List of Norlandic Monarchs

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Style: His Majesty
First Monarch: Thoromir I Ruric
Current Monarch: Edvard II Ruric
Pretender: N/A
Formation: 19th of The Sun's Smile, 1476

The King of Norland, is the ruler of the Kingdom of Norland, the way one obtains this title is being elected by a moot, or the Red Faith, the King of Norland is able to hold a moot once in their lifetime. The first King of Norland was Thoromir Ruric

The King of Norland is known to have one of the strongest, most well-trained Military in the world. Though under the reign of Javier Ruric the Kingdom of Norland had no standing military, he simply leads through his expert military skill, winning many of the battles he fought, being dubbed Javier 'The Undefeated' Ruric.

The Kingdom of Norland has been reformed twice, in Vailor and Axios. Thoromir formed the Kingdom of Norland during his reign in Vailor.. and Arytom formed it after the Staunton Rebellion.

This title has belonged to the members of House Ruric, and their cadet branch the House of Rosik, after having restored it after the Norlandic defeat during the War of Two Emperors.

The title was then assumed by the House of Horen, through right of conquest when Renatian forces sacked the Norlandic capital, Ruriksgrad. Before granting back to the House Ruric in the year 1715 for their loyalty during the War of Two Emperors

Current King

The Current King of Norland is Alvar Ruric, having aquired the title after proving the loyalty of the Norlanders by siding with the Empire of Renatus during the War of Two Emperors.

Past Kings

Thoromir I Ruric

Edvard I 'The Terrible' Ruric

Eirik I 'The Great' Ruric

Sven I Ruric

Thomas I Ruric

Arytom I Ruric

Donovan I Ruric

Javier I 'The Undefeated' Ruric

Jevan I Ruric

Jory I Ruric

Godden I Ruric

Aurelius I Horen

Torsten I Rosik (Pretender)

Augustus I Horen

Antonious I Horen

Alvar I Ruric

Edvard II Ruric

Caedric I Ruric

Halvar I Ruric

House of Ruric (1476-1571; 1591-1662; 1715-Present)

The House of Ruric is the current ruling family of the Kingdom of Norland, after refounding the Kingdom under Caedric I.

Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Succession right
Thoromir I
Thoromir Ruric
Thoromir I Ruric.jpg 14th of the Grand Harvest, 1452 None
3 Children
20th of Malins Welcome, 1529 norland.png Title Created
Edvard I
Edvard Ruric
EdvardIRuric.jpg 21st of the Grand Harvest, 1500
Son of Thoromir I Ruric
5 Children
10th of The Amber Cold, 1540 norland.png Son of Thoromir I
Eirik I
Eirik Ruric
Eirik Ruric.jpg 15th of Grand Harvest, 1501
Son of Thoromir I Ruric
5 Children
15th of Malin's Welcome, 1555 norland.png Usurped his Brother Edvard
Sven I
Sven Ruric
Sven Ruric.jpg Unknown
Son of Eirik Ruric
2 Children
Unknown norland.png Son of Eirik Ruric
Thomas I
Thomas Ruric
Thomas Ruric??.jpg 3rd of Grand Harvest, 1538
Son of Sven Ruric
2 Children
Somewhere in the Dreadlands norland.png Son of Sven Ruric
Arytom I
Arytom Ruric
Arytom Ruric.jpg Unknown
Victoria Horen-Preussens
2 Childern
Unknown norland.png Title re-created
Donovan I
Donovan Ruric
Donovan Ruric de Frey.jpg Unknown
Somewhere in Norland, 1669 norland.png Took up title, after Arytom fell into a deep coma
Arytom I
Arytom Ruric
Arytom Ruric.jpg Unknown
Victoria Horen-Preussens
2 Childern
Unknown norland.png Reclaimed title after waking up from his coma
Javier I
Javier Ruric
Javier I.png 10th of the Deep Cold, 1557
Bonefort, Dreadlands
Son of Hakon Ruric
4 Children
Unknown norland.png Elected as ruler by the Norlandic peoples.
Jevan I
Jevan Ruric
Jevan Ruric.jpg 15th of Malin's Welcome, 1613
Vjorhelm, Norland
Son of Javier Ruric
Andrea de Castro
10th of the Suns Smile, 1642 norland.png Son of Javier Ruric
Jory I
Jory Ruric
Jory Ruric???.png 10th of the Amber Cold, 1614
Vjorhelm, Norland
Son of Javier Ruric
2 Children
Alive norland.png Son of Javier Ruric
Godden I
Godden Ruric
Godden Ruric.jpg 10th of the First Seed, 1636
Son of Jory Ruric
2 Children
15th of the Grand Harvest, 1669 norland.png Son of Jory Ruric.
Alvar I
Alvar Ruric
Alvar?????.png 19th of Suns Smile, 1694
Nordengrad, Norland
Son of Braedyn Ruric
Edyth Fiscere
2 Children
4th of the Suns Smile, 1717
Dunharrow, Norland
norland.png Returned by Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus.
Edvard II
Edvard Ruric
EdvardIIMorsgrad.jpg 14th of the Ambers Cold, 1694
Nordengrad, Norland
Son of Exander Ruric
Freya Edvardsson
5 Children
Morsgrad, Duchy of Morsgrad
norland.png Elected as ruler by the Norlandic peoples.
Caedric I Edvardsson
Edvard Ruric
A King and a Grand Prince.jpeg 7th of Suns Smile, 1738
Morsgrad, Duchy of Morsgrad
Son of Godric I
Katilina Edvardsson
5 Children
Alive norland.png Refounded the title
Halvar I Edvardsson
Edvard Ruric
Halvar I Edvardsson.jpeg 5th of the Ambers Cold, 1759
Morsgrad, Norland
Son of Caedric I
Ancelie Edvardsson de Astrea
3 Children
Alive norland.png Inherited the title from his father.

House of Rosik

The House of Rosik, the cadet branch family of House Ruric, had proclaimed themselves as the Kingdom of Norland. The title would later be lost in the Third Atlas Coalition War.

Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Succession right
Torsten I
Toresten Rosik
Sviatopolk I of Kiev.jpg 15th of the Deep Cold, 1655
Ruriksgrad, Norland

Son of Rodrik Ruric and Astrid
Carina Fiscere
2 children
19th of the Grand Harvest, 1692
Carolustadt, Man
norland.png Self-Proclaimed

House of Horen

The House of Horen held the title for a brief moment going into Arcas. They seized the titles and lands of the Kingdom of Norland when they sacked Ruriksgrad during the First Atlas Coalition War. After years of witholding the title it would then become attested to by the self-promclaimed, Torsten Rosik. Though the title stand firmly by the family espcailly after they had gotten rid of Torsten 'The Pretender' Rosik's claim to the title in the Third Atlas Coalition War that had lasted for two years.

Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Succession right
Aurelius I
Canonious Horen
OldAurelius.jpg 6th of The Amber Cold, 1603

Son of Carolus Horen and Larissa Romstun
Theodosia Horen
Renatus, Man
3 children
Missing Empire of Man.png Conquered during Atlas Coalition War

Reaffirmed in the Third Atlas Coalition War.
Augustus I
Augustus Horen
1Augustus.png 1666
Senntisten, Renatus

Son of Prince Antonius Horen and Maria Viktoria of Ruska
Helen Horen
3 children
Alive Empire of Man.png Son of Prince Antonius Horen
Antonius I
EmperorAntonius.jpg 1691
Carolustadt, Man

Son of Augustus I and Helen Horen
Karenina of Alban
Alive Empire of Man.png Son of Augustus I