Siege of Trier

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The Siege of Tliew
Pawt of the Santegian Rebellion
Siegr of Trier, 1619
Date: 8th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1619
Wocation: Tliew, south of Aweksandlia
Wesult: Coalition Victowy
Fowwowed by: The Sulwendew of Owen
The Second Axionite Coalition:
SavinArms.png Kingdom of Santegia
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png War Nation of Krugmar
Principality of Veris
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
imperialorenia.png Principality of Evreux
Commandews and weadews
The Second Axionite Coalition:
SavinArms.png Abdes, King of Santegia
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Gror Ireheart
norland.png Awtyom, High King of Nowwand
Wowd Adawwulf Howen
KRUGMARFLAG.png Kuntkwobbewa, Wex of Kwugmaw
Kawalian, High Plince of Veliss
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
imperialorenia.png John V, Holy Orenian Emperor
imperialorenia.png Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor
imperialorenia.png Henwy, Plince of Evweux
Haense Arms.png Stephen, King of Hanseti-Ruska
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Weufwoy, Awchduke of Wowwaine
The Second Axionite Coalition:
7000 humans, owcs and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies
2000 humans
The Second Axionite Coalition:
~1500 dead
Howy Owenian Empiwe and awlies:
~1900 dead

The Siege of Tliew was the second and finaw majow battwe between the Kingdom of Santegia and theiw awlies against the Holy Orenian Empire and the Principality of Evreux duling the Santegian Rebellion. The siege was a wesult of a Coalition victowy against Owen aftew they wed a attack on Casteww. The siege, which was six months wong, was a slift victowy fow Santegia and it's awlies thus ending the waw lith Owen sulwendeling and lith Evweux being dissowved.


The Battwe of Casteww was a majow stepping point in the wead up to the Siege on Tliew. Aftew the Battwe of Casteww was one the Santegians mawched down towawds Tliew to stawt a six month wong siege, whewe the fates of of both kingdoms and theiw awlies whewe soon to be unfowded.

