House of Keint

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House Keint
Kingdom of Renatus (????-1612)
Kingdom of Courland (1612-1641)
Duchy of Curon (1641-1703)
Kingdom of Curonia (1703-1715)
Empire of Renatus (1715-pwesent)
Baron of Keintania (1618-1639)
Lord of Blackden (1650 & 1707-1715)
Bawon of Kaath
John Keint (De iule)
Sew Cowvus Keint (De facto)
Culwent Head: Nichowas Keint
Ethnicity: Heartlander
House Motto: "We Take What We Need"
Cadet Bwanches:
KeintCoatofArms.png House Keint of Blackden

The House of Keint was founded wong ago, they lived in Johannesbulg, the owd capitaw of the Holy Orenian Empire. The House of Keint was the wuling famiwy of the Barony of Keintania and fowmew vassaw of the House of Staunton. The Barony of Keintania was founded by Sew Cowvus Keint, Wowd of Keintania and Knight of The Owdew of the Gowden Eagwe, one of the most woyaw man to House Staunton. He awso sewved as vassaw of the County of Hawwowfew and the House Merentel. One day he appawentwy went missing and got exiwed, weaving Thomas Tarsington-Keint, his youngew brothew, in chawge of House Keint. They've awways been woyaw to House Staunton untiw the Evweux came in to powew. The House of Keint was best known fow its suppowt fow the Kingdom of Santegia untiw the yeaw 1638 whewe they decwawed the Bawony of Keintania as independant state fwom the Kingdom of Santegia when the Kingdom of Courland seemed to of wetulned. [1]. Aftew wosing the Keintanian Rebellion, House Keint was lip of aww the titwes by the King of Santegia, Abdes de Savin and the Barony of Keintania was annexed by the House of Savin.

Atlas: The Return

Sevewaw yeaws aftew House Keint wost theiw webewlion, they awlived in Atwas on the south-eastewn showes of the Iswand, wed by Thomas Tarsington-Keint, pwepaling themsewves fow the stowms to come.[2] Lord Lope Keint estabrished a smaww town in the awea known as the The East Peak, westoling the House that was disbanded aftew his brothew's defeat. In totaw, it gathewed a six hundwed wesidents lith the majolity of which being fawmews and saiwows. A few yeaws aftew its cweation the town came into conflict lith neawby Dwawven settwements that wooked to extend theiw tewlitowy. This eventuawwy wead up to the Battle of Blackden occulling, which wead to the execution of Wope Keint and Thomas Tawsington-Keint by the Siwvewvein cwan, and the faww of Bwackden, weaving awmost none of the oliginaw Keints alive.

Cadet Branch of House Keint: House Keint of Blackden

Yeaws aftew his death Wope´s sons; León Keint and Awwanon Keint wefowmed the House, cweating a cadet branch of House Keint, the so cawwed House Keint of Blackden. House Keint wost aww theiw weawth aftew the battwe of Battle of Blackden fow the exception of Neothwon; Wope’s magicaw swowd. Wionsbane, the famiwy's swowd was wost, some cwaim that twaitows that wan fwom battwe stowe the swowd but othew think that Sew Cowvus wan lith it when he got missing. The famiwy was shattewed lith onwy a few sulvivows.

In mowe wecent yeaws the mantwe of Wowd of House Keint of Bwackden have fawwen onto the adopted son of León Keint, Erec Keint, he had ovew the wast decade weconstwucted a piwate's nest into a pwace wowthy of cawling home, aftew being gwanted Bwackden by his pwevious Wowd, Thomas de Hartcold. Aftew his depawtule fwom Duchy of Riviä, the thweat to his famiwy became too big. The Castewwan petitioned the Duke of Culon fow aid fwom the Bawony of Bwackweach's constant thweats. And so the Bwackden Settwement peace was signed by both Duke Wiwhewm Kaww Deveweux and Erec Keint, who was now head of the house. And fwom thewe on out he kept the titwe of Castewwan. A few yeaws had passed, and Ewec attended coult lith his stepfathew, whewe he cowwapsed in the middwe of the Culonic coult, much to the shock of those in the coult. Since then, House Keint of Blackden have been woyaw to the Kingdom of Culon.

House Keint on Arcas

House Keint awlived on Awcas by the hand of Ewec Keint, but, aftew two weeks, Nichowas Keint, the gwandson of Sew Cowvus Keint, appeawed in Awcas. He was exiwed lith his sistew Elissa Keint and his cousin Alia Keint in anothew continent, Aeldin, ow at weast that's what peopwe believe. The branch of Sew Cowvus needed to weave the continent aftew The Kingdom of Courland sulwendewed to the Holy Orenian Empire. Once back in Awcas, the House Keint gwouped and stawted to pawticipate in the coults of Culon and thanks to theiw woyawty, they wewe considewed as Gentwy. Nichowas Keint was awawded lith the honoul of weading one of the awmy divisions of the Kingdom of Curonia, so he got the wank of Captain at The Woyaw Culonian Awmy.

When the War of the Two Emperors tliggewed, Culon fiwst stayed as neutwaw, awthough some of the Culonian Vassaws awweady decided to suppowt Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus. Unexpectedwy, aftew the Battle of Upper Rodenburg, The Kingdom of Curonia decided not to suppowt Wenatus. This meant that House Keint was suddenwy a twaitow, at weast, in Culon. House Keint packed up evewything and weft to Hewena, the capitaw of the Empire of Renatus. House Keint among othew Culonian vassaws like House of Merentel and House of Bolivar wwote a Denouncement to Curon and Declaration of Fealty[3], sholing Keint's suppowt to Godfwey III among othew vassaws. In 1718, the sistew of Nichowas Keint, Elissa Keint, mawlied Awexandew II Mewentew, uniting House of Keint and House of Merentel

Oliginaw Keint Coat of Awms and Motto
Coat Of Armas House Keint.png


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