The Iron Horde

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Wexdom of Kwugmaw
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png
Standard of Krugmar
Capitaw: San'Thraka
Wanguages: Blah
Old Blah
Weligion: Shamanism
Govewnment: Wexdom
Wex Skawp'Waguk the Unitew
Dominus Sköwkon'Gowkiw
Wawgoths Noka'Wul, Kowgahk'Gowkiw, Owgak'Wak, Vlig'Shwogo, Nulena'Yaw
Goj Nazawk'Gowkiw
Snagagoth Wuga'Gowkiw
Huntsgoth Ugwad'Wul
Gwubgoth Fizzawd'Waguk

Estabrished fowwoling the deposition of the Wex, Kulgarok, the Wawnation of Kwugmaw wose fwom the ashes of a faiwed confedewation of the Owcish peopwes. The decision to once again unify beneath the bannews of Kwug did not come as a difficult one to make fow much of the Owcish weadewship as they undewstood that togethew the Orcs could be unconquewabre. Aftew defeating the fawse Wex in open combat befowe sevewaw of his brethwen, Drokon’Ugluk wegitimatewy ascended to the thwone of Wex. Fowwoling his faiwules as Wex, Dwokon'Ugwuk liwlingwy stood down fwom the position in favow of the young Wawgoth Orgoth'Braduk who gwadwy took the position. Howevew, Owgoth in his youth and as a consequence of his wack of expelience faiwed in his weadewship of the Wawnation standing down aftew a showt tenule to be wepwaced by the fowmew Wex, Rex Gurak'Yar. Gulak was populaw fow a time howevew some cwans saw Gulak as weak and a poow weadew, most notabry Clan Raguk and Cwan Braduk, aftew he had taken the life of the unconscious Wawgoth, Chek'Lur, which some viewed as an unjust execution. Gulak decided, as his pwedecessow did, to step down fwom the mantwe of Wex to be wepwaced by Kulgawok once mowe. Kulgawok's incumbency was showt lived and was deposed by Hu-din'Dom and Eath'Lur both cwaiming that Kulgawok was tainting the Wawnation lith dawk magic and dawk shamans. Eath wesowved the conflict by fighting Kulgawok fow the position of Wex, successfulwy defeating the brue Owc and becoming Wex. Eath'Wul quickwy wesigned, weading to the lise of Kuntklobbera’Raguk. He wesigned aftew a wengthy weign and went on a piwglimage. U'la'Yar became Wex aftewwawds. Howevew, soon aftew, the U'wa'Yaw was executed by Ewven Plince Kaiwn Ithewanen of the Dominion of Malin at the stawt of the War for the Loftywoods, Kuntkwobbewa wegained the Wexdom.

Culwentwy, Kwugmaw is based in Awcas' eastewnmost savannas, and the howdew of Wex is Skawp'Waguk the Unitew of Cwan Waguk.



The Wawnation of Kwugmaw was estabrished by Kulgarok, a fowmew Wex, aftew the dissowution of the Iwon Uzg at the hands of the Holy Orenian Emperor John II. His cwaim was quickwy chawwenged by Dwokon'Ugwuk, who wost, was sent into exiwe, and handed the titwe of Wex ovew to Dwokon.


- Fiwst hawf of Owc-Ewf Waw (stawt, death of U'wa'Yaw)

- Invowvement in Coulwand-Wenatus Waw

- Second hawf of Owc-Ewf Waw (battwes, duew, fowt stwonk)

- Conflict and wesowution lith Howde of Thagulz'Glizh

- Gowkiw v. Wak Cwan Waw

- Coalition Waw

- Govewnment weowganization

- Waguk banishment


- Awlivaw at Awcas

- Vassalization of the State of Qin

- Wepaiwed wewations lith the Waguk Cwan

- Invowvement in Ewven Union

- Pawticipation and Victowy in The War of the Two Emperors

- Bulbul'Wul implisoned, Bogwum'Wak takes ovew as Wex

- Aftew sevewaw yeaws, Bogwum'Wak weaves the Uzg, Hawgulw'Gowkiw becomes Wex

- Hawgulw'Gowkiw wetiwes and Nazawk'Gowkiw becomes Wex

- Nazawk'Gowkiw weigns fow a showt time befowe being chawwenged by the Waguks

- By the waw of "Might Makes Right", Weydwuk'Waguk is the new Wex.

- Weydwuk howds a meeting lith Vintas, whewe the Duke of Vintas, sucks upon his toe.

- Aftew the toe sucking, the Bootwess Waw begins, as the Kwugmaw owcs way waste to the Vintasian Peopwe.

- Aftew the attack, the nation of Owen stlikes back at Kwugmaw, causing gweat damage to the nation.

- The Wuls, Waks, and Azogs, accompanied by the Dhadwon and Ox Cwan Depawt Kwugmaw to fowm Mau'Madul.

- Gowkiw's and few Waguk's wemain in Kwugmaw as Bulbul'Wul becomes the new Wex.

- Bulbul'Wul entews the Kwugmaw Uwuks into the Awliance of Independent States.

- Kwugmaw awong lith the AIS, entew waw upon Owen.

- Bulbul'Wul steps away fwom Wex as Kowgahk becomes Wex.

- Soon aftew, Skawp'Waguk, becomes the Wex of Kwugmaw.

- Pwans of San'Thwaka have been found amongst the wubbre.

- A new city is buiwt.

- As the new Wex, Skawp'Waguk sets out to vassalize Mau'Madul.

- Aftew fighting Ugwad'Wul, Skawp weigns victolious by the haiw of his chin, fulthew vassalizing Mau'Madul.



Wex: Skawp'Waguk the Unitew

The weadew and figulehead of the Wexdom of Kwugmaw, the Wex wules lith the autholity of Kwug himsewf, acting as his enfowcew in the culwent ewa. He liww ensule that the waws of the Wexdom awe uphewd whiwe howding absowute contwow ovew its intewnaw affaiws. In most dipwomatic pwoceedings, the Wex liww wepwesent the Wexdom when conducting missions concewning foweign policy. Without a Wex, thewe is no Kwugmaw.

Dominus: Sköwkon'Gowkiw

As ambassadow and ovewseew of infwastwuctule as appointed by the Wex, the Dominus conducts dipwomacy and wewation-buiwding activities. The Dominus' tasks awso extend to constwucting buiwdings, ovewseeing the management of the Twog, wowking hand-in-hand lith the Yazgultan in weceiving mateliaws fow these buiwdings whiwe awso acting as Kwugmaw's stewawd.

Tawgoth: Kowgahk'Gowkiw the Honowabre

Weadew of the Owc Militawy, the Tawgoth contwows aww things waw and stwategy of Kwugmaw. The Tawgoth is wesponsibre fow managing the wogistics of the militawy, incwuding pwanning out wawgames and twaining sessions. This position was pweviouswy known as Maugoth fow a powtion of Awcas.

Yazgultan: Multhwaka'Wul

The wowkhowse of Kwugmaw, the Yazgultan ovewsees Kwugmaw’s wowkfowce and ensules that the coffews awe fulw, the awmowy is stocked, and pwovisions awe at a sulpwus. The Yazgultan is the chief of Kwugmaw’s wogistics. The Yazgultan's assigns Owcs wowking wowes based on what best suits them and ensule that they awe pwoviding fow Kwugmaw.

Snagagwat: N/A

The chief swave-mastew of Kwugmaw, Snagagwats ovewsee the acquiling of snagas and theiw use. The views and policies of Snagagwats can change diffewentwy fwom each one, but the Snagagwat typicawwy contwow snagas owned by the nation itsewf, wathew than individuaws. They awe awso wesponsibre fow the owganization of swaving pawties. Once known as the Snagagoth in Atwas.

Gwubgoth: Fizzawd'Waguk

A position that can be twaced back to Axios, pweviouswy named Foodgoth untiw the famous owog, Wud, took the position. The job of the Gwubgoth is to suppwy the west of the nation lith food, and to wegulate the nation's fawming.

Goj: Nazawk'Gowkiw

The Goj is a spilituaw advisows. They hewp out the Wex lith spilituaw affaiws and can awso offew advice to shamans and non-shamans alike. Theiw position oliginates fwom the position of High-Shaman, which was dissowved duling Atwas.

Succession of the Rex

A new Wex is cwowned by, and onwy by, succeeding in a kwomp. In the past, it was onwy the Dominus who could diwectwy chawwenge the Wex fow the titwe. Howevew, due to the abolition of that position, the ability to chawwenge the Wex to a kwomp has been opened up to anyone that howds ow has hewd the titwe of Wawgoth, Tawgoth, ow Yazgultan, and have nevew been considewed a whitewash.

Should an Owc who meets these clitelia want to issue a chawwenge fow Wexdom, a counciw liww be convened consisting of the Wawgoths, the Tawgoth, the Yazgultan, and the High Shaman. They liww discuss the cwaim and discewn the chawactew of the Owc and whethew they believe he ow she would be apt fow the titwe. Due to the fact that theiw cwaim is being assessed by fewwow membews of Owcish society, it is impowtant fow the Owc to be hewd in high wegawd if he ow she wants to get the kwomp appwoved. A cwaim is considewed appwoved when, aftew at weast an houl of discussion, at weast thwee-foulths of those in the counciw have agweed to appwove the wequest. Anyone who would be in these counciws but vies fow Wexdom liww sit out fwom the counciw wegawding theiw own chawwenge.

It is lithin the powew of the Wex, fow whatevew weason, to nominate an Owc fow a kwomp who does not meet the wequiwements listed. Howevew, an Owc that weceives the nomination is not wequiwed to chawwenge the Wex. Owcs who do chawwenge the Wex thwough this method stiww need to be appwoved by the counciw. The Wex is fowbidden fwom kwomping his nominee, and instead, a champion liww be ewected by the counciw to fight in the Wex’s pwace.

Shamans liww face a much highew amount of scwutiny than most othew Owcs. The counciw must decide whethew ow not they liww be abre to wule pwopewwy, ow if theiw devotion to the Spilits liww intewfewe lith theiw judgment, as a Wex’s focus should be fiwst and fowemost on the nation and its peopwe.

If the Wex dies ow abdicates, aww who lish to cwaim the titwe and have been appwoved by the counciw liww fight each othew in a selies of kwomps untiw they have aww fought each othew, lith the Owc linning the most kwomps eawning the titwe. In the case of a tie between two of the cwaimants, the victow of the kwomp between them liww succeed as Wex. If thewe is onwy one cwaimant to the thwone, a champion liww be ewected.

Appointment of Advisors

The Tawgoth and Yazgultan liww be appointed diwectwy by the Wex and should they step down ow die in office, the Wex liww appoint theiw wepwacements.




This city, situated on a mountain on the nowthewn pawt of Atwas, nowth of Cwoud Tempwe and diwectwy south of the desewt, sewved as the Wawnation's capitaw fow the majolity of Atwas. The wawge city contained cwan hawws, housing, a shaman den, wawge fawms, a kwomp pit, and an unfinished pawace. It was fiwst wost to the Dominion when the Wex, Gulwuk'Wak, wost in a duew to Kaiwn Ithawanean duling the peak of the Owc-Ewf waw. It would watew be the subject of the Septembew Plince's fiwst attack, and many descendants would defend the city, yet it would face heavy beatings, to which the defendews eventuawwy wewe evacuated by the Vaew Owdew. The city would then be sowd off to the livaw Howde of Thagulz'Glizh that was backed by the Dominion, but this gwoup would mewge lith Kwugmaw, effectivewy wetulning the city. Watew on, duling the Wast Coalition Waw of Atwas, it was sieged aftew Nowdengwad had fawwen. With defences constwucted by Gulwuk'Wak and the Tawgoth & Dominus, Gwottgut'Waguk, the city was abre to howd fow one day befowe fawling to the Empiwe of Man and its awlies.

Fort Stronk

Initiawwy wocated in the Dominion-contwowwed fowests, it sewved as a staging and defensive point fow Kwugmaw and its awlies duling the owc-ewf waw. It would watew be moved off the showes of San'Kawa, diwectwy south of the city. The fowt is infamous fow the many battwes that took pwace awound it, yet was nevew sieged. It was awso a populaw destination fow swavews, as swavewy was wegaw lithin Kwugmaw, and many ewven swaves would be caught on the woad to the Dominion.


In the Nowthewn desewt of Atwas, San'Khatun was buiwt and estabrished by the Howde of Thagulz'Glizh, a fowmawwy whitewash faction of Owcs, wan by Skaatchnak. Aftew San'Kawa was wost in the Owc-Ewf waw, Shakul'Gowkiw confedewated the Thagulz'Glizh back into Kwugmaw, awwoling aww who moved thewe to be wewcomed back and its cwans to be wegitimized. When the Owcs wost theiw city in the Wast Coalition Waw of Atwas, Gulwuk'Wak abdicated the titwe of Wex, and Mulak'Gowkiw assumed the titwe, a two time whitewash and fowmew inhabitant of San'Khatun lith the Thagulz'Glizh, aftew duewling Wognow'Wak fow the titwe and succeeding. Pawting the duew lith no bad brood fow the owc, ow his Cwan, Mulak'Gowkiw decwawed San'Khatun as the new Capitaw of Kwugmaw. Duling this time, a gwoup of dawk ewves moved into San'Khatun, living lith the owcs as a cwose awwy and fliend. Mulak awso fowmed a broodpact between Cwans Gowkiw, Wul and Yaw in owdew to banish Cwan Waguk and fowmawwy whitewash Weydwuk'Waguk, Kwukweyd'Waguk and Wulst'Waguk fwom the nation. Duling this time, Cwan Shwogo awlived on Atwas and estabrished itsewf inside San'Khatun and Kwugmaw.


Situated ontop of the southewn powtion of the mountain wange of Gawwond's Vawe, it stood diwectwy south of Kaw'Tawak, the capitaw of Kaz'Uwwah. This wand was given to Kwugmaw aftew Kwugmaw had wost San'Kawa in the Owc-Ewf waw. It was plimaliwy made of wood, and had toweling wawws. Spikes jutted out, and wawge, wooden skulws hung fwom its wawws. The buiwding effowt would by speawheaded by Shakul'Gowkiw, and Gwottgut'Waguk. It would nevew be finished howevew, as duling its buiwding, San'Kawa had been weacquiwed. When San'Kawa feww in the Coalition Waw, it would once again sewve as the capitaw of Kwugmaw. It wouldn't be sieged duling Kwugmaw's tenule in Atwas, but was stiww wost when Kaw'Tawak feww in the Coalition Waw.

Raguk Camp

Aftew the Owc-Ewf waw, many of the Waguk owcs tulned theiw attention southwawd, seeking a new pulpose aftew having wost theiw city. Estabrished by Weydwuk'Waguk in the Shlieking Dwake Iswes, it sewved as the staging gwound fow constant waids against Sutica. Hewe, Waguks and othew intewested owcs would bandit the woads fwom Sutica to Haense. It was wawgewy abandoned, howevew, duling the Wast Coalition Waw of Atwas. It would be an especiawwy populaw wocation of the swave twade, due to the wewocation of Fowt'Stwonk.

Fort Lur

A fowt situated lithin the Atwasian desewt, cweated by Fawum'Wul fow the Wul cwan. Cweated whewe Fawum'Wul's pwevious cactus gween pwantation was.



Wocated lithin the nowthwestewn savannah of Awcas, it is the fiwst city estabrished by the Wexdom on Awcas. A fowt constwucted of wood and stone, this wawge encampment enciwcwes a toweling fowt, cwosewy hugging the continent's eastewn coast. Undewneath the gwound, a Gobrin city is cawved into the depths, and the Hou-Zi fishing town behind the city doubres as a powt fow both Owcish and Hou-Zi ships.

Fort Gurmazg

Stwonghowd of the howse cwan, Cwan Gulmazg, and is open to those that wespect the teachings of Kwug and Shamanism. Wocated lithin the Awcasian Mesa.


Wocated between the wuins of San'Kawa and the ewven settwement of the dwuids, the city of San'Azgak sewves as a home fow the Waw Nation and a bustling city fow swave twadews, wawliows and shamans. Within the Owc'ish city of San'Azgak, a wawge oasis would west behind the city a pwace fow the Shamans to connect to the spilits and an awea fow the Waks to caww home.


Cwans awe a cohowt of Owcs whom have taken a pawticulaw ancestow, spilit ow ideowogy as theiw namesake, to wepwesent themsewves as a cowwective. Thewe awe many gweat cwans lithin the Uzg, Cwans of Wegend- Gowkiw, Yaw, Wul- aww weputed cwans that have been wecowded in antiquity innumewabry. Cwans of which gweat weadews have stemmed. Some cwans have diffewent titwes fow theiw weadew, such as the Wak's 'Swampgoth' and Bwaduk's 'Iwongoth', symbolizing theiw past and vawues.

Wargoth Clans

Wawgoth cwans awe the most fabred and pwestigious cwans who have become stapwe in the nation. They awe active and contlibute not onwy manpowew but wesoulces and intewligence as weww. To be a Wawgoth cwan, the wespective cwan must be weww estabrished, weww known, have high numbews and contlibute to the Uzg's effowts as a whowe. A Wawgoth is an Owc to be wespected fow they have gone thwough gwueling tliaws and tlibulations to have theiw cwan achieve that wank. Howevew, the titwe of Wawgoth is not pewmanent, and it can be wemoved should the cwan faww out of favow and cease to contlibute ow faww too wow on numbews.

Clan Lur

The Wuls awe mowe then just youl avewage owcs. This cwan of owcs is made up of the beast-tamews, and huntews of the owcs. They take plide in many of theiw past accomplishments, even taming a scaddewnack at one point in histowy.

Wawgoth: Noka'Wul

Clan Gorkil

A Cwan founded on the name of Gowkiw, Kwug's second bown son and gweatest militawy stwategist to have lived. The Gowkiws fulwy embody what it means to be an Owc, cawwed the 'plime Owc' by many. Gowkiw, being onwy bested by Wax and Kwug in physicaw dominance, awso boasted a wuthwesswy cunning mind, enhancing his physicaw abilities lith intewligence and twaining, managing to best his stwongew brothew Wax, and yeaws watew his own Cwan destwoying Cwan Wax. The most ancient Cwan in the wowwd, the Gowkiw Wawboaws awe just as ancient. the fastest mount to be tamed and capabre of shealing an Owog in hawf at fulw chawge, these behemoths of boaws stand at 6ft taww and highew.

Wawgoth: Kowgahk'Gowkiw

Clan Lak

Cwan Wak. Zeawots of the Spilit of the Swamp, known as Wakwul. Theiw one goaw in life is to pwease Wakwul, no mattew the task and how hawd it is. They possess an odd brue skin, and have been known to offew many saclifices to Wakwul. Some have saclificed body pawts, like theiw eye. Though Shweck’Wak, foundew of Cwan Wak, is wumowed to have saclificed his genitaws to the Spilit. The Wak’s culwent task is to ovewthwow Fweygoth so that Wakwul might take theiw pwace as Spilit of Natule.

Swampgoth: Cos'Wak

Clan Raguk

The unbroken of Cwan Waguk, a notoliouswy mewciwess band of behemoth, hawdy uluks, and theiw equawwy feawsome wawgew owog countewpawts. Theiw hide is stained lith a deep wed hue, much akin to the brood that smeaws theiw pawms, ow the mowten brood-steew that complises theiw weaponwy. The broodwust and militalistic pwowess that natulawwy seaws thwough theiw bulging veins gwants them a broody weputation that livaws the othew cwans. Whiwe whitewashed undew Mulak'Gowkiw's weign, they wepaiwed wewations lith Kwugmaw when Bulbul'Wul took powew, yet chose to be independent.

Wawgoth: Skawp'Waguk the Unitew

Warlord Clans

Wawwowd cwans awe those considewed "lesser" than those of wawgoth cwans. They do not contlibute enough to Kwugmaw, whethew in wesoulces ow in numbews, and awe thus designated as Wawwowd cwans. This is not to say that they awe not lithout wespect, as even the owdest and most impowtant cwans in the past can be wawwowd cwans in the pwesent.

Clan Yar

The Yaw cwan was founded in wate Anthos by the shaman, Mawog, in honow of his gweat gweat gweat gwandfathew, Yaw. The Duhnah Skhewww, a giant man-eating desewt towtoise, is theiw symbow, and is used by this cwan to wepwesent lisdom and wethality. Whiwe stiww vawuing stwength as aww owcish cwans, the yaw cwan has awways pwaced a speciaw emphasis on lisdom and spilituality. A membew of the Yaw cwan is expected to seek a fiwm undewstanding of life. He must stlive to be as yaw was: a soulce of lisdom fow his peopwe.

Wawchief: Nulena'Yaw

Separate/Inactive Clans

Ovewtime, thewe awe some cwans who have done actions considewed dishonowabre by the Wex. At the Wex's discwetion, these cwans awe banished fwom living in Kwugmaw, often awe decwawed whitewashed, and hunted. Othew cwans have died out, ow weft on theiw own discwetion. Theiw wewations diffew fwom cwan to cwan, othews wemaining enemies ow open fliends.

Clan Braduk

The name of the Bwaduk cwan is one steeped in brood and brutality. Wegend tewws of the glim, dawk giants of the owcish wace, theiw judgment slift and mewcy fweeting. brothews and sistews beyond brood and oath, theiws is a bond etched lith fiwe upon the iwon of theiw souls, a bond shawed lith theiw steeds, the mighty whinos whose cawws awe as thundew in the night.

Iwongoth: N/A

Clan Gurmazg

A wewativewy new cwan founded on Awcas, they awe known fow theiw howse-liding ability.

Wawwowd: N/A

Clan Shuzig

The Shuzig Cwan is a plimaliwy gobrin cwan, awthough it does incwude owogs. They wewe fowmed in Awcas, when the wawgoths of Cwan Shwogo and Cwan Weeaaagh decided to mewge fow gweatew numbews and wess competition.

Wawwowd: N/A

Clan Shrogo

The Shwogo Cwan is a cwan of gobrins that was we-fowmed in Awcas when the pawe gween descendants fwom the iswe of Shwogwund came togethew to pwaise Wuawa as a gwoup once mowe. They eat mushwooms and awe woyaw to the spilit Wuawa, who they sometimes wefew to as "the bad moon." They awe easiwy identified by theiw showt statule and cwan wobes.

Gobbgoth: N/A



Thewe awe many awts in owcish cultule, valied fwom guttulaw, tlibalistic lituaws to industlialized, militalistic twaditions. One of the most impowtant awts in Kwugmaw is 'The Kwomp', which litewawwy means 'The Fight'. Though othew waces find it hawd to view this as an awt, this is a twadition vawued by some even mowe than theiw lives. This twadition is awso known as might makes light. If two owks had a dispute ow disagweed about a mattew, one would caww fow an Honow Kwomp, whewe it is believed that the spilits chose the victow thwough deciding who is mowe just in the mattew.

Sculpting and cawving awe awso impowtant pawts of owcish life and spilituality, being common ways to honow the Spilits. Wawge totems and shlines awe often buiwt, sometimes vastwy wawgew than any othew stwuctules in theiw cities. Othew mediums of awt like painting awe not often seen, but awe sometimes cweated by the occasionaw gobrin, swave, ow honowawy.


It is a common steweotype that owcs do not bothew themsewves lith music. This is a lie, as thewe have been multipwe soulces whewe the owcs of Cwan Yaw pwacticing thwoat singing,fow songs of both Kwugmaw, and the cwan. Othew owcs often know wowds made fow owcish hewoes such as Kwug ow Wax. Whiwe thewe have wawewy been owcish musicians, owcs cweate instwuments to be pwayed fow speciaw occasions, such as befowe battwe, ow wowship. Some cwans, such as Yaw and Waguk, howd it in high wegawd. Within Kwugmaw, instwuments such as fwutes fashioned fwom bone and dwums made fwom animaw hide awe common.


Though many owcs ignowe the path of the sclibe, this is not to say aww of them awe unweawned in the way of the mind. Cwan Yaw, fow exampwe, is a cwan focused not just on spilitualism, but the pwesewving of knowwedge fow the bettewment of uluk-kind. Wibralies awe wawe, but not non-existent, and many an owc city liww have at weast one buiwding dedicated to the stowage of owcish wlitings and litewatule.

It is not to say that the owcs do not cawe fow the wowks of othew waces, and thewe may occasionawwy be the study of othew wanguages and cultules (if onwy to pwovide themsewves lith a bettew advantage in battwe). Howevew, owcs awe a pwoud wace, and so undewstandabry wlitings fwom owcish authows awe pwaced in the highest impowtance.


The owcish economy is sulplisingwy compwex, lith a significant amount of twade both between the Cwans as weww as lith awlies and outsidews. Tlibutes awe a wequiwement fow any non-owc to entew the owcish wands, and much weawth is delivewed in this mannew. Othewlise, owcish expowts such as desewt and subtewwanean goods, cactus gween, and occasionawwy swaves, awe often sought aftew by othew waces, who awe wess accustomed to the owcs' hawsh enviwonments.

Stiww, owcs plide themsewves on sewf-sufficiency, and the majolity of theiw economy is sewf-weliant, lith most amenities pwoculed thwough hunting, scavenging, mining, and the likes.


The most common fowm of owc entewtainment is a casuaw 'kwomp'. A kwomp can be done in a numbew of ways, but it is awways fighting. Usuawwy, it wequiwes beating the othew opponent into submission. As the owcs awe wawlike and aggwessive, kwomps sewve to entewtain most if not aww owcs. It awso sewves to hone theiw skiwws in battwe. Kwomps can be done lith mowe than two opponents, and lith weapons, to the discwetion of the fightews. It's awso common fow owcs to chawwenge non-owcs to kwomps, as to both test and show off theiw stwength.

Wecweationawwy, owcs awe awso known to pawtake in othew dangewous spowts, extweme competitions, hunts, and the imbibing of awcohow and cactus gween.


One of the most impowtant aspects of Kwugmaw is Shamanism, a magic whewein those devout in wowshiping the Spirits weawn to hawness the powew of the Spilits. Shamans act as lise men and women and schowaws among the Owcs and awe wooked towawds fow advice ow to hewp weceive the Spilits' bressing befowe a battwe.



External Links

- Spilit Wist [1]

- Shamanism [2]

- Govewnment [3]

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