As per the Wiki-Guide, the Battles category is the place for all battles that take place. Longterm conflict may be better in Category:Wars.
Pages in category "Battles"
The following 138 pages are in this category, out of 138 total.
- Battle for Castell
- Battle of Acre
- Battle of Adria
- Battle of Blackden
- Battle of Blodskogr
- Battle of Boomhill
- Battle of Cape Bronson
- Battle of Cape Whitcombe
- Battle of Cartref Mor
- Battle of Curon
- Battle of Dogger Bay
- Battle of Elba
- Battle of Enswerp
- Battle of Ephesius
- Battle of Ferry's Folly
- Battle of Forêt du roi
- Battle of Galahar
- Battle of Grubnakh’s Charge
- Battle of Hangman's Bridge
- Battle of Helmsdale
- Battle of Hippo's Gorge
- Battle of Hoar Hill
- Battle of Ironguard
- Battle of Jarad's Tavern
- Battle of Jornheim Fields
- Battle of Leuven
- Battle of Lower Petra
- Battle of Lower Rodenburg
- Battle of Lowveld
- Battle of Marnadal
- Battle of Mount Gorgon
- Battle of New Providence Bridge
- Battle of Nordengrad
- Battle of Nueva Tierra
- Battle of Ostradt
- Battle of Outer Arentania
- Battle of Peter's Bridge
- Battle of Providence
- Battle of Robert's Folly
- Battle of Rochdale
- Battle of Rolly's Hill
- Battle of Rubern
- Battle of Seahelm
- Battle of Shadowcastle
- Battle of Silver's Dawn
- Battle of Small Tower
- Battle of Southbridge
- Battle of St. James
- Battle of Stone Tower
- Battle of the Blackwald
- Battle of the Bloody Road
- Battle of the Curon Forest
- Battle of The Forkwoods
- Battle of the Goldfields
- Battle of the Gorge
- Battle of the Kahaen Sea
- Battle of the Red Wastes
- Battle of The Rhein
- Battle of the River Petra
- Battle of the Rivers
- Battle of the Riviän Plains
- Battle of the Roads
- Battle of The Rolling Hills
- Battle of the Westmark
- Battle of Upper Rodenburg
- Battle of Westmark
- Battle of White Mountain
- Battle outside Tierre Natal
- Bloodying of the Bridge
- Sack of Seahelm
- Sacking of Riga
- Sacking of Stone Tower
- War:Scyfling Invasion of Hanseti-Ruska
- Second Battle of Ephesius
- Second Battle of Jarad's Tavern
- Second Battle of Louisville
- Second Battle of Stone Tower
- Second Battle of the Rothswood
- Second Siege of The Krag
- Second Storming of Kal'Darakaan
- Siege of Arberrang
- Siege of Ashwood
- Siege of Blackreach
- Siege of Fort Dunamis
- Siege of Fredericksburg
- Siege of Guise
- Siege of Haverlock
- Siege of Helena
- Siege of Indagolaf
- Siege of Joannesport
- Siege of Johannesburg
- Siege of Kal'Ordholm
- Siege of Kal'Tarak
- Siege of Kal'Urguan
- Siege of Kal'Valen
- Siege of Keintania
- Siege of Kraken's Watch
- Siege of Mynebor
- Siege of Nevaehlen
- Siege of Nordengrad
- Siege of Rhewengrad
- Siege of Ruriksgrad
- Siege of San'Kala
- Siege of Sanjezal
- Siege of Small Fort
- Siege of Southbridge
- Siege of the Iron Mountain
- Siege of The Krag
- Siege of the Lunner Keep
- Siege of Thoringrad
- Siege of Trier
- Siege of Vjorhelm
- Siege of Whitepeak
- Skirmish of Osmonde-Östlandet
- Skirmish of the Southern Highway
- Standoff at Talon's Gate
- Storming of Cyrilsburg
- Storming of Kal'Darakaan
- Storming of Kraken's Watch
- Storming of the Bastille