House of Amador

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House of Amador
"From Ashes, We Rise"
Country: BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Haense
Baron of Mondstadt
Former Titles:
Duke of Mondstadt
Count of Mondstadt
Count of Gravelhold
Count of Queen’s Point
Viscount of Aurveldt
HouseBlaxton.png House of Blaxton
Jack Amador
Current Head:
Olessya Amador
Nataliya Amador

The House of Amador (Common: Amador; Hansetian: Amaodar; High Imperial: Amador) is the ruling family of the Viscounty of Aurveldt & Barony of Mondstadt while being a vassal of the Kingdom of Haense.



Their origins unknown, the Amadors made their first appearance in Asulon as merchants with a skill for bargaining. Seeing what they had to offer with both finances and resources, they were granted a County by the King of Renatus. Led by Jack Amador, the small group of Amadors and their bannermen and merchants quickly expanded, bringing in multitudes of traders and guilds. The rapid expansion of the house caught the eye of the King at the time, who rewarded Jack with the ducal coronet. Upon his rise as Duke, Duke Amador integrated the gentry house of Soulblade into his own family, effectively merging the strong stock and prowess of the Soulblades with the cunning and judgement of the Amadors. The current line of Amador draws its descent from the famed warrior, Ramdir Amador. As time would have it though, certain calamities would befall the house as the ancient lands of Asulon fell to darkness, both before and after. These events would be the catalyst for the obscurity that became of the Amadors and their struggles onward in attempting to be heard in a period of tempestuous political events.


Following the fall of the House in Asulon, those few Amadors that remained found themselves in obscurity struggling to make themselves known and reenter the noble scene. Wandering from county to county, they asked for support in regaining lands lost to them, but were denied at every turn. This turn of events would cause much disparity among the Amadors assets as the lack of recognition caused their resources to dwindle away. This would eventually force the family to undertake a variety of labors as mercenaries, labourers, and merchants. They would answer the loyalist call to arms, joining the Savoyard forces in the Dukes' War.

After the war ended, with many Amadors dying in the service of the crown, what remained of the family used the money and minor respect they acquired from the war to build up a small mercantile investment that they would subsequently receive profit from. The profits generated from the investment would turn out to be more prosperous than expected and where used in a variety of business ventures to fund a few trade expeditions to other lands as well as dowries for marriages to help bolster the family and relations. The contacts made from these expeditions would eventually form small trade routes specific to the Amadors’ business ventures. As a result, a consistent source of revenue would be formed, and for the first time in many decades, money was no longer a concern.


Alongside the rest of the Holy Orenian Empire, the Amadors traveled to the Isles of Axios, determined to make their re-entry into the noble scene. They were welcomed by Duke Peter of Haense into the nobility of Haense, enfeoffing Ruslan Amador with the Barony of Mondstadt, a title which the Amadors held throughtout early Axios History.

Ramdir Amador was most well known for his marriage with Anna Sophia, who would later gain infamy when she claimed the Crown of Lotharingia and be name Queen Anna of Lotharingia. She spent a majority of her time down south in the Kingdom of Lotharingia, within the Barony of Ostwick after her marriage. A retreat for the family when they wished to

In 1595, Owyn Amador became the Baron of Mondstadt. He kept up decent relations within the Kingdom of Lotharingia by hiring a commoner within his lands called Aylwin Blaxton (who would later write an extensive memoir of his time with the Amadors), to manage the relationship between the Haenseni-Ruskan Vassal and the Southern Kingdom. In the first decade of the 17th century, a minor scandal rocked the Amador's relationship with the Crown of Haense when Owyn and Aylwin were dragged before the court to answer crimes of conspiracy with the Kingdom of Lotharingia. In truth, the Amadors were seeking trading opportunities within the Kingdom of Lotharingia and, upon discovering the truth of this, Marius I of Haense pardoned the pair.

Owyn would later be elevated within the Northern Nobility and officially engaged Adrijana Kovachev of Carnatia in 1602, they later married and had Four children: Henrik I Amador, Ruslan II Amador, Diana & Jack. The former two would later become Patriarchs of House Amador in their own right, whereas Jack Amador would later become High Pontiff Clement III.

During the Reign of Marius I of Haense, the Kingdom of Haense suffered a terrible defeat in the Great Northern War. As consequence of the bitter defeat, the victorious Courlandic forces requested the ceding of Mondstadt to their territory, thus forcing the Amadors off their Ancestral seat. The patriarch would lose a hand during this war and history would come to know him as Owyn "Iron-fist" Amador, after receiving a gauntleted prosthetic. He moved the family down south to the Kingdom of Lotharingia, to the safety of his mother's lands in Ostwick, whilst he travelled to Courland to petition the return of his lands and other realms in search of the means to support his family.

Eventually, Owyn was able to purchase some land in the marshlands of the south known as Blackfen, where he would begin to erect a new castle, later called Blackfen. Unfortunately for Owyn, the endeavor proved too costly and he sought aid from the the Duke of Mardon, Peter Sigismund. The Duke offered to take the incomplete keep of Blackfen in exchange for the County of Gravelhold and Owyn's Fealty. Desperate, Owyn agreed. It wasn't all bad though. Owyn, Count of Gravelhold, was given a new home for his family and a Vassal - His former advisor, Aylwin Blaxton, who had been ennobled by the Duke as the Viscount of Brabant with his Wife, Erin Lockley. Owyn "Iron-fist" Amador, died of stroke in 1615. Henrik, the new Count of Gravelhold and Patriarch was all of twelve years of age.

Not too long after this transition of power, Emperor Peter II Sigismund Horen (the former Duke) proclaimed the Sixth Holy Orenian Empire with his now-integrated Allies House Amador received the Emperor Peter's patronage during this time, Jack was ordained into the Canonist Church and his younger Twin, Ruslan, made the Empire's Steward. Henrik his Deputy Constable of the Sixth Imperium Legion, eventually making him a Marshal. However, this patronage came at a steep price; Henrik was now effectively in command of a peacetime Army whose upkeep he had to personally maintain with Amador Mina. Nonetheless, Henrik was happy. He was a stern disciplinarian, outwardly cold in appearance, but a fair taskmaster.

Henrik eventually married Artemis Palaiologos, the daughter of a Duke of Mystra and Grandaughter of the King of Santegia. It was a loving married and the Count lavished his wife with jewellery and gifts that remain Amador heirlooms to this day.

War would come to dominate Henrik's adult life. After reforming the Legion Imperium Sextus, tensions between the Dwarven clans, as well as internal strife against the Romstuns, became the focus of the Imperium. Civil war broke out in Urguan & the true king sought Imperial aid. Henrik, now Twenty-Eight years old was Marshal of the Legions, was presumed to be the war leader, but given his young age Emperor Peter opted for an older war veteran. Spurned, Henrik resigned as Marshal and joined his comrades in the battlefield. Henrik Ramdir Amador died of his wounds in 1631 on the field of honour. Ruslan II succeeded him, however little is known past this point.


The story of House Amador in Atlas is far from the tales of its more glorious and prestigious past. Due to mismanagement and poor leadership, the house fell into disarray. Slowly, its power dwindled and its status withered away. The final blow that ended Amador power in Atlas, tore the House apart and later cost them their status as Haensetian nobility, was a failed banking adventure, that ended up deminishing all of the House's wealth and made them a bit of a laughing stock, especially to those who'd taken loans from the House and now saw them powerless to demand their money back.

In the last few years of Atlas however, a young man who had not yet shed his family name rose from the shadows to lay claim to the family name. Henrik Amador, styling himself Henrik II, was of a lesser branch of the family and initially not the heir of the House. His granduncle Ruslan II however was the man holding the family title of Patriarch until he died childless at an old age. This then meant Henrik II suddenly had the right to claim the Patriarch title for himself and so he did, ruling over an essentially powerless family in the waning days of Atlas.


Upon arriving in Arcas, the ambitious and young Henrik II went to work on regaining whatever there was to regain for his seemingly lost House. He eventually managed to take back the nobility status of House Amador and married a Santegian princess, Tamar of Biscay, with whom he had four sons: Ruslan, Albert, Edvard and Karl. Not long after these first successes however, Henrik became sick with an unknown disease, probably believed to be tuberculosis. The young family of six could not find a medic in Arcas capable of healing Henrik, but heard there were doctors in Aeldin that could, before setting sail for the faraway continent. After many years, the Amadors returned to Arcas, their Patriarch having survived his disease, but by now being an old man and a mere shadow of his youthful, energetic self. However, Henrik II refused to perish before regaining Nobility. Thus he hard alongside his children and their cousin to regain their Nobility. They carried out a variety of tasks such as: ship building, resource gathering, and more. The Amadors also started to get into Government positions. Rennard quickly became the High Steward and worked diligently to ensure the Kingdom would prosper. Edvard worked alongside Rennard as a Steward, and later succeeded him. Due to the hard work of Henrik II, his sons, and their cousin they regained their lost Nobility within a few short years. Once again they were Lords of Haense, and Barons of Mondstadt. Even after regaining their Nobility, the Amadors continued to work hard and have obtained a variety of different positions. Some of the positions that were held by house members are: High Steward, High Seneschal, Lord Treasurer x2, Speaker of the House of Lords, Member of the House of Commons (x2), and more.



Amadors throughout History


Name Portrait Arms Birth Marriages Death Titles
Jack Amador JackAmador.png HouseAmador.png Circa. 1350 Unknown 1420 1st Duke of the Holy Lands,

1st Count of Crestfall,
1st Count of Vendere

Jiraiya Amador JiraiyaAmador.png HouseAmador.png Circa 1350 Jessica Amador 1457 2nd Count of Crestfall
Gilbert Amador HouseAmador.png 1355 Unknown 1420 Steward of Crestfall
Benard Amador HouseAmador.png c.1360 Unknown c. 1420 Ducal Advisor
Ladasha Amador HouseAmador.png c.1376 Unknown c. 1420 Decendant of the Duke,

Daughter of Benard Amador

Raymond Amador HouseAmador.png c.1380s Unknown c. 1449 Anointed Father of the Church of the True Faith
== Athera ==