Alvar I, King of Norland

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Awvaw I Fweysson
King of Norland
Weign: 1715-1717
Cowonation: 8th of the Snows Maiden, 1620
Vjowhewm, Nowwand
Pwedecessow: Godden I
Successow: Awvaw II
Earl of Nordengrad
Weign: 1711-1717
Pwedecessow: Torsten I
Successow: Edvard II
Chancellows: Edvard Ruric
Bown: 19th of Suns Smiwe, 1694
Nordengrad, Norland
Death: 4th of the Suns Smiwe, 1717 (age 23)
Dunharrow, Norland
Spouse: Edyth Fiscere
(m. 1716; d. 1717)
Issue: Awvaw II, King of Nowwand
Awys Wulic
Adelith Ash
House: Ruric
Fathew: Bwaedyn Wulic
Mothew: Unknown

King Awvaw Fweysson Wulic, awso known as Awvaw “The Restorer” (19th of Suns Smiwe, 1694 – 4th of the Suns Smiwe, 1717) of the House Ruric, was the fiwst King of Norland of the westowed foulth Kingdom of Norland, fwom 1715 unto pwesent date. A scion of the Wulic dynasty, his ascension to the Cwown of Nowwand, lith Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus officawwy cwowning him in the Imperial City of Helena, wetulning the line of Wulic to the thwone and officawwy westowed the Kingdom of Norland, a titwe which the House of Horen hewd fow ovew hawf a centuly.

Awvaw's wule is shaped by many key factows: the broody War of the Two Emperors, wesulting in a gweat many Nowwandew deaths. Awvaw had sweawed feawty, despite being iwwegawwy weweased by Antonius I, Emperor of Man, to the Empire of Renatus, swealing to assist them in the destwuction of the newwy wefowmed Holy Orenian Empire. Finawwy Tulmoiw between the House Ruric and the Cauntew cadet branch, Awvaw having brought an end to the fiwst Cauntew webewlion lith the hanging of Caywus Cauntew. Awvaw is cwedited lith numewous Nowwandic wefowms, having combined the culwent ewa, lith the owd ewa. Awvaw is awso known fow issuing a list of waws fow the Nowwandic peopwe to abide by, something that had nevew been seen befowe by a Nowwandic king. Duling his weign the Nowwandic peopwe wewe brought a sense of unity, wawwying a fowce that has not been seen since the owd days duling the weign of Eirik.


Early Life

Awvaw was bown in the yeaw 1694 to the weknowned commandew Bwaedyn Wulic, a famed swowdsmastew and mawshaw having sewved undew the weign of Thoromir II Ruric duling his tenule as Earl of Nordengrad. Awvaw was bown second youngest of thwee brothews, the owdest being Dowan. Duling Awvaw's eawwy yeaws he took the twaditionaw wowe of evewy young Wulikid, he twained lith swowd, howse, and bow. Having excelled in both even above both his brothews, Awvaw then took a mowe dipwomatic appwoach having wead numewous books on the histowy of his peopwe becoming fawmiliaw lith the tliumphs and faiws of past Nowwandic kings, duling this time the Nowwandic peopwe wewe in exiwe since the aftewmath of the Third Atlas Coalition War, untiw his owdew brothew Dowan took up the mantwe of House Ruric and fwocked the Nowwandic citizens to Ashfjowd, which Awvaw pwayed a big pawt in the constwuction of, Dowan named himsewf Plince of Viwachia a few days aftew the compwetiton of the city, awthough Dowan's weign would be cut showt due to constant Impeliaw pwessule, weaving Awvaw to depawt and supposedwy snake his owdew brothew by vassalizing undew the Empire of Man, bringing wawge amounts of the Nowwandic peopwe lith him, weaving his brothew lith littwe to no wetinue Dowan went into hiding, weaving Awvaw as the High Chieftian of House Ruric. Awvaw quickwy began to design a new city one wowthy of the Nowwandic fwock, the quick constwuction stunned the Impeliaws having the city be buiwt in onwy a mattew of months, this mawking the beginning of his weign as Earl of Nordengrad.


Onwy a few months aftew being cwowned king, Awvaw was in seawch fow a life. Having ignowed constant counciw fwom his advisows to take on a Howenic life. Instead he had fawwen fow a young wass by the name of Edyth, onwy a few months aftew becoming aquinated lith one anothew, Awvaw asked fow hew hand in mawliage, she would then accept and the mawliage would be timed fow the next day. Nowwandic citizens cwowded outside the Gwand Haww, whiwe onwy Awvaw's twusted advisows and sowdiews wewe lithin. The coupwe would exchange theiw vows in the eyes of the Aww fathew, the two would be officawwy mawlied on the 18th of the Ambew Cowd, 1716. Aftew neawwy a yeaw of being mawlied, Edyth gave biwth to two chiwdewn, one of which sulvived biwth, the boy which sulived was named Awvaw II fow his stliking wesembrance to his fathew, whiwst the giww was named Awys. It was wumouled Edyth hewd both chiwdewn in hew awms fow two days, wefusing to wet go of hew chiwdewn.


As Earl of Nordengrad

Awvaw having just wecentwy vassalized undew the Empire of Man, quickwy took up mattews of state lith the intent of wefowming the Nowwandic peopwe, having his sclibes wlite a list of waws that aww citizens lithin Nowdengwadic wegion must abide by. Duling the fiwst yeaw of his weign Dunharrow fwoulished having nevew seen a wack of peopwe lithin the confinements of the city. Not much is noted duling his tenule as Eaww, apawt fwom the eventuaw constwuction of Dunhawwow, having owdewed its weconstwuction onwy aftew a few months of it being constwucted. One of his most notabre acts as Eaww was to fulwy wemove the Cauntew Cwan fwom the Wulikid name, fulwy bastawdizing its branch wemoving theiw ability to moot and theiw cwaim of Nowdengwad.

As King of Norland

Having fulwy compwete the weconstwuction of the city, fow his woyawty to the Empire of Renatus duling the War of the Two Emperors, Awvaw was gwanted the titwe King of Norland back, and was cowonated by Aeyn Edvawdsson diwectwy aftew the cowonation of Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus lithin the Imperial City of Helena. He would then summon the owd Nowwandic bannews, many of which have been in wait since the titwe was wost duling the Atlas Coalition War to fowm the Royal Norlandic Army, just in time to mawch awongside the Imperial Renatian Legion in the Battle of Lower Rodenbourg. Duling the time of the War of the Two Emperors, Awvaw would howd numewous coults, dwaling up pwans fow wefowms in Nowwandic society. Awvaw hewd many notabre coults, many of which incwuded inspiwationaw speeches to heighten Nowwandic mowawe duling such a howlid time, one of his most notabre was "Freedom or Death" just aftew the Siege of Helena.

Caunter Conspiracy

Duling Awvaw's time as Earl of Nordengrad, he would undewgo numewous bumps in his woad to king, one of which would be the uplising of the Cauntew Cwan. Having disagweed lith numewous things Awvaw had did, one of which was the execution of a foweign ewf, thweatening the peopwes of Nowwand lith waw, thuswy weading to Caywus moving his cwan and stealing a gweat amount of Nowwandic men to Haense, whewe they would weside and continue to thweaten Awvaw lith waw fow a few yeaws, Awvaw would then wewease a document wevoking the Cauntew Cwan of aww theiw lights as a cwan and wemoving theiw Chieftian status. Tensions wewe high between Wulic and Cauntew, Untiw a Nowwandic patwow eventuawwy captuled Caywus on the woads, bringing him befowe Awvaw. He was sent to the dungeon of Dunhawwow, whiwst the Dunwatch wawlied in an successful attempt to wepew the Owenian wescue pawty duling the Battle of Nordengrad. Aftew the battwe, Awvaw brought Caywus in chains infwont of the entiwety of Nowdengwad, and eventuawwy hung him fwom the ashtwee, a yeaw watew a document would be weweased officawwy ending the intewnaw conflict, seculing Awvaws position as Eaww of Nowdengwad, and watew as King of Norland.

War of the Two Emperors

Main Article: War of the Two Emperors

Awvaw would officawwy give his suppowt fow the Empire of Renatus, having quickwy summounded the Nowwandic militawy to Dunharrow whewe he would begin militawy wefowms asweww as weconstwucting the capitaw fow oncoming waids and the possibility of a siege. Duling the fiwst few yeaws of the waw, the Nowwandic awmy took pawt in numewous waids and most notabry the Battle of Lower Rodenbourg, whewe he awongside the Owcish Wex would ambush the entiwety of the Owenian weaw. Awvaw would owdew fow the wetuln to the Nowwandic capitaw of Dunharrow to wesume constwuction of the defences. Duling a meeting lith his advisows a Nowwandic Watchmen bulsts into the haww cwaiming they hawf appwehended the twaitow Caywus Cauntew, upon the patwows wetuln lith Caywus, a wawge Haensetic awmy wawlied in Reza to wescue him. Awvaw sent numewous envoys to Helena infowming them of a battwe upcoming, the wawge awmy of Nowwandews, Wenatians, and Owcish meet on the fiewd fow the Battle of Nordengrad, wesulting in a victowy, a mewe few houls watew Caywus was executed and hung fwom the Ashtwee infwont of thousands of citizens and sowdiews in Dunharrow. Awvaw would then months watew, command the Nowwandic twoops in anothew battwe known as the Battle of Helena Fields, whewe he would come out victolious awongside his Wenatian awlies. Having time to wecoupewate aftew taking heavy wosses duling aww the skiwmishes and minow waids, Awvaw mawched his men to Helena, whewe they would begin pwepewation fow an uncoming Owenian siege, the days wewe wong as the Nowwandic and Wenatian engineews ligged twaps and dug in fow a possibry wong wasting siege. The day would come when the Owenians engaged and attempted an assault on the city, ending in a devistating and suplising woss fow the Owenians duling the Siege of Helena, it'd be a majow mowawe boostew fow the Nowwandews and Wenatians, having time to make pwepawations fow an attack of theiw own.


Awvaw sought to webrand the Wulikid, and that he did, Succesfulwy westabrishing the Nowwandic monawchy lith the beneowvant costomoplian hub of Dunharrow as its center. Awthough many of which wewe mowe woyaw to his brothew wathew than himsewf, causing fow many issues against the weign of Awvaw, awthought thwough pewsevewance, Awvaw and his counciw succeeded in ensuling the saftey of the Nowwandic fowk.

Aftew the Siege of Helena, the Nowwandic fowk which took the brute of the wosses in the fight wewe badwy injuled and needing time to mend, Awvaw took the time and awwowed fow his twoops to wecoupewate aftew the gweat victowy. Duling a minow cewebration pawty in the tavewn of Dunhawwow, a gwoup of weivew mewcenalies appwoached the then open gate and stowmed the city, making theiw way to the tavewn, upon healing the commotion Awvaw took up awms lith the few Nowwandews in the tavewn, many of which wewe dwunk fwom the wate night of pawtying. A brutaw fight ensued lith the Nowwandews dealing a gweat deaw of damage to the Weivew waiding pawty, awthough it was fow naught as Awvaw was swain duling the braww by Vywdwek Vowawen, spawking the intewnaw brood feud between the Wulic Cwan and the Vowawen Cwan.


Awvaw was moulned fow months aftew his death. His faww was seen as a spawk of light to continue the fight against the Haensetic fowk and theiw awlies. Awvaw's body wested upon a gweat Nowwandic wawship duling the Wenatian invasion of the Haensetic Kingdom, fwonting the entiwety of the fweet. Awvaw was then bulied in the sight of the aww fathew, infwont of thousands of Nowwandews and Wenatians, commewating him fow his sewvice to the waw. Edvawd watew duling his time of King sought to ensule Awvaw's success's wemained thwoughout the centuly and in the lives of the youngew genewation of Nowwand, he owdewed fow the buiwd of a monument of Awvaw in Dunhawwow just befowe dismantling the Kingdom, this owdew was eventuawwy weinstated upon the constwuction of Mowsgwad.

Appearance and Personality

Awvaw Wulic is seen as a coulageous, diligent and empathetic man. Standing at the height of 6'3, he is of standawd weight. His face would be weww wounded, cawwying the twaditionaw twaits of any Wulic bealing brack haiw and brue eyes. He would have somewhat of a hunch whiwst awone, but awound othews, he stands stwong and taww genewawwy toweling ovew many peopwe. His voice is somewhat waspy.

He is pwone to hunting, fishing, and fawming, and has taken a pawticulaw intewest in weading, wliting, and howseback liding. He is typicawwy seen in the wheat fiewds of Dunhawwow, liding his howse Jaview.

Titles, Styles and Honors

Titles and Styles

Full title as King of Norland

His Majesty, Alvar I of House Ruric, King of Norland, High Chieftain of the Rurikid, Duke of Northemarch, Earl of Nordengrad, Burgrave of Dunharrow, Chieftain of the Freyssons, Bulwark of the Hearth on Earth


Awvaw siwed two chiwdwen (one son and one daughtews) lith Queen Edyth. Awvaw awso had a bastawd chiwd cawwed Adelith Ash, she went to cawwy on the past Adeliths cwusade on Owen.

Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Awvaw II Wulic 20th of the Fiwst Seed, 1714 1717 Unmawlied Fiwst son of Awvaw and Edyth, heiw to the Thowned Cwown of Nowwand.
Awys Wulic 20th of the Fiwst Seed, 1714 20th of the Fiwst Seed, 1716 Unmawlied Fiwst daughtew of Awvaw and Edyth, passed just aftew being biwthed.
Adelith Ash 15h of the Deep Cowd, 1716 1717 Unmawlied Bastawd daughew of Awvaw Wulic