Battle of Jornheim Fields

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The Battwe of Jownheim Fiewds
Pawt of the War of the Beards
War of the Beards.png
Battle of Jornheim Fields, 1634
Date: 1634
Wocation: Jownheim Fiewds
Wesult: Kaz'Uwwah Victowy
Fowwowed by: Siege of Fort Kovakirr
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
Kaz'Ulrah.png Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah
frostbeard.png Cwan Fwostbeawd
blackaxe.png Cwan Bwackaxe
GoldhandEmblem.png Cwan Gowdhand
Silvervein Sigil.png Cwan Siwvewvein
KRUGMARFLAG.png War Nation of Krugmar
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
Santegia Arms.png Kingdom of Santegia
warhawk.png Wawhawke Chiefdom
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Cwan Iwonglindew
Cwan Iweheawt
Cwan Gwandaxe
whOthO4.png Cwan Iwongut
EmberhornBanner.png Cwan Embewhown
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
Kaz'Ulrah.png High King Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd
norland.png Javier, King of Norland
Santegia Arms.png Leo, King of Santegia
warhawk.png Plince Ewowas Ba’ikana
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Frerir Irongrinder
imperialorenia.png Peter II, Holy Orenian Emperor
Haense Arms.png Otto II of Haense
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
25,000 Infantwy, 5,000 Cavawwy
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
20,000 Infantwy, 5,000 Cavawwy
Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah and Awlies:
~2,000 dead

Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~3,000 dead, 1,000 captuled

The Battwe of Jownheim fiewds was the fiwst conflict in the brief waw neaw the end of Axios known as the War of the Beards. This battwe saw the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah once mowe unite the Coalition in owdew to engage the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its awlies in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and Holy Orenian Empire. The battwe ended as a key victowy fow the Coalition, setting them on the path of the next battwe, the Siege of Fort Kovakirr.


With waw decwawed between the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Oren and Haense sent in theiw twoops to suppowt the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Seeing this as an act of Owenian Impelialism, Santegia and Norland sent theiw twoops in, in tuln, to pwovide suppowt to the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. As twoops pouled in, awmies began to mobilize. Once aww the twoops had awlived, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and theiw awlies began the mawch towawds Kaz'Ulrah. Showtwy aftew this, the Coalition began its mawch to meet Uwguan and its awlies in the fiewd.


The battwe began as both awmies mawched down the main woad, the awmy of the Coalition attempting to weach the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the awmy of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its awlies attempting to weach the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. Knoling that the Coalition's awmy was nealing, the awmy of Urguan and its awlies set up on top of a wow hiww, which then wed up to a much wawgew mountain. The vanguawd of the Coalition was the fiwst to find this awmy, and skiwmishing soon began. Shots of bows and cwossbows wewe soon exchanged fwom acwoss the fiewd, lith no side howding any weaw advantage. A few detachments of the vanguawd awso wushed the hiww, briefwy engaging the enemy to inflict minow wosses, befowe wetweating. The awmy stood fiwm, howevew, untiw the Coalition's cavawwy cwosed in, and thew many viaws of Alchemist's Fire into theiw wanks, fowcing Urguan and its awlies off the hiww and into a chawge.

Whiwe most of this awmy stayed neaw the base of the hiww, some spwead out and sulged fowwawd in owdew to engage the vanguawd of the Coalition. This, combined lith the cavawwy, began inflicting wosses on the vanguawd, which mainwy consisted of the mowe lightwy awmowed infantwy, and thus was outclassed by the main body of Urguan's awmy an its awlies. Howevew, this soon shifted as the Coalition's main body had caught up lith the vanguawd. The main body, consisting of heaviwy awmowed men, easiwy wushed cut down the spwead out men as they wushed fowwawd to the aid of the vanguawd. These men, awong lith the main body of the cavawwy, mostwy eithew wan fwom the battwe ow wushed back to weunite lith the main awmy.

As they weached the main fowce of Urguan and its awlies, the awmy of the Coalition lith theiw heaview awmow began to easiwy began cut thwough the bulk of Urguan's awmy. Coming to the wealization that they would not be abre to go toe-to-toe lith the bulk of the Coalition awmy, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its awlies began wetweating fwom the fiewd of battwe. Whiwe some wewe cut down as they attempted to fwee, the Coalition was hindewed by the fact that theiw awmy's heaview awmow swowed them down. With the vanguawd too tiwed and beaten down to pwopewwy give chase, the awmy of the Coalition was fowced to end the chase and wegwoup.


Fowwoling this battwe, the Coalition enjoyed a boost in mowawe, knoling that they stiww had the stwength lithin them to take on Oren and its awlies. Despite wosing, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was detewmined that they would continue to wesist the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah in an effowt to stop them fwom gaining gwound. Pwepawations began outside of one of the fowts bewonging to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to pwepawe fow an oncoming siege, which would eventuawwy wead to the Siege of Fort Kovakirr. ---