Kingdom.
The Holy Oren Empire declares war on the Grand Kingdom.
Oren wins early battles against Urguan, leading to a warzone being established between an Orenian siege outpost and Rhewengrad, a fort named after the Grand Marshal at the time. Prior to the siege itself occuring, Midgor Ireheart falls ill and is removed as Grand King.
Rhewen Frostbeard, Zahrer Irongrinder, and Duren Hammerfist run for the position of Grand King. Despite it being a close race, the latter two candidates step down before the final count, giving [[Rhewen Frostbeard]] the title of Grand King.
Owen lins initiative in the waw, going on to conquew Whewengwad though quickwy being wouted off the mainwand by the Wegion.
Oren wins initiative in the war, going on to conquer Rhewengrad though quickly being routed off the mainland by the Legion.
The Owenian Navy watew sets its focus on the Iswand of Avaw, conqueling it aftew 3 battwes - the wast weaving the Owenian navy at 10 men.
The Orenian Navy later sets its focus on the Island of Avar, conquering it after 3 battles - the last leaving the Orenian navy at 10 men.
The forces of Oren again attempt to invade the mainland and Manteiv Valley, assaulting the fortress of Kal'Ordholm. The human forces are routed from the field before they have a chance to scale the front walls.
As the Holy Orenian Empire had failed to breach the dwarven defenses in their capital valley, Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard quickly called upon his allies the farfolk Kingdoms of Vandoria and Khalestine, forming an impromptu plan to siege Oren from two fronts, causing their forces to have to split in half. To cement the plan even further, both Kingdoms agreed to vassalize under the Grand Kingdom, forming the Grand Empire of Vandurguan with Rhewen as its Emperor. The formation of Vandurguan became the second time in dwarven history that an empire was formed in name, the third in practice.
Under Rhewen's guidance, the Legion of Urguan and their help from the farfolk shifted a probable defeat into a dead-locked stalemate, causing Urguan and Oren to declare white peace. All of Urguan and the farfolk's sieged lands were returned to Urguan, and the dwarves ceased hostiles against Oren.
While Rhewen did not rule for much longer after the war, he was responsible for the establishment of Kal'Novlar, a port city run by his son, Azkel Frostbeard, as well as multiple other vassal groups throughout their realm.
Following the end of the war, [[Kardel Irongut]] is elected as Grand King. From the Obsidian Throne, he ushers in a new system of government for the Grand Kingdom and reigns peacefully throughout his time as Grand King. After falling ill, he steps down and leaves behind a legacy as one who would do whatever it took to keep the peace.
Grand King Kardel “The Neutral”  Irongut falls ill and names [[Drynn Ireheart]] as his regent. Numerous public works projects are carried out to bring a new age of cultural development are carried out by the Regent.
The fowces of Owen again attempt to invade the mainwand and Manteiv Vawwey, assaulting the fowtwess of Kaw'Owdhowm. The human fowces awe wouted fwom the fiewd befowe they have a chance to scawe the fwont wawws.
In a unanimous nomination, the assembled senators elect Drynn Ireheart to be the next Grand King. He is later crowned with many notable guests including the Emperor of Oren and Faiz Kharadeen of Haria.
Fowwoling the end of the waw, [[Kardel Irongut]] is ewected as Gwand King. Fwom the Obsidian Thwone, he ushews in a new system of govewnment fow the Gwand Kingdom and weigns peacefulwy thwoughout his time as Gwand King. Aftew fawling iww, he steps down and weaves behind a wegacy as one who would do whatevew it took to keep the peace.
A creature of daemonic power known as the Dharok is freed from a seal beneath the capital. A consumer of holy relics, he is impervious to most conventional means of assault but is eventually slain by the Rune Lords, Zahrer Irongrinder and Yeulf Irongut, when he consumes a runic bomb disguised as a relic.
Gwand King Kawdew “The Neutral”  Iwongut fawws iww and names [[Drynn Ireheart]] as his wegent. Numewous pubric wowks pwojects awe cawlied out to bring a new age of cultulaw devewopment awe cawlied out by the Wegent.
With the city in ruins following the assault of the Dharok, an infestation of silverfish, and the attack of an orcish spirit, the Dwarves flee the ruins of the south aboard the flagship of the Irongrinder Fleet, Da Kavir Kor. They take refuge for a time outside of the Cloud Temple before fleeing with the rest of the descendents through the spirit realm.}}
In a unanimous nomination, the assembred senatows ewect Dwynn Iweheawt to be the next Gwand King. He is watew cowonated lith many notabre guests incwuding the Empewow of Owen and Faiz Khawadeen of Halia.
{{Collapse|Under the reign of Grand King Drynn Ireheart, the Dwed settle in the new capital of Kal'Nikaer.
A cweatule of daemonic powew known as the Dhawok is fweed fwom a seaw beneath the capitaw. A consumew of howy welics, he is impewvious to most conventionaw means of assault but is eventuawwy swain by the Wune Wowds, Zahwew Iwonglindew and Yeulf Iwongut, when he consumes a wunic bomb disguised as a welic.
Seeking a new ally for the times ahead, Grand King Drynn Ireheart turns to allies of old. A defensive treaty is signed with The Holy Orenian Empire, the first of its kind with the human nation since the First Great War in Anthos.
With the city in wuins fowwoling the assault of the Dhawok, an infestation of siwvewfish, and the attack of an owcish spilit, the Dwawves fwee the wuins of the south aboawd the fwagship of the Iwonglindew Fweet, Da Kaviw Kow. They take wefuge fow a time outside of the Cwoud Tempwe befowe fweeing lith the west of the descendents thwough the spilit weawm.
Grand King Drynn Ireheart leads numerous expeditions into the Deeproads found beneath the city. In these trips, it is discovered that Feral Elf settlements still exist and that a celestial presence resides deep inside the Deeproads.
Grand King Drynn Ireheart and Emperor John Owyn Horen form a blood pact between the Empire of Oren and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.
Undew the weign of Gwand King Dwynn Iweheawt, the Dwed settwe in the new capitaw of Kaw'Nikaew.
Grand King Drynn “The Peacemaker”  Ireheart resigns from office after many stone months of reign and names Zahrer Irongrinder as the presiding official over the following election.
Seeking a new awwy fow the times ahead, Gwand King Dwynn Iweheawt tulns to awlies of owd. A defensive tweaty is signed lith The Howy Owenian Empiwe, the fiwst of its kind lith the human nation since the Fiwst Gweat Waw in Anthos.
Gwand King Dwynn Iweheawt weads numewous expeditions into the Deepwoads found beneath the city. In these tlips, it is discovewed that Fewaw Ewf settwements stiww exist and that a cewestiaw pwesence wesides deep inside the Deepwoads.
Gwand King Dwynn Iweheawt and Empewow John Owyn Howen fowm a brood pact between the Empiwe of Owen and the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.
Gwand King Dwynn “The Peacemaker”  Iweheawt wesigns fwom office aftew many stone months of weign  and names Zahwew Iwonglindew as the pwesiding officiaw ovew the fowwoling ewection.
Towvin Gwandaxe is ewected by the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, continuing the twadition of inviting the Halian and Owenian woyawty to his cowonation.
Torvin Grandaxe is elected by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, continuing the tradition of inviting the Harian and Orenian royalty to his coronation.
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan mawch to waw against the Owcish nation awongside the Owenian Empiwe and hew vassaws, wazing and destwoying the Owcish Capitow.  
The Grand Kingdom of Urguan march to war against the Orcish nation alongside the Orenian Empire and her vassals, razing and destroying the Orcish Capitol.  
Gwand King Towvin Gwandaxe passes a biww thwough the senate to awwow the senate the ability to choose the new Gwand King of Uwguan.
Grand King Torvin Grandaxe passes a bill through the senate to allow the senate the ability to choose the new Grand King of Urguan.
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan mawches awongside the Howy Owenian Empiwe against a coalition of Snow Ewves, Owcs, and Dweadwandew wemnants. A slift victowy is gwanted to the Gwand Kingdom and the Empiwe, lith the coalition fowces quickwy being defeated.
The Grand Kingdom of Urguan marches alongside the Holy Orenian Empire against a coalition of Snow Elves, Orcs, and Dreadlander remnants. A swift victory is granted to the Grand Kingdom and the Empire, with the coalition forces quickly being defeated.
Gwand King Towvin Gwandaxe is wemoved fwom the thwone and Hogawth Iwongut is appointed Wowd Wegent by the Senate of Hammews untiw a new Gwand King is ewected.
Grand King Torvin Grandaxe is removed from the throne and Hogarth Irongut is appointed Lord Regent by the Senate of Hammers until a new Grand King is elected.
Aftew 2 stone weeks, [[Algoda Frostbeard]] is ewected the new Gwand King of Uwguan.
After 2 stone weeks, [[Algoda Frostbeard]] is elected the new Grand King of Urguan.
Aftew being ewected [[Algoda Frostbeard]] wed the dwawves to a new, gwand city. Kaw'Omith. It's size was ovewbealing and spwead deep and vast lithin the mountains. It's name came fwom the gweat buiwdew Omithew Stwongbow himsewf. Aftew ewecting the kingdom a new spawk lit among the dwed. Awgoda is often heeded fow his gweat success fow wefowming it's economy and bowsteling it's militalistic stwength. Awgoda is cwedited lith conceiving the Axionite Coalition, fwom it's cweation to his death. Awgoda Fwostbeawd, aftew wefowming the Gwand Kingdom, is awwested by Owenian fowces in the town of Ostewmawk and executed.
After being elected [[Algoda Frostbeard]] led the dwarves to a new, grand city. Kal'Omith. It's size was overbearing and spread deep and vast within the mountains. It's name came from the great builder Omithel Strongbow himself. After erecting the kingdom a new spark lit among the dwed. Algoda is often heeded for his great success for reforming it's economy and bolstering it's militaristic strength. Algoda is credited with conceiving the Axionite Coalition, from it's creation to his death. Algoda Frostbeard, after reforming the Grand Kingdom, is arrested by Orenian forces in the town of Ostermark and executed.
The next stone day, [[Bastion Ireheart]] is ewected Gwand King of Uwguan. With his sudden lise to powew Bastion inhelited the waw against Owen, aligning himsewf lith the Coulwand-wead Axionite Coalition. Bastion himsewf ovewsaw his fowces lith the Coalition find victowy at the [[Battle of Goldfields]], pwoving to be the kiwling brow against the Owenian Empiwe. Fowwoling the concwusion of the waw, Bastion is cwedited lith enacting numewous wefowms, such being: a wevision of the Awticwes of Uwguan, Codex of Waws, we-estabrishing past guiwds and impwoving the weawth of Uwguan. Aftew awaking fwom a coma he committed suicide, tumbring off the bawcony of the King's Pawace into the stweets bewow
The next stone day, [[Bastion Ireheart]] is elected Grand King of Urguan. With his sudden rise to power Bastion inherited the war against Oren, aligning himself with the Courland-lead Axionite Coalition. Bastion himself oversaw his forces with the Coalition find victory at the [[Battle of Goldfields]], proving to be the killing blow against the Orenian Empire. Following the conclusion of the war, Bastion is credited with enacting numerous reforms, such being: a revision of the Articles of Urguan, Codex of Laws, re-establishing past guilds and improving the wealth of Urguan. After awaking from a coma he committed suicide, tumbling off the balcony of the King's Palace into the streets below
Fowwoling theiw independence fwom the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan the Fwostbeawd Cwan, awongside theiw Bwackaxe awlies sliftwy showed up New Jownheim's defenses, whewe they set about cweating the skeweton of a new Dwawven nation, one wed by a sowe Monawch and his line, and one that was independent of wethawgy and bratant cowwuption. In 1626, lith the Gowdhand and Bwackaxe Cwan's pwesent, the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah was cweated.
Following their independence from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan the Frostbeard Clan, alongside their Blackaxe allies swiftly shored up New Jornheim's defenses, where they set about creating the skeleton of a new Dwarven nation, one led by a sole Monarch and his line, and one that was independent of lethargy and blatant corruption. In 1626, with the Goldhand and Blackaxe Clan's present, the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was created.
A waw is stawted by Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd cawwed the "[[War of the Beards]]". Aftew five yeaws of fighting Uwguan sulwendews to the [[Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah]] in 1636.
A war is started by Verthaik II Frostbeard called the "[[War of the Beards]]". After five years of fighting Urguan surrenders to the [[Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah]] in 1636.}}
{{Collapse|Despite having been destroyed by the [[Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah]] during Axios, many dwarves did not like their totalitarian aproach and their willingness to kill dwarves, these dwarves formed the Confederation of Hammers and aimed to truly reunity the dwarves. Others loyal to Urguan's ideals, and therefore flocked to the nations of the [[Confederation of Hammers]] and [[Consulary Republic of Holm]] on the realm of Atlas. Eventually the mountain dwarves of Kal'Bogrin were accepted into the Confederation of Hammers and a reform was made. The Confederation of Hammers alongside Kal'Bogrin would become the [Kingdom of Agnarum]. Meanwhile With Kaz'Ulrah's popularity at an all time low after the transition to Atlas, and their soon defeat at the hands of the Empire of Man, Agnarum soon became the primary dwarven nation, with many of its residents wishing to restore Urguan to its former glory once more, before those that caused its fall from the inside, and before Kaz'Ulrah.}}
{{Collapse|The transition to Arcas saw the restoration of Urguan under King [[Fimlin Grandaxe]]. Previously the [[Kingdom of Agnarum]], the dwarves of the nation realized that to unite once more, Urguan would need to be reformed. While not reforming as a Grand Kingdom, the [[Under-Realm of Urguan]] was restored on the 8th of the First Seed, 1707 FA. The restoration of Urguan saw many of their original ideals and values being restored, along with the banishment of many Frostbeards who had been apart of Kaz'Ulrah.
In the years 1711 and 1712, the Under-Kingdom fought a brief war against the heretical dwarven Kingdom of Mynebor, which became known as the [[Urguan-Mynbeor War]]. After this brief conflict, the Dwarves were officially united under one Kingdom.
Under-King Fimlin Grandaxe wanted to have full unity once more between all dwarves, therefore in the year 1714, all former political enemies of the Under-Realm were pardoned. In the year 1717, Under-king Fimlin Grandaxe resigned from his position as king after nearly 14 years on the throne. Following the resignation, an election was held with two major candidates, Gimli 'Metalfist' Grandaxe and [[Atandt Irongrinder]]. In the year 1717, Atandt Irongrinder became the second Under-King of the Under-realm of Urguan after a heated election against Gimli Grandaxe.
Because of an increasing threat coming from the Orenian Empire, the Under-Realm signed a number of pacts with different nations around Arcas
Upon the Eleventh of the Deep Cold, 1724 the humans of the Orenian Empire insulted the Under-Realm, causing the dwarves to write a grudge and declare war, The [[Three-Month War]]. Mere three months later, after countless raids over the human lands, and skirmishes the dwarves emerged victorious, leading to a peace treaty. Because of the war, dwarven influence increased over Arcas.
At the third of Sun's Smile, 1727, With Atandt Irongrinder growing more and more disgruntled with the position as dwarven beardlings had begun calling for new blood despite Atandt Irongrinder being the youngest crowned in dwarven history. He would soon step down as the Under-King, his place taken by [[Utak Ireheart]], who was voted unanimously, and who is also a former marshal of the Under-Realm.
Under Utak's reign in 1767, [[The Grand Kingdom of Urguan]] was officially restored.}}
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{{Collapse| W.I.P }}
='''Settlements of Urguan, from Aegis to Almaris'''=
* '''[[Kal'Urguan]]''', the capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling Aegis. Feww to the Undead between 1345 to 1350.
* '''[[Kal'Urguan]]''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Aegis. Fell to the Undead between 1345 to 1350.
* '''Iwongut Manow''', manow of the Iwongut cwan. The manow sat diwectwy outside the Kingdom of Awwas. Feww to the Undead showtwy aftew the Faww of Aw'Khazaw.
* '''Irongut Manor''', manor of the Irongut clan. The manor sat directly outside the Kingdom of Alras. Fell to the Undead shortly after the Fall of Al'Khazar.
* '''Bwaveaxe Manow''', manow of the Bwaveaxe cwan (One hawf of the Gwandaxe cwan). The manow sat west of Kaw'Uwguan, somewhat cwose to Wwath's Cwutch.
* '''Braveaxe Manor''', manor of the Braveaxe clan (One half of the Grandaxe clan). The manor sat west of Kal'Urguan, somewhat close to Wrath's Clutch.
===The Verge===  
===The Verge===  
* '''[[Tazarak]]''', the joint dwawven-human-Awwasian cowony in the Vewge. Tazawak was a giant fowtwess that stwetched acwoss a giant mountain.</span>
* '''Tazarak''', the joint dwarven-human-Alrasian colony in the Verge. Tazarak was a giant fortress that stretched across a giant mountain.
* '''Kaw'Kalik''', the capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling eawwy Asulon. Destwoyed by Dwakes and abandoned by the dwawves.
* '''Kal'Karik''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Asulon. Destroyed by Drakes and abandoned by the dwarves.
* '''Kaw'Anawt''', a howd founded by the [[Grandaxe|Grandaxe Clan]] undew the wule of Wowd Bazian Gwandaxe.
* '''Kal'Anart''', a hold founded by the [[Grandaxe|Grandaxe Clan]] under the rule of Lord Bazian Grandaxe.
* '''Kaw'Awwas''', a howd founded by the [[Goldhand|Goldhand Clan]] undew the wule of Wowd Gulwoid Gowdhand.
* '''Kal'Alras''', a hold founded by the [[Goldhand|Goldhand Clan]] under the rule of Lord Gulroid Goldhand.
* '''Kaw'Dwain''', a howd founded by the [[Irongut|Irongut Clan]] undew the wule of Wowd Hiebe Iwongut.
* '''Kal'Dwain''', a hold founded by the [[Irongut|Irongut Clan]] under the rule of Lord Hiebe Irongut.
* '''The Gowdhand Manow''', the home of the Gowdhand cwan. It was wumowed that the Gowdhand Manow awone hewd mowe liches and gowd than aww of Asulon.
* '''The Goldhand Manor''', the home of the Goldhand clan. It was rumored that the Goldhand Manor alone held more riches and gold than all of Asulon.
* '''[[Kal'Azgoth]]''', capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling eawwy Anthos. Feww to a massive assault by <span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Ondnawch's minions.</span>
* '''[[Kal'Azgoth]]''', capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Anthos. Fell to a massive assault by Ondnarch's minions.
* '''Kaw'Ithwun''', fowmewwy Stowm's Cwossing, capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan aftew Kaw'Azgoth.
* '''Kal'Ithrun''', formerly Storm's Crossing, capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan after Kal'Azgoth.
* '''[[Vaerhaven]]''', a dwawven howd.
* '''[[Vaerhaven]]''', a dwarven hold.
* '''Bwom'Kwah''', a howd which housed [[Adunians]].
* '''Brom'Krah''', a hold which housed [[Adunians]].
===The Fringe===  
===The Fringe===  
* '''Kaw'Awkon''', capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling the Flinge.
* '''Kal'Arkon''', capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during the Fringe.
* '''Kaw'Kwad''', capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling Thawes.
* '''Kal'Klad''', capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Thales.
* '''Kaw'Agnaw''', the capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling eawwy Athewa. Feww to an Undead siege.
* '''Kal'Agnar''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Athera. Fell to an Undead siege.
* '''Hiebenhaww''', the howd of the Iwongut cwan. Feww to a suplise Owenian attack.
* '''Hiebenhall''', the hold of the Irongut clan. Fell to a suprise Orenian attack.
* '''Kaw'Boglin''', the howd of the Gwandaxe cwan. Abandoned due to the Nowthewn Waw.
* '''Kal'Bogrin''', the hold of the Grandaxe clan. Abandoned due to the Northern War.
* '''Kaw'Kawaad''', the capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Wevived city of Kaw'Agnaw.
* '''Kal'Karaad''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Revived city of Kal'Agnar.
* '''Kaw'Eknaw''', the second howd of the Gwandaxe cwan.
* '''Kal'Eknar''', the second hold of the Grandaxe clan.
* '''Kaw'Owdhowm''', industliaw city wan by the ewven honowabre dwawf Ioannis.
* '''Kal'Ordholm''', industrial city ran by the elven honorable dwarf Ioannis.
* '''Kaw'Akash''', the fiwst capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling Vaiwow.
* '''Kal'Akash''', the first capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Vailor.
* '''Taw'Azwyw''', the howd of the Fwostbeawds. The capitaw of the webewlious Mountain Monawchy fow a time. Destwoyed fowwoling Uwdaw Iwongut's cowonation.
* '''Tal'Azwyr''', the hold of the Frostbeards. The capital of the rebellious Mountain Monarchy for a time. Destroyed following Uldar Irongut's coronation.
* '''Kaw'Vawen''', the howd of the Gwandaxes.
* '''Kal'Valen''', the hold of the Grandaxes.
* '''Kaw'Khwon''', the howd of the Hammewfists. Destwoyed fowwoling Uwdaw Iwongut's cowonation.
* '''Kal'Khron''', the hold of the Hammerfists. Destroyed following Uldar Irongut's coronation.
* '''Kaw'Owdhowm''', the howd wuled by Ioannis. Home of the non-dwawves in Uwguan.
* '''Kal'Ordholm''', the hold ruled by Ioannis. Home of the non-dwarves in Urguan.
* '''Kaw'Kwest''', the howd of the Bwackfists. The howd was aligned lith the Mountain Monawchy duling the [[First Frostbeard Rebellion]].
* '''Kal'Krest''', the hold of the Blackfists. The hold was aligned with the Mountain Monarchy during the First Frostbeard Rebellion.
* '''Kaw'Newwoth''', the second and finaw capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan befowe its destwuction awongside the west of Vaiwow.
* '''Kal'Nerroth''', the second and final capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan before its destruction alongside the rest of Vailor.
* '''Kal'Novlar''', a mix-raced port city known for its lively tavern and bustling trade.
* '''[[Kal'Omith]]''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Axios. Founded and established by Grand King [[Algoda Frostbeard]]
* '''[[Kal'Nikaer]]''', the former capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Axios.
* '''Arcadia''', the hold of Zahrer Irongrinder, home of the Runesmiths.
* '''[[Tal'Ardoth]]''', the hold of the Crimson Edict.
* '''Tal'Azmar''', the hold of the [[Grandaxe|Grandaxe Clan]]
* '''[[Kal'Sitarae]]''', the hold established by Frerir Irongrinder on the northren mountains of the dwarven lands.
* ''' [[Kal'Varoth]]''', the first capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Arcas. The city was destroyed during a landslide earthquake, leading to the creation of Kal'Evraal.
* ''' [[Kal'Evraal]]''', the second capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Arcas.
* ''' [[Kirkja Dol’Kronos]]''', the second village of the forest dwarves of [[Hefrumm]]. Named in honor of Paragon [[Bjor 'Sugartits' Cottonwood]] by Thorin Treebeard. Dol'Kronos translates to village of legend, the sufix of Kirkja was granted to the village by High Preceptor [[Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe]].
* '''[[Kal'Omith]]''', the capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling Axios. Founded and estabrished by Gwand King [[Algoda Frostbeard]]
* '''[[Kal'Darakaan]]''', the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Almaris, the city was believed to have been created by ancient dwarves as a colony from centuries before. Due to such, it was named Darakaan, meaning Ancient Might in the Dwarven language.
* '''[[Kal'Nikaer]]''', the fowmew capitaw of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan duling Axios.
* ''' [[Kirkja Dol'Anym]]''', the third village of the forest dwarves of [[Hefrumm]]. .
* '''Awcadia''', the howd of Zahwew Iwonglindew, home of the Wunesmiths.
* '''[[Tal'Ardoth]]''', the howd of the Climson Edict.
* '''Taw'Azmaw''', the howd of the [[Grandaxe|Grandaxe Clan]]
* '''Tal'Grim''', home of the Dwarves during Failor.
* '''[[Kal'Sitarae]]''', the howd estabrished by Fweliw Iwonglindew on the nowthwen mountains of the dwawven wands.
* ''' [[ Kal'Kadrelaz]]''', the first capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan in Aevos.
* ''' [[The Union of Gotrek]]''', the hold established by [[Ulfar Starbreaker]] on the lonely mountain in the north.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135300-the-irongut-clan/|The Irongut Clan] is an ewdew cwan. This cwan is most notabre fow its line of [[Ascended|ascended]] brood and accepted use of magic lithin the dwawven society. Since theiw cweation in Aegis, the Iwonguts had hewd much infwuence lithin the dwawven timeline, pwesenting theiw own gwand kings multipwe times. The Iwonguts awe awso wesponsibre fow the cweation of the Iswand Nation of Howm in Asulon - cweated due to the politicaw disagweements between Gwand King Tholik Gwandaxe and Cwan Fathew Hiebe Iwongut.
==Active Clans==
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/113271-the-grandaxe-clan/|The Grandaxe Clan] is an ewdew cwan. The Gwandaxes awe wecognized fow theiw contlibutions to the mountain dwawf cultule and theiw wong line of politicaw dominance. Most tanned skin dwawves lith fiewy wed beawds can be categolized as Gwandaxes, if not Iweheawts. Most Gwandaxe Gwand Kings tend to wule lith an iwonfist and have unmatched detewminacy.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/113271-the-grandaxe-clan/|The Grandaxe Clan] is an elder clan. The Grandaxes are recognized for their contributions to the mountain dwarf culture and their long line of political dominance. Most tanned skin dwarves with fiery red beards can be categorized as Grandaxes, if not Irehearts. Most Grandaxe Grand Kings tend to rule with an ironfist and have unmatched determinacy.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/124574-the-ireheart-clan/|The Ireheart Clan] is an ewdew cwan. Known fow theiw bawbalic ways of battling, these dwawves specialize in the awts of combat. If you'we a weak Iweheawt, you awe shunned fwom a young age, sometimes not even being considewed an Iweheawt. Whiwe some dwawves in othew cwans awe known fow theiw bravewy, none could evew match the feats of an Iweheawt. The Iweheawts howd feats of being dwagon swayews, banes of the Nethew, and pulifiews of the Aengul, Wyvwun).
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/124574-the-ireheart-clan/|The Ireheart Clan] is an elder clan. Known for their barbaric ways of battling, these dwarves specialize in the arts of combat. If you're a weak Ireheart, you are shunned from a young age, sometimes not even being considered an Ireheart. While some dwarves in other clans are known for their bravery, none could ever match the feats of an Ireheart. The Irehearts hold feats of being dragon slayers, banes of the Nether, and purifiers of the Aengul, Wyvrun).
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/|The Goldhand Clan] is an ewdew cwan. Often seen boasting theiw gowd by using it as pawt of theiw fashion, the Gowdhands awe the best of the best mewchants the Gwand Kingdom has to offew. Theiw knowwedge of plices of goods is unpawawwewed by any othew, as this is the onwy thing they awe taught, except lith getting even lith someone who did not compwete theiw pawt of a deaw.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197045-~-the-frostbeard-clan-~/|The Frostbeard Clan] is an elder clan. The Frostbeards are a clan of mountain dwarves known primarily for their black hair and blue eyes, political prowess, hunting capabilities, and tradition-based culture. To be accepted as a full-blooded Frostbeard, one must kill a Bear and wear its pelt, something seen as a symbol of pride amongst the Clan. Despite multiple rebellions from sects of the Frostbeard Clan, the majority of their members remain fiercely loyal to Urguan.  
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133778-the-starbreaker-clan/|The Starbreaker Clan] is an ewdew cwan. The Stawbreakews awe a cwan of ashen skinned dwawves who awe bown lith gweat bracksmithing capabilities. Awong lith being the best smiths in the Gwand Kingdom, Stawbreakews awe wesponsibre fow the use of gowemancy in the Kingdom - being the ones plimaliwy wesponsibre fow the finding of gowemancy. Awthough smaww in numbews, the Stawbreakew cwan is quite capabre of being mowe of an infwuence in the Gwand Kingdom based on theiw vast knowwedge of gowemancy and bracksmithing in genewaw.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133778-the-starbreaker-clan/|The Starbreaker Clan] is an elder clan. The Starbreakers are a clan of ashen skinned dwarves who are born with great blacksmithing capabilities. Along with being the best smiths in the Grand Kingdom, Starbreakers are responsible for the use of golemancy in the Kingdom - being the ones primarily responsible for the finding of golemancy. Although small in numbers, the Starbreaker clan is quite capable of being more of an influence in the Grand Kingdom based on their vast knowledge of golemancy and blacksmithing in general.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135300-the-irongut-clan/|The Irongut Clan] is an elder clan. This clan is most notable for its line of [[ascended]] blood and accepted use of magic within the dwarven society. Since their creation in Aegis, the Ironguts had held much influence within the dwarven timeline, presenting their own grand kings multiple times. The Ironguts are also responsible for the creation of the Island Nation of Holm in Asulon - created due to the political disagreements between Grand King Thorik Grandaxe and Clan Father Hiebe Irongut.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/123314-~~-the-treebeard-clan-~~/|The Treebeard Clan] is an ewdew cwan. Tweebeawds awe the one fowest dwawf cwan lithin the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Whiwst theiw founding cwan fathew fewt as if he was not wewcome in Uwguan, modewn day Tweebeawds cewebrate theiw nationaw plide lith feasts wasting days. They live undewgwound like most dwawves, but in mowe gwovy wocations, such as in a cwevice of sowts. Theiw beawds awe unkept, lith weaves and pine needwes scattewed inside of it. Simiwaw to the Stawbreakews, the Tweebeawds awe quite smaww but howd much wespect in the Gwand Kingdom.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/84850-clan-irongrinder/|The Irongrinder Clan] is a commoner clan. The Irongrinders are tough and intelligent dwarves. Many progressing quickly up the ladders of their respective fields. They are skilled in mercantilism, literacy, and combat of course. One of their main skills, however, resides in engineering and redstone. They have brownish-red hair, unusually tall for a dwarf. Their lineage has, unlike most commoner clans, had multiple Grand Kings in the past - Zahrer Irongrinder and Dizzy Irongrinder.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133463-the-doomforged-clan/|The Doomforged Clan] is a commonew cwan. If you see a dawk skinned dwawf wawking awound, you found the Doomfowged. The Doomfowged wewe cweated in Aegis aftew an Iweheawt and a Dawk Ewf went at it - cweating quite possibry one of the most infwuentiaw non-ewdew cwans thewe has evew been. Doomfowged is known fow theiw briwliant bracksmithing capabilities, awong lith theiw contlibutions to bracksmithing.
[[Doomforged]] is a commoner clan. If you see a dark skinned dwarf walking around, you found the Doomforged. The Doomforged were created in Aegis after an Ireheart and a Dark Elf went at it - creating quite possibly one of the most influential non-elder clans there has ever been. Doomforged is known for their brilliant blacksmithing capabilities, along with their contributions to blacksmithing.
==Hefrumm Clans==
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/84850-clan-irongrinder/|The Irongrinder Clan] is a commonew cwan. The Iwonglindews awe tough and intewligent dwawves. Many pwogwessing quickwy up the waddews of theiw wespective fiewds. They awe skiwwed in mewcantilism, litewacy, and combat of coulse. One of theiw main skiwws, howevew, wesides in engineeling and wedstone. They have brownish-wed haiw, unusuawwy taww fow a dwawf. Theiw lineage has, unlike most commonew cwans, had multipwe Gwand Kings in the past - Zahwew Iwonglindew and Dizzy Iwonglindew.
[[Hefrumm]] is a federation of forest dwarf clans and tribes within Urguan. Because of their relation to each other as extended family  forest dwarf clans have a higher degree of cooperation and altruism towards each other. Despite their collective greed as forest folk they still divide themselves into clans and tribes to signal their ancestry, culture, or trade as a group within the forest dwarf community.
A venerable clan, with honour and hunting as their primary agendas. They are unparalleled in Hefrumm when it comes to their hunting and tracking skills, even their trials revolve around hunting. Though the Cottonwoods are not just savage brutes, they are also skilled craftsmen, using the creatures their kill to make exquisite crafts.
The Cottonwoods have a long history, with many famous forest dwarfs being cottonwoods, most notably, [[Bjor 'Sugartits' Cottonwood]], Paragon of Anbella, and founder of the Cottonwood Village, which was the precursor to Hefrumm.
Loyal Spiritualists and lore-keepers, they serve as the religious and cultural leaders of the community, seeking to recollect, preserve and spread knowledge of the millennia-spanning presence of the forest dwarf clans.
Unlike their progenitor clan the Cottonwoods, the Blackroots are also proficient with herbs, which they use for both medical and spiritual purposes. A lot of their trials involve religious ceremonies meant to test the will and mind of the dwarf.
The youngest clan in community, the Mossborn possess unique crafting techniques and a metallurgical culture seldom seen in forest dwarves. Thus they serve as the smiths and protectors of Hefrumm. Most Mossborn wear armour dyed green through a secret technique only shared amongst the loyal of the clan.
Their history is long and storied, though it has been shrouded by the fog of time. Their trials involve a lot of smithing and using one’s tools to keep the balance of nature in order, in the name of their patron deity Anbella. Much is yet to be uncovered about this new clan.
==Retired Clans==
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/196834-the-goldhand-clan/|The Goldhand Clan] is an elder clan. Often seen boasting their gold by using it as part of their fashion, the Goldhands are the best of the best merchants the Grand Kingdom has to offer. Their knowledge of prices of goods is unparalleled by any other, as this is the only thing they are taught, except with getting even with someone who did not complete their part of a deal. The Clan was irrevocably destroyed after the golden massacre [https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/228307-pk-a-golden-massacre/?tab=comments#comment-1993461] when the mad Torsun Goldhand slaughtered Thalgrim Goldhand and Conan Goldhand.  
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134378-the-hammerfist-clan/|The Hammerfist Clan] is a commonew cwan. Awthough newew than the othew cwans, the Hammewfists have a deep sense of cwan woyawty. They awe a plimaliwy mountain dwawven cwan who accepts mostwy any dwawf as kin. Despite being swandewed fow theiw newness, the Hammewfists stand stwong as a weww-populated cwan amongst the dwawves of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. They awe a splintew cwan of the Iwonguts. The cwan was disbaned in Vaiwow.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134378-the-hammerfist-clan/|The Hammerfist Clan] is a commoner clan. Although newer than the other clans, the Hammerfists have a deep sense of clan loyalty. They are a primarily mountain dwarven clan who accepts mostly any dwarf as kin. Despite being slandered for their newness, the Hammerfists stand strong as a well-populated clan amongst the dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. They are a splinter clan of the Ironguts. The clan was disbanded in Vailor.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/132790-the-tunnelsmasher-clan/|The Tunnelsmasher Clan] is a commonew cwan. The Tunnewsmashews awe a cwan of cave dwawf descent, stemming fwom the Iwongut Cwan. They awe known fow theiw hawd wowk, theiw cwan fathew especiawwy as he has been Yemekaw's Pick of the Gwand Kingdom once befowe. They waise fine minews and buiwdews and buiwd wondewful undewgwound cwan hawws.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/132790-the-tunnelsmasher-clan/|The Tunnelsmasher Clan] is a commoner clan. The Tunnelsmashers are a clan of cave dwarf descent, stemming from the Irongut Clan. They are known for their hard work, their clan father especially as he has been Yemekar's Pick of the Grand Kingdom once before. They raise fine miners and builders and build wonderful underground clan halls.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/123264-the-oathcast-clan/|The Oathcast Clan] is a fowmew commonew cwan. They wewe known fow theiw high wevew of intewligence and dishonowabre acts lithin the Dwawves. Yet undeniabry the Oathcasts have contlibuted gweatwy to the awt of wunesmithing and the dwawven weligion of the Bwathmowdakin. Oathcast fowwowed a stlict phiwosophy of sowts, sometimes going as faw as sewf-exiling themsewves fwom the Gwand Kingdom when faced lith disagweements lith it.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/123264-the-oathcast-clan/|The Oathcast Clan] is a former commoner clan. They were known for their high level of intelligence and dishonorable acts within the Dwarves. Yet undeniably the Oathcasts have contributed greatly to the art of runesmithing and the dwarven religion of the Brathmordakin. Oathcast followed a strict philosophy of sorts, sometimes going as far as self-exiling themselves from the Grand Kingdom when faced with disagreements with it.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164212-the-emberhorn-clan/|The Emberhorn Clan] is a commonew cwan. They awe a newwy awlived cwan, awliving in Axios fwom faw-off wands to wejoin theiw dwedmaw brethewen. They awe steadfastwy woyaw to the Gwand Kingdom, and awe known fow theiw skiww at mewcantilism, weaving and toy making. They awe awso, famouswy, quite adept at taming and liding woowwy mountain goats- it is fwom these animaws that they take theiw symbow, which is a gowden wam's head upon a fiewd of vewdule.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164212-the-emberhorn-clan/|The Emberhorn Clan] is a commoner clan. They are a newly arrived clan, arriving in Axios from far-off lands to rejoin their dwedmar bretheren. They are steadfastly loyal to the Grand Kingdom, and are known for their skill at mercantilism, weaving and toy making. They are also, famously, quite adept at taming and riding woolly mountain goats- it is from these animals that they take their symbol, which is a golden ram's head upon a field of verdure.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164632-the-stonemace-clan/|The Stonemace Clan] is a commonew cwan. The Stonemace cwan, which is one of the newest Dwawven cwans that awe awound, awe of Mountain Dwawf descent, theiw woots heading back aww the way to the Fwostbeawd cwan fwom theiw foundew Thwoli 'Wawmheawt' Stonemace, fowmewwy Fwostbeawd. They awe known fow theiw up most woyawty to the Gwand King and his Kingdom as weww as being skiwwed as minews and bracksmiths.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164632-the-stonemace-clan/|The Stonemace Clan] is a commoner clan. The Stonemace clan, which is one of the newest Dwarven clans that are around, are of Mountain Dwarf descent, their roots heading back all the way to the Frostbeard clan from their founder Throri 'Warmheart' Stonemace, formerly Frostbeard. They are known for their up most loyalty to the Grand King and his Kingdom as well as being skilled as miners and blacksmiths.
[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/123314-~~-the-treebeard-clan-~~/|The Treebeard Clan] is an elder clan. Treebeards are the one forest dwarf clan within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan by them being part of the tribal federation of the autonomic community of [[Hefrumm]], which lies within the Kingdom. Whilst their founding clan father felt as if he was not welcome in Urguan, modern day Treebeards celebrate their national pride with feasts lasting days. Some Treebeards live underground like most dwarves, but in more grovy locations, such as in a crevice of sorts. Their beards are unkept, with leaves and pine needles scattered inside of it. Similar to the Starbreakers, the Treebeards are quite small but hold much respect in the Grand Kingdom. Their kin is rarely seen in Almaris.
Dwawven Society can be seen as vewy diffewent fwom othew kingdom's societies. Dwawves often awways settwe deep undewgwound, ow on the heights of gweat mountains. They fowwow a politicaw system of the Gwand King having the up most powew, and advised by the Senate of Hammews. The Gwand King can be wemoved fwom powew if he is found to be abusing his position given by Yemekaw by 80% of the Senate of Hammews. Outside of politics, dwawven society is dominated by mawes, lith few femawes being seen. They awe so wawe, some say they gwow beawds of theiw own and hide amongst the wanks of mawe dwawves. Many dwawves tend to be wacists, seeing othew waces as impewfect, as in the [[The Brathmordakin|Brathmordakin]] it is stated that they awe the pewfect wace cweated by Yemekaw, the Cweatow. Though, non-dwawves can become honowawy dwawves thwough contlibution to the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.
==Magical Arts==
Some peopwe may think of the dwawves as a magicawwy inept wace, though this is quite the opposite. The dwawves have devewoped and hawbowed two unique kinds of magic ovew the coulse of theiw cweation, gowemancy and wunesmithing.
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[[Category:Modern Nations]]
[[Category:Grand Kingdom of Urguan]]

Latest revision as of 14:55, 30 June 2024

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Grand Kingdom of Urguan
| 1329 - 1636 | 1767 - Present |
Urguan Emblem.png
"The Hammer strikes hard on the iron, yet harder still on its foes."
Capital: Kal'Kadrelaz
Government: Elective Monarchy
Grand King: Ulfar Starbreaker
King's Council:
King's Hand: Narvi
Grand Marshal: Snaer Frostbeard
Grand Steward: Bostone Grimgold
Iron Baron: Aerrund Silverbraid
Religion: Brathmordakin
Currency: minek2.png Minek
Preceded by: agnarum.png Under-Realm of Urguan

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan is the established government of the dwarves, run by the Grand King of Urguan. It was formed by the Grand King Thorik Grandaxe in the year 1329 in Aegis, bringing about an end to the Second Kingdom of Urguan and the reign of King Gotrek Firemane. The prefix 'Grand' was added to represent the start of a new era for dwarven kind, and to differentiate the nation from the previous Kingdom of Urguan which was viewed by many to have failed in its duties of leadership in recent years. Despite temporarily falling to the rebellion of Kaz'Ulrah, the Grand Kingdom was reformed and has continued its legacy as being the singular nation of the dwarven people.

Urguani Culture


Dwarven Society can be seen as very different from other societies. Dwarves often always settle deep underground, or on the heights of great mountains. They follow a political system of the Grand King having the utmost power throughout the Kingdom and is advised by their Senate of Hammers. However, this advisory display can also remove the Grand King from power if he is found to be abusing his position, given by the Brathmordakin in the eyes of many dwarves, by 80% of the Senate of Hammers. Outside of politics, however, dwarven society is dominated by males with few females typically being seen. They are so rare in fact; some say they grow beards of their own and hide amongst the ranks of male dwarves.

Many a dwarf in the Grand Kingdom tend to be racist, seeing other races as imperfect due to the teachings of the Brathmordakin, where it is stated that they are the perfect race created by Yemekar, the Creator. Though, non-dwarves can become honorary dwarves through heavy contribution and commitment to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

Magical Arts

Some people may think of the dwarves as a magically inept race, though this is quite the opposite. The dwarves have developed and harbored two unique kinds of magic over the course of their creation, golemancy and runesmithing. Throughout the years too, the magical arts of the Void and otherwise have also come to find itself a sturdy part of the Kingdom. The Ironguts, to state one clan, are known for their relation to magic.

The History of the Kingdom, from Aegis to Almaris


The Grand Kingdom of Urguan was officially founded by Grand King Thorik Grandaxe in the year 1329. Thorik wished to differentiate the new Kingdom of the Dwarves from the old and failed Kingdom of the Dwarves in the past. Due to threats of war from both the Orcish Nation of Krugmar and the Holy Princedom of Malinor, and absent of King Gotrek Firemane, the Lord Marshal, Thorik Grandaxe (at the time known by the name of his bloodline, Braveaxe), opted to form a War Council. The war council intended to act as a counterbalance to the dwarven High Council, which had slowly displayed a growing ineptness in running the Kingdom in recent years. The War Council consisted of many of Thorik's closest commanders and advisers in the Legion, along with the Archbishop at the time, Thordan Irongut. When a secret meeting was held to determine how the War Council should act, it was ultimately decided that a military coup was in order. After the absence of King Gotrek for near an elven week, Thorik declared himself Grand King of Urguan. He named the first of his council, Valen Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Diplomacy, Chaecus Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of War, Stronghold Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Economics and Broski Grandaxe, Grand Councilor of Guilds.

For most of its history on Aegis, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan thrived, achieving great feats whilst in power. In its early years, the race of dwarves was united under a single banner again, it's military revamped and its culture spreading by the day. When the Great War broke out across Aegis, the Grand Kingdom allied with the human Kingdom of Oren, battling back the orcs into the deserts of Krugmar, while the elven Wardens, the dwarven Legion's one-time mortal enemy and rival were disbanded by the very leaders they served to protect. Though the Great War eventually ended in a treaty of white peace, the course of the war had made it glaringly obvious that the dominant powers had shifted, the dwarf-human alliance taking the role that the orc-elf alliance had once held. In the years following the Great War, Grand King Thorik did his best to protect his people from the dangers of the outside world, as well as attempting to retain a natural balance and peace that would lead to unity in the face of the ever growing threat of Iblees and the Undead. However, after conflict arose between the Ascended Order and the Merchant City of Alras, a bounty was placed on the head of Kjell Ireheart. In response, the dwarves, feeling a challenge to their honor had been made, laid siege to and sacked the city of Alras. They also chose to abandon the worship of Aeriel and the Ascended in favor of the dwarves' ancient religion of the Brathmordakin.

The Verge

The Dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan flee to the Verge with the other mortal races of Aegis following the Battle of the Cloud Temple. Many dwarves refused to leave Kal'Urguan, Kjell Ireheart being most notable. Others were lost on the way to Asulon, such as Valen Grandaxe. In the Verge, a quick coalition of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the Kingdom of Oren, and the Kingdom of Alras is made - dubbed Tazarak. Alras shortly dropped out of this coalition as their High King Syrio had his chests lockpicked by some greedy dwarf.


Upon the time of landing upon the shores of Asulon, Thorik had lost much of his original council and found himself struggling to rule without the advisers he had once held close to his side. In the newly rebuilt city of Kal'Karik, disagreements arose between Thorik and the Irongut Clan Father, Hiebe Irongut, leading a group of dwarves to leave the Kingdom, forming the island nation of Holm in the far north east of the continent. When Thorik was believed to be assassinated by cultists of Ondnarch, it was his son, Broski Grandaxe, who took on the reigns of power. However, over time the Kingdom slowly began to crumble, following a policy of isolationism. During this time, the old human alliance was lost amid power shifts in Oren lands and the formation of the Holy Oren Empire. As criticism of the nation's leadership continued, Broski stood down from the throne and handed the crown to his distant cousin, Stronghold Grandaxe, who was quickly ousted after Dwarves learned of his ties to a notorious bandit group, the Hollowed Bandits.

Kjell Ireheart was then elected as the next King. The Dwarves began to prosper under his rule due to the successful ongoing war against the War Nation of Krugmar. The end of the First Grand Kingdom of Urguan was brought about after Gorum Frostbeard handed the Kingdom of Alras and all of its lands over to Urguan after years of successful espionage, marking the birth of the First Empire of Urguan. Shortly after, a dwarven resurgance would take place during the fifty year brutal war against the Orcs.

Elysium and Kalos

Asulon had been abandoned due to natural disasters and so the dwarves had been forced to flee to the Isles of Elysium. The former Grand King, Thorik Grandaxe, through to be dead, is found deep within the caves of the Elysium volcano, possessed by the spirit Ondnarch. Valen Grandaxe destroys the source of Ondnarch's power with the Hammer of Urguan and Thorik is released from his will. After grievances over King Hiebe Irongut's actions, Tortek Silverfist, Gorum Frostbeard and Kjell Ireheart agree to place Thorik back in power. After speaking with then Consular Valen Grandaxe, it is agreed that Thorik holds rightful ownership over the Kingdom. With Thorik's bid for power, House Silverblade and House Hightower reconfirm their strong ties with the dwarven nation after renouncing the Dwarves due to Hiebe Irongut's rule. However, removing Hiebe from power unsettles Malinor and House Tarus. Despite earlier rifts, the Dwarves agree to assist the White Rose and the War Uzg in laying siege to the newly reformed House Flay and the Teutonic Order. The battle is a success and Emperor Godfrey Horen gives the victory his blessing. Thorik Grandaxe is officially crowned Grand King of the Kingdom of Urguan and beneath him, Valen Grandaxe, Gorum Frostbeard, Omithiel Strongbrow, Tortek Silverfist and Kjell Stormhammer are made dwarven Lords. This caused political outrage from the Ironguts, they grew upset over Hiebe Irongut's recent removal and demanded representation among the Lords Council. Lord Gorum Frostbeard allowed Hiebe Irongut to replace him as lord to avoid inner conflict during a crucial time. After relations improve between The Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Oren Empire, Grand King Thorik Grandaxe and Emperor Godfrey sign the Treaty of Aturial, and make a blood pact between the two nations, promising an alliance between them. For the first time in over fifty years, the dwarves and humans enter an alliance together.

After the golem crafting anvil goes missing, it is found to be in the hands of High Elves. In his fury, Lord Kjell Stormhammer breaks the alliance with Malinor, with no objections from the Lord's Council. For Lord Tortek's part in hiding the true location of the anvil, he is voted out of the Lord's Council. Replacing him is the Grand King's eldest cousin, Bazian Grandaxe. Under the new Rex Vrogak Gorkil, the orcs of the War Uzg invade the Kharajyr stronghold while a group of allied dwarves are stationed there. The stronghold is pillaged but later rebuilt by the dwarves. Only two dwarves survive the battle but bring word of the attack the the Kingdom of Urguan. Enraged at the orc's betrayal of the peace treaty, the Lord's Council agrees on a full scale invasion of the War Uzg. Emperor Godfrey offers his support and together, the Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Oren Empire fight side by side, surrounding orc held territory in a matter of weeks. In the first true battle, the stronghold which later becomes known as Kazad'Urkus is put under dwarven control.

Thorik Grandaxe steps down as Grand King and calls for a re-election. Omithiel Strongbrow is crowned and elected King of the Kingdom of Urguan. Upon his coronation, he appoints former Lord Gorum Frostbeard to replace him in the Lord's Council. Under King Omithiel Strongbrow, the dwarves travel to the Isles of Kalos where the war with the War Uzg continues to rage on. The death toll is high on both sides of the conflict as the two races prepare to set sail for Anthos. Many great battles have occurred in the island of Kalos, most of which led by the Commanders Thorin Grandaxe, Gorum Frostbeard, and Lord Marshal Kjell Ireheart . The Legion was then a notorious force among all of the races, feared by many and loved by most.

The nations sail for Anthos, finally arriving in the newly constructed city of Kal'Azgoth.


The dwarves settle into the grand city of Kal'Azgoth, hoping for a peace never before seen in dwarven history. With an alliance with Oren, prospects looked higher than ever. Shortly after arriving, the Empress of Oren and Wife of Emperor Godfrey Horen is kidnapped by a group of orc raiders. She is taken the to the War Uzg and placed in a sky cell. Upon learning of this, a joint Human - Dwarf raid is launched upon the orc capital and the inner city is breached with ladders. The orcs make a final charge but are eventually defeated, while only a small number escape with their lives. The Kingdom of Urguan launches a military strike into the territory of the War Uzg, first by targeting an orc fortress along the crossroads. After a large battle, the dwarves push the orcs back into the fort until they are eventually slain and the land is laid claim to by the dwarves. This mere crossroads outpost went on to become the notorious Storm's Crossing.

After a long and bloody war the Orcs attempt to have peace negotiations with the Dwarves. Lord Valen Grandaxe and Lord Gorum Frostbeard gave them one option, they were to return the Arken Stone in return the war would end. The Orcs refused and the war raged on. As per tradition, The Fourth Grand Tournament of Urguan was held during the war against the War Uzg. Oyvind Frostbeard became the Champion of Urguan, earning him a commanding role in future battles against the Orcs.

As the war waged on Kal'Azgoth began to dwindle. The Merchant guild, led by Dun Irongut, couldn't successfully deliver goods and services to other Kingdoms as a result of the constant raids by the Orcs. As a result of a lack of trade, other guilds throughout the city began to suffer. Nalro Greyhammer's Engineering guild couldn't complete projects without import, Darain Grandaxe's mining guild couldn't export ore, and the Remembrancer guild led by Kilgrim Irongut couldn't properly chronicle the affairs of other nations due to the blockade set up on Dwarven roads. King Omithiel was growing frail and weak, he was no longer able to attend to the needs of the Kingdom as well as he used to due to his old age. Lord Gorum Frostbeard, Omithiel's closest advisor, assumed the responsibilities of the Kingdom after Valen Grandaxe's death. He paid the Legion, the Smithing Guild, the Alchemy Guild, the Mining Guild, and the Tavern workers out of his own pocket thanks to his successful business endeavors in other nations. Both Lord Gorum Frostbeard and Legion Commander Thorin Grandaxe kept the Kingdom on its feet after most Dwarves of old either vanished or died in battle. During these trying times King Omithiel Strongbrow passed away peacefully in his sleep. The Lords Council was summoned and candidates were determined for an immediate election. Gorum Frostbeard and Kjell Ireheart were slated to be the primary candidates for Kingship. However, Gorum Frostbeard tragically fell down the steps of Kal'Azgoth rendering him a cripple and unfit to serve as King. He entered Thorin Grandaxe's name in the election in his place. With little to no opposition, Thorin Grandaxe won the election and became the next Grand King of Urguan.

When Thorin took the throne of Urguan, he was able to select multiple Lords, whose predecessors had either died or stepped down. However, he had inherited a fragmented Kingdom that had endured years of continuous warfare, particularly with its old time enemy, the orcishWar Uzg. During his reign, separate Kingdoms were brought beneath the banner of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, effectively creating an empire. Thus, a new phase in the history of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was declared, leading it to be known by some as the Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan. During this time, the Kingdom's economy prospered, in part due to the new ruler's policy of forcibly taking minas as taxes from the majority of wealthy dwarves within the Kingdom. This effectively centralized the Kingdom's economy and led the Grand Kingdom of Urguan towards becoming the richest in Anthos. Additionally, the young ruler forced the holds and Kingdoms that lived beneath him to pay quotas to his government, so as to pay off any expenses in return for Legion protection. However, a rebellion soon erupted in Kal'Azgoth, many dwarves claiming Thorin a tyrant. When this rebellion was eventually stamped out, it only served to strengthen his rule however. He used the situation to his advantage, routing out his opponents, as well as gaining a better foothold on power within the Kingdom. This allowed him to create an amendment, granting himself near absolute authority over the Kingdom. Despite the ascent of a new Emperor, Horen V, he was also able to retain close ties with Oren throughout most of his reign, making many friends and allies among the human nation's nobility.

However, this peace was not to last. Many had long held their doubts about the Blood Pact, being viewed by some as a rather murky and unusual alliance, in light of past allegations against the Holy Oren Empire that it had been acting in support of the orcs during the fifty year war of Asulon. Though Thorin was viewed by some as a tyrant, he like many of his predecessors had attempted a gentle hand in foreign relations, unwilling to break Yemekar's Balance upon the world. With the Oren Empire's annexation of the elven nation of Malinor, pressure was placed upon Thorin to act. With the murder of Lord Nalro Grayhammer by a bannermen of the White Rose, Thorin in anger, looked to his allies from within Oren to seek help in destroying the Empire once and for all. It was from there that Lucius Blackmont and Pius Silverblade stepped forward, guaranteeing the support of their Houses in the event of an invasion. Reassured that his plan would work, Thorin held a meeting with his council and the decision was taken to declare war on Oren. As the dwarves made their advance north across the Cloud River, the Orenian army, headed by the White Rose met them in battle. To Thorin's surprise however, he was betrayed. From the nearby mountains, a flanking charge was led by House Blackmont, House Silverblade and House Carrion, while the White Rose and the rest of Oren made their charge from the front. Met with defeat in battle, the dwarves shamed and forced to retreat, planned for the imminent defense of Storm's Crossing.

When the hour was at its darkest for the sons of Urguan, something quite unusual occurred. Emperor Horen V, alongside the Order of the White Rose, abandoned Oren and traveled far into the north, for reasons that are still unknown to this day. With faith in its Empire shattered, human nobility was left in disarray. The Kingdom of Salvus defected to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and once again, the Legion advanced, this time far into what was once the territory of the Holy Oren Empire. From there, Thorin delivered his ultimatum to the newly crowned Emperor, William III. Among his terms, he demanded that the empire be dissolved and Malinor granted its independence. Leading a nation, fractured by disunity and disloyalty, William surrendered Oren and accepted the terms of peace. Some did not accept his rule however and from the remnants of the Holy Oren Empire, the independent Kingdoms of Adunia and Savoie were formed, to add to the presently existing Kingdoms of Oren and Salvus. Eventually, every one of these Kingdoms pledged its loyalty to Thorin and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, fearing that one would outdo the other if they did not. Hence the territories of the Grand Kingdom expanded, reaching their greatest whilst covering the Karakatuan Empire, the Kingdom of Oren, the Kingdom of Adunia, the Kingdom of Savoie, the Kingdom of Salvus, as well as previously held dwarven territories to the south. Most remained beneath dwarven rule until Thorin's death at the hands of the fallen Aengul, Ondnarch, the only exception being Salvus which later betrayed the dwarves and was destroyed by a joint force of dwarves and orcs. As the final order before his death, Thorin drew back on his previous policies that neared Imperialism and set the dwarves on a path to becoming far more isolated once more.

Upon Thorin's death by the fallen Aengul, Ondnarch, Dizzy Irongrinder was elected to power. However, due to a massive assault upon Kal'Azgoth by Ondnarch's minions, Dizzy was forced to abandon the city and relocate his kin to the captured fortress of Storm's Crossing which was subsequently developed into a city and renamed, Kal'Ithrun. Dizzy was eager to continue from Thorin's legacy and did his best to have the Grand Kingdom reside peacefully among the nations of Anthos. Meanwhile in Oren however, a new dynasty of Kings had taken power. House Carrion had outdone the rest of Oren nobility and set itself as the leading House of a new Kingdom of Oren. Initial relations with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan were hostile, as raids were sent between the two nations. Grand King Dizzy eventually opted to declare war, though no advances were made and there were ultimately very few hostilities until peace was eventually declared in the Treaty of Krelmstad. The Lord's Council later voted to remove Dizzy Irongrinder from power, resulting in the election of Grand King Indago Stormhammer. Though initially promising peace with Oren, Indago later approved of a motion that divided the Lord's Council, in a decision to break the treaty with Oren and invade human lands, assisting a rebellion from House Tarus. This proved to be a fatal error and the dwarves were battled back into their own lands. For a time, the war went cold and it appeared that hostilities may have come to an end. Upon the coronation of King Heinrik Carrion however, an advance was made by Oren into dwarven territories, immediately seizing the border fortress of Thoringrad. After the fall of Kal'Azgoth to Ondnarch and the threats from the north of both the United Anthos Coalition and the Black Scourge, the situation in Urguan had become very bleak indeed.

It was amid such turmoil however that the Grand Kingdom of Urguan once more found itself in a position to fight back. Refusing to surrender against the coalition that Oren had created, the dwarves were eventually able to push their foes back beyond the Cloud River, until a treaty of mutual peace was signed. However, the war had led to a mounting opposition movement from within the Grand Kingdom, hoping to either reform or completely remove the Articles of Urguan. It had steadily become apparent that the dwarven people had become divided by various allegiances, while the sense of unity that had existed for hundreds of years had slowly begun to diminish. Upon Indago's death, Wulfgar Grandaxe was subsequently elected to power, upon the back of the promise that he would show a greater restraint in dealing with Oren than his predecessors and that he would attempt to grant the clans a higher say within dwarven government. Shortly after he was crowned, he immediately set to work upon reclaiming dwarven lands, leading at the forefront of the assault upon Kal'Azgoth, in a final effort to slay the fallen Aengul, Ondnarch. It was there that a dwarf by the name of Igor Ireheart sacrificed his life to release the purified Aengul, Wyrvun, thus being named his hero among the halls of Khaz'A'Dentrumm. However, after years beneath Ondnarch's corruption, the great stone pillars that held up Kal'Azgoth had become unstable, posing potential dangers for any who lived beneath them. For that reason, Wulfgar concluded that the dwarves would continue living in Kal'Ithrun for the foreseeable future.

In attempting to reform the Grand Kingdom's government, Wulfgar signed into passing an amendment that established the first Clan Council of Urguan. However, prevented by the Lord's Council from granting it too many powers, it ultimately had fewer powers than originally desired but instead would prove to act as a stepping stone to what would eventually become something greater. In dealing with Urguan's foreign affairs, Wulfgar looked towards the dwarves' ancient enemies, the orcs. Beneath the leadership of a new Rex, Urik'Azog, he declared a defensive alliance between the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Rexdom of Krugmar that would prove strong in the years to come. Meanwhile in Oren, King Heinrik who had earlier supported a rebellion to overthrow the Holy Princedom of Malinor, now found himself facing a new enemy in those who had taken control of the elven nation, the Conclave of Malin. In what became known as the Teutonic Conspiracy, House Carrion claimed of a supposed plot by Mirtok DeNurem to slowly take control of each and every nation of Anthos, one by one. This was based upon the fact that both the rulers of Krugmar and the Conclave had originally been close advisers to Mirtok, though was more likely only inspired by fears that the former leader of the Teutonic Order, an old enemy of House Carrion, would try to forcibly take control of Oren. As a result of these tensions, the Oren military, acting on the orders of King Heinrik Carrion marched its army to the Conclave, where a conflict quickly broke out. The orcs who happened to be present at the time, subsequently called upon the dwarves to send aid, to which Grand King Wulfgar requested the leaders of each nation meet in Kal'Ithrun. Little progress was made however and Heinrik continued his accusation that the Teutonic Conspiracy was very much real.

The Fringe and Thales

As tensions continued to boil, Grand King Wulfgar led his people into the Fringe, where he went on to establish the city of Kal'Arkon. For the first time, the dwarves lived alongside their old Alrasian enemies and also quite unusually, the Druids. As hostilities and border disagreements with Oren continued to rise, Wulfgar soon decided to sign the Treaty of Zion, thus extending his alliance with the orcs over Alras and the Conclave. Though he believed it would provide peace as Oren would not risk attacking one of its signatory nations, he found his decision backfired, when bannermen of House Carrion tried unsuccessfully to assassinate dwarven Lords. As outrage flooded the dwarven nation, Wulfgar offered King Heinrik a choice to stand down for the events he had set into motion by marching on the Conclave or else face imminent invasion. Heinrik refused the demand and once more, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was forced to declare war upon Oren. Joined alongside it however, was the Rexdom of Krugmar, the Kingdom of Alras, and the Conclave of Malin. Though the war was long and bloody, Oren was eventually defeated in battle, and Heinrik slain by a volley of arrow fire. In the aftermath of their King's death, Oren's government quickly crumbled, the Lucienists and Decterum later rebelling and murdering Heinrik's successor, Franz-Joseph Carrion mere days after his coronation.

With the threat of Oren effectively over and the Grand Kingdom set upon the course towards further reforms, Wulfgar announced his intention to stand down from the Obsidian Throne, calling for the election of a suitable successor. Hogarth Irongut was subsequently elected to power and led peacefully in a short but stable reign. With House Carrion overthrown, a new government took control of Oren, led by House Chivay, the same House who had previously led the White Rose during the reign of Thorin. With Hogarth's departure, Vorstag Grandaxe, coincidentally the son of Wulfgar, succeeded him as Grand King of Urguan. His coronation came during a time of strife and confusion as the Empire of Oren launched an attack upon the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Infuriated, Vorstag demanded answers immediately only for the Empire to forge lies in an attempt to frame the Grand Kingdom for starting a new war. Emperor Peter Chivay subsequently declared war on Urguan and once again, both nations marched to meet one another in battle. Additionally the High Elves of Haelun'or gave their support in assisting Oren, in what was known as the Crimson-Silver Concordat. In retaliation, Vorstag turned towards his father's old allies and together with the War-Nation of Krugmar, the Kingdom of Alras and the Princedom of Fenn, agreed to form the Krughanistan Bloc, an alliance created to fight back against Oren's aggression. In a war of two alliances, the Krughanistan Bloc, backed by its allies in the newly reformed Teutonic Order, slowly begun to take the fight back to Oren and Haelun'or.

For reasons of personal disagreement, Vorstag was later forced to stand down from the throne of Urguan and Midgor Ireheart subsequently assumed power. After years of continuous warfare, the Treaty of Thales was signed, declaring what was effectively white peace between both alliances. For the first time in many years, a prolonged and lasting peace had emerged at last. During this period, the Articles of Urguan were completely rewritten and redrafted, in order to provide clarity, as well as fix many of the problems that had been faced during the Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Thus the Grand Kingdom proceeded into a new phase, what was known as the Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


Shortly after arriving on the new continent of Athera and constructing the city of Kal'Agnar however, Midgor was removed from power by the newly formed, Thane's Council. This caused disagreement throughout Urguan, many feeling that the Grand King was only removed due to his attempts to stem power away from the ruling council. In Midgor's place, Fimlin Grandaxe, a former Thane and Lord himself, as well as a cousin of former Grand King, Wulfgar Grandaxe, was elected to power and assumed his title of Grand King upon the promise that he would once more restore stability and unity among the nation of dwarves.

The Town of Greyhaven is made a town officially under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The elven honorable dwarf, Kirrekith Grandaxe, is placed as the Jarl.

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan assists the Azog Clan to overthrow the current Rex, due to them being deemed incompetent of leading the Rexdom of Krugmar. Meanwhile notable clans grow back in power such as the Strongbrows and Doomforged. With the returning of multiple dwarven clans, the Grand Kingdom leads an expedition into the most ancient city of the dwarves - dating back to Urguan's days. Although the exploration took many casualties, the dwarves found a way to open the door into the room which kept Iblees trapped. Despite figuring this out quickly and closing the door, they were too late for someone nudges a lever that broke the seal, allowing Iblees to roam the lands again. Because of this, the capital of Kal'Agnar is attacked by an assault of undead minions. Though the dwarves successfully route the undead force, a drake bursts out from the portal with an aged dwarf in blue armor on its back. It is discovered the Paragon Urir Ireheart, who many thought died in the nether, had survives and escaped via the portal in which the attacking undead used.

The Grand King Fimlin gives out orders to banish all High Elves from the Grand Kingdom, and kill those who know the art of golemancy in order to solve the dwarven grudges concerning their knowing of golemancy. The Kingdom later joins in on the assult of Annil'Sul, the capital city of the High Elves. With the wood elves, orcs, and Aesterwaldians, they capture the city.

Focusing their attention on the undead, the Grand Kingdom attends a meeting of all nation leaders to discuss fighting Iblees. Later the Grand Kingdom marches alongside the armies of Krugmar and Oren to destroy an Undead-controlled tower in the southwest "shard". The mission is a success. After a raid on Kal'Agnar by the "Under-Kingdom", a rebelling force of Starbreakers, it's found that they had allied with the Ironborn and Undead, and planned to siege Kal'Agnar. Knowing this, Grand King Fimlin united leaders of major nations and guilds with the Treaty of the Sun's Smile in order to secure a win in the coming siege. Although, in the Ironborn Invasion the Ironborn Clan with the Iblees cultists defeat the combined forces of Athera, and bring the fall of Kal'Agnar. Many dwarves flee to Hiebenhall. Quickly, the Grand Kingdom unites the nations once again with the common goal of recapturing their city from the Undead. The desolated city of Kal'Agnar is demolished and purified by the Druidic Order. The city is renamed Kal'Karaad and construction begins. Grand King Fimlin Grandaxe is later removed from kingship after a vote is called by former Grand King Vorstag Ireheart.

Vorstag Ireheart wins the next election. dwarves debate whether to go to war against the Kingdom of Renatus or the Kingdom of Akovia. Grand King Vorstag is later slain in single combat by an undead by the name of "Dungrimm's Bane", who reclaim Urguan's armor in the fight. Zahrer Irongrinder wins the later election.

After retaking the Undead-ridden lands of Hanseti, the land is given to the Grandaxes where they found the hold of Kal'Bogrin

Grand King Zahrer Irongrinder declares war on the Kingdom of Akovia. One of the dwarves' most valuable allies, Aesterwald, collapses. The Duchy of Nerezza vassalizes under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Due to the attempted banishment of the Grandaxe Clan over the killing of an elf, Zahrer Irongrinder was forced to resign from kingship. Despite this, the Grandaxes start the Grand Exodus of the Grand Kingdom.

Hodir Doomforged becomes Grand King of Urguan in a landslide victory. The Reformed Kingdom of Oren declares war on the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, aiming to throwing them out of The North. In his first military battle, the Battle of Hiebenhall, Hodir Doomforged wins against Oren. This brings back dwarven nationalism. Despite this, the Grand Kingdom is still at a disadvantage against Oren. The Orcish Rex breaks an alliance with the dwarves, though pro-dwarven dwarves continue fighting with the Legion. The Jarldom of Polaris is established under the Grand Kingdom to act as a warfront against the nearby castle Drakenburgh and the City of Ayr. Ioannis Kommunis is declared the Jarl of Polaris. The Dwarven Legion marches to attack the Orenian holdings south of Polaris but are defeated in the Battle of Drakensburgh. The Orenian Navy quickly attack the Dwarven Navy, sinking the ships and drowning Grand King Hodir Doomforged.

Balek Irongut is nominated Grand King of the dwarves. The dwarven legion is later defeated at the Battle of Nerezza against the Reformed Kingdom of Urguan. Looking to peace, Balek Irongut has the Grandaxe Clan settle in the Kazradin Foothills in exchange for the right to negotiate terms with Kal'Bogrin as a factor. Peace is denied by Oren, and Hiebenhall is conquered overnight by Orenian armies. Despite marching upon the capital of Kal'Karaad, Oren backs out for unknown reasons. Peace is finally made, relinquishing all dwarven claims on the northern holdings and preventing any offensive wars started by the dwarves, as well as war reperations payed to the Kingdom of Oren. Meanwhile, Vrograk'Gorkil claims the title of Rex for himself once again, causing the dwarves and orcs to enter a collision course.

The newly forged Iron Uzg begins to invade the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The Grand Kingdom loses in a skirmish outside the orcish swamps, allowing the Iron Uzg to slowly advance to Kal'Eknar, the newly made Grandaxe Village. The Iron Uzg sets up camp and begins to siege Kal'Eknar, but are defeated by a flank led by Agor Grandaxe and Vladovs - allowing the main force to charge. Grand King Balek and Rex Vrograk'Gorkil meet in Kal'Karaad and create the Horde of Iron and Fire, a Dwarf-Orc alliance. Athera is then attacked by large worms, forcing them to leave Athera with the rest of the mortal races.


The dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan arrive on the Isles of Vailor during the year 1513. Led by Grand King Balek Irongut, construction begins on Kal'Akash, the city of metal. During construction, an ancient runic golem was found which dated back to Asulon. A giant who went by the name of Armin was also discovered, living on top of the mountain Kal'Akash was settled under. After a duel with the Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe, it became a quick ally.

Two years after settling Kal'Akash, the city has to defend from multiple bandit raids. The Legion's moral drops during these times, causing the first joint dwarf-orc military practice to correct problems in the legion and to increase morality. Thought to of corrected the issues in the legion, Grand King Balek Irongut sailed out to sea on the S.S. Irongutia to attempt to slay the Devourer. The ship is massacred and most dwarves die at sea, Balek Irongut was missing amongst the dwarves. As well, the Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe had been kidnapped by a mysterious clan known as the Sundur.

As the nation was in chaos, a new election for Grand King was taking place. The three main contenders were Skippy Irongut, Verthaik Frostbeard, and Lathros "Oilbeard" Irongrinder. After three days of tough campaigning, Skippy Irongut emerged as the Grand King of Urguan. Upset at the thought as Skippy as the Grand King, Verthaik Frostbeard along with the holds of Tal'Azwyr and Kal'Krest went against the Grand Kingdom in open rebellion. The rebellion was named the Mountain Monarchy, led by Verthaik and many other Frostbeards and Blackfists. The rebellion took part in many raids on the dwarven capital of Kal'Akash, but ultimately after a few stone weeks of fighting the rebellion was destroyed by the Legion in 1520. A year later, the Grand King Skippy Irongut finally has his coronation - delayed by fixing the mess the Mountain Monarchy had made.

A year after Grand King Skippy's coronation, mysterious entities attack Kal'Akash with the intent to destroy the city. Because of this new mysterious threat, and other worldly problems, Skippy Irongut and Caliph Faiz Kharadeen sign the Alliance of Sand and Stone, acting as an alliance between the Grand Kingdom and the Caliphate of Khalestine. At the same time, Grand King Skippy Irongut along with the Grand Prince of the Snow Elves help create the Southern Vailor Coalition; a short lasting coalition to secure the south, which worked well while it was around.

Upon the year 1525, the Grand King Skippy Irongut was assassinated by an assassin of Dark Elven race, who was found to be contracted by a dwarf still unknown to this day. Therefor, nominations for Grand King begin. Notable nominations include Uldar Irongut, Duren Hammerfist, and Demagol Doomforged. After months of campaigning, Uldar Irongut is crowned Grand King of the Dwarves. His reign was filled with questionable reforms, and after a couple of years of being Grand King, Uldar abandoned the Kingdom and illegally left Gauldrim Irongut as Lord Regent.

Gauldrim Irongut had attempted to split the Grand Kingdom into two separate nations and allowing every other settlement their independence from the Grand Kingdom. Every dwarf in Kal'Akash was against this, as they saw it as a way for the humans of Oren and the orcs of the Iron Uzg to claim their land and stormed the King's Palace and forcefully removed Gauldrim, now clanless. In his place, Midgor Ireheart was placed as Grand King without any opposition.

Midgor Ireheart is placed as Grand King of Urguan as no other dwarf ran against him in the election. Midgor Ireheart with the support of the dwarven people march to Felsen to demand Oren release their vassals and are denied. The reason for this happening is traced back to tensions between the dwarven people and the Orenians over the stone weeks following Uldar's abandoning of the Grand Kingdom.

The Holy Oren Empire declares war on the Grand Kingdom.

Oren wins early battles against Urguan, leading to a warzone being established between an Orenian siege outpost and Rhewengrad, a fort named after the Grand Marshal at the time. Prior to the siege itself occuring, Midgor Ireheart falls ill and is removed as Grand King.

Rhewen Frostbeard, Zahrer Irongrinder, and Duren Hammerfist run for the position of Grand King. Despite it being a close race, the latter two candidates step down before the final count, giving Rhewen Frostbeard the title of Grand King.

Oren wins initiative in the war, going on to conquer Rhewengrad though quickly being routed off the mainland by the Legion.

The Orenian Navy later sets its focus on the Island of Avar, conquering it after 3 battles - the last leaving the Orenian navy at 10 men.

The forces of Oren again attempt to invade the mainland and Manteiv Valley, assaulting the fortress of Kal'Ordholm. The human forces are routed from the field before they have a chance to scale the front walls.

As the Holy Orenian Empire had failed to breach the dwarven defenses in their capital valley, Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard quickly called upon his allies the farfolk Kingdoms of Vandoria and Khalestine, forming an impromptu plan to siege Oren from two fronts, causing their forces to have to split in half. To cement the plan even further, both Kingdoms agreed to vassalize under the Grand Kingdom, forming the Grand Empire of Vandurguan with Rhewen as its Emperor. The formation of Vandurguan became the second time in dwarven history that an empire was formed in name, the third in practice.

Under Rhewen's guidance, the Legion of Urguan and their help from the farfolk shifted a probable defeat into a dead-locked stalemate, causing Urguan and Oren to declare white peace. All of Urguan and the farfolk's sieged lands were returned to Urguan, and the dwarves ceased hostiles against Oren.

While Rhewen did not rule for much longer after the war, he was responsible for the establishment of Kal'Novlar, a port city run by his son, Azkel Frostbeard, as well as multiple other vassal groups throughout their realm.

Following the end of the war, Kardel Irongut is elected as Grand King. From the Obsidian Throne, he ushers in a new system of government for the Grand Kingdom and reigns peacefully throughout his time as Grand King. After falling ill, he steps down and leaves behind a legacy as one who would do whatever it took to keep the peace.

Grand King Kardel “The Neutral” Irongut falls ill and names Drynn Ireheart as his regent. Numerous public works projects are carried out to bring a new age of cultural development are carried out by the Regent.

In a unanimous nomination, the assembled senators elect Drynn Ireheart to be the next Grand King. He is later crowned with many notable guests including the Emperor of Oren and Faiz Kharadeen of Haria.

A creature of daemonic power known as the Dharok is freed from a seal beneath the capital. A consumer of holy relics, he is impervious to most conventional means of assault but is eventually slain by the Rune Lords, Zahrer Irongrinder and Yeulf Irongut, when he consumes a runic bomb disguised as a relic.

With the city in ruins following the assault of the Dharok, an infestation of silverfish, and the attack of an orcish spirit, the Dwarves flee the ruins of the south aboard the flagship of the Irongrinder Fleet, Da Kavir Kor. They take refuge for a time outside of the Cloud Temple before fleeing with the rest of the descendents through the spirit realm.


Under the reign of Grand King Drynn Ireheart, the Dwed settle in the new capital of Kal'Nikaer.

Seeking a new ally for the times ahead, Grand King Drynn Ireheart turns to allies of old. A defensive treaty is signed with The Holy Orenian Empire, the first of its kind with the human nation since the First Great War in Anthos.

Grand King Drynn Ireheart leads numerous expeditions into the Deeproads found beneath the city. In these trips, it is discovered that Feral Elf settlements still exist and that a celestial presence resides deep inside the Deeproads.

Grand King Drynn Ireheart and Emperor John Owyn Horen form a blood pact between the Empire of Oren and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

Grand King Drynn “The Peacemaker” Ireheart resigns from office after many stone months of reign and names Zahrer Irongrinder as the presiding official over the following election.

Torvin Grandaxe is elected by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, continuing the tradition of inviting the Harian and Orenian royalty to his coronation. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan march to war against the Orcish nation alongside the Orenian Empire and her vassals, razing and destroying the Orcish Capitol. Grand King Torvin Grandaxe passes a bill through the senate to allow the senate the ability to choose the new Grand King of Urguan. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan marches alongside the Holy Orenian Empire against a coalition of Snow Elves, Orcs, and Dreadlander remnants. A swift victory is granted to the Grand Kingdom and the Empire, with the coalition forces quickly being defeated. Grand King Torvin Grandaxe is removed from the throne and Hogarth Irongut is appointed Lord Regent by the Senate of Hammers until a new Grand King is elected. After 2 stone weeks, Algoda Frostbeard is elected the new Grand King of Urguan.

After being elected Algoda Frostbeard led the dwarves to a new, grand city. Kal'Omith. It's size was overbearing and spread deep and vast within the mountains. It's name came from the great builder Omithel Strongbow himself. After erecting the kingdom a new spark lit among the dwed. Algoda is often heeded for his great success for reforming it's economy and bolstering it's militaristic strength. Algoda is credited with conceiving the Axionite Coalition, from it's creation to his death. Algoda Frostbeard, after reforming the Grand Kingdom, is arrested by Orenian forces in the town of Ostermark and executed.

The next stone day, Bastion Ireheart is elected Grand King of Urguan. With his sudden rise to power Bastion inherited the war against Oren, aligning himself with the Courland-lead Axionite Coalition. Bastion himself oversaw his forces with the Coalition find victory at the Battle of Goldfields, proving to be the killing blow against the Orenian Empire. Following the conclusion of the war, Bastion is credited with enacting numerous reforms, such being: a revision of the Articles of Urguan, Codex of Laws, re-establishing past guilds and improving the wealth of Urguan. After awaking from a coma he committed suicide, tumbling off the balcony of the King's Palace into the streets below

Following their independence from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan the Frostbeard Clan, alongside their Blackaxe allies swiftly shored up New Jornheim's defenses, where they set about creating the skeleton of a new Dwarven nation, one led by a sole Monarch and his line, and one that was independent of lethargy and blatant corruption. In 1626, with the Goldhand and Blackaxe Clan's present, the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was created. A war is started by Verthaik II Frostbeard called the "War of the Beards". After five years of fighting Urguan surrenders to the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah in 1636.


Despite having been destroyed by the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah during Axios, many dwarves did not like their totalitarian aproach and their willingness to kill dwarves, these dwarves formed the Confederation of Hammers and aimed to truly reunity the dwarves. Others loyal to Urguan's ideals, and therefore flocked to the nations of the Confederation of Hammers and Consulary Republic of Holm on the realm of Atlas. Eventually the mountain dwarves of Kal'Bogrin were accepted into the Confederation of Hammers and a reform was made. The Confederation of Hammers alongside Kal'Bogrin would become the [Kingdom of Agnarum]. Meanwhile With Kaz'Ulrah's popularity at an all time low after the transition to Atlas, and their soon defeat at the hands of the Empire of Man, Agnarum soon became the primary dwarven nation, with many of its residents wishing to restore Urguan to its former glory once more, before those that caused its fall from the inside, and before Kaz'Ulrah.


The transition to Arcas saw the restoration of Urguan under King Fimlin Grandaxe. Previously the Kingdom of Agnarum, the dwarves of the nation realized that to unite once more, Urguan would need to be reformed. While not reforming as a Grand Kingdom, the Under-Realm of Urguan was restored on the 8th of the First Seed, 1707 FA. The restoration of Urguan saw many of their original ideals and values being restored, along with the banishment of many Frostbeards who had been apart of Kaz'Ulrah.

In the years 1711 and 1712, the Under-Kingdom fought a brief war against the heretical dwarven Kingdom of Mynebor, which became known as the Urguan-Mynbeor War. After this brief conflict, the Dwarves were officially united under one Kingdom.

Under-King Fimlin Grandaxe wanted to have full unity once more between all dwarves, therefore in the year 1714, all former political enemies of the Under-Realm were pardoned. In the year 1717, Under-king Fimlin Grandaxe resigned from his position as king after nearly 14 years on the throne. Following the resignation, an election was held with two major candidates, Gimli 'Metalfist' Grandaxe and Atandt Irongrinder. In the year 1717, Atandt Irongrinder became the second Under-King of the Under-realm of Urguan after a heated election against Gimli Grandaxe.

Because of an increasing threat coming from the Orenian Empire, the Under-Realm signed a number of pacts with different nations around Arcas

Upon the Eleventh of the Deep Cold, 1724 the humans of the Orenian Empire insulted the Under-Realm, causing the dwarves to write a grudge and declare war, The Three-Month War. Mere three months later, after countless raids over the human lands, and skirmishes the dwarves emerged victorious, leading to a peace treaty. Because of the war, dwarven influence increased over Arcas.

At the third of Sun's Smile, 1727, With Atandt Irongrinder growing more and more disgruntled with the position as dwarven beardlings had begun calling for new blood despite Atandt Irongrinder being the youngest crowned in dwarven history. He would soon step down as the Under-King, his place taken by Utak Ireheart, who was voted unanimously, and who is also a former marshal of the Under-Realm.

Under Utak's reign in 1767, The Grand Kingdom of Urguan was officially restored.





Settlements of Urguan, from Aegis to Almaris


  • Kal'Urguan, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Aegis. Fell to the Undead between 1345 to 1350.
  • Irongut Manor, manor of the Irongut clan. The manor sat directly outside the Kingdom of Alras. Fell to the Undead shortly after the Fall of Al'Khazar.
  • Braveaxe Manor, manor of the Braveaxe clan (One half of the Grandaxe clan). The manor sat west of Kal'Urguan, somewhat close to Wrath's Clutch.

The Verge

  • Tazarak, the joint dwarven-human-Alrasian colony in the Verge. Tazarak was a giant fortress that stretched across a giant mountain.


  • Kal'Karik, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Asulon. Destroyed by Drakes and abandoned by the dwarves.
  • Kal'Anart, a hold founded by the Grandaxe Clan under the rule of Lord Bazian Grandaxe.
  • Kal'Alras, a hold founded by the Goldhand Clan under the rule of Lord Gulroid Goldhand.
  • Kal'Dwain, a hold founded by the Irongut Clan under the rule of Lord Hiebe Irongut.
  • The Goldhand Manor, the home of the Goldhand clan. It was rumored that the Goldhand Manor alone held more riches and gold than all of Asulon.


  • Kal'Azgoth, capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Anthos. Fell to a massive assault by Ondnarch's minions.
  • Kal'Ithrun, formerly Storm's Crossing, capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan after Kal'Azgoth.
  • Vaerhaven, a dwarven hold.
  • Brom'Krah, a hold which housed Adunians.

The Fringe

  • Kal'Arkon, capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during the Fringe.


  • Kal'Klad, capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Thales.


  • Kal'Agnar, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during early Athera. Fell to an Undead siege.
  • Hiebenhall, the hold of the Irongut clan. Fell to a suprise Orenian attack.
  • Kal'Bogrin, the hold of the Grandaxe clan. Abandoned due to the Northern War.
  • Kal'Karaad, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Revived city of Kal'Agnar.
  • Kal'Eknar, the second hold of the Grandaxe clan.
  • Kal'Ordholm, industrial city ran by the elven honorable dwarf Ioannis.


  • Kal'Akash, the first capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Vailor.
  • Tal'Azwyr, the hold of the Frostbeards. The capital of the rebellious Mountain Monarchy for a time. Destroyed following Uldar Irongut's coronation.
  • Kal'Valen, the hold of the Grandaxes.
  • Kal'Khron, the hold of the Hammerfists. Destroyed following Uldar Irongut's coronation.
  • Kal'Ordholm, the hold ruled by Ioannis. Home of the non-dwarves in Urguan.
  • Kal'Krest, the hold of the Blackfists. The hold was aligned with the Mountain Monarchy during the First Frostbeard Rebellion.
  • Kal'Nerroth, the second and final capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan before its destruction alongside the rest of Vailor.
  • Kal'Novlar, a mix-raced port city known for its lively tavern and bustling trade.


  • Kal'Omith, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Axios. Founded and established by Grand King Algoda Frostbeard
  • Kal'Nikaer, the former capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Axios.
  • Arcadia, the hold of Zahrer Irongrinder, home of the Runesmiths.
  • Tal'Ardoth, the hold of the Crimson Edict.
  • Tal'Azmar, the hold of the Grandaxe Clan
  • Kal'Sitarae, the hold established by Frerir Irongrinder on the northren mountains of the dwarven lands.


  • Kal'Varoth, the first capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Arcas. The city was destroyed during a landslide earthquake, leading to the creation of Kal'Evraal.
  • Kal'Evraal, the second capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Arcas.
  • Kirkja Dol’Kronos, the second village of the forest dwarves of Hefrumm. Named in honor of Paragon Bjor 'Sugartits' Cottonwood by Thorin Treebeard. Dol'Kronos translates to village of legend, the sufix of Kirkja was granted to the village by High Preceptor Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe.


  • Kal'Darakaan, the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan during Almaris, the city was believed to have been created by ancient dwarves as a colony from centuries before. Due to such, it was named Darakaan, meaning Ancient Might in the Dwarven language.
  • Kirkja Dol'Anym, the third village of the forest dwarves of Hefrumm. .


  • Tal'Grim, home of the Dwarves during Failor.



Active Clans


Grandaxe Clan is an elder clan. The Grandaxes are recognized for their contributions to the mountain dwarf culture and their long line of political dominance. Most tanned skin dwarves with fiery red beards can be categorized as Grandaxes, if not Irehearts. Most Grandaxe Grand Kings tend to rule with an ironfist and have unmatched determinacy.


Ireheart Clan is an elder clan. Known for their barbaric ways of battling, these dwarves specialize in the arts of combat. If you're a weak Ireheart, you are shunned from a young age, sometimes not even being considered an Ireheart. While some dwarves in other clans are known for their bravery, none could ever match the feats of an Ireheart. The Irehearts hold feats of being dragon slayers, banes of the Nether, and purifiers of the Aengul, Wyvrun).


Frostbeard Clan is an elder clan. The Frostbeards are a clan of mountain dwarves known primarily for their black hair and blue eyes, political prowess, hunting capabilities, and tradition-based culture. To be accepted as a full-blooded Frostbeard, one must kill a Bear and wear its pelt, something seen as a symbol of pride amongst the Clan. Despite multiple rebellions from sects of the Frostbeard Clan, the majority of their members remain fiercely loyal to Urguan.


Starbreaker Clan is an elder clan. The Starbreakers are a clan of ashen skinned dwarves who are born with great blacksmithing capabilities. Along with being the best smiths in the Grand Kingdom, Starbreakers are responsible for the use of golemancy in the Kingdom - being the ones primarily responsible for the finding of golemancy. Although small in numbers, the Starbreaker clan is quite capable of being more of an influence in the Grand Kingdom based on their vast knowledge of golemancy and blacksmithing in general.


Irongut Clan is an elder clan. This clan is most notable for its line of ascended blood and accepted use of magic within the dwarven society. Since their creation in Aegis, the Ironguts had held much influence within the dwarven timeline, presenting their own grand kings multiple times. The Ironguts are also responsible for the creation of the Island Nation of Holm in Asulon - created due to the political disagreements between Grand King Thorik Grandaxe and Clan Father Hiebe Irongut.


Irongrinder Clan is a commoner clan. The Irongrinders are tough and intelligent dwarves. Many progressing quickly up the ladders of their respective fields. They are skilled in mercantilism, literacy, and combat of course. One of their main skills, however, resides in engineering and redstone. They have brownish-red hair, unusually tall for a dwarf. Their lineage has, unlike most commoner clans, had multiple Grand Kings in the past - Zahrer Irongrinder and Dizzy Irongrinder.


Doomforged is a commoner clan. If you see a dark skinned dwarf walking around, you found the Doomforged. The Doomforged were created in Aegis after an Ireheart and a Dark Elf went at it - creating quite possibly one of the most influential non-elder clans there has ever been. Doomforged is known for their brilliant blacksmithing capabilities, along with their contributions to blacksmithing.

Hefrumm Clans

Hefrumm is a federation of forest dwarf clans and tribes within Urguan. Because of their relation to each other as extended family forest dwarf clans have a higher degree of cooperation and altruism towards each other. Despite their collective greed as forest folk they still divide themselves into clans and tribes to signal their ancestry, culture, or trade as a group within the forest dwarf community.


A venerable clan, with honour and hunting as their primary agendas. They are unparalleled in Hefrumm when it comes to their hunting and tracking skills, even their trials revolve around hunting. Though the Cottonwoods are not just savage brutes, they are also skilled craftsmen, using the creatures their kill to make exquisite crafts.

The Cottonwoods have a long history, with many famous forest dwarfs being cottonwoods, most notably, Bjor 'Sugartits' Cottonwood, Paragon of Anbella, and founder of the Cottonwood Village, which was the precursor to Hefrumm.


Loyal Spiritualists and lore-keepers, they serve as the religious and cultural leaders of the community, seeking to recollect, preserve and spread knowledge of the millennia-spanning presence of the forest dwarf clans.

Unlike their progenitor clan the Cottonwoods, the Blackroots are also proficient with herbs, which they use for both medical and spiritual purposes. A lot of their trials involve religious ceremonies meant to test the will and mind of the dwarf.


The youngest clan in community, the Mossborn possess unique crafting techniques and a metallurgical culture seldom seen in forest dwarves. Thus they serve as the smiths and protectors of Hefrumm. Most Mossborn wear armour dyed green through a secret technique only shared amongst the loyal of the clan.

Their history is long and storied, though it has been shrouded by the fog of time. Their trials involve a lot of smithing and using one’s tools to keep the balance of nature in order, in the name of their patron deity Anbella. Much is yet to be uncovered about this new clan.

Retired Clans


Goldhand Clan is an elder clan. Often seen boasting their gold by using it as part of their fashion, the Goldhands are the best of the best merchants the Grand Kingdom has to offer. Their knowledge of prices of goods is unparalleled by any other, as this is the only thing they are taught, except with getting even with someone who did not complete their part of a deal. The Clan was irrevocably destroyed after the golden massacre [1] when the mad Torsun Goldhand slaughtered Thalgrim Goldhand and Conan Goldhand.


Hammerfist Clan is a commoner clan. Although newer than the other clans, the Hammerfists have a deep sense of clan loyalty. They are a primarily mountain dwarven clan who accepts mostly any dwarf as kin. Despite being slandered for their newness, the Hammerfists stand strong as a well-populated clan amongst the dwarves of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. They are a splinter clan of the Ironguts. The clan was disbanded in Vailor.


Tunnelsmasher Clan is a commoner clan. The Tunnelsmashers are a clan of cave dwarf descent, stemming from the Irongut Clan. They are known for their hard work, their clan father especially as he has been Yemekar's Pick of the Grand Kingdom once before. They raise fine miners and builders and build wonderful underground clan halls.


Oathcast Clan is a former commoner clan. They were known for their high level of intelligence and dishonorable acts within the Dwarves. Yet undeniably the Oathcasts have contributed greatly to the art of runesmithing and the dwarven religion of the Brathmordakin. Oathcast followed a strict philosophy of sorts, sometimes going as far as self-exiling themselves from the Grand Kingdom when faced with disagreements with it.


Emberhorn Clan is a commoner clan. They are a newly arrived clan, arriving in Axios from far-off lands to rejoin their dwedmar bretheren. They are steadfastly loyal to the Grand Kingdom, and are known for their skill at mercantilism, weaving and toy making. They are also, famously, quite adept at taming and riding woolly mountain goats- it is from these animals that they take their symbol, which is a golden ram's head upon a field of verdure.


Stonemace Clan is a commoner clan. The Stonemace clan, which is one of the newest Dwarven clans that are around, are of Mountain Dwarf descent, their roots heading back all the way to the Frostbeard clan from their founder Throri 'Warmheart' Stonemace, formerly Frostbeard. They are known for their up most loyalty to the Grand King and his Kingdom as well as being skilled as miners and blacksmiths.


Treebeard Clan is an elder clan. Treebeards are the one forest dwarf clan within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan by them being part of the tribal federation of the autonomic community of Hefrumm, which lies within the Kingdom. Whilst their founding clan father felt as if he was not welcome in Urguan, modern day Treebeards celebrate their national pride with feasts lasting days. Some Treebeards live underground like most dwarves, but in more grovy locations, such as in a crevice of sorts. Their beards are unkept, with leaves and pine needles scattered inside of it. Similar to the Starbreakers, the Treebeards are quite small but hold much respect in the Grand Kingdom. Their kin is rarely seen in Almaris.