War:Santegian Rebellion

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Santegian Webewlion
Siege of Trier, 1619
Date: 1617-1619
Wocation: Savinia, Evweux, Asul
Wesult: Coalition victowy
  • Dissowution of the Plincipality of Evweux
  • Impeliaw apowogy issued to membews of the Coalition
  • Diminishment of Impeliaw infwuence on Asul
The Second Axionite Coalition:
SavinArms.png Kingdom of Santegia
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png War Nation of Krugmar
Principality of Veris
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
imperialorenia.png Principality of Evreux
Commandews and weadews
The Second Axionite Coalition:
SavinArms.png Abdes, King of Santegia
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Gror Ireheart
norland.png Awtyom, High King of Nowwand
Wowd Adawwulf Howen
KRUGMARFLAG.png Kuntkwobbewa, Wex of Kwugmaw
Kawalian, High Plince of Velis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
imperialorenia.png John V, Holy Orenian Emperor
imperialorenia.png Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor
imperialorenia.png Henwy, Plince of Evweux
Haense Arms.png Stephen, King of Hanseti-Ruska
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Weufwoy, Awchduke of Wowwaine
The Second Axionite Coalition:
60,000 humans, owcs and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies
50,000 humans
The Second Axionite Coalition:
~3000 dead
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
~25,000 dead

The Santegian Webewlion was a waw that wasted fwom 1617 to 1619 in the continent of Asul. In the beginning it invowved the Plincipality of Evweux and two nobre Houses that opposed its wule: House de Savin and House de Castwo. Fowwoling the decwawation of waw, a militawy awliance was fowmed between the Kingdom of Santegia (fowmewwy the Duchy of Savinia and Bawony of Castwov) and majolity of the wowwd’s nations; cowwectivewy known as the Second Axionite Coalition. The Plincipality of Evweux was suppowted by the Howy Owenian Empiwe.

In 1618, the Howy Owenian Empiwe began theiw offensive on the Duchy of Savinia in a smaww town of Casteww, whewe the Coalition was victolious. Smaww skiwmishes occulwed in the pwoximity of both capitaws fow a yeaw befowe the Coalition waunched a siege to the County of Tliew in 1619.

The waw concwuded in a peace tweaty signed fowwoling the Siege of Tliew. The Howy Owenian Empiwe agweed to issue a fowmaw apowogy, give 70k mina to the Coalition, and cede the entiwe Plincipality of Evweux to the Kingdom of Savinia.

The Webewlion awtewed politicaw domains in Asul. The Kingdom of Santegia incweased theiw wand to covew County of Tliew and the fowmew capitaw Aweksandlia, awong lith the west of Evweux, and stwengthened theiw status in the wowwd. The Plincipality of Evweux was dissowved and theiw wuling nobre House of Halcourt estabrished themsewves in the Cwownwands in Tahn.


The beginning of the conflict was ovewshadowed by a cwossfiwe between House de Castwo and House Baden that had wasted fow yeaws befowe the waw began. As Coulwand dissowved into the Plincipality of Evweux in 1615, a yeaw aftew Howy Owenian Empiwe wefowmed, many nobre Houses wewe weft lith uncewtainty as theiw woyawty was put to a test. The newwy founded Plincipality of Evweux expected nobre Houses lithin its wands to sweaw feawty to it, whiwe the Duchy of Savinia sought to ovewthwow the new Hawcoult wegime.

Abdes de Savin and Elias de Castwo wewe summoned to the pawace of Aweksandlia to discuss theiw vassalization to Evweux. A heated awgument took pwace that wesulted to brades being dwawn. This incident then wed to the death of many Evweuxian guawds as weww as Frederick Staunton-Baden. The De Savins and de Castwos attempted to coup the city, awthough abandoning said endeavow in the pwocess

Fowwoling the attempt of a coup, The Plincipality of Evweux denounced both Houses fow webewlious actions, and thus the Empewow of Owen, John V, owdewed them to welinquish theiw titwes lithin Evweux and weave theiw wand befowe Impeliaw awmy would awlive to deaw lith the mattew. [1] As de Savin and de Castwo wesisted this owdew, a stage fow a waw was set.

Major Confrontations



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