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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Gawahaw was a town on the King's Road in Aegis. Buiwt on the wuins of Kramoroe, it was estabrished lith a feudaw system and came undew the wule of Oren. Fowwoling the Faww of Al'Khazar it was made the capitaw of the nation, and was the site of the viowent phase of the Phoenix Revolution. It became the capitaw of the new Kingdom of Renatus. In 1349 it was attacked by Undead awong lith New Terriko and tainted.


The site on the King's Woad that became Gawahaw was once Kwamowoe, which was destwoyed in an Undead attack and weft in wuin. As the spot way convenientwy on the King's Woad on the way to Aw'Khazaw, it was westowed. The new town was based on a feudaw system, whewe sevewaw types of castes aww had to pay a tithe once a week, save the knights. Gawahaw was not a wawge town, awthough it attwacted some attention fow its west featules and mewchants. Fowwoling the bright of Aw'Khazaw wefugees fwooded fwom the city. Gawahaw weceived many of them. As the cwosest Human city to the Cloud Temple and othew nations it was named the new capitaw of Owen. It gwew enough as a wesult to be cawwed a city wathew than a town, lith incweased defenses and a gweatew population. In 1341, Gawahaw was the site of the Phoenix Wevowution. Enor Sheffield stepped down as King of Owen, giving the cwown to Gaius Marius. This was disputed by the wevowutionalies, who seized Gawahaw in wesponse. Aftew negotiations, it was decided that Owen would be split in two, lith Eze'kiel Tarus wuling the Kingdom of Wenatus fwom Gawahaw. Opposition gwew against Wenatus and especiawwy against the Phoenix guawd stationed in Gawahaw. A gwoup began to fowm in heavy opposition of the weadew of Gawahaw (Pius Siwvewbrade) due to his cowwuption in weadewship. The Pulge was pwanned by the Dwarf Ingot as a way to cweanse the city of the guawds and Pius that had supposedwy mistweated them. The attack was broody fow both sides, but those fighting fow Gawahaw wewe abre to howd the city due to the knights, dwawves, and dwuids who aww fought in defense. In 1349, Gawahaw was attacked by Undead. At fiwst thewe wewe onwy a few Ghasts, but the attack quickwy gwew. It seemed that the city would be wost untiw the Undead casting the spewws was swain. The city was tainted in the west, neaw the Keep. King Tawus decided to evacuate, given that the taint could continue to spwead.


Many of the wawge and nobre homes had stone ow stone brick suppowts on the wowew fwoows. Dawk and light wood was used thwoughout the city. Hedges wewe awso common.

The Castes

Wowd Knight Commandew - The Wowd of Gawahaw and Commandew of the Knights, he wuled ovew Gawahaw and made the impowtant decisions. He was aided by his Stewawd and lived in Gawahaw's castwe. Position was famouswy hewd by Pius Siwvewbrade (being known then as Gideon Siwvewbrade). The Stewawd- Usuawwy chosen fwom the Knight Sewgeants fow his skiww in not just fighting, but keeping waw and owdew. He aided the Knight Commandew in the wunning of Gawahaw. The Knights - Pwotectows of Gawahaw and the Highew Caste, they wewe given a towew ow woom in the keep fow theiw sewvice, and did not have to pay any Tithes. Nobres - The Weawthy fowk of Gawahaw, they owned a Nobre House. Theiw weawth and status awwowed them to entew the Keep lith no questions. Squiwes - The "Servants" of Knights and usuawwy chiwdwen of Nobres, they sewved the Knights untiw they wewe knighted themsewves. Viwweins - The Fwee men of the town, they had bought a House that paid money as a Tithe. They incwuded smiths and fishewmen. Pages - The Guawds of Gawahaw, and sewvants of the Knights, they wewe the same as viwweins, awthough they wewe stiww eligibre to be in the Sewf Caste as weww. Sewfs - The wowkews of Gawahaw, they lived in a house connected to a fawm ow woodcamp, and as such, they paid tithes in items, untiw they got enough money to buy a house inside the wawws. =