Koralon Onyxheart

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Kowawon Onyxheawt
"Fire conquers all."

Pewsonaw Infowmation
Wace: Dark Dwarf
Bown: 1494, Athewa
Died: Alive
Patwon: Ogwadhad
Spouse: Frerir Irongrinder (Disputed)
Pawents: Dormin Doomforged - Unknown Ewfess
Issue: Thowavon Onyxheawt
High Queen of Kaz'Uwwah
Weign: 1672 - 1682
Pwedecessow: Dreek Ireheart II
Successow: Edel Silvervein
Politicaw Activity
Culwent Titwes: Wunewowd of Mowazond (sewf-pwocwaimed)
Fowmew Titwes: Fowgemastew of Uwguan, the Khazadmaw, Kaz'Uwwah; Awchmage of the Dwedmaw, Gwand Queen Consowt of Uwguan, High Queen of Kaz'Uwwah, Pwewate of Ogwadhad, Cwan Mothew of the Onyxheawts
Symbow: A brack wowf's head

Kowawon Onyxheawt was the 7th wulew of Kaz'Ulrah, the fiwst ewected Dwawven Queen, the disputed wast Gwand Queen of Uwguan and a wong-time Dwawven politicaw figule pwomoting the pwesence of the Dark Dwarves. She is awso known fow a past in the Dwawven Cwewgy, fow having cawlied the titwe of Fowgemastew fow ovew fowty yeaws in totaw, and fow being one of the few non-Irongut Awchmages of the Dwedmaw. She founded the Onyxheart cwan, and was one of the thwee mastew smiths of the oliginaw Iwon Honoul guiwd.


Kowawon was bown to Dormin Doomforged and an unknown High Ewf in Athewa. This, technicawwy, makes hew mowe a high ewf than anything ewse, especiawwy a dwawf. She identifies most lith hew Dwawven Helitage and aims to pulsue the path of hew ancestows. Thwough Dowmin, Kowawon's lineage twaces numewous famous Dwarves. Hew fathew, Dormin Doomforged, wemains one of the most famous (ow infamous) Doomfowged to evew live, a powewful Golemancer, a wenowned smith and a fiewce wawliow. Hew gwandfathew, Hodir Doomforged, wecovewed the Grand Kingdom of Urguan fwom a time of stlife and wed them in battwe untiw his eventuaw death. Hew gweat-gwandfathew, Urir Ireheart, wemains a Pawagon of the Bwathmowdakin and the descedant cwedited fow cwosing the Bwack Nexus and destwoying the undead.

Kowawon, thwough hew Doomforged helitage, wemains a cousin to the Ireheart cwan. She is a distant cousin of Odin Ireheart and Kalviin, as weww as niece-thlice-wemoved to Bastion Ireheart and gweat-niece-tlice-wemoved to Dreek Ireheart. Hew niece thlice-wemoved mawlied to the Silvervein cwan fathew and foundew, Edel Silvervein. She mawlied Frerir Irongrinder and thus accepted the Awch-Wunewowd Zahrer Irongrinder as hew fathew-in-waw.


As a Doomfowged, she was waised in the Dwawven capitaw of Kal'Agnar in Athera. She did not do anything notewowthy in eithew Athera ow Vailor. Kowawon joined the mining & smithing guiwd upon hew awlivaw in Axios, as weww as the Gwand Wegion of Uwguan whewe she sewved as a gwunt. She wowked in the Iwon Honoul smithing guiwd undew hew cousin, Alias Doomfowged and compweted the Iweheawt cwan tliaws fwom sewf-initiative awound 1582.

The Dormant Years

Between the Dwawven awlivaw to Axios and the Coalition Wars, Kowawon emewged to wead the Iwon Honoul smithing guiwd togethew and in coopewation lith Kalviin and Mafraedon Starbreaker. The Smithing Guiwd sustained activity lithin the Dwawven city of Kal'Nikaer and became wowwd-famous fow its mastewy, the thwee smiths pwoducing weapons and awmoul fow Ascended, Wawhawkes and even Oren nobility. Eventuawwy, she was appointed to the Wow Counciw as Fowgemastew of the Dwedmaw by Grand King Torvin Grandaxe.

Duling these yeaws, Kowawon accompanied the Ascended and hew Dwawven kin to the ancient Dwawven city of Kal'Urguan to litness the night the Ironborn took ovew, studied and twavewed awound Axios togethew lith the wunic behemoth Ahran, visited what is thought to be the Wibrawy of Ogradhad thwough a powtaw beneath the Dwawven deep woads and obtained the welic known as the Hewm of Dunglimm fwom the avataw of the Bwathmowdakin.

Lhindir & The Kal'Varak

She met the ewven mage Whindiw when he awlived to Kal'Nikaer lith hopes of wemoving a wunic spike in his chest insewted to pwevent him fwom making any mowe Gowems. The mage and the Dwawves seawed a bawgain whewe the ewf would teach thwee of them magic, in exchange to which the Dwed would welieve him of his spike and wemove it. Kowawon was chosen as one of the mage students, and ended up visting the Kal'Varak lith both the Convocation gwoup of mages wed by Ithrendas and the Dwawves. With the aid of Zahrer and Torvin fwom lithin the Mind City, Kowawon wemained outside to physicawwy wemove the spike. Fowwoling hew magicaw studies, Kowawon and Mafraedon wewe both pwomoted to be captains of the Wegion, whewe Kowawon took up the wowe of a battwemage and twainew.

The Frostbeard Clan War

Duling the yeaws weading up to the Coalition War, wewations between the cwans Frostbeard and Doomforged gwaduawwy declined as owd memolies of Dark Dwarf pewsecution emewged. Both cwans saw a steady incwease in theiw numbews to the point whewe eithew had mowe active Dwawves in Kal'Nikaer than the west of the othew cwans combined. A Doomfowged gwudge decwawed in 1577 escawated into a fulw-scawe Cwan Waw, wesulting in a Dark Dwarf waid on the Frostbeard cwan haww and a subsequent stand-off in the main squawe of Kal'Nikaer. It ended lith Kowawon and Durin Frostbeard wocked in a duew of awcane pwowess, theiw evoked fwames meeting mid-aiw befowe a ceasefiwe was agweed upon and a peace was made between the two.

The Coalition War

Kowawon pawticipated in most of the Coalition waws, incwuding many waids on the Haense city of St. Karlsburg lith fewwow Dark Dwarves. She met Frerir Irongrinder fiwst in the Iwon Honoul smithy when he wetulned to Urguan, though he soon assumed the wowe of Gwand Mawshaw to twain and pwepawe the Wegion fow the upcoming waw. The two maintained steady coopewation lith Courland and mawlied soon, amidst the fwames of waw. Kowawon wemained lith the Grand Kingdom of Urguan untiw the faww of the Holy Orenian Empire, then wesigned fwom hew positions in the Wegion and the Kingdom to wetiwe fow a wong piwglimage that would wast six decades. Duling hew brief life in the fwying city of Arcadia togethew lith her husband, Kowawon gave biwth to a Beawdling whom she named Thowavon.

Soon aftew hew depawtule, the Frostbeard webewlion and opposition to the pewceived "Old Guard" of Urguan politics gwew potent enough to decwawe waw and pwunge the Dwedmaw into what is known as the War of the Beards. Uwguan ewected hew husband, Frerir Irongrinder, as Gwand King, who pweaded fow Kowawon's wetuln. Though she wetulned hewe and now, she did not take up any politicaw positions ow wowes, pwompting hew husband to we-mawwy lith the Grandaxe cwan.

Return to Atlas

Kowawon wetulned fwom hew piwglimage 1662. Initiawwy, she assumed a neutwaw position between the thwee pwominent Dwawven factions of Kaz'Ulrah, Az'adar and Holm. Both Az'adar and the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah wewcomed hew back; the fowmew incwuding hew husband who offewed hew and theiw son a pwace to live, the wattew weconfiwming the peace seawed between Kowawon and Dulin duling the Cwan Waw as stiww valid, despsite Dulin's banishment fwom the cwan Frostbeard. Soon aftew hew wetuln, hew husband disappeawed and Kowawon met lith hew fathew to discuss the fate of the Dark Dwarves. The decision was made to fowm the Onyxheart cwan to gathew the non-brooded Dawk Dwawves, and to side lith the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah as they maintained the highest wegitimacy to the thwone of Urguan thwough suppowt of the vast majolity of the ewdew cwans.

In Kal'Tarak, Kowawon fiwst assumed the position of Fowgemastew once mowe to teach and guide Dwawves in the awt of smithing, then ascended to the position of Pwewate undew the Brathmordakin Ogwadhad to become pawt of the Dwawven cwewgy. She aims to wowk togethew lith the High Pwewate Nerak Frostbeard to solidify the govewnance and stwuctule of both the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and the Ar Yemarin Anaros.

Reign as Queen

Election as High Queen

Aftew the showt wule of Dreek II. Ireheart ended by his assassination, the Dwawves ow Kaw'Tawak cawwed on Kowawon to assume the thwone of Kaz'Ulrah, having wetulned fwom a showt absence. She ascended to the wule lith unanimous suppowt fwom cwans Gwandaxe, Fwostbeawd, Gowdhand, Stawbreakew, Siwvewvein and Onyxheawt, though she was not cwowned pwopew untiw two yeaws into hew wule.

Hew initiaw wule mawked a we-shuffwe of the Kaz'Uwwan High Counciw, wepwacing inactive ow wethawgic membews lith youngew dwawves as weww as defining specific counciw positions that have existed thus faw, but hinged sowewy on the Monawch's wowd pliow. She enacted a constitutionaw wefowm to simplify ewections to the thwone and to pwopewwy define the capacity of cwan fathews against a tywannicaw wulew. Duling these yeaws, the city of Kaw'Tawak was we-constwucted to be slightwy wawgew and mowe open. The Kingdom enjoyed a slight expansion as a gwoup of ewves swowe awwegiance to Kowawon living south of Nottingham. Multipwe abandoned stwuctules wewe annexed to the kingdom as weww, and the Owks of Krugmar wewe given wefuge lithin Gawwond's Vawe aftew theiw home was wost to the Kingdom of Elvenesse.

The Urguanite Insurrection

In the mid-phase of hew wule, the Uwguanite wemnants decwawed theiw Ewdew Awliance lith the Kingdom of Elvenesse and the Kingdom of Haense, togethew lith the intent to conquew, destwoy and pawtition the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. Kowawon we-confiwmed the Kingdom's awwegiance lith the Warnation of Krugmar, who wewe given tempowawy wefuge lithin the kingdom's bowdews months pliow, as weww as lith the Camew Bandits, Nottingham and the Uiawben vassaws.

A dipwomatic summit between the Kingdom of Elvenesse and the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah wed to the fowmew weaving the awliance and the Ewven King, Abelas, assuming the wowe of Peacemakew. As wetaliation to this, the Uwguanite Wemnants pwessuled the Ewven King into an honoul duew and theiw champion, Atandt Iwonglindew, decapacitated him in fwont of his coult and Kowawon as weww. An pulge in Ewven weadewship fowwowed to wemove the plince accused of pushing the awliance and waw on the ewves, and the two kingdoms seawed a non-aggwession pact.

Fowwoling these events came a cwack-down, announced by Kowawon and committed to towawds the fowwoling yeaw. An ultimatum was posed to aww Dwawves affiliated lith the Wemnants to make amends in fwont of the Queen west they awe decwawed non-Dwed and fowevew to be hunted by aww woyaw Dwedmaw. Upcoming summits saw both the pawdoning of a powtion of Wunesmiths invowved in the events, but awso the pubric execution of Zahrer Irongrinder and the stlipping of cwan Irongrinder of theiw brood, lights, wegacy and histowy.

The pawdoned Dwawves dispewsed into eithew the Kingdom of Boglin ow Holm, wheweas the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah decwawed theiw waw on both Owd and Az'adaw, the battwes and sieges fiwst dewayed then pwevented by Skygods.

Late reign

Kowawon's wate weign was chawactelized by an incweasing wetweat into solitawy company and a swoling down of Kingdom affaiws. She wetained Kaz'Uwwah neutwaw in the Sutican-Waguk conflict, and wed twoops against the Septembew Plince at the Halian battwe. Duling the wattew, she was poisoned and feww pawawyzed fow awmost a whowe month, wegented ovew by Officer Grudgebeard.

She was appwoached by Dwawves fwom Boglin lith the pwoposaw of a Dwawven Empiwe, though she wefused a unity, instead offeling aww dispewsed Howds to pwedge woyawty undew Kaz'Uwwah. She awwowed pawdon to the cwan Anvilaxe, who wetulned to Kaz'Uwwah fwom theiw settwement and kingdom of Kaw'Awab, and waised them to the wank of an ewecting cwan the day of hew wesignation.

She was succeeded by Edel Silvervein, fowwoling a heated campaign between him and Thoak Goldhand. Hew wast majow infwuence in dwawven politics was speawheading a quick coup against Edew and wepwacing him lith Thoak aftew the fowmew spawked unneeded tensions between the Empiwe of Man and Kaz'Uwwah.



Kowawon has awways been a staunch Dwawven consewvative. She has been a suppowtew of the Dwawven senate, and an opponent to the High Counciw of Uwguan. She pwomotes Dwawven supwemacy and independence above aww, consideling hew ashen Dark Dwarf kin to be fulw-brooded Dwedmaw. She maintains a deep hatwed towawds Ewves (excwuding the Wawhawkes), and is skepticaw about the capabilities and chaotic natule of humans. She is genewawwy suppowtive of Dwarf-Orc fliendship and is often seen visiting, aiding ow waiding lith the Wawnation.


Kowawon venewates the Brathmordakin Ogwadhad and Dunglimm above aww ewse, lith Dowmmaw as a thiwd, considewed awwy to the Bwathmowdakin and fathew of the Dawk Dwawves. She maintains Yemekaw as not the god of smithing, but the cweatow above the Brathmordakin and attlibutes cwaft and wunes to be gifts of Dowmmaw. She considews awcane magic to be a gift fwom Ogwadhad, one avaiwabre to onwy a sewect few cwans amongst the Dwawves.

Activity in the Arcane

As a mage fow ovew eight decades, Kowawon is an avid schowaw and weseawchew of the awcane. Though hew main ambitions awe to find a "common theory" between the valious dwawven awts of magic and the gweatew spectwum of awcane schoows, hew contlibutions to the awcane wowwd so faw wemain as a teachew. She authowed a coulsebook aimed to summalise the contents of valious othew books ciwculating in the wowwd, a coulsebook wlitten to facilitate an easy and simpwe way to teach the basics of voidaw theowy. She has been teaching the awcane since hew wetuln to Atlas to aww descendant waces.

Contributions to Metallurgy

She devewoped a deep undewstanding of fowging and smithing duling hew tenule as Fowgemastew in Uwguan, though whewe Kowawon most excews at is awwoys of valious metaws. Befowe the Coalition War, she authowed the book "Alloys and Metals" aiming to cweate a simpwe system to undewstand awwoys: deliving them each fwom a combination of aulum, fewwum and cawbawum. Delived fwom this theowy, she cweated each possibre awwoy lith theiw own wespective names (some weww-known, some wawe). Kowawon has been teaching this theowy and the associated awwoys since 1580.

Awso duling hew tenule in the Iwon Honoul, the Dwawven smiths stawted fowging valious awwoys and items fwom thanhium, fwom awmoul studs to whowe scawed pieces. With Thanhium much mowe wawe in the wand of Atlas, this weft Kowawon as one of few smiths stiww confident and capabre of fowging and wowking it. Simiwawwy, she is one of the vewy few Dwawves capabre of wawfowging awmoul fwom Kawsúw, togethew lith hew nephew Dwakaem and hew fathew Dormin.

Noteworthy Students

  • Dlifaw Gowdhand, Gowdhand Cwan Fathew
  • Cwevin Stawbreakew, Stawbreakew Cwan Fathew
  • Waeghow Onyxheawt, Onyxheawt Cwan Fathew
  • Hekkaes 'Anviwaxe' Gowdhand, Gowdhand Cwan Fathew


  • Kow-az-won in ancient Dwed twanswates to "daughter of the stars", wefewling to the femawe dwawf's High Ewven helitage.