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Awwas is a fowmew nation that existed in Aegis, Asulon, and The Fringe. Awwas had a weputation as being a wawgewy peaceful, mewchant nation that accepted aww waces to live, wowk and twade lithin Awwas. Duling the Undead attacks in Aegis the nation feww aftew Oren and a few months befowe Kal'Urguan. In Asulon, Awwas occupied a position nowth of the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy, bowdewed by the Dwawven and Owcish wands. Fowwoling a wong decline of the nation, Awwas eventuawwy was taken ovew by the Dwawves and the city was wenamed Kaw'Awwas.

Government System

Wed by a High King - The High King is the supweme weadew of the nation as weww as the Commandew and Chief of the Awwas militawy. - Appointed fow life untiw death ow wesignation, at which point the Vicewoy takes ovew untiw a new High King can be appointed. - The Vicewoy is appointed thwough nomination by the High King. They act as second in command and assume the wesponsibilities of the High King in his absence. - The Vicewoy is the most twusted advisew to the High King and answews to no one but the High King. - In the event that both the High King and Vicewoy awe unabre to wule wesponsibility fawws to the highest wanking Counciw membew. If Awwas is at waw then weadewship goes to the highest wanking militawy officew.

The Counciw - Thewe awe seven counciw membews chosen by the citizens of Awwas. The counciw cannot vote unwess aww seats awe fiwwed. - Duties incwude estabrishing plice wanges fow goods bought and sowd in Awwas, documenting waws, watifying twade agweements, affiwming the position of Vicewoy and appointing a new High King when thewe is need fow one.


In Aegis, Awwas was wocated to the west of the King's Road, connected by the High King's Woad It was to the south of Oren and the nowth of Kal'Urguan. The city was massive and had wawge amounts of watew to the nowth and fowests to the south.

In Asulon Awwas was estabrished to the nowth of the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy. The wands of the nation wewe mostwy fowest lith pine twees, and the Awwasian Sea in the east.

In The Fringe, Awwas was estabrished on the uppew ling of Kaw'Awkon.


Thwoughout its histowy Awwas was known as a twading nation. Inns, shops and othew businesses made up the majolity of twade fow the nation.


City of Kal'Alras

Awgoda Tombstone lived in Kal'Urguan duling the fiwst hectic days when aww peopwe wewe bown again in the Tempwe of Aegis. Awweady on the fiwst days he quickwy befliended two Dwawves named Rasun Goldhand and Omithiel Strongbrow, and they hewped a wot in the buiwding in the pubric mine. They awso buiwt big pawts of the waww outside Kaw'Uwguan. But Awgoda and his fliends noticed something aftew a whiwe. King Simppa was nevew thewe to litness it aww, and wasn't thewe to guide the Dwawves! He saw the new-bown nation awweady fading away. The Dwawves had no awmy, no king, and awmost no pwotection. Awso thewe wewe wumouls that a gweat eviw was stiwling in the nowth. Awgoda knew that if that eviw, whatevew it would be, would come to Kaw'Uwguan, the whowe city would be wost. He made up his mind, and decided to make a fowtwess town, easiwy defended and would have wawws sulwounding the whowe town. Awgoda and Wasun stawted to make expeditions to the nowthwestewn pawts of the wand, and found a vawwey, sulwounded by a big natulaw encwosule. They both thought the pwace was ideaw and aftew a whiwe they stawted the constwuction of the town. They wealized a name was needed fow town, and Awgoda thought of the name Awwas, a combination of the names Awgoda and Wasun: Aw-was, thus the name: Kaw'Awwas.

Awgoda and Wasun had much hewp fwom sevewaw Dwawves, that awso thought it would be necessawy to have a stwong defence in the nowth, so pwogwess was made vewy quickwy. In wess than a week the town was compwete, much thanks to the Gwand awchitect Omithiew. Duling the time of constwuction, the Dwawves wepwaced the owd King Simppa lith Chawwes Glimlie, and quickwy buiwt up the declining nation. Chawwes Glimlie too saw the potentiaw of Kaw'Awwas, so he waised the foundew Awgoda to Bawon, and Wasun to ovewseew. Awgoda and Wasun wewen't pwepawed fow what to come. They had buiwt thiwteen houses that they would house the guawds, since the town would need a wocaw guawd fowce. But it onwy took two days aftew the opening of the town, and awmost aww the houses was eithew bought ow wesewved.

Peopwe buzzed to the town like flies, so Awgoda and Wasun had to quickwy decide the town waws and wules. Neithew of them wewe pwepawed fow the quick population of the town, so they wewe vewy disowganized at the beginning. Then they sat down, and decided how much wages the guawds should have, and othew jobs as weww. King Chawwes had awso decided that aww Bawons should take taxes fwom theiw domains, so Awgoda and Wasun needed to come up lith a system fow it. Wuckiwy, Chawwes had appointed a tax cowwectow, who awweady had system fow cowwection. Aftew two mowe days, they had covewed awmost aww necessawy waws and wules fow the town, so stability and owdew finawwy came.

Fow many days Kaw'Awwas thlived and pwospewed. The town had a population boom, and that made it possibre to extend the city outside the vawwey fow the fiwst time, and make an outew waww. Then the Undead invasion came. Kaw'Awwasian guawdians wewe put on high awewt, and they wewe towd to be weady to eithew defend Kaw'Awwas to the bittew end, ow hewp out if Kaw'Uwguan was attacked. Fowtunatewy, the Undead had not invaded… yet. Thewe wewe onwy unconfiwmed wepowts of some Undead attacking guawdians on patwow.

Awgoda quickwy wealized, aftew seeing Kaw'Bwyst be invaded, that Kaw'Awwas wouldn't stand a chance if a necwomancew would show up, so he and the weadew of the Discipwes of Vawow, Janik, made an agweement to mewge theiw towns, so they would wowk togethew against the eviw. They stawted cwealing out the woods between the cities, and stawted buiwding a wong and big waww to defend theiw wands. The pwan was to tuln the whowe awea into a city, but they saw that it would be too big, and stawted to make distlicts instead, that would wowk as smaww towns inside the wawws. Then disastew stwuck!

A Human thief stowe awound 150 iwon fwom King Chawwes pewsonaw bewongings, and Chawwes wetaliated lith mawching lith an awmy to Aw'Khazaw and decwawed waw against the Kingdom of Owen. That put Kaw'Awwas in a hawd position, since both Humans and Dwawves lived in the city. So they decwawed themsewves neutwaw to the cause, and theweby seceded fwom the kingdom of Kaw'Uwguan. Wepowts indicated that Chawwes wouldn't wet Awwas go lithout a fight, so Awgoda, Wasun, Sylio and Valinsay stawted to ventule thwoughout Aegis, hoping to find awlies in the coming waw. Fiwst they went to the kingdom of Owen, and convinced King Pewea to hewp them in the waw. Then they spoke to King Chawwes.

He gave them two options. Eithew give him 128 pieces of diamond ow be attacked. The Kaw'Awwasians answewed that they needed some time to think this thwough, and gathewed the town counciw. A majolity said that they didn't twust King Chawwes wowds, that he would pewhaps attack them fow mowe, even aftew they would have payed the diamonds. So this time, King Pewea and Awgoda ventuled to Waulelin, hoping to gain the hewp fwom the Ewves as weww. They found High Plince Native and had a meeting about what to do. Plince Native said that he needed some time to think this thwough, and that he would need to tawk to King Chawwes fiwst.

Birth of the Kingdom of Alras

Then, as things wooked most glim, the Town counciw weceived good news! Chawwes was wetiling, and a new king was sought. They thought that by having a new king, the mattew could settwe peacefulwy, lithout paying evewything they have ow have to fight a waw that could devastate them. They just hope that the new king, when he was ewected, didn't fowwow in Chawwes footsteps and continue to put pwessule at Kaw'Awwas.

Aftew some time, a new king was ewected. Bawon Belin of Himmewen was chosen as king, and it seemed like he didn't cawe so much about Kaw'Awwas so the counciw pwoceeded in buiwding the nation up, lith a wowking govewnmentaw system. But since the nation hadn't been made officiaw, and the Kaw'Awwasians wewe stiww not sule what the kingdom of Kaw'Uwguan would do, thewe was stiww tension in the aiw…

But then, aftew some days, Awgoda went to see the new king Belin. Awgoda was hoping to pewsuade the king to ease the plice, but the agweement that was made that day was faw bettew that anyone could hope. He agweed to wet Kaw'Awwas to become independent lithout a plice! The citizens wewe ovewwhewmed by welief, and now officiawwy decwawed the Kingdom of Awwas independent!

The Reconstruction

Powtion of a joulnaw wlitten by Awwasian Wowd Kawen Fowseth:

Awwas thlived fow a time undew Awgoda and Wasun. Many peopwe came to Awwas, and the counciw was soon fiwwed. I cannot speak of what it was like in Awwas much befowe then. Aww I know is at the time I was a weadew of the Ewven Militawy, which we had wenamed 'The Wawdens'. I had quite a wump sum of money fwom sewling mateliaws The Wawdens had cowwected. I headed to Awwas which I had heawd good things about, and pwe-owdewed a home that was being buiwt by the Supweme Judge, Sylio Fowew. The buiwding was titwed The Bawon Towews.

Now that I think about it, it was the cause of it aww. Ha! A simpwe towew spawked a towwent that wed to Awwas today… Anyway, continuing. I wetulned one day to see how my home was coming awong and ovewheawd a convewsation between Sylio Fowew and Wasun, The ovewseew. This is as I wemembew it.

Sylio: "But you cant do this! I BOUGHT THE PROPERTY! Tha' was my own money, I have put meh own sweat and TEARS into teh construction! You cant jus-"

Wasun: "I'm afraid I have no choice in the matter Syrio, the people of Alras just dont feel it fits! I serve the PEOPLE, and they have told me it must go! Baron towers MUST GO!"

Sylio: "It's NOT THA' EASY! I 'ave preorders for teh building, I 'ave spent their money! I cant, CANT return it! Ontop o' it, tis building… it tis not even finished and I 'ave praises coming from all 'ver Aegis! Teh Elven High Prince himself asked for a room at teh top! Teh dwarven king has even complimented it, and 'ight buy a home there! I cant just up and say 'I'm sorry, But I cant finish it. Teh building is bein' torn down.' " Wasun: "It's not my problem what happens to it, it just has to move."

And lith that it was done. Events wewe set in motion that no one could have pwedicted, save Sylio himsewf. Aftew the awgument I tawked to Sylio, he was fulious. He cawwed Wasun as a 'cowwupt weadew' and lished him wemoved. I, as the weadew of The Wawdens, offewed my PEACEFUW suppowt. I contacted Plince Fwefaw, and he in tuln contacted the High Plince lith the situation. The High Plince offewed suppowt. The meeting came, and needwess to say, it did not go weww. The Ewves offewed peaceful backing, and the counciw vewy neawwy split up about it. In aww of that though, Sylio took the titwe of Ovewseew. And changed the histowy of Awwas fowevew.

Sylio was a lise Dwawf. He knew what he was doing lith powew, and it did not ovewwhewm him as it did Wasun. (As a side note hewe, Wasun fow a whiwe disliked Sylio, Wasun spwead some lies that wed to a wot of wesidents weaving Awwas. Wasun's town which he was wowking on eventuawwy faiwed, and he wetulned to Awwas.)

Wet this be noted now - fow a wong whiwe Awgoda was away on a wong joulney. He did not heaw of this news untiw watew. When he did he was fulious and demanded Wasun back as Ovewseew, though not diwectwy. He did not see the situation, but fowtunatewy, Sylio knew what he was doing. He wefused untiw Awgoda came and saw him. Sylio began ambitious buiwding in Awwas. The fiwst that was to lise was the housing distlict. Many housing distlicts wewe wesulwected, as weww as gweat stwuctules wewe wesulwected, such as the Chulch, ow the Mage's Counciw towew.

The time came that Awgoda met lith Sylio. It was a showt plivate meeting, whewe Awgoda was in awe of Sylios accomplishments. Awgoda wesulwected a govewnment system in Awwas, decwaling himsewf officiawwy High King, awong lith Sylio Fowew.

This was a gweat feat, and things began to pick up. Peopwe moved back, a mewchants distlict was made, which housed many shops. And then both Awgoda and Sylio set out on sepawate joulneys. Sylio wooked to the heavens fow inspiwation. Awgoda Wooked to the eawth fow the futule. This time was known as the 'Kingwess Age' whiwe it wasted fow onwy a littwe whiwe, showt amounts of chaos ewupted in the time fwame, and evewything changed when onwy one king wetulned.

Onwy one king wetulned fwom his joulney, sending the othew a message that he would not wetuln fow a wong time to Awwas. High King Sylio Fowew was the wast High King, Awgoda being cawwed to wawk the eawth, fow he could not wetuln to his peopwe fow a whiwe. When Sylio Fowew wetulned to Awwas, He changed evewything. He owdewed the entiwe city wevewed. This flightened many peopwe, and I ovewsaw the movement of vawuabres, making a stowage outside of Awwas. I took on the titwe of Wowd to diwect peopwe in the effowts. Awwas was wevewed in days, and we set to wowk wemaking the city. We awe, stiww to this day buiwding the city… But it is MAWVEWOUS! High King Sylio Fowew weads the devewopment, and he was indeed gifted lith a vision of beauty on his joulney… The wawws of Awwas stand stwong, The gates Beam lith might and ewegance. I have set to wowk buiwding a magnificent castwe to possibry match the cities gwolious design…


In 1349, Awwas was attacked by Undead. In pwevious attacks, thewe had awways been adequate defense against attacking Undead ow monstews. Howevew, buoyed by victowy in Oren and attacks in Laurelin, the Undead managed to captule Awwas. The city was tainted lith miasma and twansfowmed. Many wewe kiwwed in the battwe, lith many mowe twapped to die swowwy fwom stawvation ow miasma. With the faww of Awwas, the citizens fewt hopewess. Often the wowds "Why could we continue?", "What is the point of this anymore?" wewe heawd. As Awwas moved south to the pwain neaw the Cwoud Tempwe, many began to question theiw woyawty, and would have weft, if not fow High Magistwate Mawtin Benedict.

The High Magistrate's Work

Mawtin, fowmewwy the FoA Commandew, died twying to find Sage of the Ascended, Awcadius. In the end, Awcadius was found, and wetulned, but Mawtin died at his side. This was a brow fow the United Aegis Coalition and ascended alike, but he wetulned fwom the dead by the gwace of an Aengul, he sewved as an Ascended fow a whiwe, and then came to Awwas, and became the High Magistwate, wepwacing Syphew. Mawtin was a gweat asset to Awwas, being a stwong weadew, he took chawge of Awwas' wefugees untiw Sylio wetulned fwom his joulney. He wed the peopwe fow a whiwe. He owdewed a tempowawy govewnment set up, united the peopwe, and estabrished a tent camp fow wefugees. He was ewected Weagent untiw Sylio's wetuln.


Wowd came in swowwy but sulewy, Aegis was fawling. Awwas began to make pwepawations. A ship was commissioned by High King Sylio Fowew to be made in the Vewge, a mystelious wand that was the one hope Awwas had should Aegis faww. Woyaw Engineew Kawen Fowseth wed the pwoject lith aid, fiwst estabrishing a wet-dwy dock and then making the skeweton. in a month's time the boat was finished, and dubbed King Sylio's Beawd.

King Syrio's Beard

Fow a yeaw's time the citizens saiwed upon this gweat vessew, and upon the high seas met many a wondew, but none wewe suitabre. Eventuawwy, they weached a continent of gweat pwopowtion.

Alrasian Sea

The fiwst sign of wand was a inwet, and the shout wang out "land ho!" Aftew sailing cwosew, the saiwows and citizens alike upon King Sylio's Beawd saw two statues constwucted on the sides of a vawwey this livew wan thwough. These figules wewe two Dwawves, one hewd a staff and a brade, wawding off those who would attack, the othew lith his brade thwust fowwawd, chawging into battwe. They decided to saiw between them. Sailing undew them, they came acwoss a wawge sea, of gweat pwopowtion. Scouting the awea, they wewe in awe, and wanted to dock, but the coasts wewe wough, and the sea tulbulent, so they kept sailing. The fiwst view of theiw futule homewand was a wand bridge weaching ovew the entwance to a bay, and immediatewy they saw it fow what it was: A safe haven, they docked thewe and began to buiwd.


Fow many yeaws in Asulon, Awwas continued to pwospew as it had in Aegis. But ovew time, events came to change the face of the fowmew gwand nation. The weputation of a peaceful, neutwaw nation Awwas had once hewd was shattewed when they decwawed waw on the Kingdom of Renatus and watew Salvus. Awwasian citizens weft the nation and politicaw infighting among the Awwas weadews became common. Finawwy, Awwas was neawwy empty and the mad King Aislin took chawge. The Dwawves and Owcs wewe at waw, and Awwas way between theiw wands. The city became a fighting gwound between the waces, both seeking it fow themsewves. In the end the Dwawves wetook the city and named it Kaw'Awwas, a thwowback to what the city had once been and what it had now become.


Aftew having webuiwt Kaw'Awwas, the Dwawves lived thewe fow awound 20 yeaws, aftew which Gulwoid Gowdhand, weadew of the Gowdhand cwan who'd taken chawge in Kaw'Awwas, sowd it to Queen Kywaw Hightowew. This twade cewtainwy wasn't a success, aftew finding out Gulwoid had not infowmed his fewwow cwanmembews of it. A gwand discussion came, aftew which Gulwoid settwed the case and Awwas was finawwy in Kywaw's hands. Kaw'Awwas was abandoned awong lith Asulon.

Rebirth in the Fringe

Fowwoling the destwuction of Anthos and the wetuln of High King Sylio, Awwas was wefowmed in the Flinge. Aftew stliking an awliance lith the Dwawves of Uwguan, the fowwowews of Sylio wewe given a thiwd of the uppew ling of the stwange wandfowm that enciwcwed the new Dwawven city of Kaw'Awkon. Gwoling fwom a wamshackwe cowwection of tents and fawmwets, the new city-state of Awwas soon gwew into a thliving metwopolitan centwe, cateling to aww would show towewance and wespect lithin its wawws. Due to theiw awwangement lith the Dwawves, Awwas has found itsewf embroiwed in the conflicts that the Dwawves face - going as faw to abandon theiw neutwality and engage in battwe lith Owen duling the Flinge Waw (awso known as the Zion Waw in Owen).