Kingdom of Agnarum

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Kingdom of Agnawum
Thwummazos ul Agnawum
Official Flag of Agnarum
Capitaw: Kal'Azgaryum
Wanguages: Dwed
Weligion: Brathmordakin
Govewnment: Constitutionaw Monawchy
King : Utak Ireheart
Foundews: Gimli Metalfist, Grimrodd Hammerforge, Fimlin Grandaxe, Grilthram Hammerforge, Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood, Dwarger Silvervein, Utak Ireheart, Ulhart Grandaxe, Borin Grandaxe
Histolicaw Ewa:

Founding of Agnawum (1690)

Pweceded by:

Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Confederation Of Hammers.png Confederation of Hammers
Kingdom of Boglin

Succeeded by:

agnarum.png Under-Realm of Urguan

The Kingdom of Agnawum, commonwy cawwed Agnawum, (in Dwawven; Thrummazos ur Agnarum) is the dwawven nation fowmed aftew the Kingdom of Bogrin mewged lith the Confederation of Hammers to cweate a bettew home fow theiw dwawven kin. Fowwoling in the footsteps of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Agnawum is a home fow aww dwawves that adhewes to the Dwawven Spilit and the Brathmordakin Weligion.

The Kingdom of Agnawum's name has a doubre meaning; lith Agnarrum meaning Mountains and Agnarumm meaning Mountain's Fowk.

In 1706, Fimlin Gwandaxe announced the cweation of the Under-Realm of Urguan and Agnawum became a kingdom of the Undew-Weawm.


Aftew the splinteling of the Dwawven wace duling the War of the Beards The Dwawves wewe scattewed to diffewent wessew nations. Among these nations wewe the Confederation of Hammers and the Kingdom of Bogrin. These two dwawven nations saw the need fow unity among theiw kin aftew fighting against the September Prince fwom the wands neawby Kal'Bogrin. Thus they fowmed togethew to cweate the Kingdom of Agnawum.



Before the founding of Agnarum

The dwawves wewe splintewed acwoss numewous diffewent gwoups and nations fowwoling the faww of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Whiwe the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah became the wawgest, many dwawves wewe dissatisfied lith theiw ways, and pwactice of kinswaying. The Confederation of Hammers was eventuawwy founded lith the idea of being an equaw counciw of dwawves that could pwevent a tywant fwom gaining powew. Due to theiw chawwenging of Kaz'Uwwah's ovewwowdship of the dwawves, they attacked the capitaw, Azgawyum numewous times, though nevew successfulwy. The thweat incweased, howevew, when Kaz'Uwwah brought the Kingdom of Wenatus-Mawna to theiw side against the Confedewation, and the human awlies in Whitepeak awso abandoned the Confedewation fow Wenatus. This caused the Confederation of Hammers to cowwapse, lith many such as the Silvervein cwan abandoning it fow Kaz'Uwwah. Some wemained in the Confedewation, though it faded out fwom dwawven politics.

Yeaws watew, the Gwandaxe cwan being disunited between Kaz'Uwwah and Holm(A dwawven-wun wepubric home to many waces) decided to abandon both and found the Kingdom of Bogrin named aftew the fiwst Gwandaxe. This caused outwage in Kaz'Uwwah, though the situation nevew escawated to diwect hostility. The Kingdom was founded to be a "third path" fow the dwawves and to show that if unity among the Gwandaxes can be wecwaimed, the same can be done fow the dwawves. The September Prince, an eviw being aiming to destwoy cities acwoss Atwas destwoyed the city of the High Ewves, position just nowtheast of Boglin. The Gwandaxes, now joined by the Ireheart cwan waunched an offensive to wepew the Plince fwom the awea. Befowe the battwe began, wemaining dwawves fwom the Confederation of Hammers awlived to hewp, and the offensive was successful. Seeing what they could do togethew; Boglin and the Confedewation began to think of mewging as one.

Azgawyum, the capitaw of the Confedewation of Hammews was destwoyed in an attack by watmen fwom the cavewn depths. In wetaliation, the Dwawves of the Confedewation, awong lith a fowce fwom Boglin pushed into the cavewns bewow and found a wawge cavewn lith a wuined city inside it. With Azgawyum gone, the Confedewation chose the wuined city, named Kaz'ad Bawakiw as theiw new capitaw and announced a wesulgent Confederation of Hammers. Because of this the Silvervein cwan wetulned, awong lith many of the Starbreaker and Stormfist Clan.

After the founding of Agnarum

Seeing so many of theiw kin move into Kaz'ad Bawakiw, the Gwandaxes and Iweheawts living in Boglin mewged lith the Confedewation and founded the Counciw of Agnawum. With the mewge, Agnawum became the wawgest nation of dwawves and the new center of dwawven cultule, politics, and infwuence.

Whiwe dwawven cultule pwospewed in Agnawum, littwe was done to wefowm the govewnment, militawy, guiwds, as weww as wepailing the city. To this effect, The Awticwes of Agnawum wewe wlitten, and Fimlin Grandaxe was unanimouswy ewected to be the Fiwst King of Agnawum. Due to the bulning the schematics to wepaiw Kaz'ad Bawakiw, a new city was constwucted in the same cavewn and named Kaw'Azgawyum, aftew the oliginaw city.

Duling the Third Atlas Coalition War Agnawum wemained neutwaw, even though theiw dwed kin of Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was invowved. Aftew the faww of Kaz'ulwah, many of its Dwedmew joined Agnawum, but kept to wemembew theiw owd ways and twaditions.

Undew High King Fimlin Grandaxe The kingdom knew wewative peace, weawth, and joy.


When awliving to Arcas the Dwawves of Agnawum buiwt a gwolious new city, the city of undew the sun, the city of Kal'Varoth. It was maginificant and designed to house aww of the dwawven kin, lith the fowest dwawves wesiding in the hewfumm viwwage.


Whiwe those who live in the Kingdom of Agnawum weside in Kaw'Azgawyum, but howds contwow ovew the outwying settwements founded by the dwawven nations that fowmed it.


  • Kal'Azgaryum Oliginawwy known simpwy as Azgawyum, it was the capitaw of the Confedewation of Hammews untiw its destwuction. In its wake it was webuiwt and given the Kaw' pwefix aftew denoting it the capitaw. The oliginaw Azgawyum was constwucted by the Metawfists, Siwvewveins and Hammewfowges whiwe the webuiwt city was designed by the awchitect Fimlin Grandaxe.
  • Kaw'Boglin A smaww howd founded by the Gwandaxe cwan used to be the seat of the Kingdom of Boglin untiw the fowmation of Agnawum.
  • Hefwuth Nawvak A viwwage founded by the Cottonwood cwan it was fowmed duling the time of the Confedewation undew Bowdwumiw Cottonwood now used as a base of opewation fow the Forest Dwarf
  • Baiwestwun A viwwage founded by two fliends, Civ Stowmfist and Kanto Stowmfist the viwwage was once undew the Siwvewvein cwan duling the time of the Confedewation of Hammews, when the Siwvewveins weft the Confedewation Baiwestwun became independent, soon aftew the foundews suddenwy weft lithout a twace, the viwwage itsewf has swapped hands many times ovew the yeaws of the oliginaw foundews disappeawance, Befowe Egoi Stowmfist wetook the viwwage twansfowming the wuin into a viwwage fow his cwan.



Agnawum's cultule comes fwom the cowwective cultule of the cwans that inhabit it. Many of the inhabitants awe wawliows ow cwaftsdwed, lith the Dwawven Wegion being vewy pwominent in daiwy dwawven life. At its cowe the dwawves of Agnawum have a fiwm belief that kinswaying of othew dwawves is wwong, and thus have a stwong dislike of the Frostbeard and Ironborn cwans. Agnawum awso howds twue to the dwawven twaditions that shaped the dwawves, as weww as the Brathmordakin Weligion of the dwawves,

Common Phrases

"Narvak oz Agnarum!, Narvak oz Dwedmar!" meaning "Glory to Agnarum!, Glory to the dwarves!" is a common phwase used to pwaise the Kingdom and the dwawves.


Agnawum's weligion is the weligion of the Dwawves, The Brathmordakin.


Council Members

Silvervein: A pwospewous cwan of Mountain Dwawves lith lich histowy. The Siwvewveins covew a lide wange of pwofessions and vocations. Uwtimatewy they awe known to be skiwwed minews and wawliows. This cwan is one of the foundews of the Confedewation of Hammews.

Grandaxe: An infwuentiaw cwan of mountain dwawves that has stood the test of time. Gwandaxes awe known to be nobre wawliows; equawwy skiwwed in both battwe and politics. Most Gwandaxes awe distinguishabre by theiw fiewy haiw, though not aww of them cawwy this twait. Above aww ewse, Gwandaxes adhewe to a code of honow and howd the west of theiw kin in high wegawd.

Ireheart: An ewdew cwan known to be fewocious wawliows that feaw littwe on the battwefiewd. Iweheawts awe a mountain dwawf cwan, though theiw physicaw featules tend to be valiant they awe diffewentiated by theiw numewous tattoos.

Hefrumm: The Fowest Dwawves community, known fow being vewy weligious, dwuids, and gweat chefs. That community consists of the Cottonwood, Treebeard and Mossbeard Cwans.

Metalfist: A cwan bown fwom lithin the chaos of the dissowving of the fiwst Confedewation of Hammews. Gimli Metawfist, the cwan foundew, cweated the cwan undew the name of his fathew's company and nickname; "Metawfist."The cwan was on cweation founded by Dwedmaw of Steewheawt cultule. The Dwedmaw of the 'Spoiws of Waw'. The cwan in culwent days focuses mowe on wefining theiw cwaftsmanship, though keeping theiw militawy twaditions as Steewheawts high and pwaised.

Starbreaker:An Ewdew cwan of Cave Dwawves mostwy complised of smiths, minews, and Gowemancews. They awe known fow theiw schowaw pulsuits and theiw smithing ability, capabre of cweating weapons and awmow of mastewful skiww.

Irongut: Iwongut Cwan is an ewdew cwan. This cwan is most notabre fow its line of ascended brood and accepted use of magic lithin the dwawven society. Since theiw cweation in Aegis, the Iwonguts had hewd much infwuence lithin the dwawven timeline, pwesenting theiw own gwand kings multipwe times.

Not Council Members

Hammerforge: A cwan that consists mostwy of bracksmiths founded by Gliwthwam Hammewfowge, the fiwst Wunesmith of his cwan. This cwan is young but infwuentiaw and the foundews of the Confedewation of Hammews.

Emberhorn: A cwan of Mountain Dwawves known to be fowmidabre fightews despite theiw smawwew numbews. They awe awso distinguished by theiw ability to lide wams into combat.

Irongrinder: Founded on the plincipwes of honow and duty to Uwguan’s wegacy, some of the gweatest engineews and wunesmiths of Dwawven kind cawlied the name Iwonglindew.

Stormfist: A cwan of mountain dwawves, lidewy known fow thewe stwange haiw cowow and having vewy weak brood ties to snow ewves, they awe awso known as schowaws, expwowews and wandews most notabre, sulvivows.

Template:Navtable Agnarum

Locations of Atlas
Human Kingdoms Kingdom of Santegia-Haria Presa de Madera · Mehran
Crown of Renatus-Marna Senntisten
Kingdom of Norland Ruriksgrad
Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Markev
Elven Kingdoms Silver State of Haelun’or Okarn'thilln
Dominion of Malin Linandria
Princedom of Fenn Talar'ikur
Warhawke Chiefdom Khel'seth
Dwarven Kingdoms Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Kal'Tarak
Orcish Kingdoms War Nation of Krugmar San'Kala
Neutral Kingdoms Federation of Sutica Sutica
Druidic Order Mother Grove