Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah

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Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah
Khor'Kunnek ur Kaz'Ulrah
Official seal of Kaz'Ulrah
Capital: Kal'Tarak
Languages: Common
Religion: Brathmordakin
Government: Hereditary absolute monarchy
Founder: Garrond Frostbeard
High King: Verthaik II Frostbeard
High Queen: Signa Blackaxe
King's Hand: Hamnil Frostbeard
Historical Era:

Declaration of Independence (1626)
War of the Beards (1631)
Victory at Jornheim Fields (1634)
Victory at Fort Vanir (1635)
Urguan's Surrender (1636)

The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah, also simply known as Kaz'Ulrah, (Dwarven: Khor'Kunnek ur Kaz'Ulrah) is the only Dwarven nation following their conquest of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan in 1636.


The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was founded in 1626 by Clan Father Garrond Frostbeard in the city of New Jornheim during a city meeting. Immediately after announcing the creation of the Kingdom, Garrond stepped down from his position as Clan Father and offered the crown to Verthaik II Frostbeard, son of Kerwyr Frostbeard.


The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah (Dwarven: Kaz'Ulrah Azwyrtrumm) received its name from the son of Urguan, Kaz'Ulrah Frostbeard.



In the land of Vailor the Frostbeard clan grew swiftly and quickly became a very powerful military force. The Clan decided to move out to the Southern most border of Urguan and establish the mountain town of Tal'Azwyr, here they would continue to gather their numbers. The Frostbeard Clan Father at the time, Verthaik ran for King but lost to Skippy Irongut in a controversial election. Joined by the Blackfist and Goldhand clan, Verthaik left the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and established the Mountain Monarchy. For the first time since the reign of Thorin Grandaxe, Urguan had a serious contender Kingdom, and was swift to prepare for war. At the start of the war, the Mountain Monarchy's army won many key raids and it looked as if they would win the war. However, when the two armies met on the battlefield at the Battle of Urguan's Hill, it was the Legion that eventually proved stronger than the army. In the battle, many of the heads of the Mountain Monarchy fell and as a result it was disbanded soon after. Regardless, it planted the seeds for a future Kingdom, other than Urguan.


During Axios, the Frostbeard clan established itself as one of the most powerful and valuable of all Dwarf clans. In every battle, the Frostbeards made up a large portion of the Dwarven force and they were never hesitant to come to a fight. However, due to their size and expansionist ideals, they were frowned upon by the other Dwarf clans who preferred a less competitive environment. As a result, many clans viewed the Frostbeard clan as a dangerous group of Dwarves and often insulted them. After years of this abuse, Clan Lord Kerwyr Frostbeard took his clan and formally left the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. In an attempt to find land to settle, Kerwyr alongside Gorum Frostbeard and Barradin Frostbeard sought out Ostromir Ivanovich, lord of the land where St.Karlsburg once stood. In a historic meeting, Ostromir granted Kerwyr and his Frostbeards land in the nearby mountains in exchange for military aide. Within a few short years, Jornheim was complete.

Jornheim was a mere hold in it's first days and served as the official home of all Frostbeards. As word of Kerwyr's separation from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan spread, more and more Frostbeards left Kal'Omith and moved to Jornheim. As a result of this, Kal'Omith lost the status it once held as a bustling city. With every passing day there were less Dwarves in it, until the despair finally got to the Grand King who committed suicide by jumping from the Senate room balcony. Word of Grand King Bastion's death spread, and the remaining Urguanite official, Grand Marshal Oyvind Frostbeard, left Kal'Omith and traveled to Jornheim where he proposed that he should take the throne with the backing of the Legion. After some talks, the plan was made and the Frostbeards left for Kal'Omith. Upon arriving, Kerwyr planted himself on the Senate room throne and declared himself King, with the Frostbeards there surrounding and backing him. The disgruntled Senators however were not about to let a Frostbeard so easily take the throne of Urguan. They gathered their arms and gear and called upon their Courlandic allies who arrived in large numbers. The Frostbeards did the same and called upon their Romstun allies. As tension rose, Hogarth Irongut raised his hammer and charged into Kerwyr, aiming to kill him. Kerwyr was swift to block it with his shield, and after this the fighting broke out. After a few short minutes it was clear who had won. The Senators and their Courlandic allies were slaughtered by the outnumbered Frostbeards and their Romstun friends.


Frostbeard: An Elder Clan, they currently hold the Royalty status within the kingdom. They are a group of loyal and honorable dwedmar, often the great warriors and esteemed politicians. They are sturdy Mountain Dwarves, often finding refuge in snowy peaks and mountains.

Goldhand: An Elder Clan, they currently hold the noble status within the kingdom. They are a group of merchants and workers. Often seeking riches or fame for their deeds. Most have golden hair, although it is not unlikely for them to have black or red hair.

Blackaxe: An old clan brought back to life by Wulfgar Blackaxe, the Blackaxes were a splinter clan and one of the bloodlines of Clan Grandaxe. So they are an Elder clan holding the noble status within the kingdom. Often noted for their fiery red hair and brave acts, these dwedmar seek to strike out as honor bound mercenaries and fortune seekers.

Stormbreaker: A newly formed clan of sea dwedmar under Kaz'Ulrah. They hold the commoner status in the kingdom. Known for their engineering and seafaring. They often engineer siege equipment and craft steamships for the kingdom to utilize. Often recognized by their purplish paint adorning their face.

Silvervein: A clan diverging from their Stonemace lineage, they hold the commoner status within the kingdom. They are much like other clans ready to fight when necessary, but they are also tinkers and devout followers of the Brathmordakin. They are mountain dwarves, making them stocky. They often have jet black hair and blue eyes due to their Frostbeard heritage.

Longmane: A newly established clan within Kaz'Ulrah under Rudok Longmane. They are vassals to the Frostbeard clan. They are known for being rowdy and unruly. They sport long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Their most defining feature is their height, often found tower over the average dwed.

Eisenhorn: A newly established clan within Kaz'Ulrah under Randal Eisenhorn. They are vassals to the Goldhand clan. They are hard working folk who often watch over the farms and stables. The Eisenhorns are tight knit and a very friendly clan.

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