Red Faith

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The Red Faith
Offical Seal of The Red Faith
Active: 1300–Present
Hearth Temple: Morsgrad

Kingdom of Norland
Earldom of Nordengrad
Duchy of Morsgrad
Kingdom of Hyspia

Deity: The Allfather


High Keeper:

Thoromir Ruric (Founder)
Aeyn Edvardsson
Tyr Faretto
Rae Arden
Sølvi Faretto
Alisa Camian (Current)

The Red Faith, also know as the Faith of the Allfather, is the current majority religion of the Kingdom of Norland. The followers of the Red Faith are most commonly Highlanders of Norlandic heritage however Elves and Dwarves have been found to practice the Red Faith.

The All Father is the central figure of the Red Faith, who is believed to be the incarnation of change and growth. The Faith of the All Father revolves around the resisting decay and stagnation combined with 'spreading the flame'. The All Father is commonly depicted in association with a flickering flame surrounded by darkness as to display the All Father’s never ending war against the Long Dark. In addition to this the All Father has a pantheon of divine paragons, ancestral members of the Red Faith that performed extreme acts rendering them worthy of the All Father’s favour. These can be invoked in support of a specific relevant cause. Each paragon has their own dedicated cult as each member of the Red Faith has a patron Paragon that is chosen upon their cleansing.

In the Red Faith the concepts of the Flame and the Long Dark are central, but somewhat debated by the various clerical authorities. The All Father is believed to be a bright flame of change and hope flickering valiantly against the forces of entropy and decay. It is to this end that his followers are often warlike and ambitious.

The contrast of the All Father is the Long Dark. The Long Dark is not a conscious being but rather a force of nature, believed by those of the faith to be the antithesis of the All Father. A force of stagnation and decay rather than a force of change and growth. While the Red Faith has no conception of good or evil they live in mortal fear of decay and strive to live lives of growth. The Faithful believe that lives lived in stagnation and decay will be taken by the Long Dark, relegated to an eternity of despair as they dwell in complete darkness. The soulless are often assumed to be those that have lived lives of extreme decay, having been taken completely by the Long Dark during their tenure on the mortal realm. On the other hand those that live lives of growth and change, while managing to die glorious deaths are taken into the Hearth of the All Father to participate eternally in his conflict against the forces of stagnation and decay.

Faith History

The Red Faith was created around the year 1300 of the Mathic Age. It was brought to the descendents by Thoromir I Ruricsson Armahnk, founder of House Ruric. The faith would continue to be closely tied to the fate of the Rurics as centuries went on.

Thoromir Ruricsson Armahnk

In the year 1300, Thoromir Ruric was caught in a horrific snowstorm. He was about to reach his end, then a spiritual like figure appeared in front of him carrying a flame (later known as the All-Father), the figure and its flame guided his way out from the storm and into safety, thus marked the beginning of the Red Faith religion, marking Thoromir as the very first High Keeper.

Edvard I Thorsson Ruric

After the death of his father, Edvard continued the ways of the All Father, having it become rather successful for a large amount of time until relations began to sour with the Dwarven Kingdom and the Orenian Empire. Noted to have failed talks of diplomacy and prepared for an ultimate demise of his people and the All-Father religion, he was overthrown by his younger brother Eirik Thorsson Ruric. Edvard disappeared in the wake of this event, his fate unknown.

Gareth Faretto

Gareth Faretto was a Keeper that had been taught by Tyr and the writings of old, he had misunderstood the lessons he was taught and had killed one of the four heroes of Renatus. due to the fact that he was an orc, and under Gareths perception he believed that under the eyes of the Faith all orcs were corrupt creatures only worthy of the fathers mercy. He met his last days as a shadow of his former self in Morsgrad, after a last failed attempt to become the High Keeper, where High Keeper Alisa was chosen instead

Sven Eiriksson Ruric


Thomas I Ruric

After taking up the mantle of House Ruric and the title of High Keeper from Sven Ruric, his people was quickly put into a state of war during the Third Rurikid Uprising which lead to his people and the religion to be almost destroyed only having a few hundred people live after the devastating loss at the Sack of Seahelm, he then which defected to his allies in the Dreadlands where he would live out trying to regrow his house and the Red Faith religion.

Note: Thomas Ruric was the final Ruric to have held both titles of King and High Keeper.

Arthas I Edvardsson Ruric

Arthas was elected as High Keeper by the Norlandic people, and greatly reformed the Red Faith, leading to it's rise to one of the most powerful religions of it's time. Arthas is remembered as perhaps the most notable and powerful high keeper, in his time participating in the Norlandic Moot Wars, and for starting the Norlandic Purge of Magic. (still WIP)

Hod Svensson

Elected by Godden Ruric, Hod only reigned for a few years due to his lack of ability to lead the faith, which led to a decline of loyalty and discipline shown to King Godden having brought up many fights and disagreements, he was removed by Godden Ruric after only serving as High keeper for 4 years, having reigned for the least amount of time in the history of the Red Faith.


Elected by Godden Ruric after the Hod incident. He rarely participated in any documents or recruitment in the Faith although he did pass along vasts amount of knowledge of the faith to Godden as well as many of the newer Norlandic recruits, he remained High Keeper after the sack and dissolution of the Fourth Kingdom of Norland, until his eventual disappearance in 1673. (still WIP)

Rae Arden

Elected by Thoromir II Ruric, in his early years as High Keeper, Rae Arden began a massive reformation of the faith, converting almost the entire population of the Earldoms capital of Nordengrad, Rae would later establish a Red Faith temple, the size of the Ruric temple, if not bigger, housing all members of the Red Faith, being home to all those who wish to offer gifts to the AllFather, Rae would then further himself by continuing minor work upon the Red Scrolls, alongside the greatest scholars in Nordengrad. Throughout the majority of Raes reign as High keeper, it remained to be rather inactive only having merely a few priests to assist him in matters, although, after the completion of the Red Faith Temple, it greatly improved the numbers within the Red faith. Although after the start of the Third Atlas Coalition War, Rae knew that it would be the end of him if they were to lose the Siege of Nordengrad, so he greatly worked to recruit numerous members to the faith, being successful in doing so, he made the faith once again an active entity within Nordengrad, although this would be a short lasted victory as when the time came of the Siege of Nordengrad, Rae fought valiantly but fell to an unknown Renatian Soldier.

Faith Tenets

Adherents to the Red Faith live their lives in accordance to the tents of the All Father. The All Father’s Three tenets are central to the faith, these being to Suffer not the Unworthy, Spread the Flame, Stand against the Long Dark. Fidelity to these principles is crucial for one’s membership in the Red Faith.

The First Tenet: Suffer not the Unworthy. The Red Faith defines the Unworthy with three qualifiers - mind, body and soul. Which is to say, those suffering from defects of the mind, body or soul are all to be purified. The scripture remains relatively obscure in defining exactly what falls under the term Unworthy. As a result clerical positions vary wildly. The more liberal minded clerics believe the term should be used exclusively for the Undead and various unholy creatures. Whilst more hard-line clerics believing the definition of unworthy spreads from the unbelieving heathens and heretics to various races.

The Second Tenet: Spread the Flame. The Red Faith determines that the faithful should endeavor to spread the teachings of the All Father to save the worthy from the clutches of the Long Dark. The establishment of faithful domains and conversion of heathens of appropriate worthiness is paramount to the practice of the All Father’s faith. Often time the pursuit of this doctrine results in the declaration of holy war. Most notably occurring during the Red Crusade declared by Keeper Arthas against the offending Turkin horde. The majority of the duties covered by this doctrine in the Red Scrolls are fulfilled by the various members of the clergy. The spreading of the flame is a two pronged affair involving the use of crusade or peaceful conversion to spread the influence of the Red Faith. This is headed by the Keepers who work closely with secular leadership to ensure the children of the All Father adhere closely to the tenets of the Faith.

The Third Tenet: Stand against the Long Dark. The All Father’s children are tasked with living bright lives in resistance to the corruption and stagnation of the mortal realm. Peace is viewed as a sinister force wherein the weak and sly snake their way into power. The All Father charges his children with the pursuit and extermination of the servants of the Long Dark. Pushing back the influence of stagnation and decay in favor of a regime that rewards the strong and culls the weak.

Keepers of the Flame

Thoromir Ruric- Prophet and founder of the Red Faith
Edvard 'The Terrible' Ruric
Gareth Faretto
Sven Ruric
Thomas Ruric
Arthas "The Red" Ruric
Hod Svensson
Rae Arden

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