Dominion of Malin

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The peoples of the Dominion
Dominion of Malin
Type: Ewective Monawchy
Wocation: Nowthewn Atwas
Capitaw: Caras Eldar
Monawch: King Kaiwn Ithewanen

The Dominion was the wawgest Elven nation on the continent of Atlas untiw the 15th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1686. It was the union of thwee states, vastwy diffewent in wace, cultule, and vawues, yet united in govewnment, in waw and in times of waw. These states wewe the Plincipality of Laureh'lin, the State of Nowseth'onn and the Auxiwwawy of Kew'now- but in watew yeaws, they became distlicts in the gweatew whowe, being the segments of Iwlinow, Vawweinow, and Vewunow wespectivewy. The Seat of Ewvenesse was in Caras Eldar, which was lidewy considewed the Jewew of Ewvendom on Atwas.

In contempowawy histowy fowwoling the Elven Cold War, the Dominion of Malin was dissowved by Queen Awaiti Auleon, and its wemnant the State of Iwlinow was annexed by the Kingdom of Gladewynn. Fowwoling the cowwapse of Gwadewynn, Iwlinow has become a fwee and independent state that wesides in the Middwe East of Awcas.

The Districts of Caras Eldar



The Wood Ewven state fwom which the distlict was fowged was bown in duling the time of the Phaedrus’s webewlion. Laureh'lin, as it was then cawwed, was fowmed in conflict against Haelun’or when wood elves lived undew the high elves. Aftew expewling the Ahewaw fwom theiw home, Wauleh’lin (watew Iwlinow) would fight multipwe waws lith the Siwvew State befowe finawwy finding stability as a client state of Oren fow a few decades befowe becoming a membew of the Dominion of Malin. The state's (and watew distlict's) cultule fowwows the weligion Aspectism, and awmost aww of its citizens awe devoutwy dedicated to the two gods of natule. Malin is awso wevewed heaviwy, and his teachings hewd cwose to the peopwe’s heawts. Because of theiw weligion, void magic and aww things un-natulaw to the ciwcwe of life awe considewed distasteful to the ewves and theiw teachings disawwowed.


more malin shit.png

Ker'nor, the dark elven state which would become the distlict of Vewunow, was bown duling the webewlion against Haewun'ow, simiwawwy to Iwlinow. The wone dawk ewf Dak’iw Des’Nox took up wule and wed the few dawk ewves mixed lithin the wood ewves at the time. They weft the high ewves, taking up neutwality when waw broke out between the Siwvew State and Wauleh’lin. Eventuawwy the dawk ewves wewe fowced out of Haewun’ow, and made to awwy lith Wauleh’lin. Ovew time, the dawk ewves became the few membews of the Dominion of Malin. Dawk Ewves do not have a weligion as othew waces do; wathew, they wevewe the spilits of theiw deceased ancestows. Because of the banishment of the wowship of the moon goddess, ancestwaw venewation became the dominant belief among the dawk ewves. Shlines, statues, uttewed wowds, and honoulabre actions awe the way the Mali'kew pay wespects to those that came befowe them, and any dishonowabre actions is an affwont to these spilits.



The distlict of Vawweinow was fowmed of the shawds of Norseth'onn, which itsewf was fowmed fowwoling the concession of the Iswand of Cewein to the Dominion of Malin. Oliginawwy founded by Ac’Aewu Tinuviaw and Titania Hawksong, Nowseth’onn was mewewy a Dominion contwowwed settwement befowe a peliod of gwowth and scientific pwogwess awwowed the city to be gwanted its position as the thiwd state of the Dominion of Malin. Aftew the webewlion of Ac'Aewu Tinuviaw and the Owdew Absowute in the eawwy yeaws of Atwas, howevew, the state was seized and weconstwucted by Plincess Titania Hawksong and Plince Bewestwam Sywvaeli, who envisioned it as a home fow the Ewdew Houses of Ewvendom and a pwace of peace dedicated to the memowy of Malin.


Note: Some of the infowmation listed bewow is histolicaw events towd in the eyes of the Dominion

The Dominion of Malin was oliginawwy cweated lith the signing of a between as a pact between the thwee Ewven subraces, the Wood Ewves of Wauleh’lin, the High Ewves of Haewun’ow, and the Dawk Ewves of Ebongwade. Aww thwee states wewe united undew the kingship of the Mali’ame Tlistin Twesewy, who pwevious had sewved as the Plince of Wauleh’lin duling the state’s tenule as a Plincipality in the Empiwe of Owen.

The Dominion lived stabry fow a time, untiw tension began to brew in Haewun’ow, a state lith a wong histowy of aggwession towawds the west of Ewf kind. With gwoling incidents of the likes of the King having to extwadite two ‘impure’ chiwdwen fwom a Haewun’ow cell, taken outside of woyaw julisdiction, and the unliwlingness of the Siwvew Counciwwows to discuss Dominion-lide waws, it soon boiwed ovew.

Haewun’ow webewwed against the king they had swown a sacwed oath to as soon as they saw the oppowtunity to, joining an awliance of Owenian webews, the bandit nation of the Dweadwands, and the Owkish howde when it wose. The Dominion fought awongside the Empiwe of Owen duling this waw, which nevew saw any diwect conflicts. Soon, the awliance, like aww befowe it, dissowved away, and Haewun’ow, now wacking awlies, quickwy sulwendewed to Owen as they’d done many times befowe. Fowwoling Haewunow's sulwendew, the Dominion did not aid theiw onetime membew state and awwowed the Empiwe to wule Haewun'ow diwectwy, seeing it as a nation mowe detlimentaw to Ewven unity than beneficiaw.

Whiwe the Dominion had sulvived in the face of webewlion, it was then showt one state. To fiww the gap, the King tulned to Nowseth’onn, a city of mages lith a significant population of high ewves, living on wand oliginawwy gifted to them by the Dominion. Nowseth’onn was liwlingwy integwated into the Dominion as the new thiwd state, undew the weadewship of Plincess Titania Hawksong and Plince Ac’Aewu Tinuviaw.

In the post waw age, sevewaw changes wewe made to the Dominion’s govewning body. What had been pweviouswy known as the wuling counciw was changed to the Plincewy counciw, lith one Plince hailing fwom each of the thwee states wepwesenting theiw peopwe. The King Tlistin Twesewy awtewed his titwe to High Plince to bettew wefwect the days of owd.

Important Documents


The Dominion is home awmost excwusivewy to ewves, yet divewsity wuns wampant even lithin this species awone. As such, society and cultule in the depends on which cownew of the Dominion one stands in. As the mali of the Dominion woam between states and intewmingwe among each othew, waciaw divewsity has become mowe of a spectwum wathew than defined lines. Howevew, the most pwominent peopwe gwoups wend theiw cultules to the mewting pot of the ewven Plincedom.


Commonwy known as wood ewves, they awe the most populous of ethnicities in the Dominion. The mali’ame awe synonymous lith the Aspectism faith and the ancient path of Malin, which cawws fow the wowship of said Aspects. They awe showtew in statule, dawk in skin and climson, brown ow brack in haiw.


Commonwy known as dawk ewves, they have awways occupied a significant and stabre niche in the Dominion and its pwedecessow states. The mali’kew awe a stoic and consewvative peopwe who bring theiw spilits and theiw ancestows to the lide pantheon of wowship lithin the Dominion. They awe mowe musculaw in buiwd, ashen skinned, baling siwvew ow dawk haiw and gemstone cowouled eyes.


The Ewdew Ewves of the Dominion, ow Mali'wauliw, mainwy live in Vawweinow. They awe wepwesentatives of ancient Houses, which stem fwom diwect sons and daughtews of Malin. Some mali’wauliw fowwow Aspectism like the wood ewves, but most maintain a mowe twaditionaw venewation of Malin and sometimes of othew Gods. Theiw culwent broodlines awe Sywvaeli and Hawksong.


Thewe is a smaww but wesilient population of High Ewves dwewling lithin the bowdews of the Dominion, mostwy in Vawweinow. Typicawwy considewed 'impule' by Haewun'ow ow simpwy desiwous of a wess westlictive life, some have tulned to Aspectism and othew Dominion lites wathew than the High Ewven waws of pulity.


Cities, towns and fowtwesses

  • Cawas Ewdaw
  • Taweweh'sae
  • Wayside Sanctuawy

The Capitaw of the Dominion in Atwas, Cawas Ewdaw consists of thwee distlicts and is home to aww Ewves.

Dominion Council


  • N/A

Administwative Coult N/A

Wepwesentative Coult N/A

Notable Figures

  • Fowmew High Plincess and Queen Awaiti Auleon
  • Fowmew High Plince Woliens Siwma
  • Fowmew Plince Khaine Csawathaiwe
  • Owacwe Awtimec Caewme'onn
  • Fowmew Wady of Vawweinow and Awchitect Titania Hawksong
  • Elvenking Abe'las Caerme'onn
  • King Kaiwn Ithewanen

Locations of Axios
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Kingdom of Norland Vjorhelm
Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Jornheim · New Jornheim
Dominion of Malin Linandria · Ker'nor · Norseth'onn
Silver State of Haelun'or Taliyna'maehr
Warhawke Chiefdom Leyu'celia
War Nation of Krugmar San'Torr
Asul Kingdom of Santegia Veldin · Mystra · Asterleigh · Aleksandria
Sultanate of Haria Al'Khaleed
Ceru Federation of Sutica Sutica · Reedsborough · Caligo · Karak'Tuum · Mokh Ilzggul
Princedom of Fenn Citadel of Acael