Dominion of Malin

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The peoples of the Dominion
Dominion of Malin
Type: Elective Monarchy
Location: Southern Tahn, Isles of Axios
Capital: Linandria
High Prince: Artimec Caerme'onn
Tiles: 3 (6)

The Dominion of Malin is the largest elven nation on the continent of Axios, comprising a majority of the species's population. It is born of a unity of three states, vastly different in race, culture and values, yet united in government, in law and in times of war. The peoples that comprise the Dominion are the Principality of Laureh'lin, the State of Norseth'onn and the Principality of Ker'nor.

The States of the Dominion



The wood elven state born in during the time of the Phaedrus’s rebellion, Laureh'lin was formed as a rebel state against Haelun’or when wood elves lived under the high elves. After expelling the high elves from their home, Laureh’lin would fight multiple wars with the Silver State before finally finding stability as a client state of Oren for a few decades before becoming a member of the Dominion of Malin. The state's culture, being different, would follow the religion Aspectism, and almost all its citizens are devoutly dedicated to the two gods of nature. Malin is also revered heavily and his teachings held close to the people’s hearts. Because of their religion, voidal magic and all things un-natural to the circle of life are considered distasteful to the elves of Laureh’lin and their teachings disallowed.


more malin shit.png

Oddly enough, Ker'nor, the dark elven state, was born during the rebellion against Haelun'or like Laureh'lin. The lone dark elf Dak’ir Des’Nox took up rule and led the few dark elves mixed within the wood elves at the time. They left the high elves, taking up neutrality when war broke out between the Silver State and Laureh’lin. Eventually the dark elves were forced out of Haelun’or, and made to ally with Laureh’lin. Over time, the dark elves became the few members of the Dominion of Malin. Instead of a religion the dark elves follow something different, since the beginning of the Des’Nox’s rule, the dark elves have followed the way of ancestral veneration, because of the banishment of the worship of the moon goddess, ancestral veneration became the dominant belief among the dark elves. Shrines, statues, uttered words, and honourable actions became the way the Enclave would pay respects to those that came before them, and any dishonorable actions would be seen as spitting in their face.



Norseth'onn was formed following the concession of the Island of Celein to the Dominion of Malin. Originally formed by Ac’Aelu Tinuvial and Titania Hawksong, Norseth’onn was originally merely a Dominion controlled settlement. After a period of growth and scientific progress, the city was granted its position as the third state of the Dominion of Malin. The most secular of the three elven states, Norseth’onn looks to the future for guidance. The Dominion’s home of Magic and Science, it is here that creations such as the Arcane Familiar and the Manablade were born. While the architecture and culture is high elven in style, Norseth’onn is, also, open to all races of elves, and will even permit individuals of other races that show a clear magical or intellectual ability.


Note: Some of the information listed below is historical events told in the eyes of the Dominion

The Dominion of Malin was originally signed between as a pact between the three elven subraces, the Wood Elves of Laureh’lin, the High Elves of Haelun’or, and the Dark Elves of Ebonglade. All three states were united under the Kingship of the mali’ame Tristin Tresery, who previous had served as the Prince of Laureh’lin during the state’s tenure as a Principality in the Empire of Oren.

The Dominion lived stably for a time, until tension began to brew in Haelun’or, a state with a long history of aggression towards the rest of elf kind. With growing incidents of the likes of the King having to extradite two ‘impure’ children from a Haelun’or cell, taken outside of royal jurisdiction, and the sheer uncooperative nature of Silver Councillors to even sit down and discuss Dominion Wide laws, it soon boiled over.

Haelun’or rebelled against the king they had sworn a sacred oath to as soon as they saw the opportunity to, joining an alliance of Orenian rebels, the bandit nation of the dreadlands, and the orcish horde when it rose. The Dominion fought alongside the Empire of Oren during this war, which never saw any direct conflicts. Soon, the alliance, like all before it, dissolved away, and Haelun’or, now lacking allies, quickly surrendered to Oren as they’d done many times before. They exist now as a direct, tribute paying, vassal state of the Empire, as opposed to being part of the Dominion of Malin. Despite Haelun’ors surrender, the Dominion agreed to allow Oren to rule it directly, seeing it as a nation more detrimental to elven unity than beneficial.

While the Dominion had survived in the face of rebellion, it was now short one state. To fill the gap, the King turned to Norseth’onn, a city of mages with a significant population of high elves, living on land originally gifted to them by the Dominion. Norseth’onn was willingly integrated into the Dominion as the new third high elven state, under the leadership of Princess Titania Hawksong and Prince Ac’Aelu Tinuvial.

In the post war age, several changes were made to the Dominion’s governing body. What had been previously known as the ruling council was changed to the Princely council, with one Prince hailing from each of the three states representing their people. The King Tristin Tresery altered his title to High Prince to better reflect the days of old, recognizing that there is no king but Malin.

Important Documents


The Dominion is home almost exclusively to elves, yet diversity runs rampant even within this species alone. As such, society and culture in the depends on which corner of the Dominion one stands in. As the mali of the Dominion roam between states and intermingle among each other, racial diversity has become more of a spectrum rather than defined lines. However, the most prominent people groups lend their cultures to the melting pot of the elven Princedom.


Commonly known as wood elves, they are the most populous of ethnicities in the Dominion. The mali’ame are synonymous with the Aspectism faith and the ancient path of Malin, which calls for the worship of said Aspects. They are shorter in stature, dark in skin and crimson, brown or black in hair.


Commonly known as dark elves, they have always occupied a significant and stable niche in the Dominion and its predecessor states. The mali’ker are a stoic and conservative people who bring their spirits and their ancestors to the wide pantheon of worship within the Dominion. They are more muscular in build, ashen skinned, baring silver or dark hair and gemstone coloured eyes.


Commonly known as high elves, the Dominion has always had a sizable population of mali’aheral, that mainly live in Norseth'onn. Curiously, some mali’aheral follow Aspectism like the wood elves, however most live in Norseth’onn and practice the scientific and arcanist advancements of that state, like their counterparts in Haelun'or.

Foreign relations




  • Sultanate of Haria


Cities, towns and fortresses

  • Linandria
  • Ker'nor
  • Norseth'onn

Notable Figures

  • High Prince Artimec Caerme'onn (LeoWarrior14)
  • Prince Calius Terin (ShadowedOblivion)
  • Lady Steward Arahaelth Aureon (LadyRebecca)
  • Prince/Primarch Dak’ir Des’nox (Dakirennis)
  • Princess Titania Hawksong (TwilightWolf9012)
  • Prince Ac’Aelu Tinuvial (Combustionary)
  • Hierarch Jayce Vulkan (Brokenhelix)
  • El’Annil Aenor Calithil (Filavandrel)
  • Lady Secretary Siri Ihelia (Shimmeringbliss)


Click here to see the reference, and see information on all the notable figures!

Locations of Axios
Tahn Holy Orenian Empire Adelburg
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Kingdom of Lotharingia Metz · Chambery · Krakow · Ponce
Kingdom of Norland Vjorhelm
Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Jornheim · New Jornheim
Dominion of Malin Linandria · Ker'nor · Norseth'onn
Silver State of Haelun'or Taliyna'maehr
Warhawke Chiefdom Leyu'celia
War Nation of Krugmar San'Torr
Asul Kingdom of Santegia Veldin · Mystra · Asterleigh · Aleksandria
Sultanate of Haria Al'Khaleed
Ceru Federation of Sutica Sutica · Reedsborough · Caligo · Karak'Tuum · Mokh Ilzggul
Princedom of Fenn Citadel of Acael