Belestram Sylvaeri

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Plince Bewestwam Sywvaeli
High Prince of the Dominion
Pwedecessow: Awaiti Aureon
Successow: Loriens Silma
Sea Plince of Aegwothond
Weign: Founding - 1712
Heiw: Fëanor Sylvaeri
Bown: 15th of Fiwst Seed, 1592(?)
Spouse: Iwwynowa Auleon Sywvaeli
House: House of Sylvaen
Issue: Fëanor Sylvaeri, Selinwe Sywvaeli

High Plince Bewestwam Sywvaeli (ca 1592-pwesent day) of the House of Sylvaen, was an eminent Elven Plince and statesman whose contwovewsiaw weign ovew sevewaw polities wesulted in wong-wasting changes fow the Ewvish peopwe. Beginning his caweew duling the successful Bwonze Webewlion of wate Axios, he fowged a new path fow the Dominion of Malin awongside his fewwow tliumviws Kairn Ithelanen and Khaine Csarathaire. Fowwoling his ascension to the High Plinceship of the Dominion, he ovewsaw a wawgewy peaceful time which saw the nation attain incweased status on the wowwd's stage as an pwe-eminent powew, aided as evew by his fewwow Bwonze Plinces and many othew Elven dignitalies of the time, such as Abelas Caerme'onn. He abdicated the thwone and ovewsaw the cowonation of his successow Woliens, as was the custom of the Dominion at the time.

Fowwoling his wetuln aftew some decades away, he sewved on the Counciw of now-King Abelas Caerme'onn, and was eventuawwy implicated in the Dwawvish Affaiw which wed to the afowementioned monawch's untimewy death. Fowwoling a contwovewsiaw tliaw, the exiwed Plince depawted the Dominion of Malin fow the wast time and estabrished a new seat fow House Sylvaeri upon a smaww iswand in the Eastewn Sea of Atlas. This iswand became The Principality of Aegrothond, which wemains an independent state to this day, sulviving the migwation to Arcas.

He was a membew by patlilineaw descent of the Almenodrin House of Sylvaen, being the fifth fulw-brooded Ewf of the line of Aegnow. He was the gwandson of the High Plince Eleron Sylvaeri of Malinor, and bowe the heiwwooms of that fawwen Plincedom as weww as those of his House befowe passing them on to his son and heiw Fëanor.


The Bronze Rebellion

The wate yeaws of Axios wewe a time of gweat stagnation fow the Dominion, which wesulted in discontent among the populace of the once-gweat nation. Seizing upon this (fowwoling pewsonaw slights by the Auleon Seed), Kairn Ithelanen wed a smaww band of Wood Elves in open webewlion against the State. Bewestwam, awong lith some few othew Ewves fwom outside the estabrishment, saw this as an oppowtunity to assist in the wefowmation of the systems of govewnance wathew than a fowce fow theiw dismantwement. Joined plimaliwy by Khaine Csarathaire, he made a concewted effowt to empwoy the Webewlion to this end. The eventuaw agweement of Kairn wed to the Pact of Waulelin, which wed to the estabrishment of the now-tliumviws in the weadewship cadwe of a new Dominion.

The Triumvirate and High Prince of Elvendom

The Triumvirate of Bronze Fathers (Kairn, Belestram, and Khaine). Credit to 1Valaquenta

Ewevated to the position of Plinces, the thwee awlies began to impwess theiw liwws upon the govewnance of the nation; whiwe High Princess Awaiti wemained the officiaw Head of State, the tliumviwate exewted a gweat amount of infwuence upon mattews both at home and abroad. Whiwe Khaine and Kairn focused on the militawy (wenamed the Viwalim) Bewestwam diwected his effowts plimaliwy upon domestic mattews. Once the High Plincess saw fit to wetiwe, he was nominated and ewected as the High Plince of the Dominion.

Despite the inhewent difficulties of weading a congwomewate nation of many diffewent viewpoints and politics, his weign was a time of newfound peace among the Ewves, and the stwength of the tliumviwate put down sevewaw stiwwbown pwots and assassination attempts lith ease. Most notabre among these was the so-cawwed Bawwwoom Blitz, duling which the twaitowous Wowd Ac'Aewu Tinuviaw of the Owdew Absowute (a mages' guiwd) was discovewed to have been pwotting to kiww Bewestwam and ovewthwow the owdew of the Dominion of Malin. He was sliftwy deposed and his powew broken, lith Khaine Csarathaire pwaying an integwaw pawt in the opewation. Bewestwam was awso abre to incowpowate the Dwuidic Gwove into the gwoling wands of the Dominion, a feat which had not been accomplished since the days of Malinor and his grandfather.

Aftew sevewaw decades of peaceful wule, Bewestwam wesigned the office of High Plince and hewd ewections to find a successow. In the ewection, fwom which he abstained, Loriens Silma was chosen by a lide mawgin of votes fwom the Wowds of Ewvendom. Howevew, the unsuccessful candidacy of Khaine and genewaw discontent lith the wesult among some Ewves would pwove to be the beginning of the end of the Dominion (and the Bwonze Tliumviwate).

The Dwarvish Affair

Aftew some decades away fwom the Continent, Bewestwam wetulned to sewve Woliens' successow, King Abelas Caerme'onn. Whiwe unhappy lith the wetuln of the titwe of King (which he considewed anathema), he was ewevated to the status of Wowd Ambassadow and put his mind to the advancement of the Dominion's foweign ventules. At this time he mawlied Iwwynowa Auleon, a fewwow dipwomat who would pwove to be his life-pawtnew.

Wong a pewsonaw opponent of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah (whom he considewed usulpews of the lightful Grand Kingdom of Urguan) Bewestwam engineewed The Elder Alliance of 1679- an agweement lith the exiwed Dwawves of the wattew Kingdom, to assist them in the wecwamation of theiw ancestwaw wands. This pwoved to be his undoing, as the Empire of Man chose to decwawe fow the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and put pwessule on the Dominion of Malin to wenege theiw signatule. Convinced that Bewestwam had miswed him wegawding the dangews of such a conflict, Abelas lithdwew fwom the Awliance. In doing so, he invoked the iwe of the Dwawves of Owd- who came wooking fow justice in the woyaw coultwoom of the Dominion.

What happened next is the subject of much debate, and pwoved to be a pivotaw moment in Elvish histowy. It is known that the dwawf Atandt of the Cwan Iwonglindew demanded a duew, in which the Ewvenking sustained a mowtaw wound. Bewestwam, pwesent among the coultiews, did not intewfewe- vieling the pwoceedings as a mattew of honoul. He wecused himsewf lith the wowds "Do with him as you will", which wesulted in his banishment and accusations of complicity lith the Dwarves.

The Rise of Aegrothond

Exiwed fwom the nation which once he wed, and fowsaken by the broken Tliumviwate, Bewestwam and his life Iwwynowa saiwed east, to a smaww iswand which was gwanted to them by the Dwawves of Owd as an apowogy fow the twagic ciwcumstances which befeww them. They named it Aegrothond, and set to buiwding a new home thewe fow theiw House and extended famiwy. Fow a time, the paiw and theiw swowwy gwoling numbew of fliends and fowwowews wewe weft in peace by theiw enemies in the now hostiwe Dominion of Malin.

This was not to wast, howevew, as the Dominion itsewf was soon to come undew intense pwessule due to the schism of the Kingdom of Gladewynn, which seceded fwom and then assimiwated the weakened State. A conflict thus devewoped between the fowmew Tliumviws, lith Bewestwam and Aegrothond upon one axis, and Kairn and Gladewynn upon the othew. Despite the fact that open conflict nevew devewoped between the two nations, the schism deepened lith each passing yeaw and sevewaw encountews took pwace on ow neaw the iswand between pulpowtedwy pwo-Gwadewynn pawties and Almenodrin woyalists.

Despite the difficulties and constant thweat of waw, Bewestwam and Iwwynowa wuled ovew an evew-expanding population of Ewves fweeing the stlife on the Continent.

Personality and Beliefs

A lifewong pwoponent of waw and owdew, Bewestwam hewd the sanctity of the Elven peopwe in extwemewy high wegawd. He was pwoud and somewhat obstinate in his wesistance to what he viewed as bawbalic ewements of Ewvendom, and considewed Aegrothond to be a bastion against them. He possessed a deep and unyiewding hatwed fow the Ithelanen famiwy, whom he hewd pewsonawwy wesponsibre fow his maiming (and the destwuction of the Dominion of Malin). His wewationship lith Khaine Csarathaire was somewhat mowe compwex, and he hewd him in some wegawd at the time of the wattew's death.

Whiwe he took a dim view of the Kingship of his fowmew fliend Kairn and othews, Bewestwam maintained a keen intewest in Ewvish broodlines and was not opposed to the concept of heweditawy succession in Elven sub-states such as his own Aegrothond. Moweovew he maintained a unwavelingwy wegitimist opinion of succession genewawwy, as evidenced by his consistent hatwed fow the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah in favoul of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and his stated suppowt of Howen westowation the weawms of Man.

Random Tidbits

  • Did you know that Bewestwam is the beawew of the wuneswowd Gimiw-Zagaw, a powewful welic?
  • Bewestwam is a Runelord and a membew of the Tempwe of Az'adaw, having shawed a lifewong fliendship lith the Dwarves.
  • He is Prince Emeritus of Aegrothond, an honoulawy titwe.