Kairn Calithil

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Kairn Calithil
Coronation: 14th of the Grand Harvest, 1668.
Predecessor: Title Created
Heir: Kaz Ithelanen
Born: 1rst of the Snow Maiden, 1425.
House: Aethil
Father: Aenor Calithil
Mother: Asteria Dellis

Kairn Calithil was a prominent Elven Statesman in the Dominion of Malin in the Seventeenth Century of the First Age. He led many successful campaigns during the Bronze Revolution, War for the Loftywoods, and Third Coalition War. He served as King of the Elves for a period of sixteen-years in the closing years of Atlas, just before the Vaeyl Cataclysm he disappeared with his newborn son Galar. He succeeded the High Prince Loriens Silma, and his successors were Abelas Caerme'onn, Renn Calithil, and Awaiti Aureon.


Early Life

Kairn Calithil was born in a village within Varendoz, Aeldin in 1425. Due to the death of his mother when he was 17 in 1442 in the midst of the Elven Pogroms of the era, he crossed the seas to Athera as a stowaway seeking new beginnings. He came into contact with a Heartlander merchant named John Anders, who offered to escort him to the new world in return for his indentured servitude. So he paid off his debt to Mr. Anders through years of loyal service and managed to arrive in the years predating the Horen Restoration. He tended to John Anders' records, being trained to read and write, and managed the aging merchants estate until his death in 1450.

During the Schism War, he wandered and took odd jobs as a mercenary before he stumbled across the settlement of Leyulin. In a raid performed by the Order of Saint Amyas he confronted the ringleader of the assembled knights and challenged him to a duel. Unknowingly, this was the future King Olivier de Savoie, the successor to King Andrik Vydra. The cadre of knights looked expectantly to Olivier for permission to execute him, but the Savoyard Lord refused. They engaged in a bout where Kairn narrowly struck him to the ground after taking a nigh-fatal during the fighting. Olivier watched as the assembled Elves took flight and left the area to scurry and hide and took pity upon Kairn. He called for his surgeon and then departed the settlement afterwards.

Not long after his recovery Kairn would enlist in the Order of Sirame and reconnect with his lost father Aenor Calithil. Together they attempted to bring order and stability to the state of Laureh'lin through dignified military service. Tumultuous years would follow after the leaders of the order Bravepaw and Orlanden would depart the lands of Athera to go on an exodus. Soon afterwards, Andrik Vydra was slain by being dropped into a pit of acid, and assassination carried out by the Uradir Administration of Haelun'or. In quick succession the Elven States, all three of them, were annexed by the Kingdom of Oren as vassal states in response.

Early Career

Kairn was inducted into the Order of Sirame as an initiate under Bravepaw and Orlanden. Many of his peers in the order were known to have a distaste for the young elf, and as he rose through the ranks he found resistance in his subordinates. Once, he whipped his commanding officer, and he had a reputation for whipping disobedient civilians. Despite his problematic behavior, the Imperial Governor Tristin Tresery tolerated him and it could be said the two shared a mutual bond of friendship. Though Kairn was often whipped and punished by his commanding officer, Tristin, he was known to be among one of the better fighters in the order and was elected to Tristin's own personal guard. Participating in the order and assisting Tristin Tresery, while simultaneously learning from him and understanding the vitality of his position as a senior officer, he fought alongside his fellow Imperial Elves in Oren's war against the Dreadlands. During this time he would have his firstborn, Carellith, with his spouse at the time Flora. The two would part when she disappeared in the waning years of the war.

Tristin Tresery would come to appoint Kairn as Annilir, or Director, of the Sirame following the disappearance of Elvrohir Aureon his senior officer. Kairn's responsibilities were to keep the peace inside the city, to recruit for the Order of Sirame and sally them in times of war, and to report to Tristin and his council. After a long period of time, approximately sixteen-years, he retired from his position to marry and with his wife Arianna Calithil he had two children, Elenion and Hecate Calithil. Eventually the time would come where Kairn and many of his former subordinates such as Leo and Lavinia Aureon would begin to have small spats. The verbal feuding and escalation of violence would culminate in the fermentation of a bloody feud between the Calithils and Aureons.

Fermenting Doubts

A longstanding figure of some repute in the Dominion of Malin, Tristin Tresery eventually abdicated his position as High Prince as the nation prospered. Having fought in conflicts like the Dukes' War, Third Rurikid Uprising, the Krajian Rebellion, and the War of Orcish Submission he had watched his Elven brothers and sisters perish in the field by the dozens. As time progressed, he developed a heart condition, impairing his ability to fight. Eventually, there were a number of disagreements between Kairn and the Aureons, namely bickering between them and his wife Arianna Calithil. There were no lasting resolutions to these conflicts which often culminated in law-breaking activities from both sides.

  • An Aureon had broken into the couple's house and stolen Arianna's diary. They refused to turn it back over and when confronted fled.
  • Another younger Aureon disrespected and swore out Arianna and in Kairn's perception acted disrespectfully while hinting violence towards her.
  • Longstanding feuds between Kairn and the couple Leo and Lavinia Aureon, namely instigated by Kairn attempting to kill a half-breed who was apart of their clan for supposedly murdering Lyndrael Torena.
  • There was petty squabbling and consistent slander towards both Kairn and Arianna throughout their time in the city.

Eventually, the two Elves gave up their property in the city and stayed in the country full-time to raise their children Hecate and Elenion Calithil, before his wife perished under mysterious circumstances and he disappeared after being whipped outside his farmstead by Artimec Caerme'onn for seemingly instigating the Aureons.

The Axios Elven Schism; Bronze Rebellion Era

After Arianna's suicide Kairn grew emboldened by the death of his wife. Briefly returning to public life after the coronation of his father High Prince Aenor Calithil, he became El'Annir of the Order of Sirame once again, before suffering a terrible wound to the head during a raid that almost took his life. Due to his injuries, he was honorably discharged and taken care of by the best medical practitioners in the city for quite awhile while he recovered. However, after High Prince Aenor attempted to re-vassalize the ailing Dominion of Malin under the Holy Orenian Empire, he was consequently pressed out of government and departed from the city. Enraged, Kairn bid his time and planned revenge on the Aureon Clan.


Name Notes Status
Carellith Ithelanen The firstborn daughter of Kairn by a woman named Flora, and a Druid. She took her life with her own hands. Dead
Hecate Ithelanen The second born daughter of Kairn by Arianna Calithil, she is a Druid of the Mother Circle who had an estranged relationship from her father. Alive
Elenion "Eli" Ithelanen The firstborn son of Kairn by Arianna Calithil, and a tailor of some renown who also served as a Royal Scribe and Virarim Guardsman in the Dominion of Malin. Alive
Galar "Gaz" Ithelanen The son of Kairn by Celia Lun, and missing from the crib one night—either taken by his mother, or his father were he to be alive. Alive
Cassius "Kaz" Ithelanen The adopted son liberated by Kairn from slavery in the Iron Uzg, and his eventual successor to the Monarchy due to his affinity for politics, strategy and battle. Alive, missing.


brief description of figures personality

Notable Feats

  • Rebellious Bronze Lord of the Old Dominion

Prince Kairn of New Leyulin successfully rebelled alongside his two compatriots Prince Belestram and Prince Khaine, which brought the Dominion of Malin at the time ruled by High Princess Awaiti to the table and after three failed meetings, led to attempted reforms in government and the gradual replacement of the old bureaucrats and leaders with figures such as Lady Steward Kalina Lander, Lord Treasurer Azoth Hawksong, and the three Princes themselves being installed as prominent members of government and her new council.

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