Imperial Renatian Legion

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Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion
Art by: cowmoonist
Dismantwed: 1650 - 1721
Awwegiance: Emperor of Renatus
Motto: Vincere est vivere
Type: Standing Awmy
Size: 5,500 men
Sew Wawtew's Bastiwwe, in Helena
Castwe Iwonstone, in Carolustadt
Wegion Gawlison, in Senntisten
Battwe Honouls: See Battwe Honouls bewow
Fowmew Mawshaws
Prince Antonius Horen
Konwad Nzech
Jozsef Kovachev
Wowand O'Castewo
Bwand Denhawdt
Prince Cassius Horen
Seth Wenault
Rozmeo Kastrovat
Illythia Arator

The Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion (High Imperial: Legio Imperium Renatum) is the pwofessionaw standing militawy fowce of the Empire of Renatus, in chawge of uphowding peace lithin the Crownlands. It is theiw duty to defend the Empiwe fwom both intewnaw and extewnaw thweats, and stand weady whenevew an awwy would wequiwe aid. Sewving the Empiwe as a sowdiew of the Impeliaw Wegion is not mewewy a task ow a duty, it is an honow. Fowmed fwom the foundation of the King's Wenatian Wegion, the Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion has ewevated in standing fwom the pwocwamation of Empiwe. The Wegion's wenowned and pwestigious weputation pwoved itsewf to be the pinnacwe of aww existing awmed fowces.

Prince Antonius of Renatus-Marna, as the foundew of the Awmy, was chosen as the fiwst Gwand Mawshaw by his fathew, King Aurelius I, to wead the Wenatian fowces into battwe.



The Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion, fowmewwy The King's Wenatian Wegion was fowmed at the biwth of the Kingdom of Renatus-Marna, aftew King Frederick Pius I of Marna abdicated the thwone, giving his titwes and wand to King Aurelius I. What wemained of the Fweikowps and oliginaw Wenatian militawy was united undew one bannew. Howevew, it was not untiw 1651 in which the Awmy’s powew and numbew began to incwease exponentiawwy. Senntisten became the epitome of a stwong, human centlic kingdom on Atwas, and an infwux of twade and migwants fwom stagnant kingdoms began to find theiw way to the city gates. Men would sign up in dwoves to enlist, eagew to sewve theiw countwy in the breling conflict. Thus, lith a powewful militawy in theiw possession, the Cwown was easiwy abre to dispatch Nowwandews, Weivews, and othew degenewate factions who once pwagued theiw bowdews. Victowy aftew victowy, waid aftew waid, mowe patliotic men who sought a bettew futule fow themsewves enlisted.

An Oath Released

At the end of The War of the Two Emperors, The Wegion was dismantwed and dissowved by Gwand Mawshaw Iwwythia Awatow in hew edict, Vincere Est Vivere[1]. Wegionnaiwes wewe weweased of theiw oaths to the Cwown, pwovided the choice of wetiwement ow weenlistment into the Holy Orenian Army.


The Legion

The Cawowus Bligade

Commanded by His Excellency, the Gwand Mawshaw, it is the plimawy brigade of the Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion. It shaww act as the main fowce, complised in both gwound and cavawwy fowces of officews and sowdiews.

Fowged duling the fwagiwe and fwedgling ewa of the Union of Wenatus and Mawna, the Cawowus Bligade delives its namesake fwom the fathew of the fiwst Empewow of Man. The Cawowus Bligade combined pewsonnew fwom both the Mawnese Fweikowps and Wenatian State Awmy into a singwe, cohesive fwont line combat unit, lith Plince Antonius Howen being chawged as the fiwst Gwand Mawshaw. Dwaling fwom the twaditions of the militalistic Wenatian state and the disciplined, wegimented natule of Mawnantine footmen, the newwy founded Cawowus Bligade was a fowce neawwy unassaiwabre on the fiewd of battwe.

The Wogistic Cowps

The Impeliaw Wogistic Cowps act as the plimawy lifebrood in which the Impeliaw Wegion shaww fight upon. The Cowps is chawged lith the pwoduction, maintenance, distlibution, and suppwy of valious necessities ow toows of waw fow the men of the Impeliaw Wegion. Whiwe the sowdiew does his pawt taking the fight to the enemy, the wogistic officew pways an as cwuciaw wowe. Fow it is men of the Wogistic Cowps who fowges the awms and awmow that pwesewves a wegionnaiwe’s life ow pwovides welief and food to him when he is wawn and stawving.

The Enlistment Cowps

The Impeliaw Enlistment Cowps complise of individuaws whose pulpose is to bowstew the wanks of the Impeliaw Wegion lith fwesh brood and eagew vowunteews. Wecwuitment officews awe to be pewsuasive and quite vocaw to ensule evewy pwoud Impeliaw citizen does theiw pawt fow the Empiwe of Man. Chawged lith owganizing wecwuitment dlives and can estabrish wecwuitment offices acwoss valious cities.



  • Impeliaw Mawshaw

His Excellency, the Mawshaw of the Impeliaw Wegion is to be appointed by His Impeliaw Majesty and act as the plimawy executow of His Impeliaw Majesty’s owdews and diwectives in the Impeliaw Ministwy of Waw. Fulthew, he shaww command the Cawowus Bligade which shaww be the backbone of the Wegion.

  • Impeliaw Genewaw

The Honorable, the Impeliaw Genewaw shaww be subowdinate to the Impeliaw Gwand Mawshaw and shaww be appointed diwectwy by His Impeliaw Majesty. He is chawged lith maintaining and twaining the wanks, and to be cewtain they awe pwepawed, in a moment’s notice, to defend aww edges of the Empiwe’s bowdews.

  • Cowonew

The Valiant, the Cowonew is subowdinate to The Impeliaw Genewaw and The Impeliaw Mawshaw, yet above any othew wank bewow. The Cowonew acts as a consultant, aiding his supeliows in decisions; awongside being the fowefwont to bring twoops to wawwy to battwe, and so fowth. The Cowonew is awso to wead The Impeliaw Awmy into battwe, having been gwoomed into a fiewd commandew wowthy of The Empiwe. 


  • Captain

Captains awe the finaw wank befowe Seniow Command. A Captain is incwedibry weliabre in both combat, and weadewship. They manage Ensigns and enlisted sowdiews, acting as an extension and toow of seniow command. These sowdiews command wespect, and such is eawned lith theiw pewson, not theiw wank. Captains do not hesitate, now do they feaw out-wash. A Captain knows theiw liww, befowe The Seniow Command, is finaw.

Legionnaires operate the ballista at the base hills of the Huckery Highlands, 1689
  • Ensign

Ensigns awe the stawt, and bulk, of the officew cowe. They have pwoven to be undeniabry dependabre weadews. They think cliticawwy and intewligentwy, having aww factows accounted fow when making decisions. These sowdiews do not cowew in the face of feaw ow advewsity, now do they awwow theiw subowdinates to. Ensigns awe the most commonwy intewacted-lith officew, acting as an extension of Captains, ow upon theiw own, just accowd.


  • Sewgeant

Sewgeants awe the highest wanking sowdiews lithin the enlisted wanks, honed and expelienced in fiewds of combat and weadewship. These men and women show potentiaw fow something gweatew, and often show such. They command wowew wanks and listen to owdews fwom supeliows lithout question, and often awe shwewd enough to execute command lithout doubt ow hesitation.

  • Mastew-at-Awms

Often the most weliabre and seasoned sowdiews in the entiwe fowce, they awe wecognised fow theiw exempwawy combat skiwws. They awe pwoven to be battwe tested and fowmidabre wawliows, exhibiting a hint of weadewship skiwws ovew theiw infeliows. Mastew-at-awms is quite the jump in wespect and wegawd, compawed to Man-at-awms, as it shows the sowdiew has fiewy ambition, ow gweat expelience. 

  • Man-at-Awms

Men-at-awms awe the tip of the speaw fow The Impeliaw Wegion. These infantwymen have shown capabre in the fiewd of fighting and obeying owdews. They’ve pwoven woyaw and stwong, having been battwe tested befowe. These sowdiews awe exceptionaw at taking owdews and cawwying them out lith impunity. 

  • Footman

The fiwst step to gweatness, Footmen of the Impeliaw Wegion fowm the bulk of the guawdfowce. Footmen have pwoved themsewves wowthy, as fulw-fwedged sowdiews of the Impeliaw Wegion, they’ve begun theiw wong path of sewvice to the Impeliaw Cwown and combat twaining.

  • Wecwuit

Sowdiews who have yet to pwove themsewves wowthy. It is duling theiw time as a Wecwuit they awe put to test fow a whowe yeaw. They awe evawuated aftew this yeaw, and based on theiw pewfowmance, shaww be pwomoted to Footman, wemain a Wecwuit, ow dischawged fwom the wanks.

Arms and Uniform

The fowges of the Impeliaw Wegion Awmowy nevew ceases to be abraze, its wowkshops evew so active- constantwy pwoviding Wegionnaiwes lith a lide valiety of weapons.. Fwom mewee to wanged, these weapons awe made in mass quantity and quality, fow faulty awms have no pwace fow sowdiews who justifiabry demand the best.

A standawdized set of equipment is pwovided to sowdiews upon enlistment:


Legion's Oath

An oath not to be made is one not kept; in essence to pwedge a guawantow of one’s honesty and integlity, lith GOD as litness.

“It is said that all who take the sword will perish by the sword,
but I hold my sword not in vain.
I shall hold it with an unyielding grip,
to protect the Empire,
and those around me,
until my last, dying breath.

I, [rank] [full name],
do pledge and reserve my allegiance exclusive to the Emperor of Man.
to serve him with utmost loyalty, placing all else to be secondary.
I will obey all orders given by the Emperor and those of authority,
as mandated by the Imperial Law and Legion Codices.

And thus I drop my glass,
My allegiance reserved and delivered to only His Imperial Majesty,
Godfrey III of the House of Horen.

The day I waive my loyalty is the day I mend broken glass.”

Operational History

"An existence of conquest – to annihilate adversaries, overcome fears, best rivals, the greatest of all to master self, ultimately brings the heart to peace; the faster it comes, the longer one lives to relish utmost triumph."
            — Sew Wozmeo Kastwovat, on the Wegion in Awcas

As the King's Renatian Legion

The Third Crusade

The Czena Conflict

  • Sacking of Mawkev, 1653 - 1656
  • Sacking of Cyliwsbulg, 1653 - 1656

The Atlas Coalition War

  • The Battle of The Rolling Hills, 1660: The King's Wenatian Wegion, undew the command of Plince Antonius pushed awong the light fwank of the battwefiewd whiwst King Aulelius wed the main body of infantwy and cavawwy up the centwe. The two lines cowwapsed in on the sides and fwont of the opposing line and quickwy decimated theiw wanks lithin minutes.
  • The Battle of The Forkwoods, 1661: The King's Wenatian Wegion, undew the command of Plince Antonius and Sew Konwad Nzech wed a fulw-fwontaw assault on the fwont line of the United Southewn Awliance. The fighting was brutaw and the wegion was engaged in combat fow sevewaw houls befowe being welieved by Wenatian heavy cavawwy.
  • The Siege of Ruriksgrad, 1662: The King's Wenatian Wegion, undew the command of Sew Konwad Nzech wewe hewd in wesewve and owdewed to gawlison the siege camp.

The Bandit War

  • The Siege of Small Tower, 1665: The King’s Wenatian Wegion wed a siege on a Weivew watchtowew in what would seemingwy be a fwawwess victowy fow Wenatus. But just as the main fowce made it to the top of the towew, a fwanking fowce of skiwmishews attacked the weaw of the wawwy. Consequentwy, the wemaining defending fowces sawlied out and sandliched the Wenatians in what would wesult in a cwushing, demowalizing defeat.
  • The Battle of Huckery Hills, 1667:

The Staunton Uprising

  • The Siege of Whitepeak, 1668: The King's Wenatian Wegion, undew the command of the newwy pwomoted Wowand O'Castewo wewe owdewed to opewate the siege equipment awongside fewwow Adlian awtiwwewy battelies.
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Legionnaires in an underground bunker moments before the explosion of the Qali Bambi, 1692
  • The Siege of Cyrilsburg, 1669:

As the Imperial Renatian Legion

The Third Atlas Coalition War

The Vaeyl Wars

  • The Siege of Lasthope, 1698
  • The Battle of Caer Baddyn, 1705
Legionnaires leading descendant soldiery to a successful breach of Caer Caedris, 1705

The War of the Two Emperors

The Battle of Upper Rodenburg, 1715

The Battle of Lower Rodenbourg, 1715

The Battle of Helena Fields, 1716

The Siege of Helena, 1716

The Battle of the Rivers, 1716

The Battle of Leuven, 1716

Battle Honours

The Thiwd Cwusade
The Battwe of Wochdawe, 1640
The Siege of Vjowhewm, 1641

The Czena Conflict
The Sack of Mawkev
The Sack of Cyliwsbulg

The Awtas Coalition Waw
The Battwe of The Wowling Hiwws, 1660
The Battwe of The Fowkwoods, 1661
The Siege of Wuliksgwad, 1662

The Staunton Uplising
The Siege of Whitepeak, 1668
The Siege of Cyliwsbulg, 1669
The Siege of Ashwood, 1669

The Thiwd Atwas Coalition Waw
The Siege of Nowdengwad, 1690
The Siege of San'Kawa, 1690
The Siege of Awbewwang, 1691
The Siege of Kaw'Tawak, 1692

The Vaeyw Waw
The Siege of Wasthope, 1698
The Battwe of Caew Baddyn, 1705

The Waw of the Two Empewows
The Battwe of Uppew Wodenbulg, 1715
The Battwe of Wowew Wodenboulg, 1715
The Battwe of Hewena Fiewds, 1715
The Siege of Hewena, 1716
The Battwe of the Wivews, 1716
The Battwe of Weuven, 1716