House of Hope

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House of Hope


Hope Coat of Arms
Founder: Finn Hope I
Current Head: Edith I 'the Reformer'
Heir Apparent(s): Evelyn Hope and Olivia Hope
Matriarch of House Hope
Interim Leader of the Fire Church
Fire Lord of Curonia
Alderwoman of Providence
Knight of Blazengard
Ethnicities: Human, Highlander, Heartlander
Religions: Fire Church, Canonism
House Mottos:
"When there is hope, there is a way."
"Loyal to the end."
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Hanseti-Ruska (Originally)
Empire of Alty.png Holy Orenian Empire (Primarily)
Sibling Branch:
FireCultCoatOfArms.png House of Venlic

The Hope Family is a well-known Orenian commoner family known for being in local politics and the Imperial State Army. Finn I founded the family in Reza, Haense in the year 1720, shortly after the loss of his parents.



The Hope Family has existed for many years, finding its origins in Reza, Haense when Finn Hope I arrived after his parents were brutally murdered. Over time, Finn grew to love the people in the Royal Capital and would start his career in the army. Slowly but surely, he worked his way up the ranks to Armiger. The man also established himself as a Chef, working many years until becoming the Royal Sous-Chef, serving as the second in command below the Royal Chef, Hogo Bojo I. Finn also worked as a port time Doctor in the clinic. All of these varies assortments of activities spread the Hope name throughout the Capital and the surrounding area, establishing itself as a Haeseni commoner house. During his life, he alongside many members of his family also helped in the establishment of the Fire Church. Due to Finn's help in the formation of the religion, he was bestowed the hereditary title, 'Fire Lord of Curonia'. This was thought to be a prestigious title by members of the faith and put him in-charge of the religious affairs in the Kingdom of Curon as well as of those of Curonic descent. During the expedition trip to Athera from Arcas, Finn perished in the water. He would be succeeded by Tom Hope I after hearing the news of his fathers passing. Tom Hope was devastated after hearing of his Fathers passing and turned to religion to cope with his loss. Using the title inherited by his Father, the Fire Lord of Curonia, he worked hard and eventually convinced his fellow Lords to ascend him to Interim Leader of the Fire Church. He served as the Leader for a brief few year, during which he conducted several rituals and focused heavily on the spiritualistic and sacrificial parts of the religion. He would also bare several illegitimate children during this time, boosting the houses numbers but causing scrutiny from his peers.


After many years of leading the family, Tom passed away and was succeeded by Silvius I. Silvius wanted to reform the families image and so he moved to Providence, the Imperial Capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. There he met the love of his life, Edith Garnet, they quickly fell in love and married, having twin children only two years later. Silvius had a strong sense of family and duty and would spend lots of time with them. He was so dedicated to them that he considered giving up his titles in the Fire Church and switching his religion as it was tearing his family apart. After a few short years as the 3rd Patriarch of the house, he decided to abdicate as Head of his family to his spouse as he believed that she would be a better leader then him since he was constantly conflicted in his decisions and was unstable. So Edith took over as the first Matriarch of the family. A few years after this, Silvius disappeared one day mysteriously and was later declared dead. Edith brought many changes, making the family less reliant on war and hoping to bring it to Canonism along with becoming a business family. This lead to her opening a small Bistro on Helvets Street in Providence which has been open for more than two decades now. In the wake of the loss of many members of the Hope Family she has taken it on herself to renew her family by finding lost members of it to bring them back home to Providence.

Culture (WIP)

The House of Hope has a very unique culture that has developed and changed throughout time. The culture is currently a mix of Haeseni, Curonic, and Imperial culture, although it does have it's own unique traditions and culture.

Traditions (WIP)

Religious Beliefs

The Fire Church

Since the houses founding, members of the house have typically been a strong believer in the Fire Church. The first three family Heads were extremely passionate about the faith and all held the title of 'Fire Lord of Curonia', signifying that they were in-charge of the religious affairs in the Kingdom of Curon and those of Curonic descent. Tom Hope I was a notable member of House Hope who once held the position of Interim Leader of the Fire Church. Although he lead the faith for a few short years, it was still a prestigious achievement which brought glory and praise to his house from other believers of the faith. Although many members of the faith openly believed in the faith, several did so in secret, pretending to be a believer in the Canonist faith to avoid persecution. Although the house were strong believers in the faith back then, not as many members follow it during present day.


The Canonist faith is the most common present day religion followed in House Hope. However, in the past, it was typically used as a cover for believers in the Fire Church to avoid persecution. Matriarch Edith I is a strong believer in the Canonist faith and was a large driving force to converting many members of the family. She ensured that her children were raised as good Canonists as well as trying to change the religious beliefs of other members.


House Hope is a Human house, with few exception of primarily Haeseni descent, however Curonic and Imperial blood runs though many of the current day members. This is due to several members of the house having children with foreign human partners.


Historical Succession

House Hope originally followed the Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture succession type for many years. This succession type was put into place by Finn I 'the Founder' who believed that by raising a son for the specific purpose of leading the house, the house would thrive with an excellent leader. This succession type means that the first born son inherits, and a daughter can only inherit if there are eligible male sons. However, this succession law came to an end when the title of Head of the family was passed to the spouse of Patriarch Silvius I through abdication, bypassing the succession, giving it to Edith I. After which, the succession law was changed by Edith to Absolute-Cognatic Tanistry and is the current succession law in place to this day.

Present Day Succession

House Hope currently follows the Absolute-Cognatic Tanistry succession type. This means that an Heir is nominated from amongst members of the dynasty with voting titles. Currently the only voting title is 'Matriarch of House Hope'. Men and women can both be selected, and have an equal chance of inheriting. Those with skill and achievements will stick out the most and are most likely to be chosen. This succession law was put into place by Edith I who believed that her son Finn Jr would not do an adequate job as Patriarch when the time came.


Members of the Hope dynasty of the age of fourteen or older are legally considered adults within the family. Those who hold the title of this age or above may lead the house with no restrictions. Those who inherit the title below the age of fourteen will be subjected to a Regency. The Regent will either be designated ahead of time by a previous family head or will be nominated amongst the family members. A temporary or permanent Regency can also be called if the Head is incapable to lead because of sickness, injury, etc...

Coat of Arms hope1.png

The current coat of arms symbolizes three key parts from the Hope family:

The sun behind the flower represents that even when times may be grim, there is always hope and that is something that the family strongly believes in and lives by. The Sun will rise again, even if it's covered, even in your darkest hour, have hope. The un-withering flower represents that the families undying steadfast determination and loyalty.

House Relics

  • ‘Curonia Throne Jewel’
  • ‘Crown of Courland fragment’
  • ‘The Original Bro Code’

Notable Members

  • Finn Hope I - Founder of the Hope Family, Renowned Haeseni Sous-Chef, Military Man, Longest serving Head of the family. ✝
  • Tom Hope I - Second Patriarch, Widely known author in the Kingdom of Haense and land beyond known for his hit ‘The Bro Code’. ✝
  • Silvius Hope I - Third Patriarch, First to abdicate from his family duties instead of serving to death. ✝
  • Edith Hope I - First Matriarch, Introduced a wide variety of reforms to the family.
  • Joseph Hope-Beckett

House Heads

Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Title(s) Succession Right
Finn I 'the Opportunist'
Finn Hope

1720 - 1757
FinnHope.jpg 12th of the First Seed, 1702
Reza, Haense

Not Married
1 Child
20th of Malin's Welcome, 1757
Haeseni Ship, Athera
aged 55
hope1.png Founder & 1st Patriarch of House Hope, Fire Lord of Curonia House Founder
Tom I 'the Ambitious'
Tom Hope

1757 - 1794
TomHope.jpg 2nd of The First Seed, 1742
New Reza, Haense

Son of Finn I and
Not Married
1 Child
25th of The Deep Cold, 1794
Reza, Haense
aged 34
TomHopeCOA.png 2nd Patriarch of House Hope, Interim Leader of the Fire Church, Fire Lord of Curonia Firstborn son of Finn I
Silvius I 'the Family Man'
Silvius Hope

1794 - 1803
SilviusHope.jpg 15th of The Ambers Cold, 1784
New Reza, Haense

Son of Tom I and
Edith Garnet-Beckett
2 Children
1st of The Ambers Cold, 1808
Providence, Oren
aged 24
hope1.png 3rd Patriarch of House Hope, Fire Lord of Curonia, Knight of Blazengard Firstborn son of Tom I
Edith I 'the Reformer'
Edith Garnet-Hope

1803 - Present
EdithHope.jpeg 1782
Helena, Holy Orenian Empire

Daughter of Evan Beckett and
Lillian Garnet (Adopted Parents)
Silvius Hope
2 Children

Jakob Castington
3 Children
Alive hope1.png 1st Matriarch of House Hope, Fmr. Countess-Consort of Selestia Married to Silvius I (Co-Head)

Title Abdicated by Silvius I