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† Ivan Barrow
† Ivan Barrow
† Vsevolod Ivanovich
Hetman Vsevolod Ivanovich
† Svatobor Ivanovich
Archbishop of Ayr Svatobor Ivanovich
† Arpad Ivanovich
Margrave Arpad Ivanovich
† Konyves Ivanovich
Ser Konyves Ivanovich
† Ilya Ratibor Ivanovich
† Ilya Ratibor Ivanovich

Revision as of 05:14, 24 January 2022

House Ivanovich
Country: Oren, Dreadlands, Renatus, Empire of Man
Margrave of Styria
Hetman of Krajia
Ivan Barrow (Progenitor)
St. Arpad (Legendary)
Current Head: Ser Dima Cato Ivanovich
Ethnicity: Highlander
Cadet Branches:
Vilac.png House Vilac
Ivanovich.png House Volvakovic

The House Ivanovich is a small, insular noble family hailing originally from the Fourth Holy Orenian Empire. It's namesake, Ivan Barrow, was the bastard grandson of Emperor Tobias Carrion, and would be raised by Emperor Aleksandr Carrion in the absence of his father Yakov Carrion. The present-day incarnation of the family is descended from Arpad Ivanovich, who first rose to prominence as a warrior fighting alongside House Romstun; before he pledged his blade to Emperor Aurelius, the sovereign of Renatus and was knighted for his outstanding performance on the battlefield, as well as his reputation as one of the then King's most brutal enforcers. Arpad made a name for himself in the Coup of Adelburg, where alongside two other men he slaughtered John VI, Holy Orenian Emperor and the entire Imperial Court.

In modernity, a descendant of Arpad by way of the lineage of Ser Konyves Ivanovich by the name of Dima Cato Ivanovich re-founded House Ivanovich in Modern Oren, pledging fealty to Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, serving as a member of the Imperial State Army in the Urguani-Orenian War and being knighted for his part in the Storming of Kal'Darakaan.




- Ivan Barrow's father Yakov "The Accursed" Carrion perished; being conscripted by the Undead for service to Iblees as one last spiteful measure against Grand Knight Maric Varodyr, who raised his sword in rebellion against crown authority, rebelling against [EMPEROR NAME].

- Ivan Barrow is raised by Aleksandr Carrion and tutored in the Imperial Palace.

- Ivan Barrow emigrates to the Kingdom of Akovia after King Voron Kovachev declares war against the Crown, settling in Karovia atop Mt. Letholdus after Voron's forces occupy the city and seize it from Emperor Aleksandr Carrion. Ivan joins the Akovian Second Regiment, participating in Maric's Rebellion.

- Ivan Barrow, now 'Ivan the Outlaw', is made an officer in the regiment and increases his influence.

- Ivan Barrow fights in the Schism War and participates as a high-ranking officer in the Canonist League alongside contemporary powers such as the Duchy of Savoy and the March of Adria.

- Ivan Barrow becomes peerage under King Andrik Vydra of Akovia and retains close alliances with the Sarkozics, Vladovs, and Montforts.

- After King Andrik Vydra's assassination by Sohaer Kalenz Uradir, Olivier de Savoie forms the Reformed Kingdom of Oren. Ivan is dubbed a Knight of Esheveurd de Savoie upon the integration of Akovia into Oren.

- Ivan Barrow formally establishes the House of Ivanovich.

- Ivan perishes.

Isles of Vailor | Axios


- Vsevolod becomes Patriarch and joins the Camel Bandits, fighting in the Dukes' War against Savoyard Loyalists. Yaroslav, his brother, joins the Church of Canon.

- After the Sack of Brelus, Vsevolod founds the Hetmanate of Krajia to the North.

- Vsevolod is executed by John II, Holy Orenian Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire for attacking the empire's vassals and slaughtering a noblewoman.

- Sevolod's brother Svatobor Ivanovich becomes the Hand of the High Pontiff Boiendl the Astute.

- Vsevolod's son Sveneld is elected Hetman of Krajia and allies with the Duke of Carnatia.

- The Northern Alliance consisting of Carnatia, Krajia, and the Vanirs is established. It would be called the Carnatian League.

- Sveneld sallies to the defense of the Vanir's Keep, Kraken's Watch. Thus began the Riga War.

- The Northern Alliance uses the war to try and form the first Kingdom of Haense. Sveneld switches sides to Courland after having friction with other members of the alliance, predominantly over Lord Britannus Vanir's treatment of Sveneld's son-in-law Ser Jaromir after his affair with Lord Britannus' daughter Emma Vanir is revealed.

- Krajia, led by Sveneld, defects from the Carnatian League to side with the Duchy of Courland.

- The Treaty of Ambrosa ends the war, Riga is sacked, and Hetman Sveneld is declared a traitor by Emperor John II.

- Dreadlands troops, predominantly consisting of the remnants of House Flay and the Band of Dunamis is seen fighting at the Battle of Westmark alongside Hetman Sveneld

- The Emperor John II intervenes and rallies to the defense of the Carnatian League, diametrically opposed to the forces of Krajia and Courland.

- Norland rebels against the Empire of Oren.

- Krajia fully rebels against the Fifth Holy Orenian Empire, kickstarting the Krajian Rebellion. Krajia fights against Oren besides the Dreadlands and Courland.

- Sveneld proclaimed himself King of Ruska to contest Haense taking the title.

- Sveneld proclaimed himself King of Ruska in contest of Haense claiming the title, fights Oren - Oren wins, Imperial Court takes his son hostage, becomes a vassal - A cadet branch of Ivanovich survives in Dreadlands as well where they form the Principality of Vlachia (need citation) - that line dies out though and only the vassal of oren remains - Eventually the land is seized by the emperor and ivanovich at that point is no longer nobility - they go north and vassalize under the King of Haense around the time that Courland is making it's resurgence - Arpad Ivanovich makes his first appearance here, as the brother of (forget his name kipples character) who is a vassal of Haense - Arpad and Leitseig kidnap a Courland noblewoman and bring her to Kipples' castle, courland raids them, loses - The king of haense hears of the raid, and with the backing of Ivanovich / his court they declare war on Courland (which king? check) - Arpad falls ill, Leitseig disappears - Courland wins and vassalizes Haense - gives the title Duke of Haense to Kipples' character they sell the title and land (who is kipples ic) - Arpad reappears and joins house Romstun fights in several wars against lorraine, norland, etc eventually swears fealty to Aurelius and the Pertinaxis in return for the promise of returning the Title of Ruska to Ivanovich - Coup of Adelberg, Arpad kills kid emperor, the court is massacred - fights the marnan loyalists and the haense loyalists then fights in the third crusade against norland



  • Mace of Krajia

Symbol of the Hetmanate

  • Eye of Sigismund

A cursed gem that belonged to Sigismund Carrion. It acquired the curse upon being passed to his third son Yakov Carrion, who was cursed in death, becoming a member of the Undead.

  • Blade of Arpad

A shard of Arpad Ivanovich's blade that decapitated John Maximillian Horen during the Coup of Adelburg reconstituted as a humble saxe.

Notable Figures

† Ivan Barrow

† Hetman Vsevolod Ivanovich

† Archbishop of Ayr Svatobor Ivanovich

† Margrave Arpad Ivanovich

† Ser Konyves Ivanovich

† Ilya Ratibor Ivanovich

Dima Cato Ivanovich