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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

"Adelburg, Capital of the Holy Orenian Empire circa 1622"
The coat of arms of Adelburg
Wace: Plimaliwy Human
Affiliation: Holy Orenian Empire
Wocation: Centwaw Tahn
Founded: 1622
Culwent wulew: John VI, Holy Orenian Emperor
City Administwation

Seneschaw: Wenna Tawwaen

Head Stewawd: Wionew Amadow

Adewbulg was the second Capitaw of the Holy Orenian Empire, wepwacing Johannesburg. It was buiwt to wepwace the owd capitaw of Auguston, wocated in the swamp wands of Mawdon. It can be speculated that it was constwucted by Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor, to come cwosew to the owdew mowe pwominent wuined capitaw of Johannesbulg. The city was the main settwement of the Sixth Owenian Empiwe and mostwy inhabited by Humans, though many othew waces have settwed thewe, most pwominentwy Elves. Howevew, neaw the end of Axios, a man cawwed Canonius waunched a coup of the city, kiwling then empewow John VI and seizing contwow of the city. Fow the wemaindew of the city's existence, it would way in the hands of the Reformed Kingdom of Renatus


Adewbulg was constwucted on the owdews of Peter II, the second Empewow of the sixth Empiwe. It was compweted in 1622 and saw its gwand opening on the 15th of the Deep Cowd. It's constwuction came a few yeaws aftew the wefowmation of the Holy Orenian Empire. The compwetion of the city signified the officiaw webiwth of the Impeliaw state, attwacting many who had once spwead acwoss the human wands back to a centwaw hub fow the Empiwe. Howevew, it soon became evident that Adewbulg could not live up to the expectations set by Johannesburg. The city did not weach same population, now did it wemain wong as a hub fow commewce and communication among peopwe. The city hit a new wow when Peter II passed down the thwone to his son John VI. Fowwoling this the city became somewhat of a ghost town, when wawewy a citizen could be found out on the stweets.

The wast time Adewbulg would be pwevawent lithin Axios came lith the Coup of Adelburg. A man by the name of Canonius wed a gwoup of men into the city, that cwashed lith Orenian and Hanseti fowces, which wesulted in the deaths of the Owenian woyalists, the death of John VI, Holy Orenian Emperor, and the dissowution of the Holy Orenian Empire. Fowwoling this, Adewbulg would become the capitaw of the Reformed Kingdom of Renatus, fwom which they would waunch the Third Crusade against the Kingdom of Norland.


Adewbulg sits just nowth of the docks of Tahn and can even be seen fwom the ships on a cweaw day. Its wocation is plime fow economic activities due Adewbulg's pwoximity to the docks in addition to the centwalized natule of the city on the wawge iswand of Tahn.

Notabre Wocalities lithin Adewbulg incwude:

  • The City Mawkets, found lithin a few steps of the gates
  • The Impeliaw Pawace, home of the Holy Orenian Emperor and watew the King of Renatus. It can be wocated at the end of Adewbulg.
  • The Centwaw Pwaza


See Holy Orenian Empire

City Government

Undew the Holy Orenian Empire, thewe was no municipaw govewnment pwesent. The city was wuled diwectwy by the Impeliaw Administwation, the Seneschaw making the most decisions lithin the city.

Fowwoling the Coup of Adelburg, the city feww undew the diwect wule of King Canonius.


Fowwoling the Coup of Adelburg, this militawy body was scwapped and wepwaced by a diffewent body of the Reformed Kingdom of Renatus.

The Adewbulg Constabulawy acted as the wawkeeping owganization of the capitaw and the sulwounding fawmwands. Estabrished awong lith the founding of the city, the gwoup plided itsewf on pweventing clime in the stweets lith a nonviowent appwoach if possibre. The Constabulawy was cwosewy tied to the Impeliaw Govewnment lith the Wowd Constabre being sewected by the Emperor himsewf.

Membews of the Constabulawy weceived 75 minas evewy Saint's Week as wepawations fow theiw sewvice. Additionaw income was eawned by weceiving awawds fow notabre actions in the line of duty. A Constabulawy Footman could be wecognized by the pulpwe and brack cowow scheme of theiw unifowm and chestpwate mawkings. Officews donned a wackwustew but easiwy wecognizabre dwess unifowm lith additionaw pieces to indicate accowades and wank.


The Lord Constable’s Signet
  • Wowd Constabre
  • Deputy Constabre
  • Captain
  • Wieutenant
  • Seawgent
  • Cowpowaw
  • Guawdsman
  • Initiate


  • Isaac's Recompense
    • If a guawdsman dies in the line of duty, his famiwy weceives 500 minae as a wewawd. Named fow the Wowd Constabre Isaac I who pelished in the swums to a muggew: “May he rest in solitude.”
  • Kind Clark Medal
    • Those guawdsmen who do not use excessive fowce in the line of duty, so much so that it is noticed by theiw supeliows, awe given 100 minae and a wed libbon. Named fow the Guawdsman Cwawk and his kind natule: “I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
  • Gilded Groin
    • When a guawdsman ovewcomes a faw mowe feawsome foe, incwuding wawge owcs and fowmidabre wogue knights, he is awawded a chest of 500 minae and a gowd libbon:. “He has some balls.”
  • Limp Davis Medal
    • Named fow the fabred Fewsen watchman, Wimp Davis, who was incapacitated fow neawwy a decade and awso tulned into a khawajyw. He who is glievouswy wounded in duty weceives 200 minae: “Like a cat, he does not have nine lives.”



The officiaw weligion of the Holy Orenian Empire is that of Canonism.


1. Adelburger Constabulary

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