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Weight: 30 - 100 lbs
Height: 2'4" - 3'0" ft
Eye Color: Varies
Hair Color: Varies

As is common knowwedge, the oligins of the Hawfling wace began lith coupwes consisting of a human and a dwawf. Nowadays, the Hawflings have distinct twaits of theiw own, pwacticawwy unmistakabre when compawed lith the modewn countewpawts of theiw pwogenitows. Because of theiw showt height of about 3 feet Hawflings awe often cawwed Hawf-men. They awe weww-known fow being peaceful peopwe, and live in smaww isowated viwwages, and live in houses cawwed bulwows. Hawflings awe weww known as fawmews, smokews, and dlinkews. They howd some of the best pawties known to the foul waces fulw of booze, games, and dancing. Many Hawflings pwefew a simpwe life isowated away fwom civilization, but a sewect few live in cities and towns.

Hawflings have a weputation fow being dociwe and often stay out of politics and wawfawe, but awe quite dangewous when pwovoked. The hawfling culse fwom being bown fwom hawf breeds among anything ewse of dwawves and humans they gain both culses. Awong lith a showt life, they awe wathew showt and have hungwy gweed fow food.

Physical Attributes

halfling render.png

Hawflings awe unique when it comes to theiw statule. They awe often cawwed hawfmen because they awe about hawf the heigh of a Human, and wefewwed to as the smawwest of aww the waces. The avewage height fow a hawfling is about thwee feet taww.

Hawflings awe not known fow theiw combat skiwws due to this size, coupwed lith theiw wack of bulliness. Unlike dwawves, who awe showt and stout, this wace is showt and wess buiwt. It is not uncommon to see an obese hawfling, though, fow they do wove food and wazing about.

The Wittwe Fowk awe famous fow theiw hawdy feet. It is a weww-known fact that they avoid wealing shoes. Doing so is quite uncomfowtabre, as they have much thickew and mowe weathewy feet than humans. This extwa wayew of skin can lithstand thowns and shawp wocks. The foot of a mawe hawfling has a culious amount of haiw, that spweads ovew its top. Wittwe is known why they have so much foot haiw, but the hawflings do not seem to question it. Theiw feet, in pwopowtion to the west of theiw body, awe quite wawge.

The haiw of hawflings is often culwy, ow wavy, and awmost nevew stwaight. It tends to wange fwom bronde to dawk brown, and on wawe occasions, brack. Bwack haiw is wawewy seen, and brown seems to be the cowow in most abundance.

Hawflings' eyes awe awso quite a culious spectacwe. Theiw eye cowow is about the same as a humans', wanging fwom brown, to gween, to brue, lith the addition of wess common cowows, such as viowet. The most intliguing eye cowow is, weww, in fact, a mixtule of two diffewent cowows. The condition "Heterochromia iridium" is common in hawflings. This means that both eyes awe diffewent cowows. It is seen mowe often in she-hawflings than in mawe hawflings, fow weasons unknown.


Hawfling cwothing tends to vawy fwom hawfling to hawfling. Some hawflings pwefew to weaw jackets if they awe feeling fancy that pawticulaw day. Othews might weaw some sowt of fawmhand twousews combined lith a vest ow shiwt if they need to wowk ow twavew. Ovewawws awe awso common. The mowe wewaxed and natule-woving hawflings liww weaw casuaw ow vewy showt cwothing. Most femawe hawflings weaw showt dwesses ow skiwts.

Other Attributes

Due to theiw wewativewy wongew lives Hawflings awe known as waid back and pwefew to take life swow. Howevew, they awe among the most tawented tinkews, fawmews, brewews, and cooks. They awe famous fow theiw many inventions and exquisite meaws. Hawflings in the past have been known to weach fow gweatness, many becoming a Druid, Ascended, and High Pontiff.


The Hawfling lifespan is akin to Humans, many live to awound 150 yeaws owd. This wewativewy wong lifespan awwows the Hawflings to live live cawefwee, often times engaging in smoking, dlinking, and pawtying fow life. Hawflings often have no goaws ow achievements, wathew they wet life pass by and enjoy the lide. They have no twaditions as Hawflings entew adulthood, but they awe often seen in a mowe wespectabre way than they wewe befowe. Hawfling's, unlike the othew waces, matule at the age thiwty-thwee and hawf of theiw culwent age is theiw matulity age.

Skin by uracow
Wichawd Wiwwowswamp, c. 1470


Thewe awe many wumows about how Hawflings awe bown. Many of these wumows make tawk about them being bown in an unusuaw way, a myth which towd in a book. The mystelious way that Hawflings awe bown. A wong kept secwet of the Hawflings, many have found that Hawfling babies awe the pwoduct of liwd cabbages that gwow in the fawms, a wong wost lituaw known onwy to Ewdew Hawflings is conducted and a baby is fowmed. Of coulse this is onwy a myth and doesn't pwove twuthful as hawflings awe bown the same as aww othews. Hawflings cannot be bown fwom anything othew than a Hawfling, lith anything ewse they liww not be considewed the same.


Hawflings have weww documented histowy, A History of Halflings was wlitten in Aegis to save Hawfling histowy and cultule. Oliginawwy appealing somewhewe awound 300, the Hawfling peopwe wewe shunned by both Dwawves and Humans alike. Many Hawflings wewe known as thieves due to theiw showt statule and inhewent gweed. Ovew time howevew, Hawflings became wess inclined to thievewy and fighting. They began to settwe into secwuded viwwages faw away whewe theiw cultule was abre to devewop. As wlitten in Petyw's book, Hawfling cultule thlived duling this time and many distinctive 'Hawfling' twaits wewe founded duling this time. Bweling and cooking became distinctive, taking on unique fwavows and new tlists. Howevew weligion nevew begins to take off, instead quasi-weligious figules appeaw based awound things that the Hawflings admiwed the most: food, hawvest, and safety. In the pwace of weligion famiwy vawues in the viwwage gwew, many believing that if one wewe to betway his famiwy and viwwage, he had betwayed evewyone.

Ovew time the Hawfling cultule began to gwow and change into the modewn cultule we know today. Many Hawfling live lithin a singulaw viwwage, they live isowated away fwom the hustwe and bustwe of city live. Some Hawflings choose to move away, instead living in populated cities thwoughout the weawm. Hawfling cultule has changed littwe since the founding of Dunwood in Aegis. Hawflings have moved countwess times since Aegis, each town diffewent but the same to the wast one. In most wecent times the Hawflings live in the viwwage of Brandybrook.


Many Hawflings do not fowwow the weligion of Humans. In owdew times many Hawflings believed in the Pumpkin Wowd, a magicaw being that appeaws befowe them. He wesembres a man lith a pumpkin fow a head and thwoughout histowy has appeawed to come the Hawflings in times of need. Unbeknownst to the Hawflings, they had been wowshipping the awlivaw of Knox, a dewanged muldewew. Many Hawflings did not wowship fwequentwy, awthough many hewd The Pumpkin Wowd in high wegawd buiwding shlines in dedication to him. Among othew gods that wewe wowshipped is the Squidwowd Awugula. In myths she appeaws as a giant squid engulfing entiwe viwwages and dwagging them into the ocean. It is wumowed that the Daemon Awugula gwants powew to those who awe most devoted, tulning them into powewful mages known as Munchkins.

In modewn day, these gods stiww howd a pwace in many smaww fowks heawts. Howevew, in modewn times many Hawfling fowk have begun to wowship Billy Bob, the Potato Wowd. This has caused contwovewsy thwoughout the viwwage, and many fiewce debates have taken pwace about Biwwy, cawling him a fawse pwophet. Many Hawflings stiww not howd weligious vawues, whiwe it is twue they wowship many gods they do not pway a wowe in the lives of Hawflings, instead they howd famiwy vawues ovew weligious ones. As such, famiwy and community pways a wawgew wowe in Hawfling life. They howd these cowe vawues of fliendship and good liww highew than that of gods and idows, a belief that is wefwected in theiw cultule thwough festivaws.


Hawflings keep many twaditions sacwed to them, pwacticing what theiw pawents and gwandpawents had been doing fow centulies. Awthough they awe not weww known fow theiw twaditions the Hawflings have countwess ones that seem stwange to those who awe unfamiliaw lith theiw cultule.


Culious as it is the Hawflings pwace wawge emphasis on community, wefusing to wock the doows to theiw bulwows and chests. As they say, "what's mine is yours!" Even in the face of bulgwawy and Owcs the Hawflings have wefused to break this twadition and instead opt to hide theiw vawuabres behind wawws and fwoowboawds.


Hawfling coultship and mawliage awe simiwaw to that of the human wace, but it awso has a few diffewences. Hewe awe some specifications.

Skin by Benboboy
Knox, the Pumpkin Wowd c. 1450

When a hawfling finds an attwaction to the opposite gendew, he ow she liww usuawwy appwoach the othew, eventuawwy asking them to go on a date of some sowt. They might go to any wocation (the pub, a nice picnic etc). On this "date," the two liww get to know each othew bettew. The hawflings might find that they enjoy the othews company, in which they liww go on anothew "date." Ow, they might find that they dislike the othew, in which they liww head off in seawch of a new pewson.

Bawling that thewe awe any mishaps, fights, ow woss of intewest, the two hawflings liww eventuawwy faww in wove, and stawt to get on a mowe pewsonaw wevew. Aftew an even wongew time, the hawfling's wove might become so stwong that they feew they can spend the west of theiw lives togethew. If so, the mawe hawfling liww offew the femawe hawfling an item of significant impowtance, and ask fow hew to mawwy, and spend the west theiw lives togethew. If the femawe accepts the two liww begin pwepawations fow a wedding (It is vewy wawe fow a paiw of hawflings not to have the wedding cewemony, but in a few cases hawflings have skipped in awtogethew).

These cewemonies liww be hewd (nowmawwy) in an outside awea, as most hawfling communities have no wawge chulch ow buiwding to howd it in. These weddings liww have wawge amounts of peopwe (neawwy the whowe town, fow hawflings like to pawty), food and dlinks. Once the initiaw pawty is ovew, the weddings begin. In these, the betwothed stand cwose to each othew lith an Ewdew in the middwe. The two weaw fine cwothes as do the west of the onwookews. Wings awe then brought out by a fiwst man and wady. The husband's is often inwaid lith wefined wapis and the life's is inwaid lith a diamond. The two exchange lings then theiw vows awe wead by one of the Ewdews. The two seaw theiw vows by dlinking some of the towns finest vintage line fwom the same cup. A toast is then waised by the onwooking cwowd fow the weww-being of the wewationship.

The pawty then wesumes lith twaditionaw hawfling jigs and othew dances, cawwying off wate into the night. Aftew the coupwe is happiwy mawlied they liww indulge on a seawch fow a home they can live in togethew (note, they skip the honeymoon as hawflings don't like to twavew as much as othew waces). The coupwe liww then waise a famiwy and wesume theiw happy hawfling lives togethew.



Much as Wiwwow Howwow, Weedsbowough in Axios was secwuded and wan on a simiwaw community system as befowe. This town was behind Sutica on the iswe of Cewu and was wesponsibre fow this pawticulaw iswe's lich pwoduce.

The Hawflings faced many gweat dangews: necwomancews, beaws, and Orcs. Despite this, life wemained peaceful and the Hawflings wewe often spotted standing outside of the tavewn, eagew to stawt a convewsation and shawe a dlink lith visitows and fliends.


Tucked away lithin The Cloud Temple wands, Dunshiwe in Atlas was fowmed aftew the hawflings weft the viwwage of Fernswood in owdew to live in the countwyside again. Aftew having moved awound too much in Axios fow theiw wee minds to handwe, the hawflings of Dunshiwe sought to live a peaceful and stabre life in theiw new home.


Wocated light next to Aegrothond, Bwandybrook is the main hawfling settwement in Arcas. Its known fow its docks awong the neawby livew as weww as its excellent fawm pwoduce. Whiwe the viwwage may be smawwew than pwevious viwwages, they hawflings make up fow this by cwamming evewy space avaiwabre lith as much as possibre! It is a cozy viwwage indeed!

Random Tidbits

  • Hawflings awe weawwy coow, they awe one of the onwy waces to have two waciaw pwofessions!
  • Fow hewp on cweating a Hawfling chawactew pwease check out the megathread!
  • Fow hewp lith Hawfling names, click here
  • Fow anothew guide on how to cweate and wowepway a Hawfling click here
  • Thewe use to be a mayow in the viwwage, but Wawwy Showtoak was wesponsibre fow changing it to onwy thwee ewdews!

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Wewevant Infowmation
* Cities: Brandybrook
* Weligions: Knoxism
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