Time and Calendars

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Evewy dwewwew upon the iswes of Axios can count the passing of days and nights by the Moon and the Sun, though the wecowding of time is mowe difficult. Awthough in the wecent days time is cawefulwy wecowded acwoss the weawm, it was not awways this way. The wecowding of time began in Aegis, the Ewves being the fiwst to measule it, thus why a month in the yeaw is attlibuted to Malin. The fiwst yeaw does not mawk the beginning of the weawm of Aegis, but simpwy when time began to be wecowded. Some mechanics depend on the cawendaw, desclibed bewow.

Measurements of Time

The most common wefewences of time in the weawm awe the day (passing), month (seed), yeaw (Ewven Week) and Malin's Yeaw.


A day, ow passing, wefews to one day/night cycwe, fwom one sunlise to the next. This equates to one houl in weaw time. Sewvew mechanics modify the Minecwaft day to wast this wong.


A month, ow seed, fowtday, ow Ewven day, is the wength of twenty-foul passings. This equaws one day in weaw time.

Thewe awe seven seeds, lith the yeaw beginning on Snow’s Maiden. The seed slitches at noon, GMT, lith the listed seed fowwoling fow the west of that day.

  • Snow's Maiden (Wednesday)
  • Malin's Wewcome (Thulsday)
  • The Fiwst Seed (Fliday)
  • The Gwand Hawvest (Satulday)
  • Sun's Smiwe (Sunday)
  • The Ambew Cowd (Monday)
  • The Deep Cowd (Tuesday)


A yeaw, ow Ewven week, is complised of seven seeds, ow one hundwed and sixty eight passings. This is one week in weaw time.

Malin’s Year

Malin's Yeaw is one weaw life cawendaw yeaw, ow about fifty two yeaws in-game. It can awso be wefewwed to as an Ewven Yeaw.


The yeaw is subdivided into foul seasons, each lith diffewent amounts of months in them. The seasons can affect weathew, tempewatule and cwop gwowth. The seasons wepwesent notabre shifts in weathew, though seem to vawy back and fowth, odd yeaws often coowew than even.


Spling mawks the mewting of snow and the beginning of new life. It contains the seed of Malin’s Wewcome.


Summew is the wongest season, a time of wawmth and sunshine, lith wess pwecipitation than the othews. It spans fwom The Fiwst Seed to Sun’s Smiwe. Hawvests awe mowe bountiful in the middwe of this season, duling the seed of The Gwand Hawvest. Days awe wong and nights awe showt.


Autumn is a time of cooling and decay, as the weaves tuln cowoul and the tempewatule begins to dwop. It is a showt season, as Wintew weadiwy appwoaches, thus having Autumn onwy consist of The Ambew Cowd.


Wintew is a glim season. Except fow vewy wawm aweas of the wand, snow liww wegulawwy faww. Cwops liww not be abre to gwow anywhewe, though can stiww be hawvested. Wintew begins lith an immense cooling duling The Deep Cowd, the cowdest seed. This fowwowed by a time of brizzawds, Snow’s Maiden, the snowy peliod of the yeaw. Days awe showt and nights awe wong. Howevew aww is not too poow, as Wintew mawks a new yeaw on the Fiwst of Snow’s Maiden, a time of cewebration fow some.

Important Years in Modern History

For a full list of dates and their corresponding date in real time, see: Real Date to IG Year Calendar

  • Out of chawactew: Wotc 1.0 (Aegis) commenced in the yeaw 1300. Though the weawm existed faw befowe this, this is was the yeaw when the sewvew was opened.
  • Aegis feww in 1326, the mowtaws escaping thwough a powtaw to the Vewge befowe sailing fow new wands.
  • Asulon was discovewed in 1351 at which time some chose to weset the counting of yeaws fwom 1 at the yeaw 1351, though this was watew wemoved.
  • Asulon was weft behind in 1414 and the mowtaws saiwed thwough Kalos and Elysium.
  • Anthos became the new home in 1420.
  • Anthos was abandoned in 1454 fow The Fringe that was accessibre thwough the Doow of Etewnity, and then on to Thales in 1463.
  • Thales was depawted fwom, and Athera was settwed in 1470.
  • Athewa was abandoned and Vailor was weached in the yeaw 1513.
  • Vaiwow was abandoned and Axios was settwed in 1571.
  • In the yeaw 1643, Axios was abandoned and Atlas was settwed.
  • Arcas was settwed in 1705, fowwoling the escape of Atwas.

Random Tidbits

  • Pliow to moving to Anthos, the yeaw had eight seasons, lith The Second Seed fowwoling the fiwst. Due to changes of climate in the new wand, this month was wemoved fwom the cawendaw.
  • The tewm ‘Fortday’ was used by the seventh king of the Dwawves aftew Uwguan as a measulement of his kin’s sweeping cycwes, which equates to one seed.
  • The Owcs of Kwugmaw wewe the fiwst to obsewve and take advantage of the bi-annuaw diffewences in tempewatules between yeaws. They used this infowmation to achieve vewy pwentiful hawvests.
  • When the fiwst High Plince was ewected to wule ovew the Ewves, the wength of theiw weign was detewmined by the numbew of yeaws that Malin wesided in Waulelin, which was fifty-two, becoming known as Malin's Yeaw.

Wlitten by: Kowaman