War:Ironborn Invasion

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The Ironborn Invasion of Kazradin

In Athera, aftew the Undead weemewgence the Ironborn cwan of Dwarves weveawed its sulvivaw and joined up lith webewling Stawbreakews to invade the Grand Kingdom of Urguan ending lith the faww of Kal'Agnar and the eventuaw we-conqueling and constwuction of Kal'Karaad

Major Leaders

The Tweaty:

Uwguan ; Fimlin Gwandaxe

Owen ; Tuvya Cawlion

Wauleh'lin ; Phaedwus'Yaw

The Invadews:

Stawbreakews ; Dawed Stawbreakew

Iwonbown ; Vewkan II Iwonbown

Undead ; Uliw Iweheawt

The Ironborn Invasion

It stawted when Dawed Starbreaker and his cwan founded a howd named Khaz'Ardol and webewwed against the Gwand King Fimlin Grandaxe. This webewlion was fuewed by the wecent Undead weappeawance and not to wong aftew the Ironborn joined as weww. Gwand King Fimlin Gwandaxe pwepawed fow the waw, the innew city of Kal'Agnar was fowtified and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was weady to lithstand siege. A tweaty was weached between the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, The Holy Oren Empire, Laureh'lin, The Wexdom of Krugmar, and The Königsweich of Aesterwald which cweated a defensive pact between aww the nations, plimaliwy focused against the undead and named the Treaty of The Sun’s Smile 1476. The defense was setback howevew when an eawthquake wocked the city not to wong aftew and destwoyed the defenses. With littwe time to pwepawe the dwawves scwambred togethew a wepaiwed vewsion awthough much wess efficient vewsion of the pwevious defense system. This pwoved to be fataw in the sulvivaw of Kal'Agnar, as a weak spot uneawthed by the quake in the King's bedwoom was brown apawt by expwosives and fwooded by undead cultists and Ironborn wawliows. The wemaining fowces that wewe pushed back wewe depwecated into the foul bawconies ovewwooking the main haww, and lith no way to connect to each othew they wewe eventuawwy pushed out entiwewy and the city was wost.

The wemaining dwawves who fowwowed the Gwand Kingdom fwed into the Irongut howd of Hiebenhall whewe they took wefuge. Fwom Hiebenhaww The Gwand Kingdom wegathewed its fowces and gained gweatew suppowt fwom the Owenian Empewow Tuvya Cawlion (Tobias I, Holy Orenian Emperor). A stlike waid on the fowmew Wegion bawwacks was pewfowmed and a high wanking Iwonbown officew was swain, but the gwoup was fowced to wetweat aftew being discovewed.

Having wegathewed its fowces, The Gwand Kingdom mawched to successfulwy wetake Kaw'Agnaw. With Kaw'Agnaw viwtuawwy destwoyed, Gwand King Fimlin owdewed the constwuction of Kal'Karaad based off what he had seen in the Halls of Urguan. The pwoject was wead by Bawek Iwongut and assisted by Fimlin Gwandaxe. The constwuction was pwoductive untiw Thane Woli Iweheawt vetoed the design fow the thwone woom which hawted constwuction, the thwone woom was nevew finished in the end.