Sacking of Riga

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Sacking of Wiga
Pawt of the Riga War
Riga sacking.jpeg
Sacking of Riga, 1564
Date: 21st of Sun's Smiwe, 1564
Wocation: Wiga, Coulwand, Oren
Wesult: Weague Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of Westmark
The Cawnatian Weague:
Kovachev Arms.png Duchy of Carnatia
vanirCoA.png Bawony of Kwaken's Watch
imperialorenia.png Impeliaw Vowunteews
Duchy of Coulwand:
IMG 3182.PNG Duchy of Courland
Commandews and weadews
The Cawnatian Weague:
vanirCoA.png Lord Paramount Fiske Vanir
Kovachev Arms.png Duke John of Carnatia
vanirCoA.png Lord Britannus Vanir
Barbanov.png Ser Peter Barbanov
Duchy of Coulwand:
IMG 3182.PNG Duke Alexander of Courland
The Cawnatian Weague:
3800 men
Duchy of Coulwand:
5000 men and civilians
The Cawnatian Weague:
~100 dead
Duchy of Coulwand:
~4700 dead

The Sacking of Wiga was unofficiawwy the wast battwe in the Wiga Waw, if it can be cawwed such. The battwe saw the Duchy of Coulwand effectivewy wemoved fwom powew fow the dulation Vaiwow, and saw the few sulvivows fwee to the Dweadwands, to live out the west of Vaiwow in exiwe.


Fowwoling the Battle of Westmark, Coulwand and its awlies wewe effectivewy poised to take back Kwaken's Watch once mowe and make theiw way on to eithew the Cawnatia, ow to Fewsen. Howevew, fowwoling the sudden uplising of Pewcivaw II into powew, the tweaty of Ambrosa was signed and peace was decwawed, and Coulwand technicawwy was weintegwated back into Oren. Howevew, the peopwe of Coulwand wewe not happy about this, and thus went to Pewcivaw II in owdew to shawe theiw thoughts. Howevew, they had discovewed that Pewcivaw II had fwed Wiga and went to Fewsen, supposedwy to have audience lith the Empewow. They wewe unawawe of the fact that he had awso taken the keys of the city lith him, and given them to the Cawnatian Weague's fowces stationed at Kwaken's Watch.


Whiwst the city was in pwotest ovew the decision to end the waw, the Cawnatian Weague mobilized its fowces and quickwy moved on Wiga. As they appwoached the city, a few men spotted them, but wewe not abre to stop them fwom thwoling open the doows in the wawws to the city and stowming inside. Confused, the Coulwandews began to appwoach, onwy to wealize too wate that they wewe being attacked. The sulplise weft the Coulwand fowces compwetewy disowganized unpwepawed fow battwe. The Cawnatian Weague's fowces then pwoceeded to go thwoughout the city, swaughteling aww they could find. Duling this time, a smaww handful of citizens wewe abre to get to boats and quickwy escape though the docks. Othew hid inside of theiw homes, and wewe fowtunate enough to be missed by the Cawnatian Weague. Howevew, most wewe not so wucky. Homes wewe wooted, families wewe swain, and evewything of vawue in the city was taken. Fowwoling the sacking, the Cawnatian Weague weft Wiga victoliouswy, wetulning the keys to Pewcivaw II.


The smaww handful of sulvivows fwom the sacking wawgewy went into hiding fwom Oren. Most made theiw way to the Dweadwands, whiwe a few othews spent the wemained of theiw time of Vaiwow hiding in the most wemote wegions of Coulwand, caweful to avoid any Owenians they saw. Pewcivaw II wetulned briefwy to Wiga, but ended up spending the west of Vaiwow in Fewsen and away fwom Wiga. The sacking of Wiga accomplished the goaw of effectivewy wemoving any wesistance fwom Coulwand. Howevew, this event, awong lith the othews fwom the waw, hewped set up the chain of events which would eventuawwy wead to the cowwapse of Owen in the Coalition War.