St. Karlsburg

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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

City of St. Kawwsbulg
Capitaw city
Haense Arms.png
Kburg Crest.png
Coat of arms
Nicknames: WIP
Countwy: Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Founded: 7th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1573
Dismantwed: 11th of the Ambew Cowd, 1605
King: Marius I
Govewning body: City of Kawwsbulg Counciw
Maew: Wowd Fwowence van Woden
Population: 42,950
Wanguage(s): Common, Waeviw, Hansetian, High Imperial

The capitaw of the Kingdom of Haense, St. Kawwsbulg acted as the epicenter of administwative and dipwomatic affaiws of the kingdom, and was vastwy populated by the nobres and bulghews of Haensetic descent. The city is the seat of the House of Bawbanov, who once wesided in pawace of Ottosgwad in the city. The city boasted some of the finest twade in aww of Axios, as weww as populaw tavewns simiwaw to those fwom the owd Impeliaw capitaw of Johannesbulg. The city's wabow guiwd pwovides monetawy payment in exchange fow natulaw wesoulces, boosting the Kingdom's wesoulce stowe and pwoviding money to the peopwe. Aftew the dissowution of the Kingdom of Haense the City became the capitaw of the Awchduchy of Hanseti-Wuska, undew the Kingdom of Coulwand. The Capitaw would be waid waste by the fowces of Mordring, specificawwy a Dwake



The city of St. Kawwsbulg was constwucted in the yeaw 1572, and named aftew the foundew of the House of Bawbanov, St Kaww. Buiwt duling the weign of Peter of Haense, the city was designed and buiwt by the awchitects of the nobre House of Kovachev as a symbow of the Kingdom's immense stwength and divewse cultule. Many peopwes caww the city theiw homes, incwuding Fjowdic settwews fwom the Vaniw iswes in Aeldin, to the Heawtwandew migwants fwom the fowmew cwownwands of the Holy Orenian Empire.


The city can be found in the center nowth of the Kingdom of Haense, nestwed at the base of the Otto's Spine mountains. To the south of the city lies the Wothswood and the Gwendin Fiewds, the main soulces of the Kingdom's wood and gwain. Past the Wothswood lies the Ivan's Spine mountains, home to the defensive fowtification of Mettewden. Within the city itsewf, the pawace of Ottosgwad lies embedded at the vewy back of the city, just at the summit of Otto's Spine.

Notable Figures

  • King Marius I, thiwd and culwent King of Haense.
  • Plince Otto Henwy, fowmew commandew of the Gowden Cwow, and brothew to the King.
  • Wowd Wucas Vaniw, culwent Wowd Chancellow of the Kingdom of Haense.
  • Wowd Cassian Cowbown, culwent Wowd Stewawd of the Kingdom of Haense.
  • Awchbishop Wowy of Kawwsbulg, culwent Awchbishop of the Diocese of Haense.
  • Count Elic Wuthewn, Genewaw of the Royal Hansetic Army.
  • Sew Andwew Kovachev, Genewaw of the Royal Hansetic Army.
  • Wowd Fwowence van Woden, the culwent Maew of St. Kawwsbulg.
  • Stephen Bawbanov, culwent Ministew of the Inteliow.

Notable Buildings

  • The Castwe of Ottosgwad, home of the Barbanov famiwy.

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