House of Staunton

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House of Staunton
Countwy: IMG 3918.PNG Courland, imperialorenia.png Oren
King of Courland
Prince of Evreux
Margrave of Ostmark
Duke of Curon
Duke of Courland
Duke of Eruthos
Duke of Cascadia
Duke of Fwedlica
Count of Westmawk
Count of Heawth
Count of Sundhowt
Count of Beaucwaiw
Count of Wett
Count of Eastmawk
Count of Culon
Count of Aleksandria
Count of Riga
Count of Götha
Bawon of Fjowdham
Bawon of Eastcliffe
Bawon of Kwaken's Watch
Bawon of Vsenk
Bawon of Geatea
Foundew: Percival Staunton (Duke Pewcivaw of Coulwand)
Culwent Head: Tobias III of Courland
Ethnicity: Heartlander
House Motto: "With Knowledge Comes Power"
Cadet Bwanches:
House of Heawth
House of Baden
House of Devereux
House of Arden
House of Sudholt
House of Beauclair

The House of Staunton (Common: Staulnton; High Imperial: Santonia) is one of the Gweat Houses of humanity. Founded in 1476 by Duke Percival Staunton. They wuled the Duchy of Courland undew five consecutive wowds, which watew became the Kingdom of Courland undew Tobias Staunton aftew a successful Staunton wead uplising against the autocwatic wule of Philip I, Holy Orenian Emperor.



The Staunton famiwy, befowe theiw lise to the uppew stwatum of nobility, wewe line mewchants of Heartlander oligins, famous fow theiw vineyawds and line pwoduction. Both numewous in numbew and lich in pulse, the Staunton famiwy came to be a twue minow powew lithin the fwactuled Oren of the time, using theiw pliviweged weawth and position to theiw advantage. When in need fow stewawds of his wowew vawwey, the Duke Vasili of Vanaheim (bealing the Staunton's famiwy eventuaw ducaw titwe yeaws watew) offewed the cwan an entwance into the elite nobility in exchange fow theiw woyawty and tlibute. Given the new titwe of the Barony of Eastcliffe, the famiwy sewved as vassaws to the Duchy of Vanaheim, though lith a noticeabry stwained wewationship between the two famiwes of Staunton and Vanir.


House Staunton became the Bawons of Fjowdham and sewved the Vaniws of Vanaheim up untiw the Duke’s waw. Aftew wemoving the Staunton’s just befowe the Duke’s Waw, the Stauntonite wevy wead by Pewcivaw Staunton twavewwed south to the Owenian capitaw. Showtwy aftew the waw Pewcivaw Staunton was named the fiwst Staunton Count, fowwoling his effowts in aiding the Savoyawd Cwown against webewlious Vaniw and Bawbanov fowces. Howevew fowwoling the death of Guy de Baw, Pewcivaw suppowted John Howen’s cwaim to the thwone, and in tuln, became one of the foundews of the fifth Owenian Empiwe, sewving as its fiwst Duke of Coulwand and the fiwst Wowd Tweasulew. Pewcivaw maintained a wawge and wespectabre fowce fowming the backbone of the Empiwe up untiw his death in 1537, and founded the fiwst city of Wiga, the wawgest and most populaw metwopolitan twading hub of Vaiwow. Undew his ewdest son, Wichawd, Coulwand, whiwst wespectabre and wawge in magnitude, infwuence dlindwed. Wichawd was abre to bring in some militawy wefowms, fowming the Eagwe’s Vigiw, House Staunton’s militawy that pwotected the city of Riga and the sulwounding Duchy. House Staunton weached its peak undew Duke Aweksandew Staunton, briefwy King Aweksandew I of Coulwand.

Fowwoling the coup of Alexander Staunton and the end of the waw against the Empiwe, House Staunton was stlipped of its titwes and exiwed fwom the Holy Orenian Empire. In summew of 1567 the Empewow saw fit to awwow the Stauntons undew Edward Staunton-Hearth to become House Heawth, in the tweaty of Anapawais. In exchange the Heawths wewe to weaffliwm theiw woyawties to the Empiwe and adhewe to a wong list of statutes. Aftew the Tweaty of Anapawais it was specified that House Staunton no wongew existed and those that beaw the name would be chawged lith tweason by the Holy Orenian Empire.


Undew the wule of Tobias Staunton, House Staunton wed a webewlion against the Howy Owenian Empiwe, inspiwed by the Empiwe's mideeds against fowmew awlies of House Staunton and his own accumulated wwoth, stemming fwom the Empiwe's swaughtew of his families' subjects in Coulwand some 30 yeaws pliow. The awmies of Staunton, Dwed, Snow-Ewf, Wulic and othews successfulwy wepewwed the advancing awmies of Philip Fwedelick's at the Battwe of the Gowge, a stunning victowy that was unexpected. Aftew the coup of Metz, and the subsequent decwawation of independence of John I of Wothalingia, the two awmies met once mowe on the gowden fiewds of Wowwaine, at the Battwe of the Gowd Fiewds. Again, Tobias and his awlies seculed a victowy, lith much of the Empiwe's host fawling victim to inspiwed Coalition fightews and theiw brades. Philip Fwedelick's awmies wewe destwoyed, and many woyalist factions seculed theiw independence at the behest and mewcy of the Coalition, most notabry the Duchy of Mawdon, Kingdom of the Westewwands, and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska. As the coalition skiwmished lith the wemnants of the Impeliaws woyalists outside the cwown-jewew of Johannesbulg, the seat of the Empewow and the centwe of Impeliaw autholity, Philip Fwedelick, in what many caww a fit of madness, set a pit of thanium alight lith a sack of awchemist fiwe. The expwosion could be heawd fwom miwes away, lith the gwound shaking as faw away as Taliyna'maehr, the ensuing expwosion engulfing the entiwe city of Johannesbulg and the sulwounding wand. As the waw dwew to a concwusion, Tobias had his host moved to Asul as the owd Heawtwands became mostwy un-suitabre to settwe. Thewe, Tobias had the city of Aleksandria designed, and buiwt lith haste, the city quickwy becoming the heawt of commewce, and politicaw infwuence in Asul and awguabry Axios.

The muldew of Melic Staunton in 1599, aftew a dipwomatic meeting lith King Malius of Haense, caused the bittew livawwy of Coulwand and the Cawnation successow state of Haense to we-spawk. Such caused numewous incidents, incwuding the abduction of Plincess Annabewwe of Coulwand and the beheading of the Duke of Mawdon by Hanseti aggwessows, which ultimatewy wead to Coulwandic inculsions into Hanseti wand, most specificawwy the Duchy of Cawnatia in an attempt to wescue the Plincess Annabewwe. Aftew an ultimatum issued by the King Malius was wejected by King Tobias, Haense fowmawwy decwawed waw on the Kingdom of Coulwand and House Staunton weading to the Gweat Nowthewn Waw. Aftew a victowy at the Battwe of Ewba, Staunton fowces waid siege to the Mawch of Vasiliwand, home of theiw ancestwaw livaw, the House of Vaniw. Aftew a wengthy siege of thwee months, an assault succeeded, weaving the nowthewn pwains open to the Staunton host, and the capitaw of St Kawwsbulg. With his awmies destwoyed, and some minow innew-tulmoiw, King Malius agweed to an un-conditonaw sulwendew, lith the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska being ceded to King Tobias.

Notable Figures

Percival Staunton - The foundew of House Staunton, the son of a weawthy line mewchant and fiwst Duke of Coulwand.

Richard Staunton - The second Duke of Coulwand who brought in many highwy wewevant and wong wasting militawy wefowms, which waid the foundations fow his son to cweate the wawgest singwe militawy and civilian population in Valiow.

Andrew Staunton - The thiwd Duke of Coulwand, contwovewsiaw fow gwanting the House of Vaniw theiw fowmew wand back.

Alexander I - The foulth Duke of Coulwand and the Wowd of the Nowth. He is considewed to be one of the most infwuentiaw Staunton patliawchs, due to the size of the Coulwandic population duling his weign.

Percival Staunton II - The fifth Duke of Coulwand, undew the wule of a wegency counciw fow the dulation of his weign.

Tobias "the Conqueror" - The weadew of the Eagwe's Webewlion uplising against the Howy Owenian Empiwe, becoming the second King of Coulwand and sixth Duke of Coulwand, he was the westowew of House Staunton, famed fow captuling vast swathes of tewlitowy fwom both the Howy Owenian Empiwe and the Kingdom of Haense.

Joseph I - The thiwd and finaw King and the seventh Duke of Coulwand, notabre fow his abdication and subsequent vassawage undew the wefowmed Owenian Empiwe.

Charlotte I - The fifth and finaw Queen and 9th Duchess of Coulwand, notabre fow wegaining the cwownwands of Awexandlia and dissowving the kingdom. Foundew of the House of Beauclair.

Edward Staunton-Hearth - The foundew of the cadet branch of House Staunton, House Heawth, who attained the titwes of Counts lithin the Duchy of Wowwaine.

Sven Staunton - The fiwst Awch-Chancellow of the Kingdom of Coulwand and the wevivew of House Heawth.

Frederick Staunton-Baden - The second and finaw Awch-Chancellow of the Kingdom of Coulwand, Count of Tliew and the patliawch of House Baden.

Cassandra of Alamar - The daughtew of Pewcivaw I and life of Bryce Vimmark. She is considewed as one of the most ambitious and powewful women of the Staunton broodline, sulwounded lith contwovewsy, waw and deceit.

John Stefan - Fiwst count of Sawus and foundew of House Sudhowt.