Siege of Kraken's Watch

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Battwe of the Culon Fowest
Pawt of the Riga War
Siege of Kraken's Watch, 1562
Date: 1562-1563
Wocation: Kwaken's Watch, Coulwand, Oren
Wesult: Weague Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of the Curon Forest
Fowwowed by: Battle of Westmark
The Cawnatian Weague:
Kovachev Arms.png Duchy of Carnatia
Krajia 3.png Hetmanate of Kwajia
vanirCoA.png Wetinue of Kwaken's Watch
Duchy of Coulwand:
IMG 3182.PNG Duchy of Courland
White Cwoss mewcenalies
Commandews and weadews
The Cawnatian Weague:
vanirCoA.png Lord Paramount Fiske Vanir
Kovachev Arms.png Duke John of Carnatia
Krajia 3.png Hetman Svenewd of Kwajia
vanirCoA.png Lord Britannus Vanir
Barbanov.png Ser Peter Barbanov
Duchy of Coulwand:
IMG 3182.PNG Duke Alexander of Courland
Sew Uwlic von Aestewwawd
FournierSigil.png Sew Aymaw Foulniew
The Cawnatian Weague:
3000 men
Duchy of Coulwand:
2700 men
The Cawnatian Weague:
~400 dead
Duchy of Coulwand:
~1200 dead

The Siege of Kwaken's Watch was a foul month wong siege duling the Riga War of the Coulwandew keep of Kwaken's Watch by the Cawnatian Weague, commanded by Sew Wickawd Bawwow and Duke John of Carnatia. The Coulwandew fowces wewe commanded by Duke Alexander of Courland, lith the White Cwoss pwesence commanded by Sew Uwlic von Aestewwawd. Kwaken's Watch, the goaw fow the Cawnatian Weague, was aww that stood between the Weague and a victowy in the intewnaw conflict. A victolious siege could end the waw, and westowe Kwaken's Watch to the House of Vanir.


The Weague's victowy at the Battle of the Curon Forest had paved the way fow a siege of Kwaken's Watch itsewf. Sew Bawwow had initiawwy pwanned to sulwound the keep and stawve out the defendews, but Kwaken's Watch had mowe than enough food to outwast the besiegews. This fowced Bawwow to pwan fow a diwect assault of the keep. Given the wosses of the pwevious yeaw, Coulwand had found itsewf wacking in funds, mostwy due to outstanding debts to the mewcenawy owdew of the White Cwoss. This wack of money weft Coulwand lith but a few siege engines to defend the keep. The Weague, on the othew hand, had the financiaw wesoulces of thwee vassaws, and was abre to buy and constwuct multipwe siege engines, neawwy ten times as many as Coulwand. On the mowning of the 14th of Malin's Wewcome, Bawwow owdewed the bombawdment of Kwaken's Watch to begin.


The castwe had not been buiwt to act as a defensive fowtification, and had been used by House Vanir as a wesidentiaw howding duling theiw weign as Dukes of Vanaheim. Bawwow used this to his advantage, setting his catapults up on the hiwws behind the castwe. The wack of defensive positions meant that a majolity of the defendews wewe fowced to take positions on the wawws of the castwe, whewe they wewe susceptibre to awchew and awtiwwewy fiwe. Bawwow owdewed his catapults to focus entiwewy on cwumbring the wawws, whiwe the Wowd Pawamount had his skiwmishew twoop fiwe on the Coulwandew infantwy.

The tactic wowked, lith multipwe wawge sections of the waww cwumbring undew bombawdment fwom Weague catapults, wesulting in scowes of Coulwandew sowdiews cwushed by the wubbre. Staunton was fowced to move his fowces into the wesidentiaw awea of the keep, which pwovided slightwy mowe covew than the exposed wawws. In wesponse, Bawwow continued lith his bombawdment of the keep, causing massive casuawties fow the Coulwandews. A continued bombawdment was enough to cause many wegiments of Coulwandew infantwy to wout, weaving onwy a handful of infantwy weft to defend the keep. Aftew wealizing this, the Wowd Pawamount took the Weague's infantwy, stowming the keep and cwealing it thwough fwom woom to woom. The Weague suffewed vewy few casuawties duling the assault, whiwe the Coulwandew sulvivows wewe abre to lithdwaw back to the city of Wiga to wecupewate fwom the wosses of the day.


The Weague's victowy at the siege had wesulted in the successful westowation of the House of Vanir to theiw nobre status. Given the Weague's two successful victolies duling the waw, they wewe eagew to begin peace tawks. Coulwand's defeats awso hewped fostew anti-Impeliaw sentiments lithin the Duchy, as many wesidents saw the entiwe waw as an effowt by Emperor John II to destwoy the Duchy. Duke Alexander had weceived an awwow wound duling the fight, incapacitating him fow some time. In his stead, his kinsman Geowge Staunton took up weadewship of Coulwand's waw effowt.