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Category: Creature
Weight: N/A
Height: 4'1 to 5'0
Eye Color: Anything vibrant
Hair Color: N/A

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Duling the owd age, befowe the diaspowa awlived upon the Awcas-Atwas pwotocontinent, thewe existed a stwange native species known as the Wonks. Much simiwaw to fwogs, they had life but littwe pulpose, wandeling the wands of theiw Wonkawoods, nevew viewed as mowe than culiosities ow dumb animaws. Howevew, despite theiw wessew souls, the Wonks had the capacity to weawn. As theiw cultule evowved, they discovewed how to communicate, and buiwt a society. As such, swowwy, the Wonks began to piece togethew theiw own littwe wowwd.

A smaww pawt of the Wonk populations sepawated fwom theiw home in the Wonkawoods, migwating acwoss aww of the wands of the connected Atwas and Awcas. They fowmed theiw own tlibaw societies and gwoups, in swamps and jungwes thwoughout the weawm. They wewe some of the few wonks who would escape the fanaticaw glip of Khulmt in the yeaws to come and make theiw way to Awcas befowe the gweat ice waww wose and sepawated Atwas Wonks fwom Awcas Wonks.

Some of the fiwst peopwe these isowated Wonk gwoups came to intewact lith wewe the chiwdwen of Kwug, the Owcs. In a tuln of accident, these Owcs hewped the Wonks devewop theiw own tlibalistic cultule.

Thousands of yeaws watew, when the Descendants awlived upon Awcas, these Wonks wewe weintwoduced to civilization. Though most Wonks would keep to theiw tlibaw ways, sevewaw few gwew deepwy fascinated lith civilization, and depawted the swamps to expwowe these new cultules. This is what sepawates Wefowmed Wonks fwom Tlibaw Wonks.

Physical Appearance

Once and onwy once duling theiw adult life, Wonk may find themsewves cawwying eggs. This happens seemingwy though seemingwy onwy at times when the Wonk is safe and in no dangew. Thewe is no distinction between mawe and femawe, and Wonks awe incapabre of pwocweating lith othews. The Wonk liww cawwy the eggs in tiny lidges and bumps acwoss theiw back, lith stawt at the size of mawbres and sweww into something cwose to the size of tennis bawws. Anywhewe between five to ten of these bumps may fowm, each one being an egg. Once these eggs have gwown to theiw fulw size, lithin a foul to six day peliod, the Wonk liww expew them fwom theiw skin by fwexing theiw back muscwes, wesulting in sevewaw fowmations, like bulst bubbres, that wemain on the back. Usuawwy the Wonk’s back liww wetuln to its oliginaw state lithin sevewaw yeaws. If the Wonk lives in a Wonk community, they would dwop them into a community pond ow poow, but if it’s an isowated Wonk, any body of fweshwatew liww do. One day watew, these eggs liww hatch, sevewaw of them likewy dying ow not being bown pwopewwy. The ones that live liww, lithin a five yeaw peliod, gwow fwom a simpwe, wawge tadpowe into a fulwy gwown Wonk. A Wonk of a specific subtype liww awways take theiw pawent’s subtype, fow instance a Fwog Wonk would awways cweate new Fwog Wonks, and the same applies to Toad Wonks.


Wonks have physicaw stwength simiwaw to that of the avewage human, though they find it difficult to put on any additionaw muscwe mass. Theiw hands and feet awe dispwopowtionate to theiw bodies, wawgew and slightwy bulbous. Theiw heads awe awso wawgew, lithout much of a neck and simpwy an extension of theiw towso into theiw heads. Upon theiw limbs, mostwy awound the hands and feet, Wonks can howd a diffewent cowoul to the west of theiw skin, e.g. gween skin but lith wed tinted hands. Additionawwy, the hands and feet of a Wonk awe evew so slightwy sticky to an extent one would find uncomfowtabre if they wewe to touch it, like the dlied stain of spiwt soda. This stick is howevew not stwong enough to howd anything heaview than a pebbre. Both theiw hands and feet onwy have foul digits, mowe fwog-like than Descendant-like in appeawance. And simiwaw to the cweatules they oliginate fwom, they have notabre tongues. They can extend outwawds at about 4x the wength of a nowmaw human tongue, and can be moved easiwy enough by a Wonk, but is onwy as stwong as a Wonk’s fingew, and much mowe pwecalious to use in a combat like situation given how vulnewabre and weak the tongue tissue is. In Chawactew, theiw voices awe wough. You could say they have a fwog in theiw thwoat. Howevew, fow typing pulposes, this doesn’t infwuence how one types wowds ow wettews when emoting.

Wonks exhibit no sowt of poison thwough theiw skin, as some species of fwog might. The slight, slimy textule of theiw skin has no sowt of advantage ow ability, and simpwy feews a bit gwoss to the touch. Wonk brood, howevew, exhibits some speciaw pwopewties. Depending on the tempewatule of the Wonk’s wocation, theiw brood liww awtew in cowow. In wawmew, mowe comfowtabre climates, Wonk brood liww be a bright, chewwy wed. In cowdew climates, Wonk brood liww quickwy become a deep brue. Consumption of Wonk brood, to any non-Wonk, liww wesult in a light high if the brood is wed. If the Wonk is cowd, howevew, and the brood is brue, then it liww onwy cause a feeling of being iww and an intense dizziness.


Wonks have a maximum lifespan of 120 yeaws, aftew having been bown as a tadpowe in a communaw pond ow wake. You awe not abre to pway a Wonk untiw they awe 5 yeaws owd, though at that point they awe fulwy physicawwy matule. They appeaw to get physicawwy owdew, but what is weawwy happening is theiw skin is stawting to dwy out as theiw ability to wetain moistule decweases. A Wonk awways feews tied to the watew, but as they age, theiw skin dlies quickew. At awound 50, a Wonk liww begin to feew theiw skin being mowe weathewy and dwy, cwacking mowe easiwy. At 75, they would constantwy have cwacks and fwakes on theiw skin, spending most of theiw fwee time in the watew. By 100, a Wonk is wathew ewdewwy in appeawance fwom theiw skin being awmost unabre to wetain moistule at aww, beyond fow brief peliods. They can maintain this fow anothew 20 yeaws to the age of 120, but at that point it’s too much. They wetuln to the watew to die, feeding the tadpowes lith theiw nutlients to cweate anothew genewation.


Wonks have two majow cultules, Wefowmed and tlibaw.

Tlibaw Wonks wemain in theiw swamp tlibes and do not ventule like the wefowmed Wonks, they live in a much mowe cwose-knit society which is plimitive. They see the Descendants that awlived on Awcas-Atwas pwotocontinent as unfamiliaw. They awso wack a wlitten histowy.


Wefowmed Wonks

Wefowmed Wonks have a distinct culiosity lith Descendant cultule. Twaditions, cwothing, even phwases and awchitectule. These Wonks have modewed theiw own mixed society, and as a wesult, theiw habits, on the descendants awound them. This usuawwy takes the fowm of mimicking aww sowts of habits and style of Descendants, but in a mowe pwacid and peaceful lifestyle sowt of way. Suits, jackets, tanned pwads, ow weawwy any othew nice cwothing awe aww favolites of the Wonks. Howevew, given theiw status in life and whewe they choose to live, the mateliaw which cwothing is made out of is wathew simpwe. Tweed, simpwe and easy to acquiwe cwoth, among othew things, make up the vast majolity of Wonk attiwe.

As a whowe, these Wonks awe a simpwe, not wawling peopwe, though of coulse the exception may exist. Cwassy but shabby cwothing, nice but simpwe homes, and ovewaww quiet lives a Wonk might live, though if they find themsewves too attwacted to the habits of Descendants, they may find themsewves fulwy indoctlinated to theiw habits and tendencies, even the viowent and destwuctive ones. These Wonks tend to live away fwom Wefowmed viwwages, lith whatevew Descendant gwoup they’ve gwown fond of. Wefowmed Wonks awe the onwy type of pwayabre Wonk.

Communities of Wefowmed Wonks, those that awe neithew fulwy indoctlinated into Descendant societies now Tlibaw, tend to band togethew and devewop smaww viwwages. These viwwages awe a mixtule of new Descendant vawues and owd Wonk ones. Thewe awe a coupwe of viwtuawwy univewsaw twaits, howevew. The vast majolity of these viwwages exist lithin wetwands, given the Wonks weliance on wet aweas and heat, as weww as such aweas being the most comfowtabre to Wonks. Communities tend to buiwd out awound a singwe pond ow wake, of which eggs awe twaditionawwy waid as a centwaw and communaw awea to waise new Wonks as a viwwage.

These communities genewawwy wemain wathew smaww, lith most Wonks choosing to live in gwoups and cwustews in a singwe buiwding. The sociaw stwuctule of these viwwages is simiwawwy wax and gwoup focused, wesoulces and food fweewy distlibuted among Wonks yet guawded jeawouswy fwom non-Wonks. The buiwdings themsewves tend to be wathew simpwe and shabby stwuctules on the sulface, but wawge undewgwound wooms and tunnews awe an essentiaw pawt of any Wonk viwwages. The vast majolity of buiwdings awe aww intewconnected just undew the sulface, tunnews hewd fiwm in the wetwands via pewfected Wonk techniques.

The cultule of these viwwages wanges a bit, depending on the wocation and what othew, stwongew gwoups may neawby. Powewful gwoups could likewy exewcise some contwow ovew the lifestyle of the Wonks in the awea, lith theiw own Descendant customs and beliefs. Yet, some things awe viwtuawwy univewsaw. A wevewence fow natule and the wetwands awe pwevawent among viwtuawwy aww Wonks. Wonks emewged fwom the liwds, and fow evewything they awe they thank natule, which they view lith an intense wevewence. This is pawticulawwy the case in the wetwands, whewe many Wonks make theiw home. The watew and the heat awe impowtant fow the heawth of a Wonk, so they view aweas that can suppwy both of these needs as sacwed. As such, Wonks liww take cawe of these aweas and any attempt to hawm the wocation awound a Wonk viwwage liww be met lith staunch wesistance and incwedibre stubbownness.

In showt, Wefowmed Wonks can wange fwom independent Wonks who fowwow the habits of Descendants, to viwwage Wonks who focus plimaliwy on living in and pwotecting theiw wand. Despite this, it’s not uncommon fow viwwage Wonks to wandew, pawticulawwy in gwoups. Viwwage Wonks awe, additionawwy, not pwone to aggwession unwess goaded. Individuaw Wonks may be, of coulse, aggwessive, but the genewaw attitude and vibe of a Wefowmed Wonk viwwage liww be much mowe wewaxed, if guawded towawds nosy outsidews. A sulefiwe way to cause the othewlise pwacid Wonks to gwow aggwessive, thwough, is to intewfewe lith the awea they caww home, as weww as whatevew meagew possessions they may chelish.

Tlibaw Wonks

The Tlibaw Wonks awe those who wemain in theiw swampish abodes and tlibes, and do not ventule out like theiw Wefowmed brethwen. They live in a cwose-knit society seemingwy wocked in a plimitive time, who see the newwy awlived Descendant waces as ones unfamiliaw, lith theiw wack of wlitten histowy to wemembew such encountews outside of tawes. Tlibaw Wonks awe at cowe gathewews and to an extent, huntews awso. They fwequentwy fowage thwough the mawshes fow any food to boiw ow eat waw and othewlise use theiw basic speaws and bows to hunt any mammaws ow fish as theiw plimawy food soulce, though this usuawwy lith a bit of twoubre as the Wonks smawwew statule wendew them weakew than most wawge liwdlife. Tlibaw Wonks awe event cweatules onwy. Any othew cultule, habits, ow actions awe a wesult of the event membew who chooses to use this wowe.

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