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<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 1px; margin: 1px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 130%;"><div style="float: right;"></div>[[Almaris|The Realm of Almaris]]
<sup> <span class="plainlinks">Click on nations for links to their respective pages. </span>  </sup>
{| style="width: 99.5%; border: 0px solid #ADD8E6.; padding: 5px; margin: auto; font-size: 135%; text-align: center; background-color: #ededed;"
|style="width: 130%;"|[[File:LandofAevos.png|link=https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Aevos]]
<!-- Aevos Map -->
{| class="wikitable"
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Image:AlmarisMap.jpg|705px|center|alt=Mouse over nations for links to their respective pages.
Image:Aevos177SA.PNG|900px|center|alt=Mouse over nations for links to their respective pages.
poly 747 293 744 271 761 256 764 249 822 243 835 239 915 267 925 295 949 294 972 284 1021 294 1021 315 1008 314 997 324 999 338 1000 349 1011 356 1010 366 1003 373 994 387 992 397 973 397 952 397 943 406 929 420 919 421 910 427 895 433 891 441 878 441 863 444 849 445 856 430 871 420 867 411 856 411 854 407 856 397 852 389 843 386 839 380 829 392 815 383 804 384 804 393 809 396 808 407 795 420 785 435 774 428 760 425 754 417 746 403 744 384 757 376 781 376 782 356 784 342 785 325 782 318 768 310 [[Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska|Kingdom of Haense]]
poly 630 1342 775 1436 840 1435 845 1406 831 1357 853 1342 850 1321 866 1316 849 1308 854 1295 845 1265 792 1251 771 1259 745 1277 741 1294 765 1312 784 1309 798 1288 790 1314 825 1344 782 1368 752 1317 728 1301 685 1293 651 1248 629 1254 625 1288 629 1340 695 1368 [[Sutica]]
poly 118 556 211 492 282 516 283 531 292 533 293 541 294 556 291 558 297 568 297 579 293 581 294 610 247 655 181 703 179 747 174 764 152 788 116 812 75 845 67 840 62 831 64 816 59 816 31 815 28 812 18 815 9 811 1 815 1 773 30 761 57 743 61 719 72 699 82 680 102 645 109 598 [[Krugmar]]
rect 450 550 600 650 [[Haelun'or]]
rect 70 480 330 550 [[Koyo-Kuni Shugonate]]
poly 269 287 269 267 275 250 278 239 282 222 285 208 275 181 272 172 296 151 312 146 337 136 375 122 396 95 408 103 418 102 423 116 430 123 519 116 532 143 542 151 573 167 607 158 627 147 675 168 675 208 681 216 644 208 611 221 586 226 582 240 582 249 569 233 558 225 534 229 517 232 511 213 504 196 511 195 517 181 512 177 505 164 493 160 480 167 464 157 459 170 471 182 483 196 483 213 481 226 483 236 477 243 469 247 457 249 459 239 443 239 435 247 429 253 433 260 423 274 420 280 412 277 387 263 367 252 344 257 305 271 286 281 [[Kingdom of Norland]]
rect 450 200 550 150 [[Celia'nor]]
rect 425 150 525 100 [[Principality of Vlachia]]
poly 967 1196 982 1169 986 1153 994 1138 999 1127 997 1101 1001 1087 1000 1055 1004 1026 990 977 993 963 970 930 972 902 967 875 963 862 979 848 987 842 1006 830 1037 837 1071 842 1078 883 1081 930 1119 932 1151 968 1172 997 1180 1046 1171 1077 1180 1111 1184 1135 1180 1145 1170 1151 1148 1156 1136 1159 1124 1168 1117 1177 1106 1187 1100 1199 1096 1209 1086 1203 1072 1206 1061 1210 1059 1218 1054 1231 1047 1226 1041 1240 1033 1230 1024 1237 1008 1235 1001 1223 993 1221 986 1223 977 1224 975 1210 [[Grand Kingdom of Urguan]]
rect 420 550 530 500 [[Elvenesse]]
rect 250 100 370 40 [[Grand Principality of Aeltarys]]
poly 755 659 739 635 730 621 744 625 748 616 739 598 737 588 727 572 719 565 712 550 720 537 727 517 736 500 746 499 805 482 825 471 835 457 849 445 874 447 890 441 901 448 912 445 922 435 929 427 934 417 945 404 958 400 979 400 989 401 1001 411 1013 418 1025 425 1034 438 1044 442 1066 451 1078 468 1092 485 1103 510 1110 516 1136 527 1154 541 1174 557 1180 564 1192 570 1199 577 1201 589 1189 604 1181 616 1187 626 1175 628 1174 639 1167 646 1164 657 1161 667 1168 691 1184 724 1202 765 1209 779 1218 792 1206 817 1195 834 1185 842 1168 845 1161 851 1134 850 1103 845 1072 840 1052 835 1031 834 1011 830 996 821 969 810 948 772 941 741 929 729 914 686 864 643 842 612 828 626 818 642 799 649 782 653 [[Holy Orenian Empire]]
rect 170 400 275 340 [[Grand Kingdom of Urguan]]
rect 600 350 700 300 [[United Kingdom of Aaun]]
poly 1297 1097 1243 1086 1242 1070 1246 1052 1240 1032 1242 1018 1266 995 1256 984 1242 978 1242 963 1237 948 1243 923 1242 896 1264 885 1284 881 1304 886 1314 888 1325 899 1336 908 1339 926 1334 944 1327 954 1314 967 1308 981 1302 997 1305 1008 1311 1018 1321 1026 1317 1046 1317 1067 1305 1083 [[Haelun'or]]
rect 290 375 430 300 [[Haense]]
poly 1348 833 1334 813 1327 804 1328 783 1324 776 1329 762 1356 751 1362 732 1351 722 1355 707 1367 710 1390 705 1404 712 1410 719 1423 712 1435 714 1431 705 1445 698 1447 687 1457 691 1458 711 1454 731 1461 741 1458 751 1466 753 1465 773 1462 785 1462 796 1455 807 1440 814 1431 830 1423 841 1411 837 1390 840 1370 834 1363 838 [[Haelun'or]]
rect 450 410 550 375 [[Númendil]]
rect 550 220 670 180 [[Norland]]
rect 700 330 800 290 [[Lurin]]
rect 575 525 650 500 [[Grand Duchy of Balian]]
rect 675 275 775 250 [[The Unified Domain of Vortice]]
rect 540 320 590 300 [[Commonwealth of the Petra]]
rect 420 460 490 425 [[The Iron Horde]]
rect 475 275 540 210 [[League of Veletz]]
rect 320 400 450 320 [[Hyspia]]
rect 200 300 260 100 [[Principality of Reinmar]]
desc none
<div style="padding: 0em 1em;"></div>
<center>'''''Note: Click on a Nation on the map to go to their page.'''''</center>
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; margin: 0.3em 1em;"></div>
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;" |
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: center;">[[File:circle info req sam.png|center|120px]]</div>Important Information</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
<h3>New Player Information</h3>
<li>[[How to Apply]]</li>
<li>[[Metagaming & Powergaming]]</li>
<li>[[Settlement Guides]]</li>
<h3>Server Information</h3>
<li>[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/rules/  Server Rules]</li>
<li>[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/staff/ Staff List]</li>
<li>[[New Player Guide]]</li>
<h3>Wiki Information</h3>
<li>[[:Category:Parent Categories|Wiki Category Portal]]</li>
<li>[[Wiki Wizards]] (Coming Soon...)</li>
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<h4>Human History</h4>
<h4>[[The History of Axiosian Dwarves|Dwarven History]]</h4>
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<h4>[[Elven History]]</h4>
<h4>[[Orcish History]]</h4>-->
| style="width: 33%;"|[[File:new_compass.png|link=https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Category:Locations|150px]]
{| style="width: 80%; text-align: center; border: none; heights=10px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"
| style="width: 33%;"|'''Wars & Battles'''
| style="width: 33%;"|'''Aevos Information'''
| style="width: 33%;"|'''Locations'''
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<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;">[[File:HomepageBook.png]]</div>[[Realms|The Realms]]</div>
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<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
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| style="width: 33%;"|'''Characters & Figures'''
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| style="width: 33%;"|'''Server Forums'''
*[[Minor Realms]]
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<div style="background: #f4d2f6; border: 0px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; height: 60px;">[[File:GeneralInformation.JPG]]</div>
'''New Player Information''' <br>
*[[Ancient History]]
[[How to Apply]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Metagaming & Powergaming]]
*[[Modern History]]
<br>[[Racial Hub]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Settlement Guides]]
<br>[[Nation Realms|Realms]]
<br><br>'''Server Information'''
<br>[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/rules/  Server Rules] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [https://www.lordofthecraft.net/staff/ Staff List]
<br>[[New Player Guide]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [https://www.lordofthecraft.net/warguidelines/ War Rules]
<br><br>'''Wiki Information'''
<br>[[LOTC:Wiki Rules | Wiki Rules]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[LOTC:Wiki_FAQ | Wiki FAQ]]
<br>[[:Category:Parent Categories|Wiki Category Portal]]
==Nature and Creatures==
<br><br> <div style="background: #e0f6d2; border: 0px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; height: 60px;">[[File:LoreSectionSmall.png|frameless|upright=1]]</div>
'''Lore Pages'''
<br>[[Racial Hub]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Flora]]
<br>[[Magic]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Alchemy]]
<br>[[Ancient History]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Modern History]]
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;" |
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;">[[File:Blank.png|90px]]</div>[[Races|Playable Races]]</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
<br><br> <div style="background: #d2f6f3; border: 0px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; height: 60px;">[[File:MechS1.png|frameless|upright=1|50px]][[File:MechanicsNoShadow.png|frameless|upright=1]][[File:MechS1.png|frameless|upright=1|50px]]</div>
<br>[[Real Date to IG Year Calendar]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Time and Calendars|Time]]
<br>[[Forum RP Signs]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Nodal Gathering]]
<br>[[Aviary]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Hookah]]
*[[Cavern Dwarves]]
<br>[[Edit Gui]]
*[[Dark Dwarves]]
<br><br>'''PvP and Raiding'''
*[[Forest Dwarves]]
<br>[[Combat]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Surge Crafting]]
*[[Mountain Dwarves]]
<br>[[Raid Tools]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Petty Thievery and Heisting]]
<br>[[War Mechanics]]
*[[Dark Elves]]
*[[High Elves]]
<br>[[Persona Plugin]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Roleplay Engine]]
*[[Wood Elves]]
<br>[[Player Shops]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [[Currency Plugin]]
==Other Races==
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;" |
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;">[[File:MechS1.png|90px]]</div>Mechanics</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
*[[Vortex Beginners Guide|Beginners Guide]]
*[[Vortex Crafting Recipes]]
*[[Nodal Gathering]]
*[[Gathering Professions]]
*[[Crafting Professions]]
*[[Artisan Professions]]
*[[Real Date to IG Year Calendar]]
*[[Time and Calendars|Time]]
*[[Forum RP link signs plugin|Forum RP Signs]]
*Under construction
*[[Persona Plugin]]
{| style="width: 99.5%; border: 0px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: auto; font-size: 135%; text-align: center; background-color: #f6edd2;"
*[[Roleplay Engine]]
|style="width: 100%;"|[[File:WikiAnnouncement.png]]
<li>[[Player Shops]]</li>
<li>[[Currency Plugin]]</li>
<li>[[Trading Hubs]]</li>
<!-- Wiki Announcement Messages -->
*If you're interesting in obtaining a Wiki account then please do so in the #wiki-accounts-request channel in the LotC Discord or send a PM to @SaviourMeme#9634 on Discord.
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;" |
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;">[[File:HomepageCrown.png|100px]]</div>Political Domains</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
==Human Nations==
*[[Kingdom of Haense|The Kingdom of Haense]]
*[[Kingdom of Norland|The Kingdom of Norland]]
*[[Holy Orenian Empire|The Holy Orenian Empire]]
==Dwarven Nations==
*[[Under-Realm of Urguan]]
==Mixed Race Nations==
*[[Federation of Sutica|The Federation of Sutica]]
==Elven Nations==
*[[Haelun'or|The Silver State of Haelun'or]]
*[[Aegrothond|The Principality of Aegrothond]]
*[[Druidic Order|The Druidic Order]]
==Orc Nations==
*[[War Nation of Krugmar|The War Nation of Krugmar]]
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;" |
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;">[[File:CompS1.png|100px]]</div>Locations of Almaris</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
*[[Talon's Grotto]]
==Neutral Locations==
*[[The Cloud Temple]]
*[[Grand Library of Dragur]]
| style="width: 33%; background: #FCFCFC; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: text-top;" |
'''Last Edited:'''
<div style="background: #ACD; border: 1px solid #7BC; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;"><div style="float: right;"></div>[[Magic]]</div>
<div style="padding-left: 1em;">
<br>[[Almaris Front Page Beta|Previous Front Page]]
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<!-- Main page redesign by [[User:HogoBojo]]. -->
<!-- Special thanks to [[User:Ragnio]] as a lot of their assets were used, as well as being a great inspiration for this page remake. [[SecretWikiProject]] -->
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<!-- Was Here Signatures -->
<!-- HogoBojo was here. -->
<!-- Tiger and Savior were here was here. -->
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[[Arcas Front Page|Previous Front Page]]

Latest revision as of 01:01, 6 June 2024


IPNoShadow.png RulesNoSh.png OfficialDiscordNoShadow.png


Haelun'orKoyo-Kuni ShugonateCelia'norPrincipality of VlachiaElvenesseGrand Principality of AeltarysGrand Kingdom of UrguanUnited Kingdom of AaunHaenseNúmendilNorlandLurinGrand Duchy of BalianThe Unified Domain of VorticeCommonwealth of the PetraThe Iron HordeLeague of VeletzHyspiaPrincipality of ReinmarMouse over nations for links to their respective pages.
Note: Click on a Nation on the map to go to their page.

War.png new crown.png new compass.png
Wars & Battles Aevos Information Locations
HighlanderArt.png CommunityLogo.png LotCLogo.png
Characters & Figures Wiki Support Server Forums

New Player Information
How to Apply      Metagaming & Powergaming
Racial Hub      Settlement Guides

Server Information
Server Rules      Staff List
New Player Guide      War Rules

Wiki Information
Wiki Rules      Wiki FAQ
Wiki Category Portal


Lore Pages
Racial Hub      Flora
Magic      Alchemy
Ancient History      Modern History


Real Date to IG Year Calendar      Time
Forum RP Signs      Nodal Gathering
Aviary      Hookah
Edit Gui

PvP and Raiding
Combat      Surge Crafting
Raid Tools      Petty Thievery and Heisting
War Mechanics

Persona Plugin      Roleplay Engine

Player Shops      Currency Plugin


  • If you're interesting in obtaining a Wiki account then please do so in the #wiki-accounts-request channel in the LotC Discord or send a PM to @SaviourMeme#9634 on Discord.

Last Edited: 2024/06/06
Previous Front Page