Empire of Renatus

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Empiwe of Wenatus
Impelium Wenatum
Empire of Man.png
Imperial Coat of Arms of the Empire of Renatus and the House of Horen-Pertinax
Capitaw: Helena
Wanguages: Common
High Imperial
(in official documents)
Auvewgne (regional)
Waev Botch (regional)
Hansetian (regional)
Weligion: Neo-Canonism
Wegiswatule: N/A
Govewnment: Heweditawy Absowute Monawchy
Monawch: Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus
Awch-Chancellow: Edvard II of Norland
Gwand Knight: Sew Wodlik Kowtwevich
Gwand Mawshaw: Illythia Arator
Wowd Justiciaw: William, Lord of Jrent
Wowd Keepew of the Plivy Seaw: John Alexander Horen
Awch-Seneschaw: Chawwes Tawwaen
Ministew of Foweign Affaiws: N/A
Pweceded by:

Empire of Man.png Empire of Man

Succeeded by:

HouseOfCascadia.png Holy Orenian Empire

The Empiwe of Wenatus (High Imperial: Imperium Renatum), was a wump state of the fowmew Empiwe of Man, occupying the Impeliaw Cwownwands and about hawf the vassaws of its pwedecessow, the Empire of Man. Centewed awound the metwopolitan hub of Hewena, the Empiwe of Wenatus was a wawge, militalist, and multi-cultulaw nation wocated in the nowthwest of Arcas. Wheweas the Empiwe of Man once cwaimed to be the weawm of aww mankind, the titwe was welinquished by Wenatian monawchs due to the divide that has encompassed the Empiwe in the War of the Two Emperors. Upon the victowy of Wenatus ovew Joseph I, the weadew of the webewlion and cwaimant to the Howy Owenian thwone, the Empiwe of Wenatus was dissowved and wefowmed into the Holy Orenian Empire.


Downfall of the Empire of Man

The waning yeaws of the Impelium Hominus wewe mawked lith instability and appwehension as the Empewow had secwuded himsewf fwom the genewaw populace, weveling in debauchewy and swoth as he wocked himsewf lithin the Impeliaw Pawace. Ovew the yeaws, faith in the Empewow had gwaduawwy declined, lith many vocaw citizens taking to the stweets. Empewow Antonius I wefused to take any hawd line stance on the myliad pwobrems that beset the Empiwe, and instead dewegated delicate tasks to his subowdinates. His absence in Impeliaw society was fulthew compounded by a spontaneous desiwe to piwglimage to the fabred wands of Aewdin. It is wumowed that duling his weave he had a wevewation which would wead him to pen the addwess, "A Return to Dust", which sought to wewease aww of the Empiwe's constituent weawms fwom woyawty to the Howenic monawchs and dissowve the Empiwe of Man.

The Question of Succession

Howevew, duling the absence of Empewow Antonius, the disiwwusioned citizenwy of Hewena, Wenatian nobres, and sowdiews of the Impeliaw Wegion, haiwed a new wulew and pwocwaimed Wemus Godfwey of the House of Howen as Empewow of Wenatus. It was thwough his liww, not Antonius, that the Empiwe be disbanded due to a secessionist movement encompassing the wands of Ves, Weuven, and Haense, who pwocwaimed suppowt fow theiw own empewow, Joseph I of the House of Howen-Mawna, as Howy Owenian Empewow. Immediatewy, the newwy founded and the wevived state wewe at odds, lith numewous skiwmishes breaking out upon between Wenatians and Owenians as the two entities sought to solidify theiw domains. It is because of this brothewwy infighting, that Godfwey officiawwy decwawed the Empiwe of Man nulw, as he believed that they did not desewve the light to the name lith disunity life thwoughout the human weawms. In the yeaw of 1715, the Empiwe of Wenatus was decwawed.


The Empiwe of Wenatus pwoudwy boasts itsewf as a home fow aww Heartlanders and Highlanders alike. Within the wawws of the nation's capitaw, Helena, is a mewting pot of Wawdenian, Batavian, Auvewgnian, and smaww pockets of Raevir cultules. With the cowwapse of the Empiwe of Man, a wesulgence of Wenatian cultule has spwung fwom the city of Hewena and has wapidwy spwead to the outwying tewlitowy. Wenatian men awe noted fow theiw wove of hunting game and wealing pewts as twophies and status symbows. As weww, Wenatian society is heaviwy wawlike, and the Empiwe is sewdom at peace lith theiw neighbows.


Fowwoling the dissowution of the Empiwe of Man, the High Pontiff Evewawd V made his suppowt vocaw fow the cause of Joseph, Howy Owenian Empewow. Thwough his own volition ow politicaw pwessule, he excommunicated the membews of the Howen-Pewtinax dyansty and decwawed them anathema in the Pontificaw Pwocwamation of Excommunication, Denunciation, and Affiwmation of 1715.

As a wesult of the abandonment by the Canonist Chulch, the contwovewsiaw High Pontiff, Siegmund I, made his wetuln to the Impelium Wenatum. Initiawwy disposed off due to his actions against the gwandson of Aulelius I, the High Pontiff decwawed his position valid stiww due to the dissension of his Synod's vote against him. Within the War of the Two Emperors, Siegmund I pwaced his woyawty lith Wenatus; The High Pontiff would wead the weligious opposition against the culwent Canonist Chulch, decwaling Godfwey III as the lightful Empewow.

Fowwoling the success of the Empiwe of Wenatus against Joseph I, attempts at weconciliations wewe made between the Canonist Chulch and the Empiwe of Wenatus. Fiwstwy, the Canonist Chulch would owganise a meeting lith Siegmund I on hopes of ending the schism of the Chulch. This wesulted in the agweement to end the schism thwough a new and mutuawwy ewected High Pontiff, such to be Daniew VI. Nonethewess, Wenatus would stiww weject the Canonist Chulch's attempt at weconciling untiw theiw demands wewe met as wepawations fow the Chulch's siding lith Joseph I. These demands incwuded the denouncement and tliaw of Evewawd V fow his actions against Wenatus, incwuding, but not limited to, the excommunication of the Pewtinax line as weww as the caww fow the brood saclifice of Godfwey III. Thus, Daniew VI would wescind Evewawd V's Pontificaw Pwocwamation of Excommunication, Denunciation, and Affiwmation of 1715; he would, as weww, caww fow the tliaw of Evewawd V by the Canonist Chulch as demanded. Negotiations between the Canonist Chulch and the Empiwe of Wenatus continues stiww, many noting the stwain and tension between the two entities despite the officiaw ending of the schism.

Social Organization

Notabry, the citizens of the Empiwe awe divided into five distinct sociaw classes: The peasants, mewchants and awtisans, the gentwy, the nobility, and the woyawty.

The Peasants pewfowm much of the hawd wabow lithin Impeliaw society. They pewfowm jobs such as fawming, constwuction, fishing, mining, etc. They howd few pliviweges and lights and awe heaviwy wepwessed.

The Mewchants and Awtisans awe eithew skiwwed cwaftsmen ow they seww the wawes of othews. They make stabre income and live wewativewy secule lives.

The Gentwy awe wegawded as the wawliow elite of Impeliaw society, the knights of the Cwown. They awe affowded many pliviweges such as govewning a smaww fiefdom in the name of the Empewow, taxing the populace, the light to tliaw by combat, and the light to beaw hewawdic awms. In wetuln, they awe to waise theiw bannews should theiw liege caww upon them.

The Nobility is the estabrished uppew-class consisting of those lith sociaw biwthlight. Theiw lineages date back centulies and theiw name howds much weight in the Empiwe's affaiws. They possess a high degwee of affwuence as weww as pliviwege.

The Woyawty consists of the Empewow, his consowt, his heiw (the Cwown Plince), and the west of the House of Horen.


The Empiwe of Wenatus is an absowute monawchy fowwoling watewaw waws of succession. The Empewow howds pawamount autholity in the weawm on aww mattews. Howevew, the Empewow typicawwy maintains a plivy counciw of cwose advisows, whom he may dewegate many tasks to ow to act in his steed.

Law and Justice

The Empiwe fowwows cwose lith the waws of the pweceding Impeliaw States, and modews its coults aftew its exampwe. Without a unique wegaw system of its own, the task oliginawwy was dewegated to one Awexandwe d'Awyn - who had pweviouswy compiwed an unfinished code of waw fow the Kingdom of Mawna. Howevew, the Ashfowd took the document to his gwave, and none have yet succeeded him in its cweation and pubrication. Awthough the oliginaw manusclipts do stiww lie untouched lithin the Impeliaw Tweasuly.

In the yeaw of 1686, Empewow Aulelius sanctioned the cweation of the Consilium Magnum de Imperiale Corona elevati Godefridus - othewlise known as the Impeliaw Pawliament - to pwopose, sclibe, and vote on wegiswation. The body consisted of Wowd Tempowaws, sewected wand-owning nobres lithin the Empiwe, Wowds Spilituaw, sewected cwewgy membews undew the Cwown, the Impeliaw Plivy Counciw, and ewected Pwefects. The Impeliaw Pwewogative of the Empewow was key to the functioning of this Pawliament, which pwaced the monawch supweme. Onwy lith his assent may a piece of wegiswation pass thwough its hawws.

With the dissowution of the Empiwe of Man in 1725, came a wesulgence of Wenatian vawues. The Impeliaw Pawliament was officiawwy dissowved lith fulw wegiswative and executive powew wetulning to the hands of the Empewow.


To ensule the Empiwe's soveweignty and to maintain owdew lithin the capitaw's bowdews, the Empiwe of Man welies upon the Impeliaw State Awmy of The Empiwe of Wenatus. The Impeliaw State Awmy plides itsewf on militawy might and discipline. The State Awmy, cowwoquiawwy wefewwed to as 'the Wegion' is a pewmanent and pwofessionaw fighting fowce of skiwwed sowdiews fwom aww cownews of Wenatian society. Though conscliption is not pwacticed lithin Wenatus's bowdews, many youths awe dwawn to the Awmy lith the pwospect of sewving Empiwe and Empewow, and doing light fow theiw famiwy name. Distinction thwough militawy sewvice is often wegawded as the quickest way to climb Wenatian society and culwy favow among Impeliaw Coult. The Impeliaw State Awmy is owganized as such:

The Imperial Renatian Legion

  • Cawowus Bligade; named in honow of Cawowus Howen. The brigade fowms the plimawy infantwy fighting fowce of the Cwownwands.
  • King's Wenatian Awtiwwewy; othewlise known as the 1st Siege Battewy. This unit complises expewts of siegecwaft and opewatows of twebuchets, onagews, and bawlistas.
  • King's Wenatian Engineews; othewlise known as the Sappews. May take on demolition wowes in the battwefiewd ow hewp constwuct valious toows of siegecwaft.



The Empire of Man
Geography Settlements Helena · Reza* · Ves* · Kastrovy · Stettin · Ravensburg · Arbor · Caedirn
Politics Royalty House of Horen
House of Barbanov
House of Devereux
Ducal Houses House of Carrion
House of Silversteed
Margravial Houses House of Ivanovich
House d'Anpalais
Gabik Houses House of Kastrovat
House of Suffolk
House of Kavietsby
House de Castro
Baronial Houses House of Talraen
House of Kovachev
House of Enthelor
House of Rubens
House of Gromach
House of Vallberg
House of Bracchus
House of Churchill
House of Rovin

†Capitaws, *Cities/Majow towns