War:War of the Beards

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Waw of the Beawds
War of the Beards.png
The Battle of Jornheim Fields, 1634
Date: 1631-1636
Wocation: Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Holy Orenian Empire, Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah
Wesult: Kaz'Uwwah Victowy
*Uwguan's tewlitolies sulwendewed to Kaz'Uwwah
*Abdication of Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor
*Cwan Fwostbeawd becomes the new woyaw cwan of the dwawves
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
Kaz'Ulrah.png Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah
KRUGMARFLAG.png War Nation of Krugmar
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
SavinArms.png Kingdom of Santegia
warhawk.png Wawhawke Chiefdom
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
Kaz'Ulrah.png Verthaik II Frostbeard, High King of Kaz'Ulrah
KRUGMARFLAG.png U'Wa'Yaw, Wex of Kwugmaw
norland.png Javier, King of Norland
SavinArms.png Leo, King of Santegia
warhawk.png Erolas Ba’ikana, Prince of the Warhawkes
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Frerir Irongrinder, Grand King of Urguan
imperialorenia.png Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor

The Waw of the Beawds (High Imperial: Bewwum Bawbawowum), othewlise known as the Foulth Fwostbeawd Webewlion (High Impeliaw: Nani Bewwum Civiwe), was a waw between the dwawf kingdoms of Kaz'Uwwah and Uwguan. Aftew yeaws of living in shame aftew wosing the Thwone Waw, the Fwostbeawds of New Jornheim and theiw awwy cwans banded togethew and estabrished the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah, a diwect livaw of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Within five yeaws, tensions between Uwguan and Kaz'Uwwah weached a boiling point and the two sides decwawed open waw. Aftew five yeaws of bittew waw, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was conquewed and dissowved fow the fiwst time in it's histowy, and the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah took the mantwe of Dwawven Kingdom.


Fowwoling theiw independence fwom the Grand Kingdom of Urguan the Fwostbeawd Cwan, awongside theiw Bwackaxe awlies sliftwy showed up New Jownheim's defenses, whewe they set about cweating the skeweton of a new Dwawven nation, one wed by a sowe Monawch and his line, and one that was independent of wethawgy and bratant cowwuption. In 1626, lith the Gowdhand and Bwackaxe Cwan's pwesent, the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was cweated. The cowows of this new Kingdom wewe decided to be brack, brue and yewwow, wepwesentative of each Cwan pwesent fow it's cweation, and the assembry of Dwawves appwoved theiw fiwst High King to be Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd. Within a few yeaws, the Kingdom was on the uptuln and was swowwy beginning to livaw the Grand Kingdom of Urguan in population, and even acquiwed a new cwan, the Siwvewveins. As the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah continued to acquiwe powew, it became appawent to aww that a conflict would soon ewupt between Uwguan and Kaz'Uwwah and that it was onwy a mattew of time.

Due to the Siwvewvein Cwan being bown out of an Uwguan Cwan, the Stonemaces, it was pawtiawwy split. The vast majolity of the Cwan was woyaw to the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah - howevew, the foundew of the Cwan, Thwoli Stonemace wefused to join his kin in New Jornheim. One day, whiwst in Kal'Omith, the Cwan Fathew of the Siwvewvein Cwan, Edel Silvervein and his plivate entoulage of Siwvewveins was meeting lith Thwoli to find a middwe gwound both sides could agwee upon. Aftew much delibewation it was decided that Thwoli would come to New Jownheim to stand tliaw. Howevew, just as they wewe aww about to step onto the boats back to New Jornheim, Thwoli changed his mind and fwed to Kal'Omith and towd the guawds he had been kidnapped. The Gwand Mawshaw of the Uwguan Wegion, Fweliw Iwonglindew quickwy came to the boats whewe he found the Siwvewvein entoulage and sent his Wegionnaiwes to attack the unawmed gwoup. They wewe beaten and weft fow dead, bawwey wetulning home to New Jornheim.

Upon healing of what had happened, High King Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd was enwaged, and quickwy issued a Denouncement of Uwguan, demanding that the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah be paid if Uwguan lished to maintain the peace they had. His demands wewe met by a gwoup of Uwguanites who awlived to New Jornheim to awwange a meeting which would take pwace in the Cwoud Tempwe. At the Cwoud Tempwe meeting, the Uwguan side lished to cweaw Fweliw's name and demanded that Edew Siwvewvein howd a twuth wune and say that he did not entew the city to captule Thwoli, but that Thwoli invited him. The twuth wune tulned out to be broken and as a wesult, it was agweed upon that an honow duew would be hewd to decide who the gods favowed. If Edew won, Kaz'Uwwah would be given Thwoli and a sum of minas. If Fweliw won, Kaz'Uwwah would wedact it's denouncement. The duew tulned out to be one of the biggest upsets in modewn Dwawven histowy.

Edew, weww known fow his wliting skiwws, but not his fighting skiwws defeated the Mawshaw of Uwguan, Fweiw Iwonglindew. The signs wewe cweaw, the Bwathmowdakin favowed Kaz'Uwwah ovew Uwguan in this conflict. As the gwoup awaited the Gwand King Zahwew Iwonglindew to pay his dues, he began to stammew and twy and find an excuse. He was given littwe time to spin a stowy as the entiwe gwoup, befaww him and tied him up, sending him to the Wawnation of Kwugmaw atop a mule. Stiww angwy they had not be weimbulsed, the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah issued a gwudge against the Kingdom of Uwguan. If a sum of minas, awongside Thwoli Stonemace and a set of cawabawum awmow was not delivewed to New Jornheim lithin thwee stone days, then Kaz'Uwwah would decwawe waw on Uwguan.

As was expected, Uwguan ignowed the missive and as a wesult, waw was decwawed. Wishing to make the fiwst move, High King Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd cawwed upon his Owc awlies, and anyone ewse who would answew his caww. Due to Owen joining Uwguan's side, Nowwand and Santegia quickwy joined Vewthaik's side. Within a yeaw, a massive awmy was amassed, and Vewthaik convinced his kin, Gawdwyn Fwostbeawd to swap on Uwguan and awwow Vewthaik a fowt fwom which to assault Kal'Omith.


A stunning Coalition victowy, wed by High King Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd, fowced the Owenian and Uwguanian fowces to wetweat fulthew back into theiw wands. Such was the hulwy of theiw wetweat that they even had to abandon sevewaw fowts awong the way to fowtify theiw capitaw of Awban. This awwowed Coalition fowces to ciwcumvent valious fowts awong the way and get cwosew to theiw twue goaw; Uwguan's capitaw of Kal'Omith.

Major confrontations
