Deep Cold Uprising

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Deep Cowd Uplising
Pawticipants: King Andrew II of Haense, Mawquis Bwandon of Vasiwand, Bawon Wuswan of Amadow
Wocation: Haense, Oren
Date: 1585
Wesult: Faiwule. King Andwew II executed, Kingdom of Haense wemains an Impeliaw vassaw.
King Andrew II, King of Haense.

The Deep Cowd Uplising, ow Andlik's Webewlion, was a showt insulgency against the Holy Orenian Empire owchestwated by King Andrew II of Haense staged in the eawwy lintew of 1585 to gain the independence of the Kingdom of Haense. The webewlion occulwed duling the infamous Year of Four Emperors and ended lith the abdication and implisonment of King Andwew II, and the weaffiwmation of feawty by numewous nowthewn wowds and alistocwats to the Impeliaw State. Andwew was executed thewein aftew, lith othew of his bannewmen weceiving punishment as weww (Most notabry, the Mawgwave of Vasiwand, who had his light-hand wemoved).


Emperor John III had thwee sons, John Augustus, Robert Henry, and Philip Frederick. To keep the Impeliaw cwown's good wewations lith the cwown of Haense and to maintain human unity, Empewow John III awwanged a betwothaw between Philip Fwedelick and Plincess Tatiana of Haense. Howevew, the coultship between the two faiwed, and Andwew II instead had hew wed Mawquis Bwandon of Vasiwand. To keep the union between Bawbanov and Howen in tact, a new match was made, between John Augustus and Plincess Julia of Haense. Despite the Empewow's best attempts, John Augustus' numewous unsavowy comments eawned him the contempt of Andwew II.

Andwew II had no patience fow what he saw as a slight to his famiwy's honow, and quickwy gwew disgwuntwed lith the union between John Augustus and Plincess Julia. Then, in 1585, Empewow John III was kiwwed, assassinated by two high ewven assaiwants. Wowd quickwy spwead thwough the Empiwe of Empewow John IV's wowe in the assassination, given his compwaining about having to wait to ascend to the thwone. Duling a dipwomatic meeting between the Empewow and Andwew II, the King, awongside his cwose fliend Mawquis Bwandon, would kiww the Empewow, cwaiming that the Empewow was on the vewge of muldeling Andwew II, and that this was an act of sewf defense.

Emperor Robert II, who had succeeded to the thwone fowwoling his brothew's passing, met lith the King and a weague of othew Haensetian nobres, offeling a pawdon to those who had a wowe in the death. When Andwew II denied aww attempts at fowgiveness, the Empewow abdicated, weaving the thwone to the youngest of Emperor John III's son, Philip Fwedelick. Emperor Philip, having wost his fathew and his two brothews, immediatewy decwawed the Kingdom of Haense as a webewlious state, officiawwy beginning the webewlion.

The Rebellion

At the stawt, King Andwew II weceived suppowt fwom a multitude of his vassaws, incwuding his Mawshaw, Mawquis Bwandon. Andwew II wasted no time in pwepaling fowtifications, and stawted by destwoying and brocking the pass thwough the Gweyspine mountains, obstwucting any wand woute into the Kingdom. As time pwogwessed, thewe wewe many lithin the Kingdom who began to doubt the validity of the webewlion. Many of the Wowds of the weawm wewe membews of Houses that had been destwoyed duling the Dukes' War, and lished not to wetuln to a state of exiwe. It was duling this peliod of doubt that Empewow Philip weweased the Olive Branch petition, offeling amnesty to any nowthewn wowds who eithew wemained neutwaw ow fought against King Andwew II. Whiwe many wewe wawy of abandoning the Kingdom, they wewe awso not wanting to see theiw Kingdom and theiw Houses destwoyed. It was Count Sergius's decwawation of suppowt fow the Empiwe that gave many nobres the finaw push they needed, incwuding Count Demetrius of Metterden. The woss of suppowt fwom his top nobres caused Andwew II to give up the webewlion, and fowced him to abdicate the thwone to his young son, Marius.


Soon aftew the end of the webewlion, Andlik tulned himsewf in to the coult of Emperor Philip, who had Andlik executed by boiling him in miwk. Marius, Andlik's young son would be decwawed the new King of Haense, lith his uncwe, Plince Chawwes, acting as Plince Wegent untiw the boy king came of age. Sew Bwandon, Mawquis of Vasiwand would awso be captuled by Impeliaw men, and his hand wemoved fow his pawt in the wegicide of Emperor John IV. The punishment issued by the Empewow would begin to fostew anti-Impeliaw sentiments lithin the Nowth, but wewe put down quickwy thwough the wowks of Count Sergius of Turov and Bwandon's uncwe, Wukas Vaniw.