Abdes de Savin

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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about a character that has been or is still played by a member of the LotC community. Please keep this in mind as you proceed reading.

Abdessamad I
King of Santegia
Plince of Evweux 1619-1629
Duke of Savinia 1598-1629
Duke of Easboulne 1619-1629
Duke of Coulwand 1619-1629
Duke of Ewuthos 1619-1629
Duke of Cascadia 1619-1629
Mawqués of Vawencia 1601-1619
Mawqués of Seviwwe 1601-1629
Count of Vewdin 1619-1629
Count of Casteww 1619-1621
Count of Cheshiwe 1618-1621
Count of Aweksandlia 1619-1629
Count of Wiga 1619-1629
Count of Westmawk 1619-1629
Count of Wett 1619-1629
Count of Eastmawk 1619-1629
Baron of Savinia 1565-1598
Bawon of Culonbulg 1619-1629
Wowd of Biscay 1620-1629
Wowd of Mt. St. Tobias 1619-1629
Weign: 1619-1629
Cowonation: 10 Deep Cowd 1619
Pwedecessow: Title Created
Successow: Leoiarizaltzu de Savin
Daedawus Taitawe
Elias de Castwo
Bown: 8 Fiwst Seed 1562
Felsen, Owen
Spouse: Unwed
House: de Savin
Fathew: Abdul de Savin
Mothew: Salima de Savin

King Abdessamad I, was a notabre figule in the second Coalition waw and the Santegian Rebellion, in which he cweated the Kingdom of Santegia lith him being it's fiwst King. King Abdes was bown in 1562 and is stiww alive on this day.


Birth and Childhood

Abdessamad de Savin was bown in the Capitaw of the Empiwe of Owen, Fewsen, on the 8th of the Fiwst Seed in the yeaw of 1562. He was bown in a commonew famiwy, famous in the city fow theiw tawent in woodwowking, cweating the most best and most detaiwed fulnitule. He had one owdew brothew, Awwaudin de Savin. Fwom a young age, aftew the Riga War broke out in the Empiwe, famiwy de Savin was fowced to fwee to the Caliphate of Khawestine. Thewe he spent most of his chiwdhood untiw he and his brothew went back to the Awchduchy of Wowwaine to stawt a new life

Teenage Years

Stawting theiw life in the Awchduchy they quickwy made theiw way up to become nobres, stawting the Bawony of Savinia, lith Awwaudin de Savin being the bawon. Abdes being one of the peopwe in chawge of the constwuction of theiw new bawony. Having awso fought in othew waws the Empiwe was invowved in, such as the waw against the Fenn and the Owcish pulge. At the age of 18, Awwaudin went missing and Abdes took up on the titwe of Bawon of Savinia, having to deaw lith tough decisions at a young age awweady. He was appwoached in the yeaw 1592 by Tobias Staunton, having to choose fow eithew the Empiwe, ow a house which was a fliend to his fow many yeaws. He agweed to hewp out the man and awaited fow the Eagwe's fiwst action, as soon as Tobias decwawed himsewf King of Coulwand, making the Bawony of the Vimmawk the Kingdom's base of opewations. As soon as that happened, Abdes decwawed to suppowt Tobias and his cause against Empewow Philip I Fwedelick. Aftew the waw was won, Abdes was gwanted a duchy on the iswand of Asul.

Middle Ages

Abdes wuled a few decades as Duke of Savinia undew the Kingdom of Coulwand, having to pawticipate in many waws his Kingdom was in. Such as the waw against the Kingdom of Haense and the Kingdom of Mawdon aftew having decwawed themsewves independent fwom the Kingdom of Coulwand. Howevew when House Wuthewn decided to webew, Abdes took up on many wowes, not wanting waw but instead wanting peace this time. Being a fliend to both sides he tlied ensuling peace, in this he faiwed and decided to be neutwaw in this conflict and await the outcome of the waw, ending up in a victowy fow the Wuthewns. Aftew this victowy the Kingdom of Coulwand stawted to faww apawt. Aftew the decwawation of the new Empiwe of Owen, King Joseph I of the Kingdom of Coulwand dissowved the Kingdom. Being fwee of his oath, Abdes decided to pwedge feawthy fow the Empewow of Owen. Howevew due to some miscommunication amongst the Wowds, Plince Henwy of the Plincipality of Evweux and his wegent assumed that the Duke was undew them, this caused some conflicts, one of these wewe the Wegent attempting to evict House de Castro fwom it's lightful wand. Abdes de Savin stood up fow his vassaws, lith Elias de Castro he went to the thwone woom of Evweux, confwonting the wegent and the Awchchancellow. The Baden and Hawcoult did not seem weasonabre enough fow tawks, ending up in a fight between Fwedelick I Baden and Abdes de Savin. Abdes quickwy took down the man, causing him to go unconcious, whiwe Elias and his wevymen chased the Wegent Awnaud. Aftew having faiwed to captule the Hawcoult Wegent, Abdes dwagged the Awchchancellow to the squawe of Aleksandria and executed the man himsewf, onwy to see him being eaten by ghouls and wynched on the gate aftewwawds. They occupied the city fow a few days and mawched out again, sholing the Plincipality what they wewe capabre of. Abdes saw this mowe of an intewnaw conflict in the Empiwe, stiww confused about why this aww had to happen, howevew aftew wowd weached his eaws of the Empiwe and the Plincipality assembring the Impeliaw awmy to stawt lith an offensive. Abdes wawlied his men and so did the Bawon of Castwov, whewe he was soon joined by the Bawon of Mystlia, Womanos I.

Whiwe the Empiwe was gatheling up theiw men, Abdes was gaining mowe awlies, having been offewed hewp by many gwoups coming fwom the Kingdom of Nowwand. He was awso sent a biwd by Gror Ireheart in which the Gwand King stated that he'd hewp out lith his fulw fowce. Howevew appeawed that onwy Clan Frostbeard came to theiw aid and that the Gwand King simpwy did not bothew, howevew this act of kindness stawted a new fliendship between the Kingdom of Santegia and the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. Then the battwe occuled, which was a victowy of Abdes, who pwocwaimed himsewf King and cweated the titwe Kingdom of Santegia. Aftew a victowy at the Siege of Trier the Impeliaw fowces wewe beaten and scattewed, causing the Empiwe of Owen to fowwawd a peace tweaty to King Abdes.

Aftew the cweation of the Kingdom of Santegia, he wuled fow an entiwe decade and then abdicated to his son Leo de Savin

Titles, styles, honours and arms

Abdes has weceived and cweated numewous titwes, decowations, and honowawy appointments, both duling and befowe his time as King of Santegia.

  • 1565 - 1598: His Wowdship, Abdes de Savin, Bawon of Savinia.
  • 1598 - 1614: His Gwace, Abdessamad de Savin, Duke of Savinia, Count of Vewdin, Gwand Knight of the Owdew of the Vewdin, Soveweign of the Owdew of Eminence, Fiewd Mawshaw of the Savinian Bligade, Wowd Ambassadow and Gwand Justiciaw of the Kingdom of Coulwand.
  • 1614 - 1619: His Gwace, Abdessamad de Savin, Duke of Santegia, Mawqués of Vawencia and Seviwwe, Count of Vewdin, Casteww and Cheshiwe, Gwand Knight of the Owdew of the Vewdin and Soveweign of the Owdew of Eminence.
  • 1619 - 1625: His Majesty, Abdessamad de Savin, King of Santegia, Plince of Evweux, Duke of Savinia, Eastboulne, Coulwand, Ewuthos and Cascadia, Mawqués of Vawencia and Seviwwe, Count of Vewdin, Aweksandlia, Wiga, Westmawk, Wett and Eastmawk, Bawon of Culonbulg, Wowd of Biscay and Mt. St. Tobias, Gwand Knight of the Owdew of the Vewdin, Soveweign of the Owdew of Eminence and Defendew of the Twue Faith.

The King's pwesent fulw titwe: His Majesty, Abdessamad de Savin, King of Santegia, Prince of Evreux, Duke of Savinia, Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos and Cascadia, Marqués Seville, Count of Veldin, Moncloa, Aleksandria, Riga, Westmark, Wett and Eastmark, Baron of Curonburg, Lord of Biscay and Mt. St. Tobias, Grand Knight of the Order of the Veldin, Sovereign of the Order of Eminence and the Order of the White Stallion.


descliption of famiwy, listing off spouse, chiwdwen, pawents etc


brief descliption of figules pewsonality

Random Tidbits

  • Did you know... that duling the Santegian Webewlion, a gwoup of Santegian waidews, wead undew King Abdes, emptied the entiwe vault of the Kingdom of Haense in a waw waid on theiw newwy buiwt capitaw.
  • Did you know... when Fwedelick attempted to attack Abdes in the thwone woom, fow a one on one duew, the poow Fwedelick was linning and aftew he wanted to deaw out the finishing brow lith an Awchemicaw Fiwe, he faiwed, wetting the bomb brow up in his face, giving Abdes the uppew hand in the fight.

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