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|'''House of Rourke'''
|'''House of Rourke'''
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| ''<span style="font-size:x-small;">"The Sword of Brothers from The Daughter"</span>''
| ''<span style="font-size:x-small;">Dynastic Arms of House O'Rourke, circa. 1920 </span>''
| ''<span style="font-size:x-small;"></span>''
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| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Founder''': Erin Elendil-O'Rourke
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Countess of Halstaig''': Emigliana Maeya O'Rourke
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Country''': [[File:Empire of Alty.png|20px]] [[Holy Orenian Empire|Holy Orenian Empire]]
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Heir Apparent''': Noaise Pádraigin
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Parent House''': House of Elendil
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| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Titles''': [[File:HalstaigCrest.png|20px]] [[Halstaig|Count of Halstaig]]
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Titles''': <br> Duke of Fai O'Thuaid <br> Count of Halstaig <br> Baron of Daleport <br> Baron of Al'Ildic <br> Lord of Erin Hall <br> Lord of Cassia Hall
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Founder''': Erin Elendil-O'Rourke
|- class="wikitable" style="background:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;"
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| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Current Head''': [[Anastasia O'Rourke]]
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Ethnicity''': [[Adunian|Adunian]]
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Ethnicity''': [[Adunian|Adunian]]
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''House Motto''': "Yen dale byederin staig yen tohl"
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''House Motto''': "Focail de Óir, Teanga de Cruach"
| <span style="font-size:small;">'''Religion''': [[Church of the Canon|Canonism]]
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|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Country''':
**[[File:TheKingdomOfNumendil.png|20px]] [[Númendil|Kingdom of Númendil]]
**[[File:FrederickNovellen.png|20px]] [[Kingdom of Oren]]
**[[File:DreamEmpire.png|20px]] [[Holy Orenian Empire|Holy Orenian Empire]]
**[[File:Empire of Alty.png|20px]] [[Holy Orenian Empire|Holy Orenian Empire]]
**[[File:sarkozic.png|20px]] [[Duchy of Adria]]
|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Cadet Houses''': <br> House of Falcone <br> House of Orlov <br>
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|<span style="font-size:small;"> '''Related Houses''':  
*Parent House
**[[File:HalstaigCrestNew.png|20px]] House of Elendil
*Cadet Houses
**[[File:falcone2.png|20px]] [[House of Orlov and Falcone|House of Falcone]]
**[[File:orlov.png|20px]] [[House of Orlov and Falcone|House of Orlov]]
**[[File:derosiusnewcoa.png|20px]] [[House of Rosius]]
'''House of Rourke''', currently the ruling lord of the [[Halstaig|County of Halstaig]] hails from the [[Duchy of Adria]]. Their descent comes from House Elendil; the direct lineage of [[Harren|Harren Horenson]]. To this day House O’Rourke still carries on with its [[Adunians|adunian]] roots & traditions.  
Descending from the once royal House of Elendil, came the '''House of Rourke''' ([[Common]]: ''Rourke''; [[New Marian]]: ''Ruairc''; [[High Imperial]]: ''Rourkus''), established by Erin I, bastard son of Josiah Elendil and Cassia of Rourke. House O'Rourke has been renowned throughout history for their role as politicians and merchants. They made their first mark on the descendant realms in [[Atlas]] in the [[Duchy of Adria]], with Patrick I becoming the Maer of Belvitz. Though most notably, their political adroitness landed them center stage in the [[The Josephites|Josephite Party]] in the [[Holy Orenian Empire]]. For this, they were afforded the [[Halstaig|County of Halstaig]], a title once held by their ancestor Braehn Eldenil An'Hiraeth. Despite the eventual waning of Orenia, House O'Rourke continued to hold on to the county through titular means as they migrated between the [[Commonwealth of the Petra]] and the [[Númendil|Kingdom of Númendil]].
===The First Era; The Founding===
The family settled down in the [[Duchy of Adria]] after growing bored of wandering the roads of the [[Empire of Man]]. It didn’t take long after that for House O’Rourke to set roots down & get itself involved in the politics of the land. Padrick O’Rourke, head of the house climbed into the position of mayor of [[Belvitz]]; the capital city of Adria. Later in life, Padrick O’Rourke found love in Vasa Crow who happened to be the bastard daughter of the current Duke of Adria. Together the couple created three offsprings, Pious O’Rourke, Manya Crow & Fiona O’Rourke.
Erin I, beget four sons during his travels as a Bowie. The Eldest was Seamus, a man as quick to anger as a priest was prayer, then was William, a savant with numbers but too fond of the drink to use the intelligence GOD graced him with. Next came Padrick, a jovial giant of a man with soft eyes and a penchant for agitation of the plebeian masses. Last came Patricio, a man born in two worlds while being a part of neither for he was neither Ame or Adunian. For a time the brothers four traveled as Harren once had, with no home and no master but the sun and moon. After years of this roving, they came to the quaint town of Belvitz. The story is still told around the tables when the family gathers about how the four brothers drove off a murderous band of desperadoes. In return, the graceful Duke Ratibor granted them a roll of the sacred dice of Adria. It was in that dice that Padrick picked up that lay the future for the brothers four. For with that simple roll, he would ensure his own power as he became an alderman and finally a mayor until his death. Not much else is recorded from these times as it is believed that few if any of the brothers could write or read. The scraps of information that remain of these days are gleaned from records of Belvitz and oral traditions. What can be asserted is that the four brothers had children, many of which left Belvitz and the demise of the four brothers. It is said one vanished into the jungles, another drowned in a barrel of whiskey, one hung on the scaffold high, and the last was lost to the pages of history.
After the collapse of Atlas, The O’Rourkes moved to Arcas with the other descendants. During this time Pious O’Rourke took over as head of the O’Rourke house following Padricks death. The family lived peacefully, caring little for politics until the [[Sacking of Ves]] in 1710 which prompted Pious to take up arms against the [[Empire of Man]] which destroyed his beloved city. In 1715 when the [[War of Two Emperors]] broke out, Pious enlisted in the Ves Watch & served throughout the war, cutting down a great many Curonians & Norlanders.
When the war ended, Pious returned home to Ves & married a fair maiden named Clover Agusta. As time passed both Manya & Fiona were able to find suitable husbands. Manya married a lowly farmer & Fiona married an illitan merchant who went by the name Santino Falcone. All three matches produced children within the first few years of the [[Rubern War]]. Pious & Clover had three children, Padraig, Donovan & Quinn. Manya & her husband had only one; Irina Crow. Lastly, Fiona & Santino had two children of illitan descent, Gino & Vittorio.
===The Second Era; The Rise to Nobility===
To escape the raging [[Rubern War]] many of the O’Rourke kin fled to Aeldin where they spent their time in peace. While in Aeldin, Pious O’Rourke passed away along with his wife Clover. At the same time, the O’Rourkes who sailed to Arcas met up with their cousins from Atlas. Re-united, Oisin O’Rourke who descended from Erin Elendil-O’Rourkes eldest son took the reins as head of the family.
Two Generations since the last gathering of the blood had been called the clan had scattered to the winds. Padraig or as he is known to Imperial Sources Patrick II so-called the Grim due to his dour demeanor was contacted by a distant cousin of his calling on an age-old blood debt owed to the House of Carrion. Ever one to stand by his clan’s name he sought out the young lordling Ostromir Carrion, together the cousins crossed from Aeldin along with a retinue of scholars, mercenaries, priests, and servants. Patrick served for a time as a loyal retainer for Ostromir, but a servile life was not in the stars for the young man and it was then that he met a flaxen-haired beauty. After repaying the debt by saving the young crow from a demonic wyvern at the cost of his leg, Patrick moved from the Carrion Estate to the little town of Owynsburg in Kaedrin. It was during this time he sent word to the clan to come to Kaedrin. The first to answer his kin to answer his call was his brother Donovan ‘The Fair’, followed by his cousins Oisin (Later named John I ‘The Sailor’), William ‘Little Willy’, Santaina ‘Santi’, and lastly his sister Quinn ‘The Redheart’. The young family lived at first in relative poverty with six of them sharing a small lodging above their print shop, the first of many businesses of the O’Rourke Company. After a few minor successes by Donovan in the Equine business and some minor black market dealings, the family was finally financially stable enough to afford a proper home moving into a manor soon dubbed ‘The O’Rourke House.’ They were joined by a myriad of house guests such as Elke Lorenthus, an elvish druid who was a lifelong friend of Padraig; Válindàl Visaj — Grishnâkh’Raguk who later was known as the Crimson Rex of Krugmar, and a further myriad of unique personalities.
Years flew by and word reached Aeldin that the Rubern War was finally over. Under the guidance of fourteen-year-old Oisin O’Rourke, it was settled that the O’Rourkes & their cadet branches shall move back to the mainland. Once they all had reached Arcas the different branches went their separate ways. The Falcones moved to the imperial city of Helena while The O’Rourkes moved to the countryside of [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin|Kaedrin]], the location of old Adria.
It was during that time that the family forayed first into political life, with Patrick running for Mayor and John for Member of the House of Commons. It was at this moment that the young man that would go on to be one of the most controversial figures within Orenian Political history was molded by the actions of Kaedrini elites and anti-Adunian reactionaries. When Patrick and his cousins first moved to Kaedrin they were greeted by signs reading ‘No Adunians need Apply’, and with housing in cramped Ghetto conditions. Despite this persecution -
The O'Rourkes spent the rest of their childhood growing up in Arcas. When Oisin O'Rourke turned eighteen, he was gifted a manor outside of the [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]] for him & his family to lay rest. Around this time, [[Padraig O'Rourke]] formed the O'Rourke Company. The Company went on to create the first printing press in the city of [[Owynsburg]], open the first tavern in the city & help with the creation of the Imperial State Navy which Oisin O'Rourke eventually lead. The family went on to capitalize on the lack of economic power in Kaedrin, turning it into one of the most prosperous cities in the [[Holy Orenian Empire]]. For the O'Rourkes service to the commonwealth, Padraig O'Rourke was rewarded with the job of Minister of Labor & Oisin O'Rourke was rewarded with the job of Minister of Defense.
===The Third Era; Introduction to Imperialism===
More rewards came to the family in 1781 when Oisin O'Rourke received imperial [https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194429-imperial-letters-for-the-county-of-halstaig-1781|letters letters of nobility], declaring the House of Rourke as noble stock in the [[Holy Orenian Empire]]. Along with their letters of nobility came [[Halstaig|The County of Halsatig]]; a title for the O'Rourkes to bear. Oisin was then promoted to Captain of The [[Imperial State Navy]]. Two years later the Stahl-Elendil administration took over the imperial cabinet & with it came many new reforms. One of those reforms was Padraig O'Rourke being appointed as Minister of the Interior.
Snow fell upon Helena, coating its terracotta walls in a thick layer of white. Deep within the House of Commons, a fire was snuffed out followed by the gentle creaking of a door opening. “You again? Bahh! What do you want?” Were the last words ever uttered in the room. The next day, Patrick was found dead in his office. A voiceless funeral was held for the Count. Later that day Patrick’s eldest child, Azariah was approached by the Duke of Crestfall. Words were exchanged and admin the servants of Selm, Azariah was made Countess of Halstaig and Head of House O’Rourke. From there on, she took the formal name, Anastasia. After becoming Countess, Anastasia began a relationship with Carter Komnenos II, a descendant of Emperor John I. When the descendants fled Arcas to Almaris, Anastasia with the help of her grandfather Jonah Stahl-Elendil, began construction on the O’Rourke Stronghold; Erin Hall. Two years into the construction of the stronghold, Anastasia wed Carter in a private ceremony. The couple bore four children together, Gareth “The Unworthy”, Auden “The Mace-Catcher”, Iduna “The White” & Maeve “The Rose”. In the summer of 1801, the final tile in Erin Hall was laid and thus the structure was completed. Having been the first manor completed in the Empire’s countryside, Erin Hall stood as a beacon to the testament of the Adunian prowess.
During this time, The Falcone branch of the family moved to [[Helena]] along with Padraig. The Falcones settled down almost instantly with hopes of creating a casino in the city. Padraig however, had a harder time settling down & spent most of his time locked away in his office with a pile of paperwork to perfect. His wife, Illaena Elendil moved back to [[Aeldin]] after being ignored & shut out of her husband's life. A few years later, Padraig reconnected with his family when his eldest daughter; Anastasia O'Rourke showed up in the city after some unfortunate circumstances. Anastasia hid her true identity for some time, choosing not to take the O'Rourke name & instead created one of her own.
Soon after, Patrick II's, long-lost son Patrick III re-emerged from a voyage to Aeldin with his daughter, Janette. Together Patrick and Anastasia dominated Providencial Politics before they split apart with Patrick venturing the Southbridge to join the Ranger Corps and Anastasia continuing her political career in Providence as Head City Clerk following the departure of Annabelle Kelmenour. Both of the siblings continued to progress in their respective fields with Patrick eventually becoming Warden of Southbridge and Anastasia, Magistrate of Providence. As their careers flourished, they turned their focus back to raising a family. Patrick wed Emilia Morgyrn and Anastasia wed Carter Komnenos. Both of their marriages were said to be relatively unhappy which eventually led to the assassination of Carter and the suicide of Emilia.
During the Seige of The Doghouse, she revealed herself to be an O'Rourke to her lover at the time; Cassius Reine. This was when she took up the O'Rourke name & stepped forwards as the heir to Halstaig since Padraig had no male heir. In 1791, Padraig passed away which left Anastasia as Countess of Halstaig. Padraig's death shrunk the house in size & influence. His office of Minister of the Interior was left to his nephew; Dimitri Orlov. Only a few years after his death, Arcas came to a violent end as the world turned into flames which forced House O'Rourke off onto the next realm.
By this time Anastasia had sired her an heir; Gareth Padraig however Gareth soon fell ill and departed from the Empire, making his claim to the O'Rourke title illegitimate. Her second eldest son, Auden Thein had taken up the practice of the arcane arts, rendering him illegible to take the Halstaig title. This left her daughter, Iduna Anne as heir to Halstaig. Throughout her childhood, Iduna would be surrounded by servants and tutors, teaching her skills in leadership to prepare her for the title she would later inherit. In 1828, an assassination attempt was launched on Akello Cenobia - One of Anastasia's closest allies who at the time was living with the Countess. When the Countess returned home that night she was caught in the crossfire of the assassination. It was presumed Anastasia had perished due to the assassination as she was not seen in Oren since. This spiraled into what would become the presumed death of Anastasia and the ascension of Iduna to Countess.  
Upon her initial assumption of the comital title, Iduna found herself challenged by the House of Lords over her birthright to hold such a station. After a year-long back-and-forth legal debate, the House, led by [[Erik var Ruthern, Duke of Reutov|Erik var Ruthern]] eventually gave in and publically recognized Iduna as Countess of Halstaig. Due to the Nordling defeat several years prior, Iduna's reign was remarkably uneventful as Oren had secured itself once again as the uncontested leader in military and economic standings. Her reign eventually came to a close in 1849 after she was drug under the waves by a tropical storm while traveling at sea. Iduna's eldest daughter, Theodosia Illeana was then ushered to the comital throne as the next Countess of Halstaig.  
Upon arriving on the shores of Almaris, House O'Rourke & it's cadet branches settled in the capital city of Oren, [[Providence]]. Almost instantly the O'Rourkes sought to return to the political stage. In 1797, Anastasia O'Rourke ran for re-election as alderman. Running alongside her was Patrick O'Rourke-Elendil; an assumed bastard of Padraig.
==Notable Members==
==House Culture and Tradition==
* '''Padrick O'Rourke''' - Middle child of Erin O’Rourke. Served two terms as mayor of [[Belvitz]], Adria. Married Vasa Crow, bastard daughter of the Duke of Adria.
[[File:outerarentania.jpg|thumb|center|500px|''The Orenian Adunian host during the [[Battle of Outer Arentania]] in 1821, totaling around 1,000 soldiers; the largest Adunian military gathering since the War of Two Emperors. Depicted in the front are leaders of the Clans of Armas, Napier, [[Wittenbach Clan]], and O’Rourke.'']]
The O'Rourkes descend from the Kings of Adunia; the Elendils and thus are very proud of their Adunian heritage, even being able to trace their direct ancestry back to [[Harren|Harren Horenson]] himself. Originally following in the footsteps of their parent house, Erin O'Rourke and the First Era strictly followed Bowie culture however, when the O'Rourkes settled down in [[Belvitz]], they began slowly integrating into modern society. Further Imperial aspects began to spread into the family's culture during the Second Era and most notably during the Third under the reign of Iduna Anne who grew up in the Augustine Palace; the catalyst of modern Imperial society. Despite this many branches of the O'Rourkes fully rejected Imperial culture and embraced their Bowie ancestry as seen with Desmond Woodes.
===House Relics===
Forged by blacksmiths of Ildon, '''Liar’s Bane''', a bastard sword with magical properties was originally given to the Hand of the Adunian King who was believed to be an ancestor of Erin I. Over time, the blade was passed down to the strongest warrior of the clan thus leading it to see many famous historical battles such as the Siege of Helena when Pious I wielded the blade or when Anastasia I wielded the blade in the [[Battle of Outer Arentania]], and most recently when Calahan Antonius utilized the blade in the [[Battle of Lower Petra]].
Making its debut during the Sutican War was a monkey’s paw discovered by Patrick II which he named '''Crow’s Heart''' due to the dark jewel it was crafted out of. Patrick II was able to control Crow’s Heart, not falling for the magical tricks; however, he commonly used it during political meetings and House of Commons sessions to intimidate his opponents. After Patrick II’s death, the jewel was given to his nephew, Dimitri Orlov. Five years later during the descendants' evacuation from Arcas to Almaris, Crow’s Heart was lost at sea just off the coast of the Daeperician Archipelago.
===House Hierarchy===
*'''Core Leadership'''
**'''Count/Countess''' - The Count or Countess otherwise referred to as the Peer serves as the executive chief of the House of Rourke, tasked with leading the family on a path of social and economic success.
**'''Heir''' - Second in command to the Count or Countess, the Heir serves as both an advisor to the current reigning peer along with serving as a leadership envoy to the Capital. The Heir is tasked with upholding a good public reputation of the family along with arranging marriages and events. In the event that the Count or Countess is absent from their duties, the Heir is to replace them until either they are made the Count or Countess or until the Count or Countess returns.
*'''Count/Countess’s Council''' - The Count or Countess Council is made up of five positions or seats. The Council serves primarily to advise the current reigning Peer and Heir however if both the Peer and Heir are incapable of fulfilling their duties the Council. Each member of the council is granted one vote.
**'''Grand Heir''' - The Grand Heir is the 2nd line to the Committal title. The Grand Heir often acts as the speaker of the Council, calling them together in times of need and relaying the discussions of the Council back to the Heir and Peer. When the current Heir becomes the Count or Countess, the Grand Heir is promoted to Heir.
**'''Seneschal of Erin Hall''' - The Seneschal of Erin Hall is the steward of the O’Rourke estate in Halstaig. They are tasked with the production and upkeep of the estate. If needed, the Seneschal may assign a Master of the Grounds to assist them with their duties.
**'''Seneschal of Cassia Hall''' - The Seneschal of Cassia Hall is the steward of the O’Rourke estate in Redenford. They are tasked with the production and upkeep of the estate in addition to tending to the well-being of the residents. Since Cassia Hall is located within a Municipality, the Seneschal is not permitted to appoint additional support to assist them.
**'''Keeper of Knowledge''' - The rank of Keeper of Knowledge is typically granted to a family elder or a family historian. The Keeper is tasked with educating members of the House on Adunian & Orenian culture & history. Furthermore, the Keeper is expected to keep records of the family along with building up the family archive.
**'''Keeper of Bones''' - The Keeper of Bones is responsible for keeping a healthy connection with the Church of Canon. The Keeper is expected to be an ordained church acolyte or priest. When members of the house are gravely ill, the Keeper performs their last rites.
**'''Keeper of Books''' - Upon the presumed death of Anastasia I, Iduna I introduced the Keeper of Books title in place of Grand Heir as the position became vacant. The Keeper of Books acts similarly to the Keeper of Knowledge in nature however, while the Keeper of Knowledge preserves family records the Keeper of Book manages all public family-related ledgers.  
* '''Oisin O'Rourke''' - Founder of the Imperial State Navy. Captained the “HIMS Duke of Adria”. Served as the Minister of Defense for the Commonwealth of Kaedrin. Served alongside his cousin, Padraig O’Rourke in the House of Commons, served only a few terms shorter than him. Received letters of nobility for the [[Halstaig|County of Halstaig]] which brought House O’Rourke into imperial nobility.
===County of Halstaig===
A titular title afforded to Oisin O'Rourke by [[Peter III, Holy Orenian Emperor|Emperor Peter III]] in 1781. During [[Anne I, Holy Orenian Empress|Empress Anne I's]] reign on [[Almaris]], the title was made landed and a marble estate known as Erin Hall was constructed in the western reaches of the [[Holy Orenian Empire|Empire]]. After the events of the [[Aster Revolution]], Erin Hall was later demolished and reconstructed into a formidable castle.  
* '''[[Padraig O'Rourke|Padraig “The Scowler” O’Rourke]]''' - Grandson of Padrick O’Rourke. Opened the Owynsburg Tavern with his sister, Quinn O’Rourke. Later that year, he won the second mayoral election of Owynsburg, Kaedrin. Served only a single term as mayor before being promoted to Minister of Labor for the Commonwealth of Kaedrin. During his time as Minister of Labor, Padraig ran for the House of Commons & won multiple times, only retiring from the House when he was made Secretary of the Interior in 1783 under the Stahl-Elendil Ministry. Took over the County of Halstaig after the death of his cousin; Oisin O’Rourke.  
===Barony of Daleport===
On the Daeperician Archipelago, the Barony of Daleport was established on the southern shores by several Human Houses and Dwarven Clans. Azariah O'Rourke was elected as Baroness of Daleport. When the descendants left the Archipelago, the Barony was forgotten and the title, was no longer recognized.  
* '''[[Anastasia O'Rourke|Anastasia "Azariah" O’Rourke]]''' - Daughter of the late Padraig O’Rourke. Took over the [[Halstaig|County of Halstaig]] after her father's death. Rose to the rank of NCO in the Imperial State Army under the leadership of General Alren DeNurem & then General Peter Baldwin d’Arkent. Climbed the ranks of clerkship in the ruby city of Helena to the rank of Deputy City Clerk under the guidance of Annabelle Kelmenour. Ran for Helena city alderman in 1789 & won the first seat by a thousand votes. Retained her position as Deputy City Clerk in Providence. Ran for alderman re-election in 1797 & won the first seat again by ten thousand votes.
===Barony of Al'Ildic===
Following the dissolution of the [[Kingdom of Oren|Fifth Kingdom of Oren]], the remaining O'Rourkes under Sadie I found shelter among the [[Commonwealth of Petra]] where they were given Baronial status. While initially, they kept the title of Halstaig, they chose to drop it for the Baronial title of Al'Ildic instead, so as not to degrade Halstaig's status.
==Notable Members==
'''Padrick Erin ✝''' (@Mandoleader)
<br/>Lord Mayor and Alderman of Belvitz, Weapon Smuggler to the Kingdom of Gladewynn
<br/>'''Oisin Seamus ✝''' (@Areontrade)
<br/>First Count of Halstaig, Founder and Captain of the Imperial State Navy, Secretary of Defense for Kaedrin, Member of the House of Commons, Founder of the O’Rourke Printing Press.
<br/>'''Padraig Pious ✝''' (@Mandoleader)
<br/>Second Count of Halstaig, Minister of the Interior of Oren, Secretary of Wealth for Kaedrin, Member of the House of Commons, Lord Mayor of Owynsburg.
<br/>'''Santiana Jose ✝''' (@Radzig)
<br/>Captain of the Cock o' the Rock, Coxswain of the Imperial State Navy
<br/>'''Donovan Tyrone''' (@Bogs_Binny)
<br/>Kaedrini Imperial Boxing Association Host, Founder of the O’Rourke Equine Business, Imperial Medic.
<br/>'''Azariah Cassia ✝''' (@Asutto)
<br/>Third Countess of Halstaig, Magistrate of Providence, Alderwoman of Helena & Providence, Head City Clerk of Providence, Lieutenant Grenademaster of the Imperial State Army.
<br/>'''Patrick Adrian ✝''' (@jameson_h)
<br/>Minister of the Home Office, Proprietor of Redenford, Seneschal of Cassia Hall, Chairman of the National Party, Member of the House of Commons, Warden of the Rangers of Eastwood, Alderman of Providence.
<br/>'''Iduna Anne ✝''' (@Itz_Cookie123)
<br/>Fourth Countess of Halstaig, Mistress of Arts & Culture for the Augustine Palace, Augustine Palace Court Educator, Apprentice Vodial Mage.
<br/>'''Auden Thein ✝''' (@bloomtiara)
<br/>Seneschal of Erin Hall, Imperial State Army Private First Class, Creator of the Halstaig Library.
<br/>'''Desmond Woodes ✝''' (@Scorce1799)
<br/>Owner of Paddy’s Pint Tavern in Providence, Paddy’s Pub Tavern in Redenford, and the Docks Grog Tavern in Sutica.
<br/>'''Cillian Edward''' (@Setsuko)
<br/>Surgeon-General of Oren, Four-Term Speaker of the Assembly of Providence, Head Clerk in Redenford, Lieutenant in the Imperial State Army, Captain of the Orenian Naval Fleet & Dockmaster in Redenford.
<br/>'''Owyn Donovan ✝''' (@jmeatball)
<br/>Central Circuit Court Judge of Oren, Alderman of Providence, Head of the O’Ceartas Lineage.
<br/>'''Calahan Antonius''' (@__Pyrite)
<br/>Architect of Erin Hall, Lieutenant of the Westguard, Bosun of the HIMS Ark of Peril and Grace of Freedom
<br/>'''Theodosia Illeana ✝''' (@rainedropf)
<br/>Fifth Countess of Halstaig, Inquisitor-General of Oren, Lady Vicar of Arentania & Oltermont, Captain of the Westguard
<br/>'''Sadie Cristonia ''' (@Moenah)
<br/>Sixth Countess of Halstaig, First Baroness of Al'Ildic
== Patriarchs of Rourke ==
== Patriarchs of Rourke ==
Originally House O'Rourke followed an agnatic-cognatic primogeniture succession system, meaning that the eldest son of the family head takes over upon their death unless there are no eligible males - in which case a female may inherit. However during the reign of Patrick II, the house adopted a lineal primogeniture succession system meaning, the oldest living child inherits with no regard to gender. This change led to the first female matriarch of the House of Rourke, Anastasia I becoming Countess with her eldest child, Iduna Anne inheriting after her.
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! style="width:105px;"| Coat of Arms
! style="width:105px;"| Coat of Arms
! width=19% | Title(s)
! width=19% | Title(s)
! width=12% | Succession Right
| '''Erin Elendil-O'Rourke'''
| '''Erin I''' <br> ''"The Smith"'' <br/> Erin Josiah <br>1590-1642<br> ''(52 Years)''
| 1572<br/>Unknown,<br/><br/>Son of Josiah Elendil & Cassia of Rourke
| 1572<br/>[[Aeldin|Brolwic, Aeldin]]<br/><br/>Son of Josiah Elendil & Cassia of Rourke
| Margaret O'Malley <br> 4 Children
| Margaret O'Malley <br> [[Aeldin|Galaeve, Aeldin]]
4 Children
| 1642<br/>Unknown <br/>Age 70
| 1642<br/>Unknown <br/>Age 70
| [[File:HalstaigCrest.png|150px]]
| [[File:ORourkeOG.png|150px]]
| N/A
| N/A
| ''House Founder''
| '''Padrick O'Rourke'''
| '''Patrick I''' <br>''"The Tippler"''<br/> Padrick Erin<br>1642 - 1731 <br> ''(89 Years)''
| 1639<br/>Renatus, [[The Empire of Man]]<br/><br/>Son of Erin Elendil-O'Rourke & Margaret O'Malley
| 1639<br/>[[Adelburg]], [[The Empire of Man]]<br/><br/>Son of Erin Elendil-O'Rourke & Margaret O'Malley
| Vasa Crow <br> [[Belvitz]], [[Duchy of Adria]] <br> 3 Children
| Vasa Crow <br> [[Belvitz]], [[Duchy of Adria]]  
| 1731<br/> [[Belvitz]], [[Duchy of Adria]] <br/>Age 92
3 Children
| N/A
| 1731<br/> [[Helena]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]] <br/>Age 92
| Maer of Belvitz
| ''Middle Son of Erin I''
| '''Pious O'Rourke'''
| '''Pious I''' <br> ''"The Somnolent"'' <br/> Pious Padrick <br>1731 - 1756<br> ''(25 Years)''
| 1692<br/>[[Belvitz]], [[Duchy of Adria]]<br/><br/>Son of Padrick O'Rourke & Vasa Crow
| 1692<br/>[[Belvitz]], [[Duchy of Adria]]<br/><br/>Son of Padrick O'Rourke & Vasa Crow
| Clover Agusta <br> [[Carolustadt]], [[Kingdom of Renatus|Renatus]] <br> 3 Children
| Clover Agusta <br> [[Helena]], [[Kingdom of Renatus]]  
| 1756 <br/>Galaeve, [[Aeldin]]<br/>Age 64
3 Children
| 1756 <br/>[[Aeldin|Brolwic, Aeldin]]<br/>Age 64
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| N/A
| N/A
| ''Eldest Son of Patrick I''
| '''Oisin O'Rourke'''
| '''John I''' <br/> ''"The Sailor"'' <br> [[Oisin O'Rourke, Count of Halstaig|Oisin Seamus]] <br>1756 - 1788<br> ''(32 Years; 7 as Count)''
| 1738<br/>Galaeve, [[Aeldin]]<br/><br/>Son of Sean O'Rourke & Kerry O'Vonstat
| 1742<br/>[[Aeldin|Brolwic, Aeldin]]<br/><br/>Son of Sean O'Rourke & Kerry O'Vonstat
| Unwed
| Marina Dubois <br> [[Owynsburg]], [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]]
| 1788 <br/>Charlesport, [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]]<br/>Age 50
No Children
| 1788 <br/>Charlesport, [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]]<br/>Age 44
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| Count of Halstaig
| Count of Halstaig <br> Members of the House of Commons
| ''Eldest Son of Seamus I''
| '''[[Padraig O'Rourke]]'''
| '''Patrick II''' <br/> ''"The Grim"''<br>[[Padraig O'Rourke|Padraig Pious]] <br>1788 - 1791<br> ''(3 Years)''
| 1744<br/>Galaeve, [[Aeldin]]<br/><br/>Son of Pious O'Rourke & Clover Agusta
| 1744<br/>[[Aeldin|Brolwic, Aeldin]]<br/><br/>Son of Pious O'Rourke & Clover Augusta
| Illaena Elendil <br> [[Owynsburg]], [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]] <br> 3 Children <br> 2 Bastards
| Illaena Elendil <br> [[Owynsburg]], [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]]  
4 Children
| 1791 <br/>[[Helena]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/>Age 47
| 1791 <br/>[[Helena]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/>Age 47
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| Count of Halstaig
| Count of Halstaig <br> Minister of the Interior <br> Members of the House of Commons
| ''Eldest Son of Pious I''
| '''Anastasia I''' <br/> ''"The Sword"'' <br> [[Anastasia O'Rourke|Azariah Cassia]] <br>1791 - 1828<br> ''(37 Years)''
| 1770<br/>[[Owynsburg]], [[Commonwealth of Kaedrin]]<br/><br/>Daughter of Padraig O'Rourke & Illaena Elendil
| [[House of Komnenos|Carter Komnenos II]] <br> [[Halstaig]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]
4 Children
| 1828 <br/>[[Providence]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/>Age 58
| [[File:orourkecoa.png|150px]]
| Countess of Halstaig <br> Baroness of Daleport <br> Lady of Erin Hall <br> Magistrate of Providence <br> Knight Commander of the Order of the Lion
| ''Eldest Daughter of Patrick II''
| '''Iduna I''' <br/> ''"The White"'' <br/> [[Iduna O'Rourke, 2nd Countess of Halstaig|Iduna Anne]] <br>1828 - 1849<br> ''(21 Years)''
| 1805<br/>[[Halstaig]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/><br/>Daughter of Anastasia O'Rourke & Carter Komnenos
| Elias Asul'onn <br> [[Redenford]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]
4 Children
| 1849 <br/> Kahaen Sea <br/>Age 44
| [[File:orourkecoa.png|150px]]
| Countess of Halstaig <br> Lady of Erin Hall
| ''Eldest Daughter of Anastasia I''
| '''Theodosia I''' <br/> ''"The Black"'' <br/> [[Theodosia O'Rourke, Countess of Halstaig|Theodosia Illeana]] <br>1849 - 1876<br> ''(27 Years)''
| 1826 <br/>[[Halstaig]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/><br/>Daughter of Iduna O'Rourke & Elias Asul'onn
| Leopold de Ruyter <br> [[Providence]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]
3 Children
| 1876 <br/> [[Vienne]], [[Kingdom of Oren]] <br/> Age 50 <br/>
| [[File:orourkecoa.png|150px]]
| Countess of Halstaig <br> Lady of Erin Hall <br> Inquisitor-General of Oren <br> Lady Vicar of Arentania and Oltermont
| ''Eldest Daughter of Iduna I''
| '''[[Anastasia O'Rourke|Anastasia "Azariah" O'Rourke]]'''
| '''Sadie I''' <br/> ''"The Young"'' <br/> Sadie Cristonia <br>1876 - 1912<br> ''(36 Years)''
| 1770<br/>[[Avalain]], [[Full History of Curon|Principality of Curon]]<br/><br/>Daughter of Padraig O'Rourke & Illaena Elendil
| 1866 <br/>[[Halstaig]], [[Holy Orenian Empire]]<br/><br/>Daughter of Theodosia O'Rourke & Leopold de Ruyter
| Unwed
| Vladrick Kortrevich II
1 Child
| ''Unknown''
| [[File:orourkecoa.png|150px]]
| Countess of Halstaig <br> Baroness of Al'Ildic <br> Lady of Erin Hall
| ''Eldest Daughter of Theodosia I''
| '''Emigliana  I''' <br/> ''"The Flower"'' <br/> Emigliana Maeya <br>1912 - Present<br>
| 1866 <br/>''Unknown''<br/><br/>Daughter of Sadie O'Rourke & Vladrick Kortevich
| Edwyn Stayfr
2 Children
| Alive
| Alive
| [[File:orourke2.png|150px]]
| [[File:ORourke4thCOA.png|150px]]
| Countess of Halstaig
| Duchess of Fai O'Thuaid <br> Countess of Halstaig
| ''Eldest Daughter of Sadie I''
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[[Category:House O'Rourke]]

Latest revision as of 04:26, 16 January 2024

House of Rourke


Dynastic Arms of House O'Rourke, circa. 1920
Founder: Erin Elendil-O'Rourke
Countess of Halstaig: Emigliana Maeya O'Rourke
Heir Apparent: Noaise Pádraigin
Duke of Fai O'Thuaid
Count of Halstaig
Baron of Daleport
Baron of Al'Ildic
Lord of Erin Hall
Lord of Cassia Hall
Ethnicity: Adunian
House Motto: "Focail de Óir, Teanga de Cruach"
Religion: Canonism
Related Houses:

Descending from the once royal House of Elendil, came the House of Rourke (Common: Rourke; New Marian: Ruairc; High Imperial: Rourkus), established by Erin I, bastard son of Josiah Elendil and Cassia of Rourke. House O'Rourke has been renowned throughout history for their role as politicians and merchants. They made their first mark on the descendant realms in Atlas in the Duchy of Adria, with Patrick I becoming the Maer of Belvitz. Though most notably, their political adroitness landed them center stage in the Josephite Party in the Holy Orenian Empire. For this, they were afforded the County of Halstaig, a title once held by their ancestor Braehn Eldenil An'Hiraeth. Despite the eventual waning of Orenia, House O'Rourke continued to hold on to the county through titular means as they migrated between the Commonwealth of the Petra and the Kingdom of Númendil.


The First Era; The Founding

Erin I, beget four sons during his travels as a Bowie. The Eldest was Seamus, a man as quick to anger as a priest was prayer, then was William, a savant with numbers but too fond of the drink to use the intelligence GOD graced him with. Next came Padrick, a jovial giant of a man with soft eyes and a penchant for agitation of the plebeian masses. Last came Patricio, a man born in two worlds while being a part of neither for he was neither Ame or Adunian. For a time the brothers four traveled as Harren once had, with no home and no master but the sun and moon. After years of this roving, they came to the quaint town of Belvitz. The story is still told around the tables when the family gathers about how the four brothers drove off a murderous band of desperadoes. In return, the graceful Duke Ratibor granted them a roll of the sacred dice of Adria. It was in that dice that Padrick picked up that lay the future for the brothers four. For with that simple roll, he would ensure his own power as he became an alderman and finally a mayor until his death. Not much else is recorded from these times as it is believed that few if any of the brothers could write or read. The scraps of information that remain of these days are gleaned from records of Belvitz and oral traditions. What can be asserted is that the four brothers had children, many of which left Belvitz and the demise of the four brothers. It is said one vanished into the jungles, another drowned in a barrel of whiskey, one hung on the scaffold high, and the last was lost to the pages of history.

The Second Era; The Rise to Nobility

Two Generations since the last gathering of the blood had been called the clan had scattered to the winds. Padraig or as he is known to Imperial Sources Patrick II so-called the Grim due to his dour demeanor was contacted by a distant cousin of his calling on an age-old blood debt owed to the House of Carrion. Ever one to stand by his clan’s name he sought out the young lordling Ostromir Carrion, together the cousins crossed from Aeldin along with a retinue of scholars, mercenaries, priests, and servants. Patrick served for a time as a loyal retainer for Ostromir, but a servile life was not in the stars for the young man and it was then that he met a flaxen-haired beauty. After repaying the debt by saving the young crow from a demonic wyvern at the cost of his leg, Patrick moved from the Carrion Estate to the little town of Owynsburg in Kaedrin. It was during this time he sent word to the clan to come to Kaedrin. The first to answer his kin to answer his call was his brother Donovan ‘The Fair’, followed by his cousins Oisin (Later named John I ‘The Sailor’), William ‘Little Willy’, Santaina ‘Santi’, and lastly his sister Quinn ‘The Redheart’. The young family lived at first in relative poverty with six of them sharing a small lodging above their print shop, the first of many businesses of the O’Rourke Company. After a few minor successes by Donovan in the Equine business and some minor black market dealings, the family was finally financially stable enough to afford a proper home moving into a manor soon dubbed ‘The O’Rourke House.’ They were joined by a myriad of house guests such as Elke Lorenthus, an elvish druid who was a lifelong friend of Padraig; Válindàl Visaj — Grishnâkh’Raguk who later was known as the Crimson Rex of Krugmar, and a further myriad of unique personalities.

It was during that time that the family forayed first into political life, with Patrick running for Mayor and John for Member of the House of Commons. It was at this moment that the young man that would go on to be one of the most controversial figures within Orenian Political history was molded by the actions of Kaedrini elites and anti-Adunian reactionaries. When Patrick and his cousins first moved to Kaedrin they were greeted by signs reading ‘No Adunians need Apply’, and with housing in cramped Ghetto conditions. Despite this persecution -

The Third Era; Introduction to Imperialism

Snow fell upon Helena, coating its terracotta walls in a thick layer of white. Deep within the House of Commons, a fire was snuffed out followed by the gentle creaking of a door opening. “You again? Bahh! What do you want?” Were the last words ever uttered in the room. The next day, Patrick was found dead in his office. A voiceless funeral was held for the Count. Later that day Patrick’s eldest child, Azariah was approached by the Duke of Crestfall. Words were exchanged and admin the servants of Selm, Azariah was made Countess of Halstaig and Head of House O’Rourke. From there on, she took the formal name, Anastasia. After becoming Countess, Anastasia began a relationship with Carter Komnenos II, a descendant of Emperor John I. When the descendants fled Arcas to Almaris, Anastasia with the help of her grandfather Jonah Stahl-Elendil, began construction on the O’Rourke Stronghold; Erin Hall. Two years into the construction of the stronghold, Anastasia wed Carter in a private ceremony. The couple bore four children together, Gareth “The Unworthy”, Auden “The Mace-Catcher”, Iduna “The White” & Maeve “The Rose”. In the summer of 1801, the final tile in Erin Hall was laid and thus the structure was completed. Having been the first manor completed in the Empire’s countryside, Erin Hall stood as a beacon to the testament of the Adunian prowess.

Soon after, Patrick II's, long-lost son Patrick III re-emerged from a voyage to Aeldin with his daughter, Janette. Together Patrick and Anastasia dominated Providencial Politics before they split apart with Patrick venturing the Southbridge to join the Ranger Corps and Anastasia continuing her political career in Providence as Head City Clerk following the departure of Annabelle Kelmenour. Both of the siblings continued to progress in their respective fields with Patrick eventually becoming Warden of Southbridge and Anastasia, Magistrate of Providence. As their careers flourished, they turned their focus back to raising a family. Patrick wed Emilia Morgyrn and Anastasia wed Carter Komnenos. Both of their marriages were said to be relatively unhappy which eventually led to the assassination of Carter and the suicide of Emilia.

By this time Anastasia had sired her an heir; Gareth Padraig however Gareth soon fell ill and departed from the Empire, making his claim to the O'Rourke title illegitimate. Her second eldest son, Auden Thein had taken up the practice of the arcane arts, rendering him illegible to take the Halstaig title. This left her daughter, Iduna Anne as heir to Halstaig. Throughout her childhood, Iduna would be surrounded by servants and tutors, teaching her skills in leadership to prepare her for the title she would later inherit. In 1828, an assassination attempt was launched on Akello Cenobia - One of Anastasia's closest allies who at the time was living with the Countess. When the Countess returned home that night she was caught in the crossfire of the assassination. It was presumed Anastasia had perished due to the assassination as she was not seen in Oren since. This spiraled into what would become the presumed death of Anastasia and the ascension of Iduna to Countess.

Upon her initial assumption of the comital title, Iduna found herself challenged by the House of Lords over her birthright to hold such a station. After a year-long back-and-forth legal debate, the House, led by Erik var Ruthern eventually gave in and publically recognized Iduna as Countess of Halstaig. Due to the Nordling defeat several years prior, Iduna's reign was remarkably uneventful as Oren had secured itself once again as the uncontested leader in military and economic standings. Her reign eventually came to a close in 1849 after she was drug under the waves by a tropical storm while traveling at sea. Iduna's eldest daughter, Theodosia Illeana was then ushered to the comital throne as the next Countess of Halstaig.

House Culture and Tradition

The Orenian Adunian host during the Battle of Outer Arentania in 1821, totaling around 1,000 soldiers; the largest Adunian military gathering since the War of Two Emperors. Depicted in the front are leaders of the Clans of Armas, Napier, Wittenbach Clan, and O’Rourke.

The O'Rourkes descend from the Kings of Adunia; the Elendils and thus are very proud of their Adunian heritage, even being able to trace their direct ancestry back to Harren Horenson himself. Originally following in the footsteps of their parent house, Erin O'Rourke and the First Era strictly followed Bowie culture however, when the O'Rourkes settled down in Belvitz, they began slowly integrating into modern society. Further Imperial aspects began to spread into the family's culture during the Second Era and most notably during the Third under the reign of Iduna Anne who grew up in the Augustine Palace; the catalyst of modern Imperial society. Despite this many branches of the O'Rourkes fully rejected Imperial culture and embraced their Bowie ancestry as seen with Desmond Woodes.

House Relics

Forged by blacksmiths of Ildon, Liar’s Bane, a bastard sword with magical properties was originally given to the Hand of the Adunian King who was believed to be an ancestor of Erin I. Over time, the blade was passed down to the strongest warrior of the clan thus leading it to see many famous historical battles such as the Siege of Helena when Pious I wielded the blade or when Anastasia I wielded the blade in the Battle of Outer Arentania, and most recently when Calahan Antonius utilized the blade in the Battle of Lower Petra.

Making its debut during the Sutican War was a monkey’s paw discovered by Patrick II which he named Crow’s Heart due to the dark jewel it was crafted out of. Patrick II was able to control Crow’s Heart, not falling for the magical tricks; however, he commonly used it during political meetings and House of Commons sessions to intimidate his opponents. After Patrick II’s death, the jewel was given to his nephew, Dimitri Orlov. Five years later during the descendants' evacuation from Arcas to Almaris, Crow’s Heart was lost at sea just off the coast of the Daeperician Archipelago.

House Hierarchy

  • Core Leadership
    • Count/Countess - The Count or Countess otherwise referred to as the Peer serves as the executive chief of the House of Rourke, tasked with leading the family on a path of social and economic success.
    • Heir - Second in command to the Count or Countess, the Heir serves as both an advisor to the current reigning peer along with serving as a leadership envoy to the Capital. The Heir is tasked with upholding a good public reputation of the family along with arranging marriages and events. In the event that the Count or Countess is absent from their duties, the Heir is to replace them until either they are made the Count or Countess or until the Count or Countess returns.
  • Count/Countess’s Council - The Count or Countess Council is made up of five positions or seats. The Council serves primarily to advise the current reigning Peer and Heir however if both the Peer and Heir are incapable of fulfilling their duties the Council. Each member of the council is granted one vote.
    • Grand Heir - The Grand Heir is the 2nd line to the Committal title. The Grand Heir often acts as the speaker of the Council, calling them together in times of need and relaying the discussions of the Council back to the Heir and Peer. When the current Heir becomes the Count or Countess, the Grand Heir is promoted to Heir.
    • Seneschal of Erin Hall - The Seneschal of Erin Hall is the steward of the O’Rourke estate in Halstaig. They are tasked with the production and upkeep of the estate. If needed, the Seneschal may assign a Master of the Grounds to assist them with their duties.
    • Seneschal of Cassia Hall - The Seneschal of Cassia Hall is the steward of the O’Rourke estate in Redenford. They are tasked with the production and upkeep of the estate in addition to tending to the well-being of the residents. Since Cassia Hall is located within a Municipality, the Seneschal is not permitted to appoint additional support to assist them.
    • Keeper of Knowledge - The rank of Keeper of Knowledge is typically granted to a family elder or a family historian. The Keeper is tasked with educating members of the House on Adunian & Orenian culture & history. Furthermore, the Keeper is expected to keep records of the family along with building up the family archive.
    • Keeper of Bones - The Keeper of Bones is responsible for keeping a healthy connection with the Church of Canon. The Keeper is expected to be an ordained church acolyte or priest. When members of the house are gravely ill, the Keeper performs their last rites.
    • Keeper of Books - Upon the presumed death of Anastasia I, Iduna I introduced the Keeper of Books title in place of Grand Heir as the position became vacant. The Keeper of Books acts similarly to the Keeper of Knowledge in nature however, while the Keeper of Knowledge preserves family records the Keeper of Book manages all public family-related ledgers.


County of Halstaig

A titular title afforded to Oisin O'Rourke by Emperor Peter III in 1781. During Empress Anne I's reign on Almaris, the title was made landed and a marble estate known as Erin Hall was constructed in the western reaches of the Empire. After the events of the Aster Revolution, Erin Hall was later demolished and reconstructed into a formidable castle.

Barony of Daleport

On the Daeperician Archipelago, the Barony of Daleport was established on the southern shores by several Human Houses and Dwarven Clans. Azariah O'Rourke was elected as Baroness of Daleport. When the descendants left the Archipelago, the Barony was forgotten and the title, was no longer recognized.

Barony of Al'Ildic

Following the dissolution of the Fifth Kingdom of Oren, the remaining O'Rourkes under Sadie I found shelter among the Commonwealth of Petra where they were given Baronial status. While initially, they kept the title of Halstaig, they chose to drop it for the Baronial title of Al'Ildic instead, so as not to degrade Halstaig's status.

Notable Members

Padrick Erin ✝ (@Mandoleader)
Lord Mayor and Alderman of Belvitz, Weapon Smuggler to the Kingdom of Gladewynn
Oisin Seamus ✝ (@Areontrade)
First Count of Halstaig, Founder and Captain of the Imperial State Navy, Secretary of Defense for Kaedrin, Member of the House of Commons, Founder of the O’Rourke Printing Press.
Padraig Pious ✝ (@Mandoleader)
Second Count of Halstaig, Minister of the Interior of Oren, Secretary of Wealth for Kaedrin, Member of the House of Commons, Lord Mayor of Owynsburg.
Santiana Jose ✝ (@Radzig)
Captain of the Cock o' the Rock, Coxswain of the Imperial State Navy
Donovan Tyrone (@Bogs_Binny)
Kaedrini Imperial Boxing Association Host, Founder of the O’Rourke Equine Business, Imperial Medic.
Azariah Cassia ✝ (@Asutto)
Third Countess of Halstaig, Magistrate of Providence, Alderwoman of Helena & Providence, Head City Clerk of Providence, Lieutenant Grenademaster of the Imperial State Army.
Patrick Adrian ✝ (@jameson_h)
Minister of the Home Office, Proprietor of Redenford, Seneschal of Cassia Hall, Chairman of the National Party, Member of the House of Commons, Warden of the Rangers of Eastwood, Alderman of Providence.
Iduna Anne ✝ (@Itz_Cookie123)
Fourth Countess of Halstaig, Mistress of Arts & Culture for the Augustine Palace, Augustine Palace Court Educator, Apprentice Vodial Mage.
Auden Thein ✝ (@bloomtiara)
Seneschal of Erin Hall, Imperial State Army Private First Class, Creator of the Halstaig Library.
Desmond Woodes ✝ (@Scorce1799)
Owner of Paddy’s Pint Tavern in Providence, Paddy’s Pub Tavern in Redenford, and the Docks Grog Tavern in Sutica.
Cillian Edward (@Setsuko)
Surgeon-General of Oren, Four-Term Speaker of the Assembly of Providence, Head Clerk in Redenford, Lieutenant in the Imperial State Army, Captain of the Orenian Naval Fleet & Dockmaster in Redenford.
Owyn Donovan ✝ (@jmeatball)
Central Circuit Court Judge of Oren, Alderman of Providence, Head of the O’Ceartas Lineage.
Calahan Antonius (@__Pyrite)
Architect of Erin Hall, Lieutenant of the Westguard, Bosun of the HIMS Ark of Peril and Grace of Freedom
Theodosia Illeana ✝ (@rainedropf)
Fifth Countess of Halstaig, Inquisitor-General of Oren, Lady Vicar of Arentania & Oltermont, Captain of the Westguard
Sadie Cristonia (@Moenah)
Sixth Countess of Halstaig, First Baroness of Al'Ildic

Patriarchs of Rourke

Originally House O'Rourke followed an agnatic-cognatic primogeniture succession system, meaning that the eldest son of the family head takes over upon their death unless there are no eligible males - in which case a female may inherit. However during the reign of Patrick II, the house adopted a lineal primogeniture succession system meaning, the oldest living child inherits with no regard to gender. This change led to the first female matriarch of the House of Rourke, Anastasia I becoming Countess with her eldest child, Iduna Anne inheriting after her.

Name Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Title(s) Succession Right
Erin I
"The Smith"
Erin Josiah
(52 Years)
erinorourke.jpg 1572
Brolwic, Aeldin

Son of Josiah Elendil & Cassia of Rourke
Margaret O'Malley
Galaeve, Aeldin

4 Children

Age 70
ORourkeOG.png N/A House Founder
Patrick I
"The Tippler"
Padrick Erin
1642 - 1731
(89 Years)
padrickorourke.jpg 1639
Adelburg, The Empire of Man

Son of Erin Elendil-O'Rourke & Margaret O'Malley
Vasa Crow
Belvitz, Duchy of Adria

3 Children

Helena, Holy Orenian Empire
Age 92
ORourkeOG.png Maer of Belvitz Middle Son of Erin I
Pious I
"The Somnolent"
Pious Padrick
1731 - 1756
(25 Years)
piousorourke.jpg 1692
Belvitz, Duchy of Adria

Son of Padrick O'Rourke & Vasa Crow
Clover Agusta
Helena, Kingdom of Renatus

3 Children

Brolwic, Aeldin
Age 64
orourke2.png N/A Eldest Son of Patrick I
John I
"The Sailor"
Oisin Seamus
1756 - 1788
(32 Years; 7 as Count)
oisinorourke.jpg 1742
Brolwic, Aeldin

Son of Sean O'Rourke & Kerry O'Vonstat
Marina Dubois
Owynsburg, Commonwealth of Kaedrin

No Children

Charlesport, Commonwealth of Kaedrin
Age 44
orourke2.png Count of Halstaig
Members of the House of Commons
Eldest Son of Seamus I
Patrick II
"The Grim"
Padraig Pious
1788 - 1791
(3 Years)
padraigorourke.jpeg 1744
Brolwic, Aeldin

Son of Pious O'Rourke & Clover Augusta
Illaena Elendil
Owynsburg, Commonwealth of Kaedrin

4 Children

Helena, Holy Orenian Empire
Age 47
orourke2.png Count of Halstaig
Minister of the Interior
Members of the House of Commons
Eldest Son of Pious I
Anastasia I
"The Sword"
Azariah Cassia
1791 - 1828
(37 Years)
anastasianew.jpg 1770
Owynsburg, Commonwealth of Kaedrin

Daughter of Padraig O'Rourke & Illaena Elendil
Carter Komnenos II
Halstaig, Holy Orenian Empire

4 Children

Providence, Holy Orenian Empire
Age 58
orourkecoa.png Countess of Halstaig
Baroness of Daleport
Lady of Erin Hall
Magistrate of Providence
Knight Commander of the Order of the Lion
Eldest Daughter of Patrick II
Iduna I
"The White"
Iduna Anne
1828 - 1849
(21 Years)
iduna.jpg 1805
Halstaig, Holy Orenian Empire

Daughter of Anastasia O'Rourke & Carter Komnenos
Elias Asul'onn
Redenford, Holy Orenian Empire

4 Children

Kahaen Sea
Age 44
orourkecoa.png Countess of Halstaig
Lady of Erin Hall
Eldest Daughter of Anastasia I
Theodosia I
"The Black"
Theodosia Illeana
1849 - 1876
(27 Years)
theorourke.jpg 1826
Halstaig, Holy Orenian Empire

Daughter of Iduna O'Rourke & Elias Asul'onn
Leopold de Ruyter
Providence, Holy Orenian Empire

3 Children

Vienne, Kingdom of Oren
Age 50
orourkecoa.png Countess of Halstaig
Lady of Erin Hall
Inquisitor-General of Oren
Lady Vicar of Arentania and Oltermont
Eldest Daughter of Iduna I
Sadie I
"The Young"
Sadie Cristonia
1876 - 1912
(36 Years)
SadieRourke.jpg 1866
Halstaig, Holy Orenian Empire

Daughter of Theodosia O'Rourke & Leopold de Ruyter
Vladrick Kortrevich II

1 Child

Unknown orourkecoa.png Countess of Halstaig
Baroness of Al'Ildic
Lady of Erin Hall
Eldest Daughter of Theodosia I
Emigliana I
"The Flower"
Emigliana Maeya
1912 - Present
EmiRourke.jpg 1866

Daughter of Sadie O'Rourke & Vladrick Kortevich
Edwyn Stayfr

2 Children

Alive ORourke4thCOA.png Duchess of Fai O'Thuaid
Countess of Halstaig
Eldest Daughter of Sadie I