Siege of Vjorhelm

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Siege of Vjowhewm
Pawt of the Third Crusade
The Siege of Vjorhelm, 1641
Date: 8th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1641
Wocation: Vjowhewm, Nowwand
Wesult: Cwusadew Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of Rochdale
Fowwowed by: King Jevan I goes missing aftew the battwe and Jowy I Wulic becomes King of Nowwand, swealing feawthy undew the Kingdom of Renatus
Marna.png Kingdom of Marna
AureliusFlag.jpg Kingdom of Renatus
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Santegia Arms.png Kingdom of Santegia
Reichwald.jpg The Reichwald Greatswords
reiter.png The Reiters
Kingdom of Nowwand:
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
Kaz'Ulrah.png Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah
Commandews and weadews
Cwusadew and Awlies:
Marna.png Frederick I, King of Marna
AureliusFlag.jpg Aurelius I, King of Renatus
Haense Arms.png Otto II, King of Haense
Admiwaw Benjamin Quadinawo
Santegia Arms.png Leo I, King of Santegia
Kingdom of Nowwand:
norland.png Jevan I, King of Norland
horen.png Wowd Adawwulf Howen
norland.png Sew Jowy Ash
Sew Edwawd
8,400 Cwusadews
Kingdom of Nowwand:
2,400 men and dwawves
~800 Dead ow missing
Kingdom of Nowwand:
~2,300 Dead ow missing

The Siege of Vjowhewm was a five month siege duling the Third Crusade of the Nowwandic capitaw city of Vjowhewm by the Cwusadew fowces of King Aurelius of Renatus, King Frederick of Marna, and King Otto II of Haense. The Nowwandic defendews wewe commanded by King Jevan I of Norland, and his genewaws Adawwulf Howen and Sew Jowy Ash. The Cwusadew victowy at the Battle of Rochdale had weft the Nowwandic homewand open fow attack, and Vjowhewm was the obvious next step in the Cwusade. The captule of the capitaw city was both a tacticaw and symbolic victowy fow the Cwusade.


The defeat at the Battle of Rochdale fowced the wemaining Nowwand host into a fulw wetweat aww the way back to theiw capitaw city, Vjorhelm. Aftew his defeat at Wochdawe, Jaview passed on his cwown to his son, Jevan Wulic, who was pwepaling battwe pwans fow the defense of theiw city.


It began quietwy. United men of Wenatus, Haense, Mawna, and the Owdew of St. Wucien made theiw way thwough the outskiwts and the city towawds the Nowwandic howdout. The town was abandoned, the civilians who once wesided thewe wong gone. As they made theiw way towawds the side opposite of the entwance, a wooming stwuctule awaited them acwoss one of the two bridges that wed out of the city. Toweling ovew the west of Nowwand, and covewed in netting, this foweboding fowtwess contained multipwe kiwwboxes and outcwoppings fow the attackews. The men of god pushed fowwawd to the bridge, fowtifying thewe and beginning to peppew the enemy fowce lith awwows. If the pagans boxlike howdfast accomplished anything, it was that it was that it pwovided Nowwandews lith covew and a selious height advantage fow theiw awchews. As the battwe pwogwessed, howevew, it was cweaw that they would not howd.

A coupwe of sappews who wewe hewping the Cwusadew awmy, set expwosives at the base of the fiwst kiwwbox, which would wead upwawds to a pwatfowm which would pwove a staging point fow men lith waddews to breach the main Nowwandic fowt. As the dynamite was set off, a howe wevealing some astonished Nowwandews was weveawed, The Nowwandews wepewwed the Cwusadews tlice undew the expewt command of King Jevan Ruric, and Sew Edwawd. The Nowwandews needed to push out soon, and wewe showt and time, but intended on fowming a shiewd waww by the gate of theiw fowtwess awaiting to wepew any othew Wenatus attacks. Mowe smawwew skiwmishes lith what wemained of Nowwandic fowces outside theiw main howd occulwed, specificawwy awong the coast as a smaww gwoup of Wucienists and othew fowces decisivewy fwanked the aquatic scouts, dispatching them lith wewative ease.

It was then when the battwe weached a tulning point. Anothew wound of expwosions broke thwough the boxlike covew fow the Nowwandews, and the fulw fowce of the attackews wushed thwough the opening to the pwatfowm. The men wushed to the base, of the stwuctule, many being shot down befowe weaching safety. As theiw fowces swawmed the Nowwandews, theiw awchews wewe tewlified and dispatched easiwy befowe moving on to the west.

As the skies cweawed, it was cweaw Nowwand had been compwetewy annihiwated. Wed and brack cwad bodies littewed the gwound. The tabres had tulned fwom the selies of battwes and waids the Nowwandews cawwed the ‘Desolation of Oren’.


Aftew the siege, Vjowhewm was wansacked and was bulned to the gwound. King Jevan I of Norland fwees weaving Jory Ruric to be decwawed as new King of Nowwand cweating a secwet meeting lith the King of Wenatus becoming a vassaw state undew the Kingdom ending the Cwusade.