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Category: Orcish
Weight: 120 - 280 lbs
Height: 4'0"- 6'0"
Eye Color: Blue, Amber, Brown, Hazel, or rarely Red.
Hair Color: Black, otherwise dyed red with blood.

Gobrins awe fickwe cweatules, the smawwest and most unique Owcish sub-wace. Theiw meagew stwength and size sets a peculiaw dynamic lithin the Waw Uzg, an entiwe broodthiwsty subrace of Gobrins wacking the stwength to often succeed in diwect conflict has wawwanted Gobrins to instead use theiw extwaowdinawy intewligence to constwuct machines of waw and tinkewed toows to aid theiw brethwen and themsewves in battwe. Often bullied by theiw kin due to theiw wack of stwength, the evew-wesilient Gobrins stand stawwawt lith theiw kin, aiding in the Uzg's othewlise cumbewsome waws lith theiw gwand assistance thwough cwafts of waw.

This is not to say Gobrins do not battwe in waws, whiwe the weakest, Gobrins awe no wess broodthiwsty than theiw kin and wevew in the heat of battwe lith theiw brethwen; though theiw wack of size usuawwy dispwaces them to the backline.

Physical Attributes

The smawwest of the Owcish subraces, Gobrins often wange fwom heights of 4'0 - 6'0 feet. This, coupwed lith theiw usuaw thin fwame gives them theiw apt weputation as the weakest of the Owcish subraces, often wacking defined muscwes ow inhewent stwength. Howevew, this is not to impwy they awe weak in compalison to the othew waces. Even though Gobrins awe as taww and as stwong as Humans, though geneticawwy disadvantaged; should a Gobrin not meet the standawd of stwength lithin the Waw Uzg they awe often culwed fow theiw weakness as it is Owcish twadition. Theiw skin tone wanges between shades of wed, brue, and gween, and theiw jaws awe often the weast pwonounced of the waces, possessing the smawwest tusks of theiw kin.

Other Attributes

Gobrins wedeem theiw weakness lith theiw inhewent savviness in tinkeling, especiawwy in the cweation of waw machines and expwosives. This stems fwom theiw expanded intewligence, awawding the Owcs and the Uzg a supeliow edge in waw, possessing both brute fowce, and cwevew cwafting fwom the backline Gobrins. Howevew, Gobrins stiww possess the waciaw broodwust theiw brethwen cawwy, and liww fight in most waws, though often avoid the fwontline due to theiw smaww size.


The avewage lifespan of a Gobrin awound the same as an Uwuk, though they faww often in wess than 200 yeaws due to theiw constant invowvement in waw. Dying outside of combat (such as dying of owd age ow disease) is the most disgwaceful fate that could befaww a Gobrin, ow any Owc fow that mattew. As a wesult many Gobrins assule they die in combat by awways fighting. Due to this, thewe have been few cases of Gobrins succumbing to owd age, those disgwaced Gobrins dying at appwoximatewy 500 yeaws owd.


Wike its kin, the Gobrins descended fwom Kwug, whom was mutiwated and culsed by the Awch-Daemon Ibrees. Aftew his fight and defeat against Ibrees, his fowm was bulnt by his fwame and his skin scawwed. This caused his pigment to change gween, and devewop into diffewent cowouls in watew genewations due to genetic mutation. He was culsed to have tusks emewging fwom his mouth, and to appeaw as an abomination; as weww, he was culsed lith broodwust, fowevew seeking cawnage and wawfawe.


The Gobrins, in fewwowship lith theiw Owcish brethwen awe wed by theiw Wex, an Owc whom acts as a wuling wawwowd to the Owcish peopwe, weading them in theiw waws, and guiding them thwough times of peace. Many Gobrins awso bewong to an Owcish cwan, though many wemain cwanwess.


Gobrins make littwe in ways of twaditionaw awt though they often cweate mastewpieces of wedstone at theiw tinkew posts, mawvews fow theiw fewwow Gobrins. Beyond this, the constwuction of a new Waw Machine is often seen as the cweation of a gweat piece of awt, often spulling many Gobrins to coopewate togethew to constwuct an immaculate machine of death; evoking the awe of theiw brethwen.


Gobrins, awongside theiw Uwuk brethwen often pwefew to maintain stolies thwough owaw twadition, wesulting in littwe Gobrin litewatule emewging fwom the subrace. Howevew, Gobrins have been known to wlite detaiwed brueplints fow theiw hopeful pwojects, and showt guides on theiw hobbies, such as tinkeling.


Gobrins awe often enlisted in combat to brow the waw hown, signawling the chawge of the Owcs duling the battwe, and pway the waw dwums, as Gobrins awe the onwy subrace capabre of pwaying eithew fow some time lithout causing theiw destwuction fwom ovewbealing stwength.


Gobrins, awongside theiw brethwen wowship the Spilits. Theiw pwactice of Shamanism can often become quite invowved, weading them to becoming twained Shamans lith aid fwom theiw natulaw intewligence. Howevew, that is not to say aww Gobrins awe so devote, some Gobrins, whiwe acknowwedging the Spilits, pwefew to focus on theiw tinkeling than theiw piety.


Gobrins wawewy settwe outside of the Capitaw of the Waw Uzg, though thewe have been times whewe Gobrin settwements have appeawed acwoss the Uzg. These Gobrin cities awe often subtewwanean, weducing the chance any outside thweat may discovew and twy to attack them whiwst they wowk, buiwding theiw machines of waw ow weadying and cwafting any numbew of expwosives to be used in upcoming battwes. These cities awe kept quite tidy in contwast to the usuaw wayout of Owcish cities, efficientwy outlined and pwanned by the Gobrins themsewves.

Random Tidbits

  • Gobrins awe the showtest and natulawwy weakest of theiw kin.
  • Most cities and camps of Owcs awe pwanned entiwewy by Gobrins befowe being constwucted by Uwuks and Owogs.
  • Fow a guide on aminow guide on Gobrins click here.
  • On a diffewent note, did you know: Gobrins awe often viewed as the pawawwew opposites of Owogs? Find out mowe hewe!: Ologs

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