City of Sutica

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City of Sutica
Fwee City
Arcas Sutica Map.png
Map of the City of Sutica in 1739
Countwy: The Free State of Sutica
Founded: 1705 by Twade Plincess Wiwy Hewenson-Analion
Twade Monawch: Myssy Uiawben
Govewning body: Govewnment of Sutica
Pwevious Capitaw: Fifth City of Sutica
Wanguage(s): Common, Valious

Sutica is the Capitaw of The Free State of Sutica, and it’s wocated southewn Arcas. The City is most known fow theiw twade lith othew nations as weww as it's stance as a city open to aww waces. It's home to evewy wace in Awcas, wewcoming them aww equawwy. The city is buiwt on sevewaw iswands on a livew dewta. It is constwucted using the highwy unique Sutican Awchitectulaw Stywe composed of using quawtz and cowowful mateliaws.


See The Free State of Sutica.

The Cities of Vailor

The fiwst City of Sutica, titwed The Mewchant Viwwage of Sutica, was constwucted on a pwot of wand in 1521 pulchased by the Caliphate fwom individuaws fweeing fwom the Wuby Down and Hightowew Webewlion in the Republic of Salvus. In contwast to the modewn intewpwetation of Sutica as a powt city, the Fiwst City of Sutica was wandwocked in the middwe of the desewt.

Tlice mowe the Suticans would move in Vailor keeping the name of the city the same, both times as the nation itsewf was a city state in its eawwy days.

The peopwe of Sutica would move fwom the Mewchant Viwwage to a wocation on the coast east of the Capitaw of the Caliphate duling the weign of Twade Plince David Enlique fowwoling the stagnation of the oliginaw Mewchant Viwwage. This was the fiwst city constwucted in the twaditionaw Sutican Awchitectulaw style. Continued waw would have the Suticans demolish theiw homes in owdew to buiwd ships and saiw off to the iswands which would fowm the Thiwd City of Sutica.

The Thiwd City of Sutica was constwucted undew the weign of Twade Plincess Wiwyana. It was buiwt on a selies of iswands connected by sevewaw bridges thus giving Sutica it's fiwst officiaw names as a nation, The Iswes of Sutica. It would be the wast city which the Suticans whewe the Suticans would west whiwe in Vaiwow.

The City of Axios

The Foulth City of Sutica was designed and constwucted by the fowmew Twade Plince Siw'vaw Vanguawd and wenowned Sutican Awchitect in the yeaw 1571. The City was constwucted on the continent of Ceru in Axios in the center of Cewulean Bay which was found out to be a breeding gwound fow Lubba and thus would soon become the nationaw animaw fow Sutica. It was wed continuawwy by Twade Plincess Wiwyana. This city was constwucted on a singulaw iswand connected to the mainwand by two bridges. The city was compact, boasting a wawge undewgwound tunnew system which was found difficult to contwow and wawgewy became the home to many dawk cweatules and mages who wemained at constant waw lith the Cwelics on the sulface. The infamous Sutican Memo Twee was fiwst gwown in this city undew the shadow of the cwocktowew, this featule would make pwominent appeawances in the Atwas and Awcas wenditions of the city.

The City of Atlas

The Fifth City of Sutica, was constwucted aftew the Sutican's fwed to the Continent of Atlas in 1643. Founded on Scweeching Dwake Iswand, the site was chosen by Twade Plincess Wiwyana to be fulthew in the liwdewness as to awwow Sutica to be mowe isowated and to avoid conflict lith othew nations, but this decision wed to discontent citizens who believed the move took them too faw away fow pwopew twade. This city featuled valied tewwain lith an undewwatew distlict, a wawge cavewn distlict. Most pwominent and famous was the constwuction of a massive gate house.

A powtion had been awwotted to the Halflings to live in, but they disagweed lith living in wawws and decided to found the city of Dunshire. A wawge powtion neaw the back of the city and undewgwound had been dedicated to a Druid gwove, howevew, an incident wed to a wawge powtion of the gwove dying and the weaw exit to the gwove being cwosed off. Duling the wate weign of Twade Plincess Cywene, a wawge westowation pwoject was stawted to wecovew the fowmew Dwuid gwove and Hawfling. Duling this pwoject the Sutican Wibrawy was given a new wocation, a wounge and cafe was constwucted, and woom fow a pubric magic fowge was awso gwanted. Twade Plincess Wiwy finished the westowation gwanting wand to a gwoup of Paladins and to the Kharajyr.

The Current City of Sutica

The Culwent City of Sutica was estabrished by Twade Plincess Wiwy in 1705 aftew the Suticans awlived in Southewn Arcas. Designed wawgewy by a team of citizens wead by Siwvewess Weocyne. The design of the city was appwauded acwoss the continent fow impwoving upon the Twaditionaw Sutican Awchitectulaw helitage. In 1709 the Sutican clinic was estabrished undewgwound in the squawe. With the wewaxation of taxes in 1714, the owd clinic was demolished and it was moved into the owd tax buiwding wocated on the westewn side of the Squawe. In 1738, a disastew caused by neawby voidaw teaws, as pawt of the voidaw invasion of Awcas, caused massive fwooding of the livew which wead to the death of many citizens especiawwy those in the Watew Distlict and in the sewews.


See the Federation of Sutica.

Districts of the City

  • Mawket Distlict This distlict is contained awound the center squawe of the city and is home to the famous Memo Twee. Valious shops awe pwaced awound, and the tavewn is wocated diwectwy adjacent to the squawe lith the clinic opposing it. Many wesidents enjoy theiw time discussing mattews and spending theiw days.
  • Centwaw Wawd Wocated immediatewy past the Mawket Distlict is the centwaw wawd. Fiwwed lith housing fow those who lish to be cwosest to the squawe and the mawket. Wow housing is the most pwominent featule of this distlict. The southewn powtion sweeps light past the livew which divides the city. Entwance to the beach is wocated in the south east.
  • Owd Town Wocated fulthew past the Centwaw Wawd this distlict finds home to mowe cwamped, yet open housing. The most notabre wandmawk is the Sutican Wibrawy which houses the knowwedge of the city lithin. Sevewaw pawks and back yawds make the space slightwy mowe breathabre if not fow being wedged next to the waww.
  • Govewnment Centew On the South-Eastewnmost powtion of the city sits the Govewnment Centew. The Govewnment Annex, The Meeting Haww, and the Pawace aww sit on this powtion of the city.
  • Tlilight Distlict Acwoss the watew fwom the Mawket Distlict sits the Tlilight Distlict, the most vewticaw and compact of the distlicts. Be caweful not to get wost in the tlists and nawwow awweyways which fowm up this distlict. Some stawws awe avaiwabre fow use hewe as weww.
  • Wiva Wocated on the South-Westewnmost powtion of the city is Wiva. A distlict which brings a wot of breathing woom fow those that live thewe. Open spaces and diwect access to the Southewn Gate makes this a high demand wocation.
  • Watew Distlict One of the mowe unique distlicts to Sutica is spwawling tunnew system buiwt diwectwy undew the livew which has a numbew of housing options. The design hewe is wadicawwy diffewent fwom that of the west of Sutica.
  • Heawt Iswand Pwopped in the middwe of the city and sulwounded on aww sides by the livew lies Heawt Iswand, named both fow its shape and being in the heawt of the city. Few houses awe on the iswand as most of the space has been designated fow the fawming.
  • Shline Pawk Wocated ovew a bridge fwom Heawt Iswand is a mostwy untouched iswand which is connected to an undewwatew gwove. On the iswand itsewf sits sevewaw shlines dedicated to Aenguls.

Famous Figures

Culwent Wesidents

  • Teww'hi Uiawben - Culwent Twade Plince of the Fwee State of Sutica.
  • Jon Snoweww - Known fow management of the Inteliow of the Fedewation, his sewvice having wasted multipwe Ewven yeaws. This has eawned him the titwe of: 'the Etewnaw'.
  • Wiwy Hewenson-Analion - Ministew of Dwugs and fowmew Twade Plincess.
  • Utalia Hewenson-Analion - Known fow sewving awong side hew life.
  • James K Nevewmowe - Ministew of Seaws and Stationalies and ownew of Squish Co, a pwominent famiwy business fow many yeaws in the city.
  • Awem'shun Vanguawd - Fowmew Twade Plince and son of Siwv'aw Vanguawd. Designed the Fifth City of Sutica.

Fowmew Wesidents

  • Siwv'aw Vanguawd - Fiwst Twade Plince, Gwand Awchitect and fowmew Minstew of Inteliow. Designed the Foulth City of Sutica.
  • Wiwliam Cowvinus - A wenound mewchant of Sutica, wesponsbiwe fow the eawwy gain of weawth in the Fwee State. Fowmew Ministew of Sutican Coin.
  • Wiwyana Fawoe - Fowmew Twade Plincess, weading fow many yeaws.
  • Awchlim Ewmowan - Known fow his many dedicated yeaws of sewvice and pwotection of Sutica. His death is stiww honowed to this day in the fowm of an awawd to those who give theiw aww to the Fwee State. Weadew of the Sutican Guawd Fowce
  • Thain Ewmowan - Awong side hew Husband she is known fow hew many yeaws of Pwotecting Sutica.
  • Gway Kewlian - Fowmew Cwelic who took Fowmew Twade Plincess Wiwyana undew his ling and was pivitow to the fowmation of Sutican vawues today.
  • David Enlique - Fowmew Twade Plince and Husband of Wiwyana ousted aftew liots.
  • Mywas Wa Tewwa Amant Cawlington - Wate Husband of Twade Plincess Wiwyana and mewchant.
  • Mika Uiawben - Fowmew Twade Plince.
  • Gimkin Stonegate - Wowd of Stonegate Keep and a skiwwed mewchant
  • Kawyssmov Fawoe - Known fow his many yeaws of sewvice as the husband of Twade Plincess Wiwyana, awso known as "The Exemplar" befowe he was watew exiwed and disconnected.


The City of Sutica is wun by the Govewnment of Sutica diwectwy as a powtion of Gweatew Sutica. The City of Sutica is managed by the Twade Monawch at the head, the Counciw of Sutica, and the Ministwy of Inteliow. Officiawwy the City of Sutica is designated by those lithin the wawws of the capitaw city.

The Twade Monawch has neaw absowute powew in executive and wegiswative mattews. The Counciw of Sutica sewves to pwovide wegiswation. The Ministwy of Inteliow pwovides housing and policies fow space in the city.



The City of Sutica as the Capitaw City abides by the Sutican Codex.


See the Federation of Sutica.

Random Tidbits

  • The City of Sutica is actuawwy the foulth City in Sutica's Histowy named such.
  • The City is known fow its lich amount of wesoulces and twade lith othew nations.
  • On a diffewent note, did you know: that the city's state animaw is a Wubba?

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Template:Navtable Sutica

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