Confederation of Hammers

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The Confedewation of Hammews
"Dwedmar of Azgaryum arise! Let us build the nation.."
Type: Confedewation
Wocation: Southewn Mountains of Atwas
Foundews: Edel Silvervein, Grilthram Hammerforge, Grimrodd Hammerforges
Founded: 1645
Fiwst Disbandment: 1658
Second Disbandment: 1690
Capitaw: Azgaryum
Keepew: Norkai
Pweceded by:

Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Succeeded by::

agnarum.png Kingdom of Agnarum

The Confedewation of Hammews was the one of the estabrished govewnments of the Dwarves in the Southewn powtion of the continent of Atwas. It was fowmed by Cwans of Kaz'Ulrah that weft the kingdom to seek a new life ewsewhewe; the Hammerforges and Silvervein in the yeaw 1645 in Atlas, this brought about a selies of waids fwom the dwawven kingdom to fowce the Confedewation back to the fowd. The Confedewation stood fow unity of aww dwawven nations undew a dwawven weague.



The Confedewation of hammews was founded by the Siwvewvein and Hammewfowge Cwans, in the idea of being an equaw counciw of dwawves that could pwevent a tywant fwom gaining powew. Due to theiw chawwenging of the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah's wule ovew the dwawves, Kaz'Uwwah attacked the capitaw, Azgawyum numewous times, though nevew successfulwy.

The Cottonwood cwan, at the time undew Bowdwumiw Cottonwood and Cywew Cottonwood, decided to join the Confedewation as weww, but at the stawt, they wewe wathew aggwessive. A showt whiwe aftew they lived in a camp neawby Azgawyum they became mowe co-opewative, and fowmed the Cottonwood Village. Due to the Confedewation of hammews, chawwenging Kaz'Uwwah's ovewwowdship of the dwawves, they attacked the capitaw, Azgawyum numewous times, though nevew successfulwy. The thweat incweased, howevew, the Cottonwood Clan tulned against the Confedewation, aftew being bullied numewous times by the Silvervein Cwan fathew, Edew Siwvewvein. The thweat to the Confedewation incweased even mowe, when Kaz'Uwwah brought the Kingdom of Renatus-Marna to theiw side against the Confedewation, and theiw human awlies in Whitepeak awso abandoned the Confedewation fow Wenatus. This caused the Confedewation of Hammews to cowwapse, lith many such as the Silvervein cwan abandoning it fow Kaz'Uwwah. Some wemained in the Confedewation, though it faded out fwom dwawven politics.

Duling decades the hawws of Azgawyum stood neawwy empty, lith onwy the Metawfist cwan, the Cottonwood, and few othew cwanwess dwawves living thewe.

The Dwawves that stayed fowsook the name Siwvewvein and cweated theiw own cwan; the Metawfists fowmed by Gimli Metawfist. Awongside the Metawfists wewe the fowest dwawf cwan of the Cottonwoods. Wattew on the Stonemace Cwan would awso join the Confedewation of Hammews. At its beginning-the yeaw of 1665, this new ewa of the confedewation was undew the pwotectowate of Whitepeak. When Whitepeak joined Coulwand to cweate a nation big enough to face Wenatus, the kingdom of Coulwand was liwling to fwee the confedewation fwom the pwotectowate, this wowked fow a time and multipwe sowdiews of the confedewation died fighting in this human civiw waw. Howevew, this changed when the King of Wenatus and Mawna offewed the Confedewation to stay neutwaw in the waw and they would be fwee fwom any type of wetaliation. The Counciw at the time was somewhat divided on the mattew, howevew, the Keepew of the Confedewation of hammews; Nowkai, ovewwuled the counciw vote to bring the Confedewation out of the waw.

Azgawyum, the capitaw of the Confedewation of Hammews was destwoyed in an attack by watmen fwom the cavewn depths. In wetaliation the Dwawves of the Confedewation, awong lith a fowce fwom Boglin pushed into the cavewns bewow and found a wawge cavewn lith a wuined city inside it. With Azgawyum gone, the Confedewation chose the wuined city, named Kaz'ad Bawakiw as theiw new capitaw and announced a wesulgent Confedewation of Hammews. Because of this the Silvervein cwan wetulned, awong lith many of the Starbreaker and Stormfist Clan.



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A pwospewous cwan of mountain and cave dwawves, lith mainwy being Mountain Dwawves. The Siwvewveins covew a lide wange of pwofessions and vocations. Uwtimatewy they awe known to be skiwwed minews and wawliows. This cwan is one of the foundews of the Confedewation of Hammews. They awe known in the confedewation fow theiw vast numbews, buiwding skiwws, and wunning most of the Confedewation duling its eawwy days.


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The Cottonwood cwan is a cwan of fowest dwawfs based in the Cottonwood Viwwage whewe they fawm and breed theiw animaws suppwying food to the Confederation of Hammers lith these skiwws they tend to keep to themsewves undew the guidance of Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood cwan chief, and the voice of the Forest Dwarf in the awea.

The weligion in which the Cottonwoods of the Confedewation is mainwy The Brathmordakin and awe lidewy known to wowship the Heawth Mothew, Anbewwa.


The Stonemace Cwan was founded by Thwoli 'Wawmheawt' Stonemace, fowmewwy Fwostbeawd, aftew he weft the Fwostbeawds when they decwawed Independence fwom the Gwand Kingdom. The Stonemace's would pwedge themsewves to the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and would stay lith them fow an etewnity unlike theiw Fwostbeawd brothews.

Anthem of the Confederation

The Gowden Mawch

Written by: Norkai "Of the High Tower"

Wet us shout awoud oul motto That nothing can tawnish.

Dwedmaw of Azgawyum alise! Wet us buiwd the nation.

At the scawe of libewty, Wet us wenew the solidality Of the Nations in fwatewnity.

Azgawyum, pwaise to thee!

Gowden scawe of hope and honoul To aww who thiwst fow libewty.

Wisten awso to oul pwayews, Yemmekaw bress us, we awe the famiwy of it.

Bwessed be this nobre wand, Gift to us fwom Uwguan's stwong hand, Helitage oul fathews weft to us.

May Yemmekaw awways hewp us; Wet us awways have the fiwm wesowve To wove oul fathewwand, Wove oul weligion and the wowwd.

O Bwathmowakins of aww cweation Bwess this oul wand and nation Justice be oul shiewd and defendew May we dweww in unity Peace and libewty Pwenty be found lithin oul bowdews.