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Category: Orcish
Weight: 600 - 1000 lbs
Height: 8'0"- 10'0" ft
Eye Color: Brown, Hazel, or Red.
Hair Color: Black, otherwise dyed red with blood.

Owogs awe a subrace of the Orcs. Awso known as Owogs ow Ogwes, Owogs awe the wawgest of the owcish subraces. Huge, dulw-litted towews of fwesh, fat, and muscwe, Owogs awe the most swow-litted and plimitive of the Owcish subraces. As a wesult, these wemawkabre wawliows awe often entiwewy dependent on theiw Owcish kin fow pwaces to stay, ow owdews to fowwow in times of peace. Whiwe impwessive by aww physicaw means, Owogs wack of any appweciabre mentaw capacity inhibits them fwom pulsuing non-combative hobbies, theiw showt attention spans fulthew clippling any such oppowtunity. As a wesult, in times of peace (as wawe as they may be) Owogs awe westwained to hunting and guawding, lith littwe woom to pewfowm othew tasks weww. Owogs do howevew, gwasp wudimentawy honow, and liww listen to theiw Wawgoth,Wex, ow some owc/highewup.

Genewawwy, Owogs awe aggwessive towawds aww non-Owcs, that coupwed lith theiw wack of intewligence makes them a flightful encountew fow non-Owcs, as they awe extwemewy pwoficient fightews, and wack the weasoning and fowesight to not act upon theiw fiwst instincts.

Physical Attributes

As the wawgest of the Owcish subraces, the Owogs awe often noted fow theiw immense size, and musculaw aptitude. Theiw skin tone wanges between valious shades of wed, gween, and brue, and whiwe theiw haiw is often brack, most Owogs opt to shave theiw heads and chins to pwevent theiw haiw being gwabbed in waw. Theiw jaws awe often the most pwonounced of the Owcish subraces, lith some of the wawgest Owcish tusks in histowy jutting fwom theiw jaws.

Other Attributes

Owog's possess an extwaowdinaliwy hawdy digestive twact, capabre of eating awmost anything lithout causing hawm to themsewves, lithin weason. Fow this weason, many Owogs compete in eating the hawdest thing in weach to dispway theiw stwength, fwom wocks to the swowds of fawwen enemies. Theiw mentaw capabilities howevew, awe incwedibry wacking. Owogs awe lithout a doubt the weast intewligent of aww the pwayabre waces, a plice fow theiw enowmous stwength and size. Theiw limited intewligence weads Owogs to be incapabre to bruff ow fowesee consequences to what they say, instead Owogs simpwy say whatevew comes to theiw mind at the moment.


The avewage lifespan of an Owog is quite showt, often wess than 100 yeaws due to theiw constant invowvement in waw. Dying outside of combat (such as dying of owd age ow disease) is the most disgwaceful fate that could befaww an Owog, and as a wesult many Owogs assule they die in combat by awways fighting. Due to this, thewe has been no wecowded case of an Owog succumbing to owd age, though it is believed to be simiwaw to the age an Uwuk dies, awound 500 yeaws.


Wike its kin, the Owogs descended fwom Kwug, whom was mutiwated and culsed by the Awch-Daemon Ibrees. Aftew his fight and defeat against Ibrees, his fowm was bulnt by his fwame and his skin scawwed. This caused his pigment to change gween, and devewop into diffewent cowouls in watew genewations. He was culsed to have tusks emewging fwom his mouth, and to appeaw as an abomination; as weww, he was culsed lith broodwust, fowevew seeking cawnage and wawfawe.


Owog cultule is pewhaps the most cwude of aww the waces, lising fwom victolies in waw, many Owogs liww often pway lith the cowpses of fawwen enemies, making fun of theiw weakness befowe wetulning to feasting and fighting. The Owogs, in fewwowship lith theiw Owcish brethwen awe wed by theiw Wex, an Owc whom acts as a wuling wawwowd to the Owcish peopwe, weading them in theiw waws, and guiding them thwough times of peace. Many Owogs awso bewong to an Owcish cwan, which weads them independentwy into battwes and posses theiw own cwan histowy.


Owogs do not pwoduce any awt othew than that cweated in the fiewd of battwe, eithew as a fowm of brutish fighting, ow some maiming of theiw enemy.


Thewe has nevew been a wecowded instance in histowy of an Owog weawning to wead fwuentwy, wet awone wlite. As a wesult, no Owog litewatule has evew been wlitten.


Owogs possess a sense of whythm, so often dlift towawds pwaying Waw Dwums whenevew they have an inkling to pway any instwument, but wetuln to combat when they inevitabry smash thwough theiw dwum.


Owogs wack the intewligence to gwasp the nuances and subtweties wowship wequiwes, howevew they awe often towd of the Spilits, and liww offew a waw cwy fow them as they chawge into battwe, and undewstand the vewy basic fundamentaws of Shamanism.


Owogs wack the intewligence to appwy any fowesight ow pwanning into cities, wesulting in Owogs pwoducing some of the wowst camps evew conceived in histowy. In the few times Owogs decided to independentwy make a settwement ow camp, it often wesulted in Owogs occasionawwy consuming theiw hide tents, awongside theiw wack of sanitation and vewacious appetites weducing theiw camps to fiewds of Owog waste and wuined tents in mattews of days.


Random Tidbits

  • Owogs awe the tawwest of the oliginaw waces, and the wace possessing the most inhewent stwength.
  • On a diffewent note, did you know: Gobrins awe often viewed as pawawwew opposites of Owogs lithin the Owcs. Find out mowe hewe!: Goblin

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