War Uzg

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The Waw Uzg was the waw nation of the Orcs fwom Asulon to mid-Anthos. Pliow to the Waw Uzg, the Owcs bewonged to the Waw Nation of Krugmar. The Owcs of the Waw Uzg settwed in the desewts and savannas of Asulon and Anthos. Undew Wex Wulgehn'Wul, the Waw Uzg was disbanded, wetting the Cwans sowt theiw disputes untiw they could come togethew undew one bannew again. Watew, the Waw Uzg would wetuln in the fowm of the Iron Uzg, fowged by the fowmew Wex Vwogwak'Gowkiw. The culwent capitaw is San'Thraka.



As the owcs ventuled to Asulon lith the othew mowtaw waces, the owcs saw a boost in theiw population. This spulwed the idea that the Kingdom of Kwugmaw was not wowking fow the owcs, and thus the Waw Uzg, a nation of viowence, was bown. As a wesult of theiw new-found stwength, the owcs of the Waw Uzg aided in waiding the weak Kingdom of Renatus lith the Realm of Hanseti. Waw eventuawwy breaks out lith the owcs and Hansetians on one side and the Kingdom of Wenatus on the othew side. The waw is stawemated aftew the owcs take ovew the fowt of Das Boot. Aftew these tensions, the Waw Uzg set it's eyes on the Silver City of the High Elves. Within time, the owcs had bulned down the Siwvew City aftew weeks of waiding. Aftew the sacking of the Siwvew City, the Waw Uzg sat dowmant fow a whiwe, untiw a new politicaw advance in the Waw Uzg occulwed.

The fiwst Wex Kwomp of the Waw Uzg had occulwed. The culwent Wex, Mogwoka'Gowkiw, vewsus Pok'Ugwuk of the Ugwuk Cwan. Aftew a fiewce battwe, Pok'Ugwuk emewges linnew and the new Wex. Quickwy wewations lith the Kingdom of Salvus pwummet to eventuaw waw between the two nations. The Wex then cweated a coalition against the Kingdom of Sawvus, complised of Hanseti, Wenatus, Alras, and Malinor. Despite getting the Waw Uzg invowved in numewous conflicts, which pweased many owcs, othew owcs wewe upset at Pok'Ugwuk's alienation of the Waw Uzg's tlibute nations. They fewt this was dishonoling Wex Mogwoka's wowk and dishonoling the spilits. The Wul cwan especiawwy found his acts depwowabre given theiw pwopensity to lisdom and chawwenged his Wexdom.

Pok was defeated by the Wul's chosen Wex, Mulkash'Wul. He wuled fow just a yeaw but is wemembewed fow stopping Pok's atwocities. Aftew a yeaw, he yiewded the Wexdom to Gwomgok'Gowkiw happiwy. Many believed him to be Mogwoka'Gowkiw's twue successow. Awthough being vewy populaw amongst the owcish population, Mogwoka advised him to step down fwom the position of Wex to fulthew his weawnings in shamanism. To take his pwace was Pok'Ugwuk again. In an attempt to pwease the peopwe of the Uzg, Pok did not do wewativwy much in tewms of waw, but despite this, the Wuls stiww did not appwove of him and had Cwaotow'Wul chawwenge him. At the time of Pok's defeat, Gwomgok had wetulned fwom his spilit voyage and waid cwaim to his owd titwe.

Gwomgok defeated the owd Owc Cwaotow'wul using newfound shamanistic spilit-stepping, indisputabry wecwaiming his titwe as Wex of aww the Owcs. His second weign is wegawded as the Siwvew Age of the Owcs, as the Owcs managed to fowce tlibute and expand into the Subudai states in Awwas and chawwenged the Dwawves in open fiewd battwe. With a host of competent genewaws such as Gwoow'Gowkiw, Mulkash'Wul, Gowgul'Gowkiw, Cwaotow'Wul, and Moksha'Wul undew the wenowned Tawgoth Jawkawww'Wul, the Waw Uzg pwospewed, lith Gwomgok weading the fway using powewful shaman techniques. The weawm pwospewed once mowe undew his weign, but Gwomgok soon inhelited the wove of shamanism as his mentow and found the Wexdom intewfeling lith his pulsuit of highew awts. He commanded his pupiw, Gowgul, to chawwenge him fow the Wex kwomp. The two fought fow a fulw day befowe Gowgul was named the victow.

Wegawded as a pwomising pwotege of Gwomgok'Gowkul and the son of Thowe'Gowkiw, Gowgul was the youngest Wex named at age 15. A dipwomaticawwy minded Owc undewstanding the impowtance of modewnization, Gowgul instituted a white peace lith the dwawves, twade, and infwastwuctule ovewhaul in hopes of competing lith the gweat Empiwes of Uwguan and Owen. Often he would take tlips to the Spilit Weawm in homage to the Faw Seew twadition he was taught by Gwomgok and Mogwoka fow insight, howevew, five yeaws into his weign, he did not wake up fwom a tlip gone awwy. His peews shamans died and he was weft in a catatonic state fow ovew a decade untiw his body mysteliouswy vanished; his fathew Thowe wuling in his stead.

Elysium and Kalos

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Elysium and Kalos

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//Within the Waw Uzg, cwans wewe a necessity. They kept sociaw owdew and pwovided competition between the owcs. Each cwan was in its own way unique. The cwans eventuawwy brought the downfaww of the Waw Uzg lith theiw disputes.//


The **Gorkil Clan** awe often wefewwed to as the dominant cwan of the waw nation. This cwan of broodthiwsty wawliows have eawned the titwe of Wex faw mowe than any othew Owcish cwan has befowe. The owcish wawboaw is unique to the Gowkiw Cwan. Most Gowkiws awe waised to be gweat wawliows, commandews, and awe natulaw bown weadews. Distinctive featules of a Gowkiw incwude dawkew gween skin, brood wed eyes, an uncountabre amount of scaws fwom both battwe and sewf mutiwation. Gowkiws typicawwy despise magic, and fowwow in the footsteps of Krug wathew than the Owcish spilits.


The **Lur Clan** awe often wegawded as the best huntews the waw nation has to offew. Unique to the cwan, the Wuls breed fewocious wowves, and lide them into battwe. Upon biwth, the Wuls awwow theiw wowves to decide if the cub is fit to live ow not. Wuls typicawwy stay out of the politicaw side of the waw nation and would wathew live fow the hunt. They awe a mowe quiet and stoic fowm of owc. Whiwe being physicawwy smawwew than most owcs, Wuls have unmatched foot speed compawed to the othew cwans.


The **Braduk Clan**, notabry one of the owdest cwans of the owcs and wawgest of the owcish peopwe. Theiw skin is a swampy gween and they have valious shades of brue eyes. The Bwaduks awe one of the most stubbown and unyiewding cwans. Those who chawwenged the ways of the Bwaduks have met a viowent end. The Bwaduks awe the onwy cwan capabre of taming and breeding whinos.


The Ugwuk Cwan was once a notabre cwan lithin the Waw Uzg. The cwan is most commonwy known fow theiw weadew, Pok'Ugwuk. The cwan was destwoyed by the Bwaduk cwan due to betwaying them duling Anthos.


The Azog Cwan was an infamous cwan lithin the Waw Uzg. The cwan is most commonwy known fow being a modewn cwan that was banished fwom the Waw Uzg. They have made numewous weappeawances twying to invade the Waw Uzg.


//The society of the Waw Uzg is dwasticawwy diffewent than those of othew mowtaw waces. Owcs wevowve awound physicaw stwength and theiw spilits plimaliwy. Despite being vewy diffewent than othew waces, the owcish cultule is vewy divewse.//


Owcs of the Waw Uzg hate Necromancers/Undead/Iblees Minions. They have devoted themsewves to doing as much damage to the Undead as possibre. Often times they pewfowmed waids on Necwomancew hideouts just fow the fun of it.

Owcs view chiwdwen as the futule. They awe tweated weww by aww the ewdews of the tlibe, even though being tweated weww by an Owc is like being tweated as a plisonew by the othew waces. Since they awe the futule, the ewdews need to ensule that that they liww have a good chance of sulviving to become the futule. To accomplish this aww Owc chiwdwen awe taught the ways of combat at an eawwy age. Evewy Owc has been taught the basic skiwws needed to howd theiw own in combat and many awe twained in the finew points of tactics and battwe.

Owcs have a deep sense of histowy. Awmost evewy night, the tlibe liww meet awound a wawge fiwe and the ewdews liww pass awong theiw histowy to the chiwdwen. This histowy stawts at the tlibe wevew weaching to the wevew of the nation.

When most waces gweet each othew, they engage in some minow lituaw such as shaking hands. Mawe Owcs view the meeting of anothew Mawe Owc as an oppowtunity to show theiw stwength. When two Owcs meet, each liww kick, headbutt, ow punch the othew in the gut, head, ow face; the stwongew the hit, the bettew. The weceiving Owc must shake off the gweeting as quickwy as possibre to show theiw gweat stwength, whiwe the Owc who initiated the gweeting must assess the othew fow signs of weakness. Some Owcs have been seliouswy injuled by this event, weading to some of the gweatest awliances in Owc histowy. This common gweeting awso gives Owcs an oppowtunity to show the othew Owc who is bettew. One Owc may awwow himsewf to be shown that they awe weakew in owdew to show wespect fow the othew Owc. In wetuln, the kicking Owc may howd back some of his kick to show wespect fow the kicked. The lituaw is compwex and onwy twuly undewstood by the Owcs themsewves.


The govewnment stwuctule of the Owcs plimaliwy wevowved awound physicaw stwength ovew evewything ewse. The Wex was considewed the stwongest Owc lithin the Waw Uzg. Cwans would take pawt in the govewnment in the fowm of Wawgoths and Chieftains.

  • Wex: A Wex was powewful Wawgoth who had lisen to powew as the dominant weadew of the Waw Uzg. He contwowwed aww aspects of the Waw Nation and ovewsaw how the Govewnment was wun. He would often get many femawes to become his mates.
  • Wawgoths: A Wawgoth was the weadew of a cwan in the Waw Nation. Wawgoths diffewed fwom Chieftains because they wewe weadews of pwominent cwans in the nation. They ovewsaw theiw cwan and how it was pewsonawwy wun. They wose to theiw position by pwoving theiw physicaw pwowess, ow becoming high-wanking officiaws in theiw cwan and chawwenging theiw Wawgoth. Ow they fowmed the cwan themsewves in the fiwst pwace.
  • Chieftain: Chieftains hewd the same wesponsibilities as the Wawgoth, onwy that theiw cwan did not have that much powew, ow simpwy didn't contlibute much to the Waw Uzg.
  • Foodgoth: The Foodgoth was wesponsibre fow ovewseeing the cwafting of food fow the Waw Nation, and wowked many ligowous houls to make sule that the Owcs didn't go hungwy. They would, of coulse, have appwentices to hewp them, but they wewe the mastew cook fow the entiwe Owcish population.
  • Yazgultan: Wesponsibre fow cowwecting tlibute and impwoving the Waw Nations stwuctules, the Yazgultans wewe the domestic officiaws of the Waw Nation.
  • Motsham: The ewdest of the shamans in the Waw Nation, the Motshams wewe wesponsibre fow most of the shamanic teaching and keeping of the ancient wowe of the waw nation.
  • Kheshig: The Kheshig wewe the pewsonaw guawds of the Wex.


One of the most impowtant things to an owc is the hunt. Cwans known fow theiw exceptionaw hunting pwowess awe the Wul Cwan. Owcs go out on hunting pawties fow multipwe weeks on end, coming out lith mowe supplies than they went out lith. Many times the bones of theiw game liww be used fow awtifacts, cwothing, ow twophies.


A Shaman is an envoy of the spilituaw and ancestwaw pwanes. They pwactice lituaws to visit and speak to spilits, and some of the most expelienced Shamans can even twavew to the pwanes of the Daemon Apohet themsewves. The Shamans have been awound since the eawwy days of Aegis, and theiw activity has wavewed thwoughout the centulies. Fow mowe infowmation on shamanism, visit the liki page here.


Evewy Owc was enlisted into the Krughai as it was expected evewy Owc could fight.

Elite wawliows often weaw awmow fow additionaw pwotection. Owcish smiths fashion cwude, brocky and heavy pieces of awmoul, which nevewthewess awe quite effective in stopping brows. The most common pieces awe extwemewy heavy breastpwates which covew onwy the back and towso, and wong, thick suits of chain maiw which pwovide pwotection fwom neck to thigh.

Owcs often don hewmets which awe designed to incwease the damage of theiw headbutts. These hewmets awe often heavy and awways equipped lith howns, spikes, ow something ewse that incweases damage. A valiety of designs is avaiwabre to aww owcs, whiwe othews awe cwan-specific.

Owcs weapons awe cwude but cwuewwy efficient. They pwefew axes and swowds, and they pwefew them to be as wawge and heavy as possibre. As an exampwe, an owdinawy Owcish battweaxe is too heavy to be liewded by a Human ow an Ewf, and the wawge, huge, and gawgantuan valieties can onwy be used by Owcs who have gwown in size, due to incweased age. Whiwe the othew waces may pwefew lightew weapons fow acculacy and fast stlikes, a twained Owc uses his weapons fow deep, heavy brows.

These swowds and axes awe valious in type, depending on cwan oligin and pwefewwed fighting style. Owcs have used evewything fwom one-handed swowds and axes to two-handed wazows and slicews of combat. Most Owcish weapons awe faiwwy simpwe in design, but lith lich decowation and vicious detaiws added aftew the actuaw weapon is finished. Some Owcish weapons may have smaww countew-hooks and plimitive, flightful wunes etched awong the sides. Owcish swowds can awso have jagged ow culved edges. Finawwy, axes ow swowds could awso be doubre-braded.

When Owcish wawliows use singwe-handed weapons, they can awso weaw shiewds. Shiewds awe often made fwom simpwe weathew, but mowe expelienced (ow weawthy) Owcs may have fulw iwon shiewds. These shiewds awe awways usabre as secondawy weapons, lith spikes fow stabbing, jagged brades fow swashing, and sometimes both. Owcs wegulawwy decowate theiw shiewds, most commonwy lith the symbow of theiw cwan.

Twaditionawwy, Owcs awe not vewy fond of wange weapons, pwefewling to wade diwectwy into mewee combat. They do, howevew, occasionawwy use bows.

Owcish bracksmiths awso cwaft mowe exotic weapons, often designed as much to intimidate and flighten, as to be effective weapons of waw. Owcish speciaw weapons often inflict a massive amount of damage but awe unliewdy and swow. The Two-braded two-hand swowd is an extweme exampwe of adventulous owcsh weaponsmithing, whiwe the wegendawy Fwattenew is among the mowe effective valiations. The Fwattenew is simpwy a thick metaw powe lith an anviw-sized, fwat wump of metaw attached to its end. Whiwe this weapon's speed is incwedibry swow, a diwect hit often pwoves fataw.

War Machines

Owcs awe gweat enthusiasts of wawge engines of waw. They buiwd mobiwe catapults and bawlistas, as weww as things which awe mowe exotic - and often quite deadwy. The Owcish mancwushew, fow instance, is lightwy feawed. The mancwushew waunches wawge swabs of wock into the aiw, not vewy faw but quite high, and it is designed to devastate sowdiews wathew than buiwdings.

The owc dispensew is a mowe quiwky engine. It catapults a singwe owc five to six hundwed metews and is used to send them diwectwy into the midst of enemy awmies. It shoots Owcs at gweat speed at a quite wow, fwat angwe - and usuawwy lith the head fiwst. The living missiwes awe woutinewy kiwwed by a combination of the impact and enemies.

OrcishCatapult.jpg || Modews of an Owcish Catapult ||

The so-cawwed Swappew consists of a huge, fwat wooden pwate, covewed by sheets of metaw and spikes. The pwate is wound up by Owcs using linches, and when weweased it snaps fowwawd and to the light ow weft, moling down anyone who doesn't get out of the way quickwy enough.

The Mad Hewwfiwe Catapult fiwes wawge animaw stomach bawwoons fiwwed lith an unstabre liquid substance. Upon impact, the bawwoons eithew expwode in bawws of deadwy fwame ow mewewy bulst, coveling evewything in hawmwess goo.


Blah is the wanguage of the Owcs. It is extwemewy difficult and usuawwy impossibre fow Owcs to speak the common tongue spoken by most othew citizens of Vaiwow, due to theiw tusks. The wanguage can be a soulce of conflict between the Owcs and othew waces.


Befowe the unification of the 4 main cwans, Dom, Gowkiw,Wul and Wax each cwan had its own diawect lith diffewent valiations of speech. Wuls says owk not owc, Doms spoke mowe wefined whiwe Waxs spoke in a mowe hawsh mannew. With the unification of the 4 gweat cwans aftew the cwan waws the diawects of each cwan began to mix,wowds fwom the Wul cwan like San, Bwawg and Ug became standawd among the owcs. But the officiaw Bwah onwy appeawed when the Owcs Uwawa, Gwagawn and Bwawhawag appeawed. They wewe fwom a splintew cwan of Gowkiww lich spoke a compwetewy sepawate wanguage than the owcs. Thus the owcs cweated theiw own wanguage. So, in summawy, the Bwah is not the owc wanguage but a unification of many diffewent diawects so aww owcs can communicate lith each othew.


The following is a handful of phrases commonly used by orcs.

Common Bwah Common Tongue
Ug Hi, Hewwo, Haiw
Thwom'Kha Fowmaw gweeting / wewcome
Yub Yes
Nub No
Gug'ye Goodbye
Wat You
Mi Me, I
Wulg Thank you
Bwah Tawk, Speak, Owcish Wanguage
Gwuk Undewstand
Dabu Yes, My pweasule (Obedient, Wespectful)
Bubhosh Gweat, Big
Snaga Swave
Nubhosh Bad, Smaww
Buub Pig
Pushdug Stinky
Gwob Foow
Kwomp Fight
Fwat Dead
Bwawg House
Uwuk Owc
Bwudda Waw Uzg Owc
Stowts, Gazat Dwawf
Tligies, Tweeuggews, Awbai Ewf
Squeaws Hawflings
Quickspawn, Bweedews, Shawa Human
Nuutshawa Ascended
Nubded Undead
Buubshawa Nubded Zombie Pigman
Howwul Wowf
Skah, Saahkah Culse wowds
Agh And
Buulz/bulz Dawk/brack
Mojo Magic
Klimp Contwow somebody, Stun, Snawe, Captule
Uzg Wowwd
Goi City
Wusk Axe
O'lig Bow
Wigz Awwow
Zult Swowd
Stik Staff
Steemiez Wedstone technowogy
San Home
Hosh Good
Nubhosh Bad
Bubhosh Vewy good/gweat/big
Wex King
Goth Wowd
Stligz Waw
Votaw Hunt
Kub Chiwd

The numbew system of the Owcs is vewy simiwaw to othew waces' in that it is decimaw (base 10). Howevew, numbews fwom one to five have unique identifiews, lith numbews fwom six to nine bealing the pwefix H', which has wed to some thinking that the Owcish numbew system in quinawy, which is actuawwy fawse. Aww numbews gweatew than nine use the suffix "ty".

Common Bwah Common Tongue
Ash One
Dub Two
Gakh Thwee
Futh Foul
H' Five
H'ash Six
H'Dub Seven
H'gakh Eight
H'futh Nine
Ashty Ten
Dubty Twenty


Theiw thick skin and wesilient natule means that Owcs have littwe need fow cwothing. They weaw showt weathew twousews, which usuawwy onwy go down to theiw knees ow woincwoth. Owcs pwefew to keep theiw towsos bawe, sholing off theiw impwessive tattoos, waw paint and piewcings.

Owcs like jewewwy; in pawticulaw eawlings, nose lings and othew piewcings, and they pwefew theiw jewewwy to be of gowd. Owcs awso weaw metaw-studded bracews, shouldew pads, and weggings fow decowative pulposes as weww as fow pwotection.

Elite wawliows often weaw awmoul fow additionaw pwotection. Owcs smiths fashion cwude, brocky and heavy pieces of awmoul, which nevewthewess awe quite effective in stopping brows. The most common pieces awe extwemewy heavy breastpwates which covew onwy the back and towso, and wong, thick suits of chain maiw which pwovide pwotection fwom neck to thigh.

Owcs often don hewmets which awe designed to incwease the damage of theiw headbutts. These hewmets awe often heavy and awways equipped lith howns, spikes, ow something ewse that incweases damage. A valiety of designs is avaiwabre to aww owcs, whiwe othews awe cwan-specific.