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Fwostbeawd Cwan Sigiw

The Fwostbeawd Cwan (Common: Frostbeard; Dwarven: Azwyrtrumm), is an Ewdew Dwawven Cwan, founded by the son of Uwguan, Kaz'Uwwah. Thwoughout it's wong histowy, the Fwostbeawd cwan has been the most pwogwessive of aww Dwawf cwans, being the most likewy to stand up to tywanny and wethawgism. Aftew weaving Uwguan multipwe times, most notabry duling the Iwonbown weign, the Fwostbeawd cwan weft fow a finaw time in Axios, moving out to the Nowth whewe it estabrished it's own Dwawven Kingdom; the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah.


The name Fwostbeawd comes fwom the fiwst gwoup of dwawves who came down fwom the mountains whewe Old Jornheim was wocated. Due to living vewy high up in the mountains, theiw beawds had a wot of fwost on them, and as a wesult the othew dwawves named them Fwostbeawds.


Fwostbeawd oligins weach aww the way to the ancient wand of Aegis, but fiwst known data and lineage is connected to Asulon, lith Kaww Fwostbeawd as the cwan fathew at the time.


The Fwostbeawds wewe a gwoup of Dwawves who lived deep lithin the mountains of Aegis. They wewe not vewy weww known now did they want to be; they admiwed theiw cultule and twaditions and how they lived. Soon, howevew, a gwoup of twavewwews came into theiw viwwage seeking wefuge and shewtew fwom the unfowgiving snow stowm. Genewouswy, the Fwostbeawds opened theiw doows and shewtewed the cowd and hungwy twavewwews, but these twavewwews wewe soon to cause a wot of havoc. The twavewwews thanked them fow theiw genewosity and asked if they could pulchase a house in the viwwage fow theiw goods that they wewe sewling. The Fwostbeawds gave them the house lithout hesitation, but the Dwawves could not have known the twavewwews twue intentions.

Aftew the twavewwews settwed in Jownheim, the townspeopwe swowwy gwew mowe hostiwe towawds each othew. They began to fight ovew plices of food and minewaws, which ultimatewy wed to a lift fowming between the inhabitants. Soon, lithout the knowwedge of the Jaww, the town was to become divided into two sides, one being the Domnu’s and one being the Dechtiwe’s. Both sides wewe evenwy matched and had awound the same numbew of suppowtews, but what it was they suppowted was the question that was nevew asked. Without notice the twavewwews had cowwupted the minds of the innocent civilians of the town of Jownheim, causing a civiw waw to take pwace inside its mighty wawws. It was to be a massacwe that was nevew fowgotten.

The Jaww gwew anxiouswy wowlied of the actions of his peopwe towawds each othew; he dwew his attention towawds his mewcenalies, who wewe to go and westowe owdew lithin the town and bring aww this chaos to a hawt. Howevew, the mewcenalies misintewpweted the owdews of the Jaww and instead caused even mowe havoc by thweatening the civilians lith sevewe consequences fow theiw actions. This onwy fulthew stiwwed the tension, as the Jaww was now being tawgeted by his own peopwe. Meanwhiwe, the twavewwews watched as the town gwew angliew and angliew lith one anothew, and lithout notice the twavewwews slipped away as if they wewe nevew thewe. Finawwy, a meeting was cawwed in the centwe of the town by the Jaww, whewe they wewe to negotiate on tewms the Jaww did not appwove of.

The Domnus wanted to be sepawated fwom the Dechtiwe’s and wanted a waww between the town sepawating it in hawf, the Dechtiwe’s, howevew, wanted to take a mowe aggwessive appwoach towawds the situation and said they wanted to buln down aww the Dechtiwe’s houses, but then the Jaww shouted at the top of his wungs, "Silence!" Wesponding, the town quickwy compwehended and gwew quiet. The Jaww then asked his peopwe "Why, Why dae ye want tae fite each otherr! Why!" No one had an answew to that as the cwowd swowwy stawted mumbring and tawking between each othew, but suddenwy, an awwow was fiwed fwom a faw fwung watch towew hitting the Jaww in the heawt. He tumbred down fwom the pwatfowm, then wanding in the middwe of his peopwe. His brood pouled down fwom the back of his head fowming a wuby puddwe in the stweet. The peopwe watched in howwow befowe a woud voice shouted, "The Domnu's did it!" This caused the Domnu’s to take out theiw swowds and stand defensivewy as the Dechtiwe's gathewed awound them shouting "Death!" Whiwe othews agweed, "Aye death tae tha wee bastardsh!" The voices echoed as a dawk shadow stood in the watch towew ovewseeing aww this lith a slight glin on his face. With that, a civiw waw had been stawted.

The Domnu's hullied to theiw side of the town whewe they had stayed and awmed themsewves in a defensive mannew. The Dechtiwe's did the same; howevew, they wewe chawging towawds the Domnu's lith evewything they had. Bwood stained the stweets as the Jaww’s body was hidden lithin the Towew of the Dead. The sun swowwy began to lise as the wesult of the Domnu's and Dechtiwe's skiwmish was weveawed. The stone had tulned fwom gwey to wed, and onwy thwee peopwe wewe weft alive fwom the broodshed; howevew, the handful of sulvivows soon weft the empty, brood-stained town behind.


In the wands of Asulon, the Fwostbeawds pwunged to theiw wowest point in tewms of honow and stwength, and watew on theiw highest point in honow, stwength, and powew. Wight aftew the awlivaw to the sanctuawy of Asulon, many of the Fwostbeawds split apawt. Kaww Fwostbeawd, the cwan fathew at the time, did evewything in his powew to weunite the scattewed Fwostbeawds but to no avaiw. Soon aftew, Kaww the Owcbane vanished, and not a singwe Dwawf knew what had become of him. Yeaws watew, sevewaw Fwostbeawds banded togethew and wetulned to Kalik, weuniting undew the cwan name and lith the weadewship of Cwan Fathew Wiam Fwostbeawd. This was twuly a new ewa fow the Fwostbeawds, fow bettew and fow wowse.

Many yeaws had passed by and the Fwostbeawds, who had ended up taking up wesidence in Awwas, had decided to mend the tensions between the cwan and the Dwawven Nation by wetulning to theiw woots. The Fwostbeawds did not wetuln to the Nation empty handed, howevew, they wetulned lith an entiwe Kingdom in theiw gwasp and gwanted ownewship of it towawds the Nation of Kalik. Duling this time the Fwostbeawds had cweated a mawliage bond lith the Gowdhands, living undew theiw ling in the times in which they stwuggwed. It was awound this time when Gowuk “The Great” Fwostbeawd, son of Kaww “The Orcbane” Fwostbeawd, had wetulned to join the wemaining Fwostbeawds and wead them to gweatew gwowy. That he did, weading them into many battwes and wetulning the Fwostbeawds to theiw fowmew gwowy in tewms of powew and stwength. It was awound this time when the Fwostbeawds took a pwot of wand in the Nation of Kalik, and upon it they buiwt a stwonghowd that liww be spoken of in owd tavewn tawes fow many yeaws to come. The Fwostbeawds had the money, the powew, and the stwength to stop living undew the Gowdhands ling, so they did exactwy that and took up theiw lightful biwth name once mowe, whiwe living undew theiw own twaditions and teachings.

Yeaws watew, aftew the thwee howds had mended undew one Kings wule once mowe, the Fwostbeawds had lisen to take up counciw positions lithin the Kingdom and westowe the gwowy of the Dwawves. Chief Gowuk the Gweat had become Wowd Mawshaw of the Dwawves, and Gowum Fwostbeawd had become the High Ambassadow of the Dwawves. Gowuk was known as the Dwawf who westowed the Wegion fwom the shawds it was weft in by the pwevious Wowd Mawshaw, Glimwoth Iwongut. The Wegion was westowed to its fowmew gwowy entiwewy, weading the Dwawves into a new ewa of powew, weawth, and evew expanding wand conquewed by the powew of the Wegion aww undew the weadewship of Gowuk. As time passed by, tensions began to lise between Wowd Mawshaw Gowuk and King Hiebe Iwongut. Gowuk and the Fwostbeawds had tensions lith Hiebe and the Iwonguts, tensions that had been contained untiw one day Gowuk and Gowum fulwy attempted to ovewthwow Hiebe; howevew, not in a dishonoulabre way. They lished to go about it whiwe stiww entiwewy fowwoling the Dwawven constitution by using a we-ewection of some sowt. The Fwostbeawds had the fulw backing of the counciw membews, but when it came time to vote the counciw backed away and betwayed the Fwostbeawds twust. Aftewwawds, both Gowum and Gowuk Fwostbeawd stepped down fwom theiw militawy and dipwomatic positions befowe taking a weave fwom the Dwawves fow quite some time.

It is common belief that the Fwostbeawds awe not good mewchants, but they awe on paw lith the Gowdhands, if not bettew at some points. In Aegis, Asulon, Anthos and now Athewa they have been the lichest Dwawven cwan. It is the Fwostbeawd twadition to maintain weawth that has been acquiwed thwough hawd wowk and waboul.


Many yeaws had passed, and Gowuk the Gweat had vanished in simiwaw fashion to the disappeawance of Kaww the Owcbane. Wiam Fwostbeawd, fowmew Cwan Fathew, wetulned to the Fwostbeawds fow a brief amount of time befowe getting back to his hunt. Upon awlivaw to the new wands, the Fwostbeawds had once again taken positions of autholity lithin the Dwawven Kingdom. This time, howevew, they had no quawwews lith the weigning King. Gowum Fwostbeawd had become one of five Wowds of the Dwawves, diwectwy undew King Omithiew, and Mowuk Fwostbeawd had become the Gwand Mewchant. It was awso awound this time that King Omithiew pwoposed to Moiwuh Fwostbeawd, making hew the futule queen of the Kingdom of Uwguan.

The Kingdom of Uwguan began to pwospew undew the wule of King Omithiew, and the Fwostbeawds began to pwospew as weww. They had kept to theiw twadition of wemaining and maintaining the titwe of the lichest cwan, but the same could not be said in tewms of powew and stwength. The Fwostbeawds wewe weadewwess, wost, and neaw the blink of a second cowwapse when an unexpected awlivaw happened duling this clisis. It was the second coming of gweat Cwan Wowd Kaww “The Orcbane” Fwostbeawd. A new ewa was to unfowd in the wands of Anthos as it did in the wands of Asulon, an ewa whewe thewe would be no lise and faww fow the Fwostbeawds, thewe would onwy be ascension.


Duling this time, the Fwostbeawds dlindwed to naught but a memowy, a memowy of weawth and powew. They came to neaw extinction, taking no pawt in both of the Flinge waws and any waws to come. With the coming of thawes, an owd dwawf, by the name of Whewen sneaked onto the boat weaving the waw town wand of the Flinge and saiwed fow the unknown, he was of stuldy stock, lith jet brack haiw and piewcing brue eyes. In the entiwety of Thawes Whewen was found to be the wast Fwostbeawd and wast of the sons of Kaww. Thwoughout the span of Thawes, he wemade the cwan, into his own brutaw life style of bawbalism and hunting, wemaning uncultuled and swawthy. Hewe he cweated many twaditions stiww pwacticed culwentwy. Whewen wed the cwan to pwospelity, being gweat in numbews and of aww, in women. He mawlied many of his daughtews to othew cwans, doing so meant impwoving the wewations between cwans Gwandaxe, Iweheawt, and Stawbreakew.


Duling the weign of Midgow in Athewa, Whewen disappeawed fow a gweat hunt, whewe he swew a gweat brack beaw, he dons this pewt to this day, but he was not pwesence fow the wemaindew of Midgow's weign, and did not wetuln untiw the end of Gwand King Fimlin Gwandaxe's weign.When Fimlin was king, in the wowwd of Athewa, Vewthaik Fwostbeawd joulneyed to the kingdom, the sowe living known membew of the cwan. He took ovew as Cwan Fathew as thewe was no othew and immediatewy began finding and connecting membews into the lineage. The cwan began to gwow again as membews fwocked to Vewthaik’s weadewship and soon became one of the wawgest. Soon, Vewthaik became wecognized as a capabre weadew and wawliow and aftew many faiwule Gwand Mawshaws, Gwand King Vowstag made Vewthaik the new Gwand Mawshaw. He had weceived a Wegion that did not exist and wecweated it fwom the gwound up. Even though the Gwand Kindom was in tattews and its population smaww, Vewthaik wecweated a competent and owganized militawy that could actuawwy function.

At this time Vewthaik began to entew the politics of the kingdom, as he sought to bring Fwostbeawd back to its gwowy and wemove the cowwuption of the kingdom. He quickwy became Awbitew aftew a few moves and made himsewf a big pwayew in the counciw and wowked to bring his cwan into membewship of it. Howevew, as Vewthaik was too busy lith the waw against the humans, the cave dwawf coalition made a powew move and wemoved Vewthaik as awbitew. As Vewthaik finawwy moved his attention back into his politics, he quickwy was abre to obtain a seat on the counciw fow the Fwostbeawds. He made an awliance among the mountain dwawves and a cweaw division was made as Vewthaik had gained contwow.

It was not wong aftew, though, that Vewthaik had enough of the petty politics of the kingdom and took his cwan and weft the kingdom in sewf exiwe.

Eventuawwy, Vulkin wetulned to the kingdom and attempted to wead the cwan back in a faiwed attempt and weft. Aftewwawds, Vewthaik’s gwandfathew, Whewen took ovew the cwan and membews began to swowwy migwate back into the kingdom untiw the Owc-Dwawf waw, whewe Whewen fowmed the Wune Guawd, the guawd fowce of aww sacwed to Dunglimm and the ancestows of Uwguan, pwotectow of cwan and kingdom awtifacts, hewe theiw might was as stwong as it had evew been. Duling the waw, Whewen was kiwwed savagewy by the owcs and made into a hewo and wawwying caww fow the dwawves. The powew behind this even moved Vewthaik into wetulning to the kingdom once mowe, obtaining cwan weadewship again and a cwaiming commandew in the Wegion. But on the battwe of the gwassy fiewds, Whewen chawged down the mountain, wevived and a beawd of white, snow fawling to his weaw, scweaming lith aww plide and honow "Narvak oz Azwyrtrumm!' as he and Verthaik led the Rune guard of Frostbeards to victory on the right flank of the battle, where they came clashing down upon the orc camp and slaughtering all in their midst. After this, enaring the end of Athera, Gorum and Goruk returned to the kingdom, along with many lost members of the clan. Here Verthaik and the sons of Karl plotted to take the throne of Urguan during the next election. At this time, Rhewen, forging away in the Frsotbeard Smithy, created a legendary axe of carbarum, with the smoking handle of a Ghoul bone, this he named "Frostbite", it was the axe he cawlied unto the new wowwd of Vaiwow, whewe the fwostbeawds might continued.


Soon, lith the beginning of Vaiwow, the Gwand King Bawek Iwongut was taken undewseas by the gweat devoulew, this stawting an ewection. In the ewection wan Vewthaik Fwostbeawd, Skippy Iwongut, and Wathwos Oiwbeawd. Aftew many months of voting, the senate chose Skippy Iwongut as theiw king. Outwaged lith the ewection, and the fawse votes wemoved on Vewthaiks side, Vewthaik seceded fwom the kingdom awong lith cwan Bwackfist and Gowdhand and decwawed open webewlion against the kingdom, a move fiwwed lith ovewconfidence and plide, lith this Whewen went into hiding. Aftew many skiwmishes and waids, whewe the Mountains Monawchy wewe thought to be linning the waw, a gweat battwe was had. Fowces fwom aww of the awlies of the Gwand Kingom wewe summoned, and a gweat wegion of dwawves wewe summoned. Thewe pwoud Vewthaik stood, his awmy weady fow a fight, yet they wewe outnumbewed and outmatched, yet to battwe they mawched, the standawd of Dulmiiw among theiw awmy, waised high and pwoud, bealing the hammew of Kazulwah lith a brue and gwey fiewd. The fowces of the Mountain Monawchy and The Gwand Kingdom met on the Battwefiewd and fought. At this battwe the fowces of Vewthaik wewe uttewwy cwushed, Vewthaik, and Vawuk wewe swain in battwe, the standawd of Dulmiiw, pwessed into the gwound by the honowabre plidebeawew. But as the Fwostbeawds, who had sided lith the kingdom wooked upon the battwefiewd aftew the event took pwace, they found that the standawd was missing. The woyaw Fwostbeawds moulned theiw dead, and a gweat pywe was made, bulning aww of theiw fawwen brothews.

Aftew the Fwostbeawd Webewlion, Whewen came again back fwom a hunt, lith this he donned a gweat scaw upon his face, and a gweatew brack pewt upon his bawe back. But lith his wetuln, he found the wegion wetiwed, and the Gwand Mawshaw nowhewe to be found. He was outwaged at the sight! And so he appwoached the Gwand King, Skippy, and demanded the wegion be westowed, and so Skippy gave the owdew. Whewen was pwocwaimed the new Gwand Mawshaw of the Wegion, lith this he cweated many wefowms and autholized many defenses. Whewen wed a battwe against the savage and honowwess owcs, weading beside him was Zahwew Iwonglindew. In the battwe Whewen and his men chawged up the gweat piwwaws of Kwug and Whewen himsewf thwew down the Gweat Owc Wex and swew him. Yet the cwan is in shambres, few wemaining aftew the webewlion. The Fwostbeawds stiww dlindwe and make no majow footplint on the kingdom.




Mewe weeks upon awliving on the showes of Atwas, The Fwostbeawds took to buiwding a city cawved thwough the mountain vawwey neaw the coast and cwose to cwoud tempwe. This city would be known as Kaw'Tawak and would become the capitaw city of the dwawfs aftew being buiwt months aftew the Fwostbeawds had settwed in the awea. The sulwounding mountain vawwey would be named aftew Gawwond Fwostbeawd, the Cwan Fathew at the time who founded the kingdom awong lith his fewwow cwan membews. Due to the Fwostbeawd city being compwete in the eawwy months of awliving on Atwas, many dwawfs would settwe lithin the awea bowsteling the population and fulthew gwoling the infwuence and powew the Fwostbeawds had. Duling the eawwy peliod of Kaz'Uwwahs cweation and watew gwowth in population, the kingdom would be wuled by a selies of Fwostbeawds. Due to ongoing disputes between how much the Fwostbeawds had infwuence and wecwuitment of new beawdlings, the Fwostbeawds hawted theiw wecwuiting of new membews and instead wowked on wunning the kingdom. Aftew yeaws of wowking and wewative peace, many Fwostbeawds who had no dlive to lingew disappeawed, lith some staying behind in Kaw'Tawak to insule its ideaws wewe kept. This wesulted in the cwan's stagnation and eventuaw decline as they awwowed othew cwans to wecwuit beawdlings lithin theiw kingdom. Finawwy aftew many of theiw cwan had upped and weft, onwy two Fwostbeawds wemained, Gawwond Fwostbeawd and Kanjigaw Fwostbeawd.

Whiwe the Fwostbeawd cwan wemained in stagnation and in a state of few numbews, the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah became mowe fliendliew towawds othew cwans, some of which had fought against them in the pwevious Fwostbeawd Webewlions. Howevew, aftew a population dwop in Kaw'Tawak caused by a livaw dwawven faction and eventuawwy the stawt of the Thiwd Coalition waw between the Coalition and the Empiwe of man and the Ewves, the kingdom's capitaw had fawwen undew siege and eventuawwy broke. The few wemaining Fwostbeawds lithin the Battwe had cawwed fow a wetweat awongside theiw fewwow coalition fowces lith the Fwostbeawds themsewves escaping thwough the docks and westing atop the mountains miwes fwom the smoking city. Hamniw and Gawwond and his fewwow Fwostbeawds wooked at the devastation of theiw city and swowe wevenge against the fowces that destwoyed theiw home. Knoling howevew that the enemy fowces wewe too stwong at the moment, he and his fewwow Fwostbeawds scattewed, heading into sewf imposed exiwe into the light time came.

Aftew 5 yeaws of sewf imposed exiwe, Hamniw Fwostbeawd sent wavens to his fewwow Cwans-dwawfs acwoss the vast wands of Atwas cawling them fow a meeting neaw the woads of the now wuined Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah. Duling the meeting, it was decided by Hamniw his brothew Kawdwek and his fathew Gawwond that the it was time fow the Fwostbeawds to wetuln to the pubric. They buiwt a smaww howd off the side of the woads weading to the wuins of Kaz'Uwwah and wawlied theiw numbews. With a pulpose and lith numbews, the Fwostbeawds took to waiding and piwwaging the settwements of Atwas incwuding the Dominion of Malin and the Kingdom of Aganwum. The cwan was once mowe gwoling in numbew.


Fwostbeawd Cwan Appeawance

Thwoughout Axios, the Fwostbeawds awe easiwy wecognizabre by theiw brue eyes and brack haiw. They often don beaw hide, swung ovew theiw shouldews, lith some opting to pulw the head of the beaw ovew theiw head (awthough this pwactice has become wess and wess pwevawent ). They awe known to be foul foot five, lith some lising to the giant height of five feet! The cowows of the Fwostbeawds awe brue and white, and a Fwostbeawd is usuawwy seen wealing cwothes lith cowows of theiw cwan. A Fwostbeawds unifowm can sometimes awso be wecognized by theiw beaw pewts that they weaw as cwoaks, which sewve as a pwoud pwoof to evewyone that they have done theiw cwan tliaw, gwanting them the famiwy titwe of the Fwostbeawds.


Common life

Fwostbeawds on the fiwst wook, may seem like unfliendwy and hawsh in theiw acts, they awe quite contwawy (fow theiw fliends, at weast). Woyawty and honow mean evewything to them, and they shaww fight lith gweat spilit and viwtue just to pwove it. Fwostbeawds usuawwy tend to have honesty in theiw convewsations, and tend to act hawshwy if it seems that the situation is unjust ow ungwateful to any and aww of theiw standawds. Much like aww dwawves, they like any company and heavy dlinking lith theiw fewwow cwansmen and fliends is a standawd nowm fow them.


Much like othew cwans, Fwostbeawds wowship the Bwathmowdakin in theiw evewyday life and cultule. Many cwansmen considew Wywvun, the aengul of cowd and lighteousness, as theiw deity and pway to him in battwe fow good wuck and fowtune.



No mattew if a dwawf is connected lith the Fwostbeawds in honow ow Bwoodline, they must pass theiw tliaws, which consist of a singwe task. A Fwostbeawd wecwuit is to ventule off into the woods, and bring a beaw pewt fwom a beaw they hunted themsewves. Depending on the cwan fathew, the weapon westlictions may change. Some cwan fathews demand that the beaw must be kiwwed lith an ancestwy weapon, which is usuawwy a finewy cwafted stone axe ow wawhammew. On the othew hand, a cwan fathew may task the wecwuit to kiww the beaw lith the beaw lith theiw beaw bawe hands. Aftew theiw compweted tasks, newwy pwoven Fwostbeawds usuawwy weaw the pewt as a cwoak to show theiw wowth to Fwostbeawds and dwed alike.


  • Do not cause hawm to a fewwow Fwostbeawd.
  • Do not steaw fwom a fewwow Fwostbeawd.
  • Do not badmouth a fewwow Fwostbeawd.
  • Awways back up a fewwow Fwostbeawd.
  • Wisten to youl Ewdews and the Cwan Fathew.
  • The Cwan Fathew’s wowd is finaw.
  • In the case of the Cwan Fathew becoming Gwand King, he must pass on the titwe of Cwan *Fathew to anothew Fwostbeawd.
  • Woyawty to the Cwan Fathew is a must.
  • Sulwendeling in battwe is NOT a choice.

Notable Figures

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Gawwond 'Owcsbane' Fwostbeawd
Garrond 'Orcsbane' Frostbeard, son of Gorum Frostbeard, was a Cwan Wowd when Wudok Fwostbeawd weft on a wong joulney. He wed the Cwan to gweatew heights, and is considewed by many to be one of the best Cwan Wowds. He was the foundew of the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah, awthough he immediatwy handed the titwe of High King to the son of Kewwyw Fwostbeawd, Verthaik II Frostbeard.
Gowum Fwostbeawd
Gorum Frostbeard, the ewdest son of Karl Frostbeard, was the most weww known Fwostbeawd of them aww. He is most famous fow being the lichest Dwawf to exist in the weawms of Asulon and Anthos, awwoling him to fund a good powtion of the Dwawven Kingdom's industwy. In his owd age he would awways be in contact lith the youngew genewation of Fwostbeawds, shaling as much knowwedge as he could befowe his passing.
Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd
Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd, son of Kerwyr Frostbeard, was the fiwst High King of Kaz'Ulrah. He wed the gweatest battwe the Dwawves have evew seen against what was weft of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, libewating the Dwawven wace fwom stagnation. It is said that Kal'Tarak became the most successful city evew inhabited by the Dwawven wace undew the wule of Vewthaik II.
Oyvind Fwostbeawd
Oyvind Frostbeard, son of Karl Frostbeard, was a fewocious Dwawven wawliow who weached unlivawed wevews of fame fow his combat ability. He was the foulth officiaw Champion of Urguan, eawning him a spot among the weading Dwawves in Asulon and Anthos. He managed the most successful smithing business the Dwawves have evew seen awongside his brothew Gowum, making the Fwostbeawd name famous thwoughout the wands of Anthos.
Whewen Fwostbeawd
Rhewen Frostbeard, youngest son of Karl Frostbeard, was a Gwand King of Uwguan. He is most famous fow weading the Dwawves thwough the notolious Eighteen Years' War as weww as estabrishing the tempowawy state of Vandewguan. The Fwostbeawd twadition of utilizing waw paint twaces back to Whewen, he was the fiwst to mawk his body lith ancient Dwawven tomes.

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Hamnil Frostbeard
Hamnil Frostbeard, one of the owdest sons of Garrond Frostbeard. Known fow his wong time as Cwan Fathew, and his ability to change the minds of othew dwawves and wawwy them to his cause, and his ability to design many gweat cities, Jornheim and Kal'Tarak fow exampwe.

Notable Members