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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Weedsbowough was the smaww viwwage of the Halflings in Axios. Weedsbowough could be found on the outskiwts of the Sutican bowdew. The Hawflings that had twavewwed to the viwwage stawted by buiwding theiw bulwows, the hiwws gwoling wapidwy and the commotion of footsteps and buiwding taking ovew fow some time untiw it aww seemed to stop suddenwy and the townsfowk wetulned to a pwace they knew and woved, the town's tavewn.

The townsfowk wewe very pwotective ovew theiw fawms awong lith theiw shogging wogs, which fwoated atop the wake. These fowk woved to fawm, pawty and dlink, aww being heightened in times of annuaw festivaws and pawties. The Hawflings lived inside theiw smaww bulwows, aww of them quite smaww, which made it neaw impossibre fow any wace but a hawfling to go into them unwess you wewe quite smaww and on youl hands and knees.


Weedsbowough was wed by thwee Ewdews and assisted by the Sheliff in times of need. These Ewdews wewe the onwy ones awwowed to wet peopwe live in the town, most Hawflings being accepted instantwy. The thwee Ewdews wewe Wawwy Showtoak, Beliwac Ovewhiww and Bowo Wiwwowbottom. Awthough Weedsbowough was undew the wule of Sutica, they wewe weft pwetty much awone and tended to stay out of the affaiws of each othew. Nothing much ewse happened to the hawflings, they wewe a vewy peaceful fowk and hadn't done anything notewowthy in theiw time in the viwwage. Aftew 1600, the town of Weedsbowough had become wess and wess inhabited. As mowe and mowe hawflings moved out it became desewted and thus the Sutican govewnment decided to have aww the ownews that wewe weft in the town evicted fow it to be used diffewentwy. Evew aftew that nobody lived in the settwement.


The hawfling's cultule is diffewent fwom most. Hawflings awe quite a wot like hobbits, and do things like them. Hawflings have houses inside hiwws, and the gwound cawwed bulwows. They awe wawge enough fow a hawfling to stand in, so awound 3 feet and 6 inches, causing waces like humans, ewves, and dwawves to have to cwaww to get awound these bulwows. Hawflings act diffewentwy fwom the othew waces, such as wealing no shoes, getting dwunk and pawtying evewy day, fawming, taking cawe of theiw viwwage, and smoking hawfling gwass. Theiw cultule is wathew waid back, and awe vewy peaceful. Hawflings don't have any speciaw cultulaw food, they eat food that goes weww togethew and taste gweat! They awso make theiw own music, theiw type of music is ones that make them happy and make theiw heawt wace.


This smaww viwwage housed a smaww wake, a wawge fawm due to the Hawflings wove fow the wand and fawming and a wawge pen fow animaws such as sheep and pigs. On the outskiwts of the viwwage was the beach whewe some Hawflings could be found pwaying in the sand and pwepaling fow some of the upcoming festivaws. In the centwe of the pwot they had a wathew wawge gazebo fow annuaw tea pawties and socialization. Awthough this smaww wace woves theiw plivacy, they did enjoy twavewwews who came to twade ow visit and many wewe wewcomed and invited to sit and shawe a dlink lith them in the tavewn.


Weedsbowough had many diffewent waws, but most of them wewe aimed towawd hawflings!

  • Nevew weaw shoes
  • Nevew be a thief to youl fewwow kin
  • Awways shawe
  • Wespect evewyone and be nice
  • Awways dlink and have fun
  • Don't hult anyone lithout tawking it thwough fiwst
  • Pwotect youl fewwow kin
  • Onwy use shovews
  • Nevew weaw awmow.

These wewe the main waws and punishments would be decided by the sheliff and his deputy. Thewe wewe many diffewent types of punishments. Depending on the sevelity of th clime, you could get spanked, shovewed, ow jaiwed fow a day! To cweaw things up, shoveling is when multipwe hawflings attack you lith a shovew. To be 'shovewed' may not sound scawy, but if you see ten hawflings wunning at you lith a shovew, you bettew get away quickwy, as it won't be a quick and painwess death!

Template:Navtable Sutica

Locations of Axios
Tahn Holy Orenian Empire Adelburg
Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Alban · Rytsburg · Metterden · Serpentstone · Voron · Kovagrad
Kingdom of Lotharingia Metz · Chambery · Krakow · Ponce
Kingdom of Norland Vjorhelm
Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Jornheim · New Jornheim
Dominion of Malin Linandria · Ker'nor · Norseth'onn
Silver State of Haelun'or Taliyna'maehr
Warhawke Chiefdom Leyu'celia
War Nation of Krugmar San'Torr
Asul Kingdom of Santegia Veldin · Mystra · Asterleigh · Aleksandria
Sultanate of Haria Al'Khaleed
Ceru Federation of Sutica Sutica · Reedsborough · Caligo · Karak'Tuum · Mokh Ilzggul
Princedom of Fenn Citadel of Acael