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* Hetman Sveneld Ivanovich of Krajia, [[Alexander Staunton | Duke Alexander Staunton]] and Prince Danis Silverblade of the [[Dreadlands]] achieve victory in the [[Battle of Westmark]] against the Carnatian League, which retreats to their fortress in Kraken's Watch in late 1563.  
* Hetman Sveneld Ivanovich of Krajia, [[Alexander Staunton | Duke Alexander Staunton]] and Prince Danis Silverblade of the [[Dreadlands]] achieve victory in the [[Battle of Westmark]] against the Carnatian League, which retreats to their fortress in Kraken's Watch in late 1563.  
*  Hetman Sveneld and [[Alexander Staunton | Duke Alexander Staunton]] are declared traitors to the Crown by [[John II, Holy Orenian Emperor|Emperor John II]], who decrees that the Riga War was won by [[House Vanir]] and the Carnatian League.
*  Hetman Sveneld and [[Alexander Staunton | Duke Alexander Staunton]] are declared traitors to the Crown by [[John II, Holy Orenian Emperor|Emperor John II]], who decrees that the Riga War was won by House Vanir and the Carnatian League.
=== ''The Anarchy'' ===
=== ''The Anarchy'' ===

Revision as of 10:39, 25 January 2022

House Ivanovich
Country: Oren, Dreadlands, Renatus, Empire of Man
Margrave of Styria
Hetman of Krajia
Ivan Barrow (Progenitor)
St. Arpad (Legendary)
Current Head: Ser Dima Cato Ivanovich
Ethnicity: Highlander
Cadet Branches:
Ivanovich.png House Volvakovic
Vilac.png House Vilac

The House Ivanovich is a small, insular noble family hailing originally from the Fourth Holy Orenian Empire. It's namesake, Ivan Barrow, was the bastard grandson of Emperor Tuvya Carrion, and would be raised by Emperor Aleksandr Carrion in the absence of his father Yakov Carrion. The present-day incarnation of the family is descended from Arpad Ivanovich, who first rose to prominence as a warrior fighting alongside House Romstun; before he pledged his blade to Emperor Aurelius, the sovereign of Renatus and was knighted for his outstanding performance on the battlefield, as well as his reputation as one of the then King's most brutal enforcers. Arpad made a name for himself in the Coup of Adelburg, where alongside two other men he slaughtered John VI, Holy Orenian Emperor and the entire Imperial Court.

In modernity, a descendant of Arpad by way of the lineage of Ser Konyves Ivanovich by the name of Dima Cato Ivanovich re-founded House Ivanovich in Modern Oren, pledging fealty to Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, serving as a member of the Imperial State Army in the Urguani-Orenian War and being knighted for his part in the Storming of Kal'Darakaan.




  • Yakov "The Accursed" Carrion perishes; being conscripted by the Undead for service to Iblees as his one last spiteful retaliatory act against Grand Knight Maric Varodyr, who raised his sword in rebellion against crown authority, rebelling against Holy Orenian Emperor Tuvya Carrion. Yakov had suffered from a string of visions that implied the fall of the Carrion Vochna, and believed it to be a message from the Creator. However, it was the forces of Iblees and his soul was stolen from him in his attempt to save his family.
  • His son Ivan Barrow is raised by Emperor Aleksandr Carrion and tutored in the Imperial Palace. The secret of Ivan's parentage is withheld from him; but like his father, he sought to be a knight and was tutored in swordplay and the arts.
  • Ivan participates in a raid against the Heartlander city of Leeuvarden, the capital of the Duchy of Savoy. The Chancellor of Oren called for his execution; but he was rescued by a princely relative from the Carrion Vochna who drafted him into the Imperial Army instead.
  • Ivan Barrow emigrates to the Kingdom of Akovia once King Voron Kovachev declares war against the Crown, settling in Karovia and using his education in architectural and structural design to construct the Mt. Letholdus fortress. During this time, Ivan also joins the Akovian Second Regiment and participates in Maric's Rebellion.
  • Ivan Barrow, now Ivan the Outlaw, is made an officer in the regiment and increases his influence as a famed highwayman.
  • Ivan Barrow becomes peerage under King Andrik Vydra of Akovia and retains close alliances with the Sarkozics, Vladovs, and Montforts.
  • Ivan returns and finds employ with the Vladovs as a merchant, mercenary, and pirate. He is granted the title of Knight of Esheveurd after the integration of the Kingdom of Akovia into the Reformed Kingdom of Oren.
  • Ivan Barrow formally establishes the House of Ivanovich.
  • Ivan perishes of old age at his home in the first Steppes of Krajia. He is succeeded by his sons Vsevolod and Svatobor Ivanovich.

Isles of Vailor

The Dukes' War

  • Vsevolod becomes Patriarch and joins the Camel Bandits, fighting in the Dukes' War against Savoyard Loyalists following the Redmark Massacre in 1516. Svatabor, his brother, joins the Church of Canon.
  • After the Sack of Brelus, Vsevolod founds the Hetmanate of Krajia to the North for displaced Raevir to congregate.

The Johannian Empire

  • Vsevolod pledges fealty to John II, Holy Orenian Emperor in 1548 with a caveat. Emperor John II would be pronounced the Duke of Krajia and Vsevolod would be dubbed the Hetman of Krajia.
  • Vsevolod is executed by John II, Holy Orenian Emperor for attacking the Empire's vassals and inflicting mental retardation upon an Ashford noblewoman by means of the golden Mace of Krajia. It is believed Vsevolod assaulted her for proclaiming his brother Svatobor Ivanovich, a priest, was corrupt with his office.
  • Svatobor Ivanovich and Archbishop Boiendl assassinate High Pontiff Daniel III and consolidate church control under the Synod. In a strange turn of events, High Pontiff Daniel III, who had died is resurrected and tries to proclaim himself a Prophet of the Canon - as a consequence Svatobor and Boiendl are excommunicated. High Pontiff Theodosious I succeeds High Pontiff Daniel III, who is deemed "The Mad" and reverses the excommunication.
  • Seveneld Ivanovich, son of Hetman Vsevolod, rises to become Hetman of Krajia. He allies himself with the Duke of Carnatia Jan Kovachev and Brittanus Vanir.
  • The Northern Alliance consisting of Carnatia, Krajia, and House Vanir is established after the Storming of Kraken's Watch which saw the Vanirs lose their ancestral seat at Kraken's Watch to Courlander invaders. Jan Kovachev, Sveneld Ivanovich and Brittanus Vanir join forces against Courland, which is spearheaded by Duke Alexander Staunton. Their alliance would be known as the Carnation League and so began the polarizing Riga War.
  • Sveneld sallies to recapture the Vanirs' castle of Kraken's Watch. The Carnatian League besieges the fortress while it lays under Courlander occupation and succeeds in taking it over after a year-long siege known as the Siege of Kraken's Watch from 1562-1563.
  • The Carnatian League uses the war to try and form the first Kingdom of Haense. Hetman Sveneld switches sides to Courland after having friction with other members of the alliance, predominantly over Lord Britannus Vanir's treatment of Sveneld's son-in-law, Ser Jaromir, after his affair with Lord Britannus' daughter Emma Vanir is revealed. Furthermore, the Hetman Sveneld and Duke Jan Kovachev enter a series of disagreements that culminates in Krajia defecting to align with Duke Alexander Staunton.

The Anarchy

  • Dreadlands troops, predominantly consisting of the remnants of House Flay and the Band of Dunamis are seen fighting at the Battle of Westmark alongside Hetman Sveneld.
  • The Emperor John II intervenes and rallies to the defense of the Carnatian League, diametrically opposed to the forces of Krajia and Courland.
  • Krajia fully rebels against the Fifth Holy Orenian Empire, kickstarting the Krajian Rebellion. Krajia fights against Oren besides the Dreadlands and Courland.
  • Sveneld proclaims himself King of Ruska, his relative Svatabor Ivanovich, Archbishop of Ayr and Pentarch of the Synod in the Church of Canon crowns him.
  • Svatabor Ivanovich, Archbishop of Ayr and Pentarch of the Synod, is excommunicated by High Pontiff Theodosious I.
  • High Pontiff Theodosius I excommunicates Sveneld Ivanovich from the Church of Canon for fighting alongside the Dreadlanders, who the Church considered to be heretics for revering Augustus Flay as a Saint. Augustus Flay was not sainted by the Church of Canon and was viewed as illegitimate and not worthy of veneration by the Church of Canon.
  • Sveneld Ivanovich perishes from age and disease on the front lines of the Krajian Rebellion.
  • The Holy Orenian Empire conquers the Dreadlands and uses their hostage Fyodor Ivanovich to reimpose Orenian rule on the lands. Fyodor is made Baron of Vsenk after his father's execution.
  • A cadet branch of Ivanovich survives in the Dreadlands and forms the Principality of Vlachia but dies out. The line of Fyodor Ivanovich in the Holy Orenian Empire survives.


- House Ivanovich, led by brothers Ostromir and Arpad Ivanovich, being granted a vassal barony loyal to the Kingdom of Haense by King Marius I.

- Arpad Ivanovich and Leitseig Romstun kidnap a Courlandic woman and bring her to Castle Godansk, Courlandic forces raid to attempt and rescue her but are routed. The noblewoman is executed afterwards by Ivanovich, Romstun and Haeseni loyalists.

- The King of Haense Marius I declares war against Courland with the backing of House Ivanovich and the other leal Haeseni houses.

- Arpad falls ill to pneumonia and disappears into his keep, Leitseig goes on a pilgrimage and ditches the war effort.

- Courland successfully routes Haense at the Battle of Elba, 1603, during the Great Northern War and then grants Ostromir Ivanovich, Arpad's brother the title of Arch-Duke of Haense, solidifying Ostromir Ivanovich's hold on Haeseni territories.

- Arch-Duke Ostromir Ivanovich of Haense releases a treatise called A Response to the Northern Opinion in 1607.

- The Haeseni mass exodus from the Duchy of Haense. King Marius I goes into self-imposed exile in Mardon following the dissolution of the Kingdom of Haense. Arch-Duke Ostromir Ivanovich sells the land in rebuttal.

- Arpad Ivanovich recovers from his illness and becomes a mercenary in service to House Romstun.

- Fights in several wars against Lorraine, Norland, etc... (Expand when you find more records).

- Upon the arrival of Canonious Horen to the lands of Arcas, Arpad Ivanovich pledges his loyalty to the nascent King of Renatus.

- Coup of Adelburg.

- Battle of the Bastion

- Third Crusade


The bloodline of Ivanovich is thought to be cursed due to their descent from the royal blood of Prince Yakov Carrion. The lineage has a reputation for producing some of the most draconian Knights in Orenian history; such as Ser Arpad Ivanovich and Ser Konyves Ivanovich. Their rebellious nature has earned them a special place in the history of Man and many who come from their stock are considered to be wild and untamed. In the present-day, the line of Arpad perseveres and men of his descent are born brown or black haired, possessing the dominant traits of fair skin and blue eyes.


  • Mace of Krajia

Symbol of the Hetmanate

  • Eye of Sigismund

A cursed gem that belonged to Sigismund Carrion. It acquired the curse upon being passed to his third son Yakov Carrion, who was cursed in death, becoming a member of the Undead.

  • Blade of Arpad

A shard of Arpad Ivanovich's blade that decapitated John Maximillian Horen during the Coup of Adelburg reconstituted as a humble saxe.

Notable Figures

† Prince Yakov Carrion

† Ivan Barrow

† Hetman Vsevolod Ivanovich

† Hetman Sveneld Ivanovich

† Baron Fyodor Ivanovich

† Archbishop of Ayr Svatobor Ivanovich

† Ostromir Ivanovich

† Margrave Arpad Ivanovich

† Ser Konyves Ivanovich

† Ilya Ratibor Ivanovich

Dima Cato Ivanovich