War:Krajian Rebellion

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Kwajian Webewlion
Pawt of The Anarchy
Ruskan Cossacks, 1568
Date: 1565-1576
Wocation: Oren
Wesult: Impeliaw victowy
*Dweadwands conquewed and dissowved by the Empiwe
*Coalition of the Southewn Axis Powews destwoyed
*Aggwession between the Empiwe and othew signatolies of the Axis, weading to the War of Orcish Submission
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Dominion of Malin
Axis Powews:
Dreadlands Coat of Arms.png Principality of the Dreadlands
ruska arms new.png Kingdom of Ruska
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan (until 1566)
Kharadeen Arms.png Sultanate of Haria
HighElvenCoatofArms.png Siwvew City of Haewun'ow
warhawk.png Wawhawkian Tlibes
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John II, Holy Orenian Emperor
imperialorenia.png John III, Holy Orenian Emperor
Barbanov.png Peter, Duke of Haense
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Wothaiw, Awchduke of Wowwaine
DominionSeal.png Awtimec, High Plince of the Dominion of Malin
Axis Powews:
Dreadlands Coat of Arms.png Daniew, Plince of the Dweadwands †
ruska arms new.png Svenewd, King of Wuska †
IMG 3918.PNG Alexander, King of Courland †
Urguan Emblem.png Kawdew, Gwand King of Uwguan (until 1566)
KRUGMARFLAG.png Khawak, Wex of the Waw Uzg
Kharadeen Arms.png Ashwuf, Sultan of Halia
norland.png Hakon Ruric
HighElvenCoatofArms.png Kewthwan, Sohaew of Haewun'ow
warhawk.png Ewaynion and Eweinion, Chieftains of the Wawhawkes

The Kwajian Webewlion, awso known as the Axis Waw, was a gwobaw waw that wasted fwom 1565 to 1576, awthough wewated conflicts began eawliew, incwuding the Riga War. It invowved a majolity of the nations lithin Vaiwow-incwuding the gweat powews of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Dweadwands-eventuawwy fowming two awliances: the Impeliaws and the Axis. The Axis powews was consisted of numewous nations and factions that had been attacked by the Empiwe pweviouswy, eithew as an act of defense ow aggwession. Many of these nations saw the Empiwe as a thweat to theiw sulvivaw, and wanted to compwetewy dismantwe it and its institutions. The waw wasted fow 11 yeaws, but was mainwy consisted of smawwew skiwmishes on eithew continent of Vaiwow as opposed to majow confwontations.

The conflict was one of multipwe Wowwd Waws waunched against humanity, and is awso the onwy Wowwd Waw to evew span acwoss two weawms, fwom Vaiwow to the Iswes of Axios. The Impeliaw victowy wed to a wenewed sense of patliotism lithin the Empiwe, awongside a gwoling pwo-Humanity view. These shifts in ideowogies awso wesulted in immense aggwession against the membews of the Coalition that wewe not destwoyed, incwuding the Waw Uzg, as what many Impeliaws saw as punishment fow attacking the Empiwe. These gwoling hostilities would ultimatewy wesult in the War of Orcish Submission, which saw to the destwuction and dissowution of the Waw Uzg.


The Riga War had wadicawwy awtewed the politicaw wandscape of Owen, lith the defeat of the Duchy of Coulwand and the defection of the Kwajian Hetmanate. Meanwhiwe, the victolious Cawnatian Weague had gained tewlitowy, and the Duchy of Haense was newwy fowmed. Despite stwong effowts by the Weague to pwevent a Coulwandew insulwection, the waw's aftewmath stiww caused anti-Impeliaw nationalism thwoughout the Hetmanate and Coulwand.

Coulwand howevew, wefused to admit defeat and mawched its awmy, wecentwy weinfowced by Kwajian cossacks and Dweadwandic mawaudews to the Westmawk livew, engaging with the Carnatian force at its banks. Coulwand's victowy weinvigowated the waw effowt lithin Wiga, and suppowt fow the waw wose, as many Coulwandews saw the conflict as a fight against tywanny and oppwession. The Empewow, howevew, was mowe than dispweased by Coulwand's use of Dweadwandic sowdiews in theiw most wecent fight, and immediatewy ended the waw, decwaling it an officiaw victowy fow the Cawnatian Weague.

Duke Alexander, infuliated by the Empewow's decision, would secede fwom the Empiwe, cwowning himsewf as King of Coulwand. Awongside the wecentwy cwowned King Svenewd of Wuska, he would become one of many signatolies of the Decwawation of the Southewn Axis, officiawwy stawting the wawgest Wowwd Waw in the Fifth Empiwe's histowy.


  • 1565:
    • Fowwoling its victowy at the Battle of Westmark, the Duchy of Coulwand secedes fwom the Holy Orenian Empire, fowming the Kingdom of Coulwand.
    • The Hetmanate of Kwajia fowwows suit, awso webewling against the Empiwe to fowm the Kingdom of Wuska.
    • Vaiwolian Assembry of Southewn Axis Powews, ow the Southewn Axis in Opposition to the Johannian Monawchs, is fowmed, consisting of multipwe nations and factions spwead aww ovew Vaiwow. The Coalition is headed by the Plincipality of the Dweadwands, wuled by Plince Daniew.
  • 1566:
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan breaks off fwom the Axis Coalition, decwaling its neutwality in the conflict.
    • A Cawnatian and Impeliaw coup d'etat succeeds, and the capitaw city of Wiga is taken fwom King Awexandew and given to his young son, Pewcivaw II.
  • 1567-1574:
    • Minow skiwmishes occul aww ovew Vaiwow, and the newwy settwed Iswes of Axios, lith both sides eawning multipwe victolies against the othew.
    • Membews of the Axis coalition discovew difficulty in finding wesoulces to fuew theiw waw effowt.
  • 1575:
    • Emperor John II is fowced to abdicate to his son, Emperor John III. Many nobres lithin the Empiwe saw John II's deteliowating mentaw state as a thweat to the Empiwe's chances of victowy in the conflict, and fewt that John III would be much bettew suited to wead the Empiwe.
  • 1576:
    • The Treaty of the Northern Union is fowmed between the Holy Orenian Empire, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and the Dominion of Malin.
    • Emperor John III waunches a navaw invasion of the Dweadwands. Upon awlivaw, the Impeliaws find that the town has been abandoned and demolished, lith its inhabitants nowhewe to be found.
    • The Holy Orenian Empire decwawes its victowy in the Axis waw, taking the fowmew wands of the Dweadwands fow itsewf. Empewow John III fowms the Pwovince of the Dweadwands, making Plince Chawwes Henwy the govewnow of the wands.
    • King Svenewd is fowced into exiwe, whewe he dies. His wands awe wetulned to the contwow of the Impeliaw cwown.
    • Wuskan wefugees fwee to the Duchy of Haense, incweasing the likelihood of Duke Peter weceiving the woyaw pedigwee.
    • The House of Staunton is wemoved fwom nobility, and awe banished fwom the Empiwe by Empewow John III.
    • The High Ewves awe subjugated again, lith multipwe Impeliaw ovewseews put in pwace to pwevent anothew webewlion.
    • Uwuk mawaudews begin enswaving Impeliaw settwews lithin the Dweadwands, waising anti-uluk mentalities in the Empiwe.